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Lee Joon Gi 이준기 | [Drama 2023] "Arthdal Chronicles: The Sword of Aramoon"


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Guest graciexbaby

Right. Well-

Junki said that when he wanted to be an actor, no one supported him besides his grandmother. She would sneak some money to him to help him with his acting career and everything. She was the only one that believed in him. When he finally gets a role in a movie, she dies before she could be able to see it.

He chose those cross earrings to remind him of his grandmother.

Sorry, I'm crappy at story telling. Try looking back and look for teal's post.

wait i thought his grandma made them so he was saying that there was only one of the pair in the world.

it doesn't matter if he wears a cross and hes not catholic christian people wear crosses all the time.

now if there was something that offended ME, and im catholic too, was when Minwoo came on Newnonstop 5 wearing a rosary as an accesory.

anyways. yeah. the earrings are a token of appreiciattion to his grandmaother.

^Really? I didn't hear anything about her making them. You could be right though.

Also, I found this site that was selling earring that were like his. I thought it was pretty rude of them.

i thought he made them in rememberance of his grandmother, maybe not. but yea, there are only one pair in the entire world. I think the one on the site is something that's similar to the earrings.

i don't think they should sell those earrings either, especially if it has a special meaning like that. i guess its flattering and all, but it takes away the special meaning if everyone has them and labels them lee junki earrings.

when i first saw them, i thought of tony an cuz he always wore cross earrings too... hm..

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for anyone who is a little confused about why the actors are protesting-- check this thread--it explains really well. I posted my own opinion in our Jung Woo Sung thread:

I haven't looked at any news in a days, but I knew about the movie quota thing...one of our members in Lee Jun Ki's international forum posted a bunch of pics, and there were a LOT of people at the demonstration--- I did see Choi Min Shik and JDG, among others. There's pics here...


Yes. Something else Americans who love Korea (and have friends and otherwise loved ones who are Korean) needed.... -___________- I think they had a lot of nerve to do this... the US isn't the only country that makes movies. Do we get to see that many Korean movies here? Yeah, sure. They're all over the theaters. Ugh.

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Guest The Moose

This is probably an old news for you guys...

But what happened with LJK and his "Japan is my country" and "for Japan" comments that pissed off a lot of people in Korea?

Please inform me about this!!!

for anyone who is a little confused about why the actors are protesting-- check this thread--it explains really well. I posted my own opinion in our Jung Woo Sung thread:

I haven't looked at any news in a days, but I knew about the movie quota thing...one of our members in Lee Jun Ki's international forum posted a bunch of pics, and there were a LOT of people at the demonstration--- I did see Choi Min Shik and JDG, among others. There's pics here...


Yes. Something else Americans who love Korea (and have friends and otherwise loved ones who are Korean) needed.... -___________- I think they had a lot of nerve to do this... the US isn't the only country that makes movies. Do we get to see that many Korean movies here? Yeah, sure. They're all over the theaters. Ugh.

Ehhh... it was CMS who was the first to start the protest all by himself not ASK.

That's not important but this isn't such a bad idea if Korean government is able to export more of their own products outside of Asia.

Look at the BIG picture.

Celebrities in Korea already has the money, fame, and power.

They seriously need to stop whinning.

It's not like they're going out of business.

Besides, this is just a temporary thing.

I might be missing something since I'm dissagreeing with the most on soompi.

Enlighten me!!!

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^^ i jsut read about this liek yesterday but im really not sure so dont totally take my word for it.. so on his Cyworld i guess he sed that he and his friends talk a lot about japan. and he was jsut joking around about how good the japanese are and all that junk and netizens got pissed i guess so they like sed all this crap to him so he like sed he was sorry that he should have been careful and other stuff and then he closed it down now...

i have a cross earring quite similars to his and i had it for a while... but i still think it is sweet of him to wear the earring all the time.... in memory of her... and about the trophy thing.. made me almost cry~~

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Guest hauwulli

i thought he made them in rememberance of his grandmother, maybe not. but yea, there are only one pair in the entire world. I think the one on the site is something that's similar to the earrings.

i don't think they should sell those earrings either, especially if it has a special meaning like that. i guess its flattering and all, but it takes away the special meaning if everyone has them and labels them lee junki earrings.

when i first saw them, i thought of tony an cuz he always wore cross earrings too... hm..

yeah, they really shouldn't be selling those earrings.

