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Guest lenakeem

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Guest hiennguyen164

Hi everyone, I'm a new fan of Shinhwa and I really want to find out more about them

Can anyone tell me where I can get all the MV of Shinhwa's song since their first album?

Thanks a lot!

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Guest hcle

Hi everyone, I'm a new fan of Shinhwa and I really want to find out more about them

Can anyone tell me where I can get all the MV of Shinhwa's song since their first album?

Thanks a lot!

whilst waiting for SHCJ's who actually know how to navigate the internet...

you can find heaps of their MV's on youtube loll, or you can buy them when you like them enough on WWW.YESASIA.COM. i think theres one dvd of 14 mvs for 34 bucks? prettyyy gewwd

you could watch lots off stuff off crystalis (username) 's channel on youtube !!

heres a list off all their song titles from 1998 till now if you didnt already know http://huziesan.vox.com/library/posts/tags...wa+discography/

dont really reccomend you download all the songs though cos that would leave

you with = good music

shinhwa = poor

and shinhwa being deprived is never cool hahaha

recc's for mvs (incase you dont already have one) are Perfect Man, Wild Eyes, BRAND NEW!!!, Young Guns, Crazy (yol byung i think....o_O), Throw my First, Hero, Eusha Eusha (1998 veryyyy cute XD)... Once in a Lifetime..etcetc

if you have time check out their skits + behind the scenes stuff cos that's what made me REALLY fall in love with them. in a good way. hahaha

cheerios and WELCOMEE :P

edit: hooray for the 1400th page!! fighting/winning!! LOL

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Guest readsandgeeks

hey hiennguyen164, welcome to the world of orange!! :D

if you're singaporean, you can actually buy the DVDs of MVs at gramophone at peninsula plaza, cd-rama at CWP [they are usually hidden..so must dig thru carefully] or heeren [you cn actually order frm them if its not there.]

in addition to crystalis at youtube, u can try nglktshinhwa. this is where all behind the scene, shows that Shinhwa was in..

oh btw hcle..i LOOVVEEEE ur sig!! the boys are hot i tell u in that photoshoot for the winter story! ;)

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Hi everyone, I'm a new fan of Shinhwa and I really want to find out more about them

Can anyone tell me where I can get all the MV of Shinhwa's song since their first album?

Thanks a lot!

^ Hello. Welcome to the Shinhwa thread and Shinhwa fandom ^_^ Your username sounds familiar, have we bumped into each other before?

To keep up to date on shinhwa news, visit absolutshinhwa often: http://absolutshinhwa.wordpress.com

For active English forums, you can visit either http://www.shinhwachangjo.net or http://shinhwa.biz/forums

As for the MVs, naturally, youtube ( http://www.youtube.com/results?search_type...hwa+mv&aq=f ) is a good place to view most of their MVs, but if you would like to download them I can make a few recommendations ^^ There is actually a smtown link with all the mvs from before 2003, but can't think of it right now T_________T

As for the MVs after 2003, you can stream off goodenter's official Shinhwa site:


Most (if not all) can be found in shinhwachangjo.net's clubblox:


Streaming off goodenter and downloading off CB may be a little difficult, so made some other suggestions as well.

There are some for download on shinhwaforever's media folder:


For English subbed ones, I have some at shinhwaglish (I guess I should get around to uploading all of them :sweatingbullets:) :


I'm not sure, but I think shinhwavn has some Viet-subbed shinhwa mvs:


A simple search on 4shared always gives some results as well (you can search individual names of the mvs for better results as well):


A simple search on 4megaupload will do that as well:


If there are any MVs you just can't seem to find. Let me know and I'll upload it for you.

Hope that answers your request ^^

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Guest ayayaziz

Ihjj - i think this is the correct link. if not then try search at YT type 'Junjin smoking'..

just found eng subbed Shinhwa's Emergency Measure cut at

(credits to Madyjune)

its very funny.. it would be great if after they completed their military training, apart from get together again concert, they would do a comedy movie together.. they are bunch of funny men.. hell i might even fly myself to korea for their premiere.

