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Park Shin Hye says, "I've still got a lot more to show' [interview]

January 26, 2015


"I've still got a lot more to show."

Park Shin Hye celebrated her 11th debut anniversary in 2014, and the year of 2014 has been a very important year to Park Shin Hye for her career.

She made continuous hits with film 'The Tailors' and drama 'Pinocchio,' and deeply impressed many fans with her fabulous talent once again.

During an interview that she had in Seoul recently, Park Shin Hye said, "I cannot believe that 'Pinnochio' is over yet, and I always think about so many great memories that I made while playing in the drama."

◇ Park Shin Hye delays her university graduation to play in 'Pinocchio'

As the reporter asked her about how the year of 2014 was for her, she said, "I wrapped the year up with any regret," showing a bright smile.

Park Shin Hye said, "I was going to finish my university degree after finishing 'The Tailors,' but 'Pinocchio' made me to take another semester off. I had a fabulous fan meeting last year, and I also had a chance of working with some of the most amazing actors and actresses of Korea. I got to know a lot of great people, and it was great to play in 'Pinocchio.'"

Park Shin Hye played in drama 'Pinocchio' as a rookie news reporter named Choi In Ha, who has 'Pinocchio Syndrome,' which makes her to keep making hiccups whenever she tells lies. Lee Jong Seok played as a guy that Choi In Ha falls in love with, and many drama fans showed explosive reactions for the drama.

Park Shin Hye also worked with Lee Yoo Bi and Kim Young Gwang in 'Pinocchio,' and Park Shin Hye said, "I actually felt like I was starting a new career as a news reporter while playing in 'Pinocchio.'"

She went on, "All of the actors, actresses, and staffs had to go exhaustive schedules, but we never lost our fabulous teamwork. Jong Seok never lost his bright energy, Yoo Bi is also a fun girl, and Young Gwang also never lost his smile. Everyone was thankful even for very small things, and I never lost my happiness thanks to all of them."

Park Shin Hye successfully wrapped up the year of 2014, and she talked about her new year's resolutions. Park Shin Hye told that the first goal is graduating from university, and she said, "If I get to do a new work during the first half of the year, I hope it would be a film rather than a drama. I really want to finish my university degree this year, and I am quite worried about it. What about a drama like 'Pinocchio' allures me again?"

◇ "Many fans were surprised when they learned that the little girl in drama 'Stairway To Heaven' was me"

Back in 2003, Park Shin Hye played childhood of Choi Ji Woo (played as Han Jung Seo) in drama 'Stairway To Heaven.' She grew into a fine young lady, and became one of the most leading young actresses of Korea.

Her popularity started skyrocketing in China as well after 'The Inheritors' and 'Pinocchio' became big hits in the region, and Park Shin Hye said, "It is all thanks to so many senior actresses that 'The Inheritors' and 'Pinocchio' could make such big hits at overseas. I still have a long way to go compared to them."

She continued, "Their messages gave me a lot of good influences. Korean dramas are very well known for realistic settings and stories, and I think that is why so many people at overseas love our dramas."

She also said, "Many fans were surprised after learning that I was the little girl in 'Stairway To Heaven' who played Choi Ji Woo's childhood. Many people were surprised to see me on 'You're Beautiful' as well. Director who I met when I was playing in 'Stairway To Heaven' did not recognize me until I said hi to them."

Park Shin Hye told that she gets to meet director Hong Sung Chang, who she had worked with for drama 'You're Beautiful,' at least once a year. She also told that she is still keeping in touch with almost everyone who she had worked with in the past.

Director Park Shin Hye said, "Director Hong Sung Chang told me that he is very proud of me, and he also told me that he feels as if I am his own daughter. I am also keeping in touch with director Kang Shin Hyo and writer Kim Eun Sook of 'The Inheritors.' I also feel very thankful for Soo Jung and Min Hyuk's friendship. They visited me to a police station that I was having a shooting at, and I was so surprised. I love them so much."

