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Guest lenakeem

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yeah, no matter what, at least i know that minwoo is most adored <3 but that just may be my completely biased opinion lolol.

anyways, i want to collect all of their albums too! i don't even have their eighth one yet :(

i've resisted downloading it bc i want to support them - i guess i'll buy it off of yesasia as a last resort, but does anyone know how to purchase state of the art so that it counts towards their korean sales?

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Guest Daisyblu89

^ wow Nhan!! I never saw that before! That was touching!!

I'm trying to collect all the shinhwa albums too! I was so happy yesterday when i found their forth album! It was the last one they had too!! I was jumping up and down, and then when he asked me if i would like the 8th poster my life died and went to heaven, especailly when he gave it to me for free along with my friend! haha! I'm a fruit. I've been collecting them for almost 3 years now. and I've gotten all of them besides the 3rd, 5th, and 8th. I saw the 5th album in the glass casing at the store, but my mom said I can only choose one so I got the forth because that one is really hard to find.

If you live near sacramento, go there and there's a big plaza place, I forgot the name, but there's a Lollicup a street down, and there's a sears mall about a block away, but as soon as I find out the name I'll put it up, but they sell all types of music, and usually with every purchase they give you free posters. Last time I went there I got two DBSK posters, because they were out of Shinhwa ones.

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Guest coolieever

Have y'all seen this?


"I am...Shinhwa."

:):D Aren't they just lovely?

edit: this vid made me cry...

ahh, i remember that... it was so sad.... when andy was saying how the group was fine without him i was screaming at my computer.. and it was 3 in the morning <_<... haha

^ wow Nhan!! I never saw that before! That was touching!!

I'm trying to collect all the shinhwa albums too! I was so happy yesterday when i found their forth album! It was the last one they had too!! I was jumping up and down, and then when he asked me if i would like the 8th poster my life died and went to heaven, especailly when he gave it to me for free along with my friend! haha! I'm a fruit. I've been collecting them for almost 3 years now. and I've gotten all of them besides the 3rd, 5th, and 8th. I saw the 5th album in the glass casing at the store, but my mom said I can only choose one so I got the forth because that one is really hard to find.

If you live near sacramento, go there and there's a big plaza place, I forgot the name, but there's a Lollicup a street down, and there's a sears mall about a block away, but as soon as I find out the name I'll put it up, but they sell all types of music, and usually with every purchase they give you free posters. Last time I went there I got two DBSK posters, because they were out of Shinhwa ones.

what?!?!? i have a second home in sacramento!!! i hate going there but now i seriously wanna go!!!!!! haha, tell me the name of the place so i can go there!! i want posters!!!!



ahaha, lmao.. thats funny...

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^^ Yeah, he's down by THAT many. I'm so sad. You have NO IDEA how much work I put into it, to have him be in the FINAL round. (The topic starter is my sister) ..She wanted Brian to win, but I made her wait another hour and YAY MinWoo went up. I did everything in my power. Now, he's behind by so much.

DongHae isn't all that great...he's a newbie. MinWoo is..MINWOO! We need to gather more votes for him. I'm advertising too.

And yeah, the picture of Eric and Andy are SOOOO adorable. Eric is so hot..and TALL! I love him, and the rest of them. =)


vietgirl604 - good job! Thank you for asking your sister to wait an hour!!!!

We need to keep fighting for Minwoo! Get on your friend's computer and vote!!!!

Have y'all seen this?


"I am...Shinhwa."

:):D Aren't they just lovely?

edit: this vid made me cry...

this vid made me cry too!!!....

Thanks NotGuilty for sharing!

This vid clip is sooo precious! The boys are so sincere and caring towards each other.....

They are all absolutely adorable and a truly great group....I'm sooo glad that everything worked out for them!

Shinhwa will always be the best!!!!!

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Guest Daisyblu89

what?!?!? i have a second home in sacramento!!! i hate going there but now i seriously wanna go!!!!!! haha, tell me the name of the place so i can go there!! i want posters!!!!

Oh really?! Well guess what? I just found their business card... I forgot that I had it. Sorry! Well here's the address and the name of the store.

The name of the store is Thao Fashion & Music Center i really don't understand why they say fashion when there isn't any.

The Address is:

5555 Sky Parkway #215

Sacramento, CA 95823

Their number is (916) 424-7622

The korean music they have is on the counter right when you get in on your right. That's the only sectiont here is. It's not big but you'll find a lot of thing. The rare items are placed in the glass case, that's wher you'll find Shinhwa's concert DVD. The last time i went which was yesterday, in the case they had 2 concert DVD left and ONE 5th album, which I wish I got... They said they haven't gotten any new SHinhwa albums yet, but should get them in in another 2 weeks. I saw they had Shinhwa's 2nd album and many other K-pop CD's.

Oh yea for the posters, you have to like ask for them, or sometimes they ask you if you want them. They don't put them out on display so yea.. just wanted to add that in.

I hope all that helped! ^.^

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yeah, no matter what, at least i know that minwoo is most adored <3 but that just may be my completely biased opinion lolol.

anyways, i want to collect all of their albums too! i don't even have their eighth one yet :(

i've resisted downloading it bc i want to support them - i guess i'll buy it off of yesasia as a last resort, but does anyone know how to purchase state of the art so that it counts towards their korean sales?

no i don't think it will help in the korean sales..

Have you girls watched the lastest Xman with Minwoo?

He's so HOOTTTT!! :w00t: (i mean he's always hot)

Minwoo is getting better and better.. this boy is always improving!

Anyone knows which is the most pretigious music award show in Korea??

Golden Disk?

