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. [+556, -36] Park Shin Hye has been known for never skipping class or school events and even spends entire nights at here during testing season. When she's busy with drama or movie filmings, she'll just take entire semesters off because she knows she won't be able to focus on her studies. I'm a fellow student at Joongang which is why I'm writing this comment, in case people misunderstand the title ㅋ If you ask any of the students here which celebrity works the hardest, we'd all pick Park Shin HYe
---------------------------------------------------------------Every day I feel more proud to be a fan of Park Shin Hye, she is a great example of human being.No Doubt ... Park Shin Hye is the best, the most beautiful, the most persistent, the most talented, the most humble .. the best of all  !!tumblr_n316jhetJY1qzoptco4_500.gif
credit tumblr gifs

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Park Shin Hye grades herself on 'Entertainment Relay'

February 14, 2015



Park Shin Hye graded herself on 'Entertainment Relay'!

SEE ALSO: Actress Park Shin Hye talks about college and her classmate Kang Ha Neul on 'Entertainment Relay'

For her looks, she gave herself a B+. When asked to choose whether she's cute, innocent or sexy, Park Shin Hye said she's in between innocent and sexy. For her studies, she gave herself a C, explaining that she still hasn't graduated college even though she's been a student there for 7 years. When asked to grade herself on love in her twenties, she gave herself a D-. She shared, "It wasn't great. I can't lie and say that I didn't date. I have experience, but because I'm so busy with my work, I selfishly can't take care of the other person. It wasn't that pretty."

When asked which she prefers among same-age, older, and younger guys, she shared, "Still, I think older and same-age is a bit better. I don't think I'll see [younger guys] as men yet."

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class="title" style="text-align: left; margin: 0px 0px 2px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; border-image-source: initial; border-image-slice: initial; border-image-width: initial; border-image-outset: initial; border-image-repeat: initial; outline: 0px; font-weight: normal; font-style: inherit; font-family: 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: baseline; line-height: 1.4em; color: rgb(63, 63, 64); text-shadow: white 1px 1px 0px; max-width: 100%; height: auto !important;"from the Pinocchio thread:
class="title" style="font-size: 26px; margin: 0px 0px 2px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; border-image-source: initial; border-image-slice: initial; border-image-width: initial; border-image-outset: initial; border-image-repeat: initial; outline: 0px; font-weight: normal; font-style: inherit; font-family: 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: baseline; line-height: 1.4em; color: rgb(63, 63, 64); text-shadow: white 1px 1px 0px; max-width: 100%; text-align: center; height: auto !important;"朴信惠2015年2月14日韩国生日会&Fan Meeting 后记翻译汇总2015年2月15日 09:48朴信惠2015214日韩国生日会&Fan Meeting后记翻译汇总

Part 1

朴信惠生日会后记 今天朴信惠哭了好多次 说匹诺曹的后遗症是美男的200倍(最近自己一个人的时候会有许多空虚感,哭了很多次) 今年会以学业优先(明年会像牛一样工作) 想要扮演的角色:不穿运动鞋能穿高跟鞋的角色,想要当继承者的角色(不是车恩尚)

Part 2

朴信惠生日会后记 我差点被信惠的撒娇融化了 有谁带了孩子过来,那位孩子一直哭闹 信惠就对那位孩子 哎呦 这样啊 wo zzuzzuzzzu(很宠孩子的语气) 怎么了,你想让我怎么样嘛,why~~~~(用很可爱的语气在逗弄孩子) 对那位孩子说的每一句话都一一回答 可爱死了

Part 3

朴信惠生日会后记 今天生日会很搞笑的point 中间有一次抽三个人能和朴信惠照相的活动跟着妈妈过来的儿子被选中了 在朴信惠旁边很淡定 一照完相就马上下去了 朴信惠慌张了一下(好可爱) 真羡慕那小子 

Part 4

朴信惠生日会后记 今天很满意的是 没有因为在粉丝面前故意装的很开朗很开心,而是很像朋友似的很诚实的为我们回答问题,我为此更加理解朴演员,更加喜欢上她了。

Part 5

朴信惠生日会后记 mc哥哥告诉我们 信惠为了进行主持暂时把麦克风放到了别的地方 所以mc哥哥能听到信惠自言自语的话 mc哥哥说信惠一直在说时间过得太快了,太可惜了 原来不是只有我在可惜啊 原来不是只有粉丝们在可惜啊 我在知道了朴信惠也是跟我们同样的想法时非常感动

Part 6

朴信惠生日会后记 在对于在没去过的国家中想去哪的提问里信惠回道 想去意大利 自己!然后粉丝们说一起去吧 信惠就说我真的很想跟粉丝们去旅游 想要举办两天一夜的fm 还想举办火车旅行fm 哇~~想想就好幸福 