This scenario kind of reminds me of what happened to PSY in My Girl (how they reproduced her key necklace :P) hehee..

oh, & thanks to all who posted pictues, greatly appreciate!

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Guest The Moose

^^ i jsut read about this liek yesterday but im really not sure so dont totally take my word for it.. so on his Cyworld i guess he sed that he and his friends talk a lot about japan. and he was jsut joking around about how good the japanese are and all that junk and netizens got pissed i guess so they like sed all this crap to him so he like sed he was sorry that he should have been careful and other stuff and then he closed it down now...

i have a cross earring quite similars to his and i had it for a while... but i still think it is sweet of him to wear the earring all the time.... in memory of her... and about the trophy thing.. made me almost cry~~

Ahhh gotya!

I just found an article about it.

Wow, LJK really needs to watch what he says.

Since he's big now, people are going to start scruitinize everything and anything about him.

But yeah... he needs to be careful about that topic.

It only has been 60 years since their independence from "hell"...

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Guest HoiSang

gosh, seeing him in the rally thing - hope he's allright, coz it seem so cold and stuff T_T and it's nice to see he's so passionate about his work ^^

and yeah, seeing his pics also made me realize how much i want his hair, gahhh >.<; haha~

thanks for all the news and links guys!

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That's not important but this isn't such a bad idea if Korean government is able to export more of their own products outside of Asia.

Look at the BIG picture.

Celebrities in Korea already has the money, fame, and power.

They seriously need to stop whinning.

It's not like they're going out of business.

Besides, this is just a temporary thing.

I might be missing something since I'm dissagreeing with the most on soompi.

Enlighten me!!!

The problem is, America doesn't like to import Asian movies. They rather do remakes and use their own stars. How many screens in the US actually play foreign movies really. America seems really biased towards foreign products.

But if Korea removes the screen quota, many small production companies might shut down. They might have a good story, but lack the funds to produce big screen movies. It will be harder for banks to trust them if they think the movie won't stay in theatres to make money or forced to be shown. Its not really about the money, fame and power, but more, protecting the country's local businesses.

Some review says if Korea films are good, people will support Korean movies so they don't need to worry about foreign movies taking over. But, how long will this lucky streak run?

They used King and the clown for example. The production company had been suffering from major losses. They hardly had enough to produce King and the clown. They got lucky and went under budget spending only 4 million. If the screen quota wasn't implemented, they would probably not be able to get a loan to continue producing. But it turned out to be a big hit luckily. But this movie might not have been produced without the available funds.

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Guest thunderbolt

Scores of Stars Mobilize to Fight against Quota Cuts

English Chosun.com

February 8, 2006


Actors read out a statement against the government's decision to halve the screen quota reserved for domestic movies during a rally in Gwanghwamun, downtown Seoul on Wednesday. From left: Moon Geun-yeong, Lee Joon-ki, and Jeon Do-yeon

Top Korean movie stars including Moon Geun-yeong, Lee Na-young, Lee Byung-hun, Jeon Do-yeon, and Hwang Jung-min took to the streets to protest against the government's decision to halve the nation's screen quota. A great number of celebrities from the film world gathered in front of the Donghwa Duty-Free Shop at 2 in the afternoon on Wednesday in Gwanghwamun, Seoul, to stage a movie workers' demonstration to "halt the culture invasion and defend the screen quota to the very end!"

During the demonstration, some 100 Korean movie stars including Kang Dong-won, Kim Sun-a, Kim Su-ro, Kim Hee-seon, Park Hae-il, Paek Yoon-shik, Sul Kyung-gu, Song Yoon-a, Shin Min-a, Yum Jung-ah, Ye Ji-won, You Sun, Lee Beom-soo, Lee Joon-ki, Zo In-sung, Ji Jin-hee, Cha Tae-hyun, Choi Min-sik, and Han Chae-young caused quite a stir, as they shouted the slogan "Fight for the Screen Quota!". The movie workers' countermeasures committee declared Wednesday the "Korean Film Production Suspension Day" and some 1,000 students and members of various film-related organizations including the Actors Association, Movie Directors' Union, Korea Film Producers Association were in attendance.