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Guest sunnydays.

i feel bad for donghae too..

i mean its his daddy!

but i do think that he is quite cute

EXCEPT i wus ilke

"wait is jaejoon'g name donghae as well?!" because of this one pic that i saw LOL he looked like jaejoong ! :o

and i watched some suju full house. he didnt talk so much LOL

anyways moving on.

yeah this thread grows rather quickly.

its alwawyas the next page when i go on in the morning. and i usually get off at like 2am here.. so HAHAH u gurls are all up when xtine is asleep.

la la la la

minwoo is losing by so much now T____T

I agree with you, Donghae is cute. (: Maaan, 2am? I'm asleep by 2am haha ~

aww boo. =( GO MINWOO <3 win win u__U;;

Have y'all seen this?


"I am...Shinhwa."

:):D Aren't they just lovely?

edit: this vid made me cry...

OMG... Dongwan started drinking & smoking again? @__@;; Geez, I remember reading those diary entries about him tryna quit... aww <3

Man, I couldn't even hear Junjun speak. u__U Ahh, he was depressed? >__< omgg... poor junjin. =(

Can't believe Andy actually thought that Shinhwa would go on fine without him... it's SOO obvious that Shinhwa isn't Shinhwa without him. Ahh, his part & eric's part gave me goosbumps...

Minwoo's part: Yeah, I heard about how they didn't do well when they first came out... i'm so proud of them for fighting their doubts and working so hard... makes me so happy & inspired.. ;O;<3

Hyesung's part was so inspirational. (:

OMG... AND WHEN THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT THE AWARD THE GOT... made me cryyyy >__< OMGG. I felt so so happy for them... wow... they are definately amazing. :D <3

I will definately stay with Shinhwa till the end. SHINHWA CHANGJO (;

(*cough* sorry, that was kinda long >__>;; )

[Pic] Shinhwa: "State of the Art" Special Edition Preview

CLICK to see ---> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forums/index.php?topic=4477.0

credits : lilazinprincess @ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forums

Looks HOTT. :D I want it puahahaa<3

k i'm done for today. 8D

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What is the difference between the Chinese version and the other version of Wedding March?

Is it completely different video?

Thank you.

"Mommie" Alice


anyways, mommie alice, i will try to list all the mvs for u

wedding march

wedding march chinese version

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Guest nutzie

while that clip is sad, this one's more of cute.. heheh.. it's them when they have just started.. the sound is kinda weird though.. but i love the part when they're dancing at the beginning of the video.. it looks so sharp and organized.. and funky~!


eric still had that weird haircut on him.. one of my most hated haircut, after the dirty blond broom like hairstyle.. it's funny when they're fast walking too.. when 3 of them did it, it's just hilarious >_<"

on an unrelated note, what songs do you like best when they do lives? surely there are some that you prefer more than the others right?

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Guest vietgirl604

no i don't think it will help in the korean sales..

Have you girls watched the lastest Xman with Minwoo?

He's so HOOTTTT!! :w00t: (i mean he's always hot)

Minwoo is getting better and better.. this boy is always improving!

Anyone knows which is the most pretigious music award show in Korea??

Golden Disk?

Do you have the link for that xman episode?

Wow, this thread grows so fast that I can't even keep up! LOL. I saw the "I am ..Shinhwa" video before and I DID cry. It was so sad. The Minwoo's from africa one is HILARIOUS! I watched it 10 times AHAHAHHA.

I wish I could collect all their cd's..but I don't know anywhere that sells them. Would it count to their sales if I bought it from a store that orders then from Korea? Cause I got one and I'm not sure. I request them and then they order it..so yeah.

Off to watch the rest of the videos I clicked from this page. I got everyone I know to vote for Minwoo for the poll already, and he's still down..sigh.


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Guest coolieever

haha, i loved all thier old clips.. haha, i loved the walking race, it was hillarious... haha and all thier eusha eusha performances too... seriously, i spent like 3 weeks trying to find that red backpack that minwoo had...

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Guest battleuphoria

first time to be back here after a long time! hahaha

what cn i say? i may be super late in commenting but i just would like to sy that shinhwa rocks~! i just saw like five or more of them once in a lifetime performance and i am super in love and inspired by this song! hehehe

looking back at their old clips makes me be reminded of eusha eusha. i don't know why though. haha thanks so much for the links!


first time to be back and i already own a page! yay~ haha

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Guest vietgirl604

This thread is totally off the hook. It's so hard to catch up with everyone! LOL. I like all of their LIVE performances. One of their concerts..I forgot which one, they sang Eusha Eusha and they don't have their high voices anymore! I found that SO cute. Has anyone watched Shinhwa singing Backstreet Boys - As long as you love me? It's so good! Especially Minwoo, Dongwan and Hyesung!


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[Pic] Shinhwa: "State of the Art" Special Edition Preview

CLICK to see ---> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forums/index.php?topic=4477.0

credits : lilazinprincess @ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forums


i am so gon' get that!! it looks delicious :blush: :w00t:

This thread is totally off the hook. It's so hard to catch up with everyone! LOL. I like all of their LIVE performances. One of their concerts..I forgot which one, they sang Eusha Eusha and they don't have their high voices anymore! I found that SO cute. Has anyone watched Shinhwa singing Backstreet Boys - As long as you love me? It's so good! Especially Minwoo, Dongwan and Hyesung!


omg i love the 'as long as you love me'

it wus like


i used that song for my romeo and juliet project at school HEHEHE.

and i also used 'brand new' for it! PUAHA

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Guest qaxlod

Of course. Shinhwa is awesome LIVE. Not many other singers sing LIVE which totally sucks.

SHINHWA #1 <33333333333333333333

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