朴信惠生日会后记 在匹诺曹里最有印象的场面是?最辛苦的场面是? 最有印象的场面是和达布一起在厕所前面斗嘴打闹的戏和爷爷,爸爸一起在家拍的戏。 最辛苦的场面是在仁和妈妈演讲时和达布一起批判妈妈的场面 ps.朴信惠还说在与达布kiss后分手的场面里因为止不住眼泪到拍摄结束以后也一直掉下了眼泪







                    翻译by羽韵 转载请注明百度朴信惠吧

Park Shin Hye’s Korean Birthday Event & Fan Meeting – February 14th, 2015


Today Park Shin Hye cried a lot of times. She reminisced that the left over feelings from Pinocchio are 200 times that of You’re Beautiful (Recently, when she’s alone she would often feel very empty and she would cry a lot). This year she’s prioritizing education first (next year she’ll work super hard like a bull). What type of character she wants to portray: a character who doesn’t wear sneakers but can wear high heels. She wants to act out a character who’s an heir (not like Cha Eun Sang).



I was almost melted by Shin Hye’s aegyo. Somebody brought her child along and the baby wouldn’t stop crying so Shin Hye just cooed at the baby, saying things like aigoo, kudehyo and wo zzuzzuzzzu (baby sounds). What do you want, huh? Why ~~~~~ (used a really cute way to play with the baby) She replied to every word that the baby said; it was super cute!



A super funny think happened in today’s birthday party. There was an activity where three people were selected to take pictures with Park Shin Hye and the kid who came with the mom was selected. He was very composed when he stood next to Park Shin Hye for the picture. Once it was taken, he immediately left the stage and Park Shin Hye was a little startled for a second (it was very cute). I’m so jealous of that kid.



One thing I was very satisfied with today is that she didn’t act happy or cute just for the fans today. Instead, she answered all of our questions honestly and like a friend. Because of this I learned a lot more about Actress Park and even like her more now.



MC oppa told us that Shin Hye was planning to host the event therefore she placed her microphone in a different place. So MC oppa was able to hear Shin Hye talking to herself. MC oppa said that Shin Hye kept on saying that time went by too fast, it’s really a shame. Apparently, I’m not the only one thinks it’s ashamed because the fans also thought the same. I’m very touched that Park Shin Hye thinks the same way as us too.



In regard to if there are any other countries she sill wants to visit, she replied Italy! Then the fans all said, let’s go together! Shin Hye said I really want to go on a trip with fans. I’ve thought of holding a two-day-one-night fan meeting or even a fan-meeting on a train. Wow, just thinking about it makes me feel happy.



What was the most memorable and the most difficult scene in Pinocchio? The most memorable was the scene when I was bickering with Dal Po in front of the bathroom and the scenes that were filmed with Halaboji and Appa at home. The most difficult scene was when Dal Po and I were fighting with In Ha’s mom during her presentation. P.S. Park Shin Hye even said that the scene where she and Dal Po kissed after the break up was also hard because she couldn’t stop crying even after filming was over.



In regards to the little boy who took a picture with Shin Hye and immediately left afterwards, his mom also had a fan account: At first I wanted to pretend like I was tagging along with my son to the event, but because Actress Park’s eyes were so sharp, I failed.


Little buddy who just came with your mommy without thought (Actress Park described the kid). The first moment I saw Actress Park, she was so skinny that I was shocked. When I was face to face with her and bowed, I thought there were flowers floating around behind her back. 

(Translation note: the little boy apparently wasn’t composed/cool, it was because he was super shy)

Chinese translation: 羽韵  from Park Shin Hye’s Baidu

English translation: aznfantizie from Soompi

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Are you all ready to see some shin hye sexiness.. B-)
Here you go.. >:)

credit as tagged.. Via pank_blue twitter.

Look at that second pic.. Jaw dropping.. Mouth watering.. lol.. 8-} =P~ Look at those hips.. So small.. Such a beauty.. Too bad.. she will not show it often.. :(( Thanks to these endorsements and photoshoots actually. I am actually grateful  to viki..as i get to see her in her age appropriate clothes which makes her look even younger.
@NileRose sis.. Where are you..? :)] Come.. come.. Lets add that second pic with our jambangee collection.. Lol.;))

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Nowadays.. When i see a shin hye article in NB. heart starts beating fast.. Palm starts sweating.. lol.. :-S :-SS As it is a breeding place for trolls and haters. haha.. Its like a big dilemma.. whether to click it(as you will get hurt by some meaningless hate) or not click it to avoid the pain. :-t But curiousity wins the race. X_X And i will transform into a shin hye warrior fighting in those comment sections. >:/  lol. Thankgod.. today was a good surprise. So i feel a lil relief.  #:-S ;;)

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