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wahh....i was out of this thread for sometime and we have more new changjo-ers!! Shinhwa Mansae!! Welcome new fans!! Rest assured. You will be well taken care of by seasoned shinhwa fans. I'm new too! =)

Anywayz...this is Hyesung-biased... >.<

A tribute to Hyesung oppa in conjunction with his Keep Leaves Tour Busan Concert this coming weekend.

Why Did You Call...? [Piano Instrumental]

I don't think this video did justice so, I re-recorded one an it's in mp3 which I think is better? I don't know. The recording can be downloaded at the piano project site [http://shinhwapiano.blogspot.com]. When the servers are co-operating, i'll share it here too..IF you want. >.<

Playing this song, I can imagine him singing...*shivers*....his voice...OMG...

OK...comments on the video,at the video are appreciated! =)


OK. A better version of WDYC in mp3. Hope this does justice than the video. >.<

왜 천화했어...Why Did You Call[.mp3]


Here's a link to the entire Shinhwa Piano Instrumental Playlist.


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Ihjj - i think this is the correct link. if not then try search at YT type 'Junjin smoking'..

just found eng subbed Shinhwa's Emergency Measure cut at

(credits to Madyjune)

its very funny.. it would be great if after they completed their military training, apart from get together again concert, they would do a comedy movie together.. they are bunch of funny men.. hell i might even fly myself to korea for their premiere.

Haha I see, thanks. :D

The movie was very funny haha I love their cut, I think it was my favorite cut from the singers who guess starred, also I like Harisu's cut. haha

Jinnie was such a dork, Hyesung haha Taekwondo pro hey~ haha, and Eric....... the way he said, "SM...Entertainment" made me crack up laughing!!!

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Guest hiennguyen164

Thanks you all. especially Crystalis. I've found many MVs of Shinhwa in websites that u gave me. I'm not Korean and I can't download from clubbox :( cause it's very complicated and I didn't understand any of this! :((

however some of the MV I found are LQ. I really want to find HQ MV of Shinhwa 'cause I want to watch them again and again! :)

so can anyone give me download link of these MV ( in HQ) :

The Solve

Sharing forever


Wedding march


All your dreams( full version)

hey come on

by the way, do anyone have The perfect man live performance ? I have some perf but all of them are not live. This song is very hard to sing but I've watch a live perf on YT and Shinhwa sang very well. so that I really want to have a live perf of that song.

@ Crystalis : I think my username looks familiar to u 'cause I register in all shinhwa 4rum in this username. so maybe u saw my username there. It's very nice to know U. :)

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Do you guys remember the Japanese Version DVD All About Shinhwa that we were all discussing about a few pages back? Haha well apparently some people have gotten their hands on one of these and have shared with us some parts of it. If you guys haven't already noticed. Well here they are----> http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=sogood...l+About+Shinhwa but only JunJin and Dongwan's have been uploaded here. Hyesung's was posted above, so yeah check it out!!!

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Guest lady_b

its been long time since my last visit to this thread, gald to find new shinhwa fan over here, welcome to ShinHwa world ^^

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Guest hikkie

heloo ^^

IHJJ ,,,thank uuuuuuuuu , really want to see rest of member ^^ i only watch hye sung part .......

this dvd so expensiveeeee ,is any chance korean version with subs will release ? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Guest hiennguyen164

Does anyone know how many Shinhwa's members smoke?

As far as I know there are Minwoo, Hyesung and Jun Jin

What about Andy, Dong Wan and Eric? Do they smoke too?

oppas, smoking is bad! Why still U are smoking :(? Please quit! :(

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Guest miss lakwon


it's been quite a while since i've visited, sorry shcj'ers!

i've been busy with school and labtop hasn't been working! :(

anywho, hope everything is going well for all of you guys!

i visited the pictures section and still i don't see anything regarding shinhwa.

i really really really don't think we should just stick in this thread all the time.

we need to promote shinhwa more. especially their solo activities.

we don't want people to forget about shinhwa! (not that they will.. but we have to take our chances!)


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Guest hcle

Does anyone know how many Shinhwa's members smoke?

