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Lee Joon Gi 이준기 | [Drama 2023] "Arthdal Chronicles: The Sword of Aramoon"


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Guest asianrice

thanks. I'll go search around for it

If you want, I could upload it for you. :lol:

I think I'm mistaken, I just checked my file and part 2 is "Debt".

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Guest StylishAzNx07

Everytime I come in here there are so many hot as heck pictures~~~ Makes me even more obsessed than I already am. HE IS SO DARN FIONE i cant take it!!!!!

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Guest miyawoks

first time in this thread haven't really browsed around but seeing his pictures just makes me spazz!! :)

btw, what's the story of the cross earrings? i'm catholic, and i'm sorta bothered with it...

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Guest Onesweetypie

Wow thoes pictures of Junki are really really HOT. I lik picture of him taken side way. Show the layers of his hair.



XD and his cross EARRING!!! XD

Anybody kno who he was welcoming? or doing? :o



Sorry i was too lazy to quote ^^. Credit to Naver and Leejuinki.com

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Guest asianrice

Right. Well-

Junki said that when he wanted to be an actor, no one supported him besides his grandmother. She would sneak some money to him to help him with his acting career and everything. She was the only one that believed in him. When he finally gets a role in a movie, she dies before she could be able to see it.

He chose those cross earrings to remind him of his grandmother.

Sorry, I'm crappy at story telling. Try looking back and look for teal's post.

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Guest StylishAzNx07

^he was protesting of the new change the government made for korean movies~


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이준기, 팬 두명과의 밴서 달콤한 데이트 !

[마이데일리 2006-02-09 09:35]

[마이데일리 = 남안우 기자] 폭발적인 인기를 얻고 있는 영화배우 이준기가 팬 두 명과 특별한 데이트를 즐겼다.

이준기는 케이블 음악채널 KM TV ‘특종! KM NEWS’ 프로그램의 주선으로, 지난달 31일 자신의 전용 밴 안에서 두 명의 팬들과 깜짝 데이트를 했다. 초대된 두 명의 팬은 치열한 경쟁을 뚫고 KM홈페이지를 통해 간택(?)된 팬으로 이날 데이트에서 이준기는 최근 막을 내린 SBS TV ‘마이걸’에서 보여준 ‘분노의 3종 세트’는 물론, 짱구 흉내를 선보여 웃음을 자아냈다.

한편 이준기는 팬들의 짓궂은 질문에도 재치 있는 모습으로 답했으며, 첫사랑과의 첫 키스, 처음으로 흡연했던 기억, 첫 음주 등 특별한 첫 경험들을 진솔하게 얘기했다.

특히 팬들이 직접 만들어온 도시락을 먹으며 “무척 배고팠는데 잘됐다. 이거 먹기 아까워서 어떻게 먹어요”라며 온정어린 모습도 보여줬다.

팬들과 깜짝 데이트를 즐긴 이준기는 “팬들과 이렇게 가까이서 얘기한 것은 처음인 것 같다. 요즘 조금 외로웠는데 마음이 든든해졌다”면서 “배우를 해야 하는 목적을 다시 한 번 되새기는 시간이 됐다”고 소감을 밝혔다.

한편 프로그램을 기획한 정정훈 PD는 “여자보다 아름다운 남자 이준기의 남성적 매력을 볼 수 있는 특별한 기회였다. 기대해도 좋다”고 말했다. 방송은 10일 오후 4시 30분.

[두 명의 팬들과 달콤한 데이트를 즐긴 영화배우 이준기. 사진 = 마이데일리 사진DB]

(남안우 기자 naw@mydaily.co.kr)

- NO1.뉴미디어 실시간뉴스 마이데일리(www.mydaily.co.kr) 저작권자 ⓒ 마이데일리. 무단전재&재배포 금지 -

its basically saying how two fans got to have a short date with junki and got to talk with him after my girl shooting ended.

THATS NOT FAIR!!! :tears: they are lucky as hellll :(

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Guest asianrice

thanks could u upload it for me?

Sure sure. You've uploaded so much. It's about time I give back. haha.

Part 1:Lalala

Part 2: Debt

You need the 2nd part to understand the 1st. lol.

--Lee Soo Young.

There are different views of what the music video meant. Yes, it's one of those mvs that has a story line.

The most popular assumption would be-- that the girl dies, but she comes back every five years and how she meets the same people and how her death was always caused by love and jealousy.

Lee Soo Young's music videos are always a bit twisted, that's why I'm so excited to see Grace.

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Right. Well-

Junki said that when he wanted to be an actor, no one supported him besides his grandmother. She would sneak some money to him to help him with his acting career and everything. She was the only one that believed in him. When he finally gets a role in a movie, she dies before she could be able to see it.

He chose those cross earrings to remind him of his grandmother.

Sorry, I'm crappy at story telling. Try looking back and look for teal's post.

wait i thought his grandma made them so he was saying that there was only one of the pair in the world.

it doesn't matter if he wears a cross and hes not catholic christian people wear crosses all the time.

now if there was something that offended ME, and im catholic too, was when Minwoo came on Newnonstop 5 wearing a rosary as an accesory.

anyways. yeah. the earrings are a token of appreiciattion to his grandmaother.

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Guest asianrice

^Really? I didn't hear anything about her making them. You could be right though.

Also, I found this site that was selling earring that were like his. I thought it was pretty rude of them.

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Guest miyawoks

Right. Well-

Junki said that when he wanted to be an actor, no one supported him besides his grandmother. She would sneak some money to him to help him with his acting career and everything. She was the only one that believed in him. When he finally gets a role in a movie, she dies before she could be able to see it.

He chose those cross earrings to remind him of his grandmother.

Sorry, I'm crappy at story telling. Try looking back and look for teal's post.

okie thanks for the info :)

wow, he was in flying boys? hmm... i really loved that movie.. it seems like he has all this small roles that if you don't really know who he is, you wouldn't really notice him..

thank goodness for my girl :)

btw, he looks like a girl in the king and the clown.. wow, he's really pretty :)

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Guest Pikachu


3 more here

These are really meant for LJ which is why I'm posting a link to my icon journal, but if you'd like to use in the forum, no need to really credit me in your siggies, unless you really want to. XD

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