◇ Park Shin Hye's attitude for future challenges

Park Shin Hye showed so many different sides of her through many different films, dramas, and OSTs. However, she told that she still has a lot more to show.

"I am trying to do one thing at a time, and I am glad that many people are recognizing my efforts. I also feel a lot of fun in my work, and I am very looking forward to future challenges. I am very curious about what new things I will get to do."

Regarding new things that she wants to do in the future, she said, "I really enjoyed drama 'Good Doctor,' and I also enjoyed 'Bad Guys' as well. When I grow a bit older, and get into my 30s, I want to do a drama in which single ladies of my age become the center. Doing a drama about a mother and a daughter also should be very fun."

Park Shin Hye told that she wants to have as much experiences as possible, just as she has done so far. "I believe that I will be able to do more things when I have more experiences, and I also believe that failures will mature me up. I will take all the time that I need, and try to do as many things as possible," she said.

Park Shin Hye also told that it is all thanks to so many great people around her that she could make all the way to where she are right now. She said, "I have a lot of thoughts and I always have a lot of troubles. I am also a very impatient person, and so great many people around me, like my agency's head director, always calms me down, and guides me through. I forget about many troubles thanks to many great people around me. It is a great luck to have them around me."

The smile that Park Shin Hye showed during the interview showed how happy she is for what she is doing, and she also showed much deeper side of her through the interview.

Park Shin Hye says, "I've still got a lot more to show' [interview]

Park Shin Hye says, "I've still got a lot more to show' [interview]

Park Shin Hye says, "I've still got a lot more to show' [interview]

/Reporting by Kim Hye-in en@starnnews.com

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http://www.ytn.co.kr/_sn/1406_201501260800027853_001Park Shin Hye, "Most Memorable Kiss Scene, Mouth Covered Kiss"20150126_1422198832_75471700_1.jpgPark Shin Hye was asked by us which kiss scene she felt was the most memorable from 'Pinocchio'.
Park Shin Hye and Lee Jong Suk had the most kiss scenes in a drama as well have the most impressive kiss scenes. Starting with a Toast Kiss to a Mouth Cover Kiss, Tears Kiss, 2 Stages Kiss, etc. All the kiss scenes made viewers' hearts flutter.
Park Shin Hye answered, "All the kiss scenes were memorable to me. However, the most memorable kiss scenes were the Mouth Covered Kiss and the Tears Kiss. The Break Up Scene will remain in my memory for a long time, maybe even forever."

If you want to post this again, don't forget to give me (TheFoodMonster) credit.

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The Lee Jong Suk that Park Shin Hye Talks About, The Park Shin Hye that Lee Jong Suk Talks About


Actor Lee Jong Suk and Park Shin Hye have the same age. Both actors played as the sweet Darling Couple in the popular SBS Wed-Thurs Drama Special 'Pinocchio'. The Darling Couple received much love from viewers due to their true love for each other.

With no practice at all, both actors had such perfect harmony together. Lee Jong Suk and Park Shin Hye likes to bicker a lot, but they seem to show affection toward each other, and their romantic acting is also perfect which makes both actors seem like lovers in real life. They are so close that they like to play pranks on each other and joke around. Both had interviews on the 20th at different cafes in Seoul Samcheongdong. Coincidentally, both cafes walking distance was 10 minutes away. But, they were interviewed at different times, so it was a coincidence. 

Since Lee Jong Suk had an interview with us earlier in the morning, Park Shin Hye asked us with her big eyes widened and shiningly brightly on what Lee Jong Suk said about her during his interview. Park Shin Hye showed a lively nature throughout the interview, but as soon as we were about to discuss about Lee Jong Suk, she forcefully loudened her voice to create an even more harmonious and friendly atmosphere and joked, "He didn't say anything weird, did he?"

