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taro pearl tea



cookies and cream+chocolate+strawberry vanilla ice cream

chocolate chip cookies


chicken burger



corn/egg/chicken soup

egg pudding

some other pearl tea

wine gums

mango and walnut cake

no dinner yet

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Guest ~SWEETwhispers~

Breakfast: Bread with cream cheese!! And some yucky carrot juice my mom made me drink

Lunch: A vietnamese sandwhich YUMMMMMMMMM~~

Snack: a bit of cheesecake (my b-day cake :P), some candy, a peach

Dinner: has yet to come!!

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Guest redbean


breakfast:a cup of green tea, slice of bread w/ nutella spread, an apple

lunch: tofu & a piece of fish

snack: 2 chocolate chip cookies

dinner: chicken yakisoba

snack: an apple

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Guest redbean


lunch: 2 cups of green tea & a bowl of noodles

snack: a banana

dinner: rice w/ fish & green veggies

snack: an orange, an apple & a chocopie

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Guest pinkxribbons

breakfast- some rice krispies

snack- raisin cookie

lunch- ._. nothing

dinner- clam chowder

half of quiznos sandwich

caramel and mocha ice cream cone

some sour patch kids and swedish fish


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Guest redbean

breakfast: 2 cups of green tea & half a bagel

lunch: bibimbap & an orange

dinner: went out to this restaurant that specialized in beijing food

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Breakfast - cereal and a slice of whole wheat bread

Lunch - like 4 dumplings that my mom cooked, and it was the referigerated kind, so it was so nasty, and i just stopped eating it lol

Snack - cheese crackers with peanut butter

Dinner - undecided...going out to eat i think

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Guest lilxtiffstah

brunch: 3 slices of bacon + one slice of cheese + egg on whole wheat bread

snacks: stalk of corn, a few wheat thins, 100 calorie pack chips ahoy

dinner: half a bowl of rice w/ fish, this asian vegetable like squash & this meat mixed with tofu thingie. yum.

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