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Guest lenakeem

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Guest femaki84

Havent brought goodies here to share for awhile...Here's some..

Jus decided to upload these for those who hasnt seen the whole concert coz Eric really cracked me up, helping Wannie to forget his pain..

Eric plays with Wannie's sleeve after Wan's injury

Wannie requests for Eric's Samba dance

Wannie touched and teared after seeing fans' support despite his absence coz of his injury

:heart: Bonus:heart:

Ki Hui (Chance) audio ripped from concert

^EDIT^: I reckon we can't share files here after reading the rules..but alil confused.anyone can tell me?anyway..anyone who wants the clip can jus pm me..



Oh..n thanks Alice 언니 (? i suppose..)for the translations of SangSang plus...I didnt intend to watch it since I dun understand without translations....now i can...

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This thread is going too fast.. gosh..

alikim , Thanks for the translation! i'll go download sang sang plus now..

qaxlod, alikim.. you two should do subbing :lol: since both of us are korean..

i can help it the timing hehe... i'lm still in the process of learning how to hardsub.

Yesh.. anyone know where to get their 8th jib special so that i can help in their korean sales.. i want the boys to win the daesang!

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Guest coolieever


haha, i stayed up late just to watch it... haha coudnt reply.. i was too sleepy... haha i was all like "how is eric following dongwan when dongwan is following eric?" hahai eventually figured it out.... MAJOR PROPS TO WHOEVER FILMED IT!!! awesome angles.....

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Guest angelix

Those who are asking abt the 8th jib special edition, that can count the sales..

i do know, but..

i will tell u guys tomorrow (need to sleep now @_@) hehhee

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Guest mintoro

^ so it will counts huh?

but im ordering from yesasia... so it wont count again...

is shcj making order for us again??


arr i forgot to comment on MV

the MV is awesome

Love it

but... minwoo and hyesung... hahaa...

looks funny at the end... i dunno the purpose of them showing

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Guest qaxlod

If you buy from YesAsia it doesnt count towards the sales in Korea.

However, people still manage to buy it from YesAsia.

If you want to help count towards the sales in Korea purchase it from SHINHWA CHANGJO SITE. However, I'm not sure if they are doing another order poll. ;/

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4H: “Andy’s name is Lee Sun Ho. Why Andy?”

A: “Before debut, the manager(?), because I came from US, he named me Andy.”

4H: “Was that your name in US?”

A: “No, my name was Jason.”

4H: (made comment about Jason being name in horror movie….I forgot the name of the movie)

4H: “Andy fits you better”

4H: “How about you Minwoo?”

M: “I’m just M”

4H: asking NHJ “If you were to have American name what would you choose?”

NHJ: “Erica”

4H: “As I said, Eric is her choice…she’s even relating her name to Eric”

"Mommie" Alice

i really cannot imagine if andy's called jason.. i dislike the name jason actually

AN-DY is still better! :D

i watched the throw my fist mv.. how come hyesung & minwoo only appear like for few seconds <_<

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LOL! You can call me 언니 depending on how old you are! LOL!

If you are young under 20?? (since I have 18 year old son) you can call me Mommie instead! LOL!

"Mommie" Alice

Oh..n thanks Alice 언니 (? i suppose..)for the translations of SangSang plus...I didnt intend to watch it since I dun understand without translations....now i can...

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Guest MsCHua

alikim; thank you for translating. ^ the 'breakup' story was touching. I can't imagine Minwoo and Eric going to US and do something else than what they're doing right now.

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Guest qaxlod

Vote for SHINHWA on the Japan Yahoo Poll

I believe you can only vote once ;[


Go to the site above and on the right side there is the poll.

You'll see " 神話(SHINHWA)のアルバム「Inspiration#1」"

Click on the circle on the side of it and then click on button below.


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Guest serawong

thanks mommie alice...

my clip is still loading... soo slow... but after reading your translation.... its sooo soo cute... i will definitely sit up to wait for the clip to finish loading!!!

totally love the part that minwoo and eric almost quit and the rest of the members playing the trick on them....

its was really very sweet of eric to offer minwoo just to follow him to the states!!

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Guest nutzie

aaahh i wanna watch shinhwa clipss!! but i have to prepare for work already >_<" thank you for the translation mommie alice so cutee!! i'll watch it after work later.. bye bye everyonee!! wish me luck!

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Guest mintoro

If you buy from YesAsia it doesnt count towards the sales in Korea.

However, people still manage to buy it from YesAsia.

If you want to help count towards the sales in Korea purchase it from SHINHWA CHANGJO SITE. However, I'm not sure if they are doing another order poll. ;/

i've ordered from there for the original version

but they're not doing the special edition

so i guess yesasia is my only way

thx for telling anyway

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Guest qaxlod

i've ordered from there for the original version

but they're not doing the special edition

so i guess yesasia is my only way

thx for telling anyway

No problem.

By the way people,

On YesAsia, a SHINHWA POSTER is on sale!!! It's new!!!

I ordered mine already, if you havent go do it!!!

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Guest Lit0Sarie

OK..........i got my tickets for their concert in Singapore finally.........hehehehehee

since i'm a poor college student i can't afford to buy the expensive tickets....but i still managed to buy the S$98 tickets....with my two friends.....yay..........

my seats are............Section T40...Row 20...seats 1-3.......I hope these seats aren't too bad..........this is gonna be my first concert EVER.............lol.........

this really is a Once in a Lifetime chance for me....because i just so happened to be an exchange student here in Singapore when Shinhwa's coming.........heheheheheh.........i'm soooo excited.....

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Guest mintoro

No problem.

By the way people,

On YesAsia, a SHINHWA POSTER is on sale!!! It's new!!!

I ordered mine already, if you havent go do it!!!

do u mean the double deal for inspiration?

aww i wanna get this too..

but my pocket is emptyyy after buying the special edition

i think i'll get this later

OK..........i got my tickets for their concert in Singapore finally.........hehehehehee

since i'm a poor college student i can't afford to buy the expensive tickets....but i still managed to buy the S$98 tickets....with my two friends.....yay..........

my seats are............Section T40...Row 20...seats 1-3.......I hope these seats aren't too bad..........this is gonna be my first concert EVER.............lol.........

this really is a Once in a Lifetime chance for me....because i just so happened to be an exchange student here in Singapore when Shinhwa's coming.........heheheheheh.........i'm soooo excited.....

awww... i wanna go but my finals fall on that week

and it's really once in a lifetime

im so sad now...



haven own a page in shinhwa thread for long time

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Guest tiffyisashinhwafreak!

^ i wanna watch it too, but dang it...clubbox? i can't download from there...and yeah..


to vote for Shinhwa in the "Big 10" poll at arirang

link: http://www.arirang.co.kr/intro.asp

when you get to the page, click Pops in Seoul, then Pops in Seoul again, then on the left side...click Big 10, and there it is...

rules: You can have three votes to cast, but casting your votes for the same song is not allowed.

so yep, easy! if you have any questions, ask, please ^^

[ALSO remember this poll is weekly, till [i dunno when....] but yeah, remember to go check every single week!!!!! and go go, go get more people to go vote! go!]

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