Then, we joked back, "Lee Jong Suk-sshi said some bad stories to us." and provoked the "fight" between her and Lee Jong Suk. Park Shin Hye then joked back, "All of a sudden, it is so hot here right now. Later, I should contact him." If we had continued to joke around with Park Shin Hye, we were about to find Lee Jong Suk and interview their "fight" together. They were so intimate that it would have made drama fans widen their smiles. In the interview we had before with Lee Jong Suk, Lee Jong Suk praised Park Shin Hye a lot, and Park Shin Hye as well praised Lee Jong Suk a lot so her mouth wouldn't become dry from not talking. Usually, even though actors are actors, they usually hesitate when they talk about the flaws of their co-stars, but Lee Jong Suk and Park Shin Hye didn't have to that.

Lee Jong Suk said while praising her that Park Shin Hye was an actor that he could trust and act with together. He said, "All the dramas, Shin Hye acted in became popular." and "She is an actor with good harmony. This time, writer-nim created a character different from all the characters Shin Hye was in. Shin Hye obviously changed her acting style. When I made a small mistake when talking, she advised me, "You are supposed to speak like this in this part"." Lee Jong Suk thanked her by saying, "Shin Hye is very articulate and very smart. She also has a good personality. I continue to recieve a lot of help from her." 
After the SBS drama 'Doctor Stranger', Lee Jong Suk suffered through a slump. With the responsibility and burden of a main lead he had while acting, he thought the more he acted, it was harder for him. When he experienced hardships, he met 'Pinocchio'. He revealed, "There was the staff as well as Shin Hye there for me. Since Shin Hye was there, I was able to trust people again and I was able to have fun while acting freely and did not have to worry about other things." and "I was able to meet Shin Hye before through a photoshoot. Before, I felt that I had no reason to be friends with her outside of work."

Park Shin Hye also talked about Lee Jong Suk, "This drama was able to become popular because I was able to meet the 'Pinocchio' staff and my co-star." and "Jong Sukkie acts well and I believe that we had perfect harmony with each other. When I fool around and play jokes with Jong Sukkie, the atmosphere becomes really good that I don't seem tired at all." She expressed her gratitude for Lee Jong Suk as well as her high level of satisfaction she experienced with the drama.
Including Lee Jong Suk and Park Shin Hye, the other co-stars Kim Young Kwang and Lee Yoo Bi who all are in the same age group made the filming location of 'Pinocchio' loud all the time. Park Shin Hye said, "There is no market out there like the Fantastic Four (phrase meaning: markets are really loud, but the Fantastic Four is louder than the market so the Fantastic Four is THE MARKET)." and "We laugh, chat, and cause an uproar. If we feel like filming is going to start soon, I would say the words, "Don't laugh. Don't laugh." She revealed how much fun she had and the lively atmosphere she experienced while filming. 
Since the two are really close, even when they were acting, they performed romance acting with the thoughts of 'work and work only'. As soon as they would meet at the filming location, they would be busy fooling around and playing jokes on each other, they both revealed that they had a hard time to have an emotional commitment to a otherwise serious romantic acting. These revelations may make the drama fans either sad or feel reassured.

Lee Jong Suk said, "Since I am close to Shin Hye, it was embarrassing at first to film melodramatic scenes." and "Later on, even after filming kiss scenes, I only worried about how pretty the scene came out to be. Shin Hye and I even studied together alone on how we should kiss to make the scene come out to be even more pretty."

Park Shin Hye was the same. She said, "At first, we would tickle each other, but later on, we worried about the angling of the kiss to make the scene come out more pretty." and "We got in a lot of trouble during the Toast Kiss because we acted without any emotions. There was a romance scene that was so sweet that it made us want to gag, but later on we got used to it and acted freely." She laughed an easygoing laugh while saying this.

If you want to post this again, don't forget to give me (TheFoodMonster) credit.

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That has to be one of the best interviews she's done.
She's a lovely woman. I wonder why only she only felt like revealing that she had dated before now. I wonder when she had these past relationships. I thing I am more confident on is that she seems like the type to date a non-celebrity. She wouldn't want to get caught up in a dating scandal with one