Large cranes used in film shooting were mobilized to the demonstration site, and more than ten pickets that read "Crush the Roh Administration that Sells Away the Screen Quota.”. The demonstrators marched up to Myeong-dong Cathedral at around 4 p.m. after the rally in Gwanghwamun.

url: http://english.chosun.com/w21data/html/new...0602080029.html


Another pic. CUTE!!


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Guest The Moose

The problem is, America doesn't like to import Asian movies. They rather do remakes and use their own stars. How many screens in the US actually play foreign movies really. America seems really biased towards foreign products.

But if Korea removes the screen quota, many small production companies might shut down. They might have a good story, but lack the funds to produce big screen movies. It will be harder for banks to trust them if they think the movie won't stay in theatres to make money or forced to be shown. Its not really about the money, fame and power, but more, protecting the country's local businesses.

Some review says if Korea films are good, people will support Korean movies so they don't need to worry about foreign movies taking over. But, how long will this lucky streak run?

I understand what you've wrote ^ there.

But I don't think you can call it a luck anymore.

Korean film industry had been steady for about 7-8 years.

And last 2-3 years of the industry had been just plain awesome.

From the looks of it, it's still growing rapidly.

This might not be the greatest time to reduce the show time but if the government is able to export more... then they've got to do it.

I said it in the other thread and I'll say it again just in case you missed it.

Japanese animation did it when they weren't so demanding in the U.S. and now it's not just an entertainment, it's a culture.

Reducing the show time in theatres by half won't mean much if the bigger market, in this case Americans, show at least some interest then the half the battle is done.

Growing number of Korean directors are now aiming their films to outside of Korea.

I think that's why they've had what little success they had in recent years (친구, 태극기 휘날리며, 올드보이, 형사, etc)...

A long way to go to become that of Japanese animations for Korean film industry but if there's a slight chance of making it, then take it.

It'll only get better.

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Sure sure. You've uploaded so much. It's about time I give back. haha.

Part 1:Lalala

Part 2: Debt

You need the 2nd part to understand the 1st. lol.

--Lee Soo Young.

There are different views of what the music video meant. Yes, it's one of those mvs that has a story line.

The most popular assumption would be-- that the girl dies, but she comes back every five years and how she meets the same people and how her death was always caused by love and jealousy.

Lee Soo Young's music videos are always a bit twisted, that's why I'm so excited to see Grace.

thanks a lot! <3

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This is probably an old news for you guys...

But what happened with LJK and his "Japan is my country" and "for Japan" comments that pissed off a lot of people in Korea?

Please inform me about this!!!

Ehhh... it was CMS who was the first to start the protest all by himself not ASK.

That's not important but this isn't such a bad idea if Korean government is able to export more of their own products outside of Asia.

Look at the BIG picture.

Celebrities in Korea already has the money, fame, and power.

They seriously need to stop whinning.

It's not like they're going out of business.

Besides, this is just a temporary thing.

I might be missing something since I'm dissagreeing with the most on soompi.

Enlighten me!!!

^ I wrote this before in the news thread- I think the FTA would bebeneficial for Korea in the longterm, and yeah in comparison, movies prospective long term monetary wise doesn't compare to the what the FTA could bring for Korea. I just think it was a little unfair for the U.S. to pick on the screen quota thing. It isn't an opportunity to miss, but it feels like at a much bigger cost to Korea than the U.S. symbolically. Might I also add, included in the FTA negotiation is resumption of beef imports into Korea.

Just looking at what the U.S. is asking for in the negoatiation makes one wonder/realize where the power/backing comes from --- Hollywood and the cow farmers

Here's the link to the post with an article I translated about the Chin-il-pa incident


first time in this thread haven't really browsed around but seeing his pictures just makes me spazz!! :)

btw, what's the story of the cross earrings? i'm catholic, and i'm sorta bothered with it...

^ Here's an explanation I posted before, hope it helps. There's a clip of the interview where he mentions this is floatin' somewhere around here.


His grandmother was a devout Christian.

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Guest Bo Ryeong

^ he and the king share one quick kiss?.... gosh that must be xtremely hot and.... ok, hot.... Can't wait to watch the movie...

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