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*** Post Your Cell Phone Straps/charms ***

Guest malevolent.

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Guest classique

does she have the verizon version one or the gsm one for cingular?

mine never freezes (i have verizon)

ahh where'd you get that sneaker cell chain its so cute

We're in Canada and she's under Rogers, which is weird because they're the top wireless company...

But my cousin also has the LG Chocolate and she says hers works fine and my uncle works at LG as a technician and he said it's a pretty decent phone...

I think I'm going to get it anyway - I love it <3

And thank you =) I got it at a small accessory store in Korean town. They had them at Morning Glory as well.

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We're in Canada and she's under Rogers, which is weird because they're the top wireless company...

But my cousin also has the LG Chocolate and she says hers works fine and my uncle works at LG as a technician and he said it's a pretty decent phone...

I think I'm going to get it anyway - I love it <3

And thank you =) I got it at a small accessory store in Korean town. They had them at Morning Glory as well.

yah i know what you mean.

mine chocolate is unlocked

and whenever i have a rogers sim it'll freeze up and no one could call me -o-"

so i had to switch to fido (:

it works fine now ^o^

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Guest JWonNie

they're all so pretty...

my cellphone doesn't have holes where you put things in... T__________T;;;

i'm getting a korean T-slide when i go to korea during the summer... or anything that slides sideways and stay sideways...

yep... american cellphone tech is so slow........................ (i think...)

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Guest YUNA!


- the heart chain i got in korea many a years back

- dolphin chain i stole from my best friend's phone

- panda bell that tells me where my phone is in my bag/jacket

- and my new pink furry pet dog that my bf got for me!! he got himself the same one, except in a green colour. =]

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yes my cell phone is a sidekick3..which I FREAKIN LOVEE..<33


Wowww it's look so sexy! I want it now.

How much did it cost?

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^oo a 3G phone =]

is that good by any chance?

I'm hating 3g atm cuz of the 24month plan thingos

and the phones look a bit gayed since I've been a flip phone person

this looked nice but then it looked fat too lols

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Guest erure


I got it from a gachapon store in Korea (it's so cool -- they just have bunches of gachapons on the walls in the entire store >_<)

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Guest itzmizzanne


hahaha my mom screams at me cause i put too much on...i still wanna put some more...but i cant stick it on. ^_^

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Guest S1mple L0ve


What do you think of your phone? The good, the bad?

I'm debating whether I should get it or not..

It's really not that bad.

Personally, I love ittt x]

Texting doesn't bother me maybe because my fingers are small and I don't really get the keys messed up often.

The touch pad part doesn't bother me either.

I prefer it over a normal one because I dont really have to press it as hard haha (<<lazy>>)

Aaaanddd. I didnt get a chip to transfer music or anything yet D:<

But yeah. It's a cool phone =]

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Guest &teekayy;

the LG CHOCOLATE, imo, is a disappointment.

[hehe... i found one... and kinda never gave it back cause i dunno who's it was. XD]

it doesn't hold as many songs as i thought it could

other than that it's okay i guess

the touchpad thingie is kind of annoying

i've had it for a while and i've gotten used to it but i still don't like it

but overall it's a good phone i guess

i wish i could use it... but since i found it and i don't use verizon,

it's not activated... ^^;

you guys have really cute phones.


that's my phone... haha all the charms were bought from lovinhyesung from her shop here on soompi ^^

and i have this big fat sticker on the back but i'm too lazy to take a picture. so yeah :)

edit: excuse the big picture and the scratched up phone XD

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Guest miss sweetie

I know this is a cell phone strap thread. but i have a question.

does any one here who own a Nokia 8801 know where the cell phone strap hole is? I can't see to find it. =[


help please. lol

I have a bunch of cell phone charms from my old phone but since I lost that phone, I have like extra cell phone straps and I don't want them to go to waste so yeah. (when i had my old phone, i would switch the cell phone straps every now and then.)

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Guest christina.

Haha, I love cell phone charms. <3

Here are some of mine. o-o I have few more in my music box. (Need to buy more D: I'm addicted to them haha!) I haven't gotten a chance to buy more lately.. I usually buy them when I go on vacation in Philadelphia and I haven't to that store in two years! ;___;

So these are old. o_o LOL.

Winter Sonata<3 My first cell phone charm (and I bought it when I didn't even have a phone yet! Haha.) purchased in December 2004.


B for Brian Joo. :3 HAHAHA! It was for my friend at first, but she told me she didn't have a slot for her phone. :x I like to keep the tags on my charms. I had this on my phone for a while, but I switched it.


This is what I have now. A blue Hello Kitty. :3 I love how it sounds. (I love bells.)


Both of these were bought during the summer of 2005. (Yeah.. that's like 436345 years ago. I need to buy more.)

And this isn't my phone, but it's a charm on my mp3 player. xD I bought it from a fellow soompier<3 Babycremepuff! She sells the cutest charms.


I like the Samsung E900 some of you guys have. o-o I sometimes wish I had a new phone, but I really love mine. <3 Ehe, I remember when I first watched Goong, I was like, "Omg. Shin has the same phone I want!" :3 It's meant to be haha!

My phone is so old though and it has a few scratches/dents.. :x Our one year anni is July 2nd~ HAHA. I actually remembered the date.

My desk is a mess, too. ;x


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