As far as I know there are Minwoo, Hyesung and Jun Jin

What about Andy, Dong Wan and Eric? Do they smoke too?

oppas, smoking is bad! Why still U are smoking :(? Please quit! :(

i thought only dongwan drank alot? aww.. yessum hope they all get off that stuff when they go in the military + come out

dont know if this is the right place to fangirl, but em just got their 9th + 3rd album in the mail today! Lol is anyone extremely impressed with the photo album + the cd?

i mean.. i feel perverted just looking at their faces on the cover cos its just that good LOL

can't believe i got the really thick photoablum and cd of 10tracks for just $20.50 AU !

I want to get some DVD's in the future, but do you know if

-someone in region 4 can watch a dvd thats allocated to region 3/2?

- if it matters if i get a korean/taiwan version of shinhwa mvs?

(im neither korean or taiwanese)

These are the YESASIA items i'm interested in :



bahh.. so cheap it makes my eyes water. not.. lols

thanks ahead!

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Guest nglkt

haven't been here for 3 days... anyone noticed my absence? HAHA LOL I used to be here everyday*BLAME IT ON BULSAE*

lina unnie! thanks for the awesome instrumental! It's so sad~

And abt the members smoking.. Hmm... Dongwan used to smoke, but he has stopped. The rest are still smoking.

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Guest iwanttogoback

I'm sorry if this was asked many times before but has Shinhwa ever performed Just One More Time live before? I love that song so much and I'd kill for a live footage.

Also, anyone know where I could download some SUBBED Xman episodes that feature shinhwa? Preferably the episode where they played a couple game and they had to carry their partner on only one leg.

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Guest nglkt

I'm sorry if this was asked many times before but has Shinhwa ever performed Just One More Time live before? I love that song so much and I'd kill for a live footage.

Also, anyone know where I could download some SUBBED Xman episodes that feature shinhwa? Preferably the episode where they played a couple game and they had to carry their partner on only one leg.

Hey welcome!!

Sadly, Shinhwa has yet to perform just one more time as they did not promote their 9th album. =( But rest assured, I'm sure they will perform that song when they make their comeback in a few years time. xP

Regarding subbed xman episodes, I have episode 24 subbed (yes it's the one they had to carry their partner)

It's available on shinhwa forever. http://z3.invisionfree.com/Shinhwa_Forever...hp?showtopic=10

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hahaha...hello trish. Yes...i have noticed your absence. And nic's too! Was wondering what happened to all the CJers? It's like they're all taking a hiatus since oppas are all on hiatus too!

Trish, love the new vid that you put up of the two loveBIRDS. XD pure crack. If anyone wants to watch it, it's here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ktw4eCfP27U

Well...if i remember correctly, dongwan revealed in Come to Play that Jinnie's the one that's a strong drinker and Wannie drinks the least. can't find that vid tho. mianhe...

urm..I would think that you'd take up smoking again especially when you're in the army..well..there's work, and well, you don't have your close dongsaengs/hyungs to talk to, so, u'd naturally pick the habit up again?

its pretty ironic that they did a No Smoking campaign, yet, they still puff away. XD One way I tell whether they smoke or not is that when you've been smoking a lot, your upper lip darkens because of the tobacco. That's why I look at lips 1st. *ish bricked for pervyness*

OK..i gotta get back to work. *huggles*

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Does anyone know how many Shinhwa's members smoke?

As far as I know there are Minwoo, Hyesung and Jun Jin

What about Andy, Dong Wan and Eric? Do they smoke too?

oppas, smoking is bad! Why still U are smoking :(? Please quit! :(

It's kinda sad, but they all do...period.

I haven't actually seen Minwoo smoke before, but if you guys say so, I guess.

Dongwan had said in a small interview that he began smoking and drinking again, because he lived by himself or did things by himself.

Eric said once in an interview in Japan that he will try to quit smoking.

You can see Andy smoking mostly during release clips of Shinhwa's beind the scenes of their concerts and clips.

The most obviouse one's of course that I've witnessed (on cam) is "The Birds" Hyesung and JunJin. Mostly JunJin.

<sigh> So yeap, they all do.

I'll maybe, if you want, find small clips of them smoking. You can also just youtube it. Shinhwa Smoking. JunJin smoking. I don't know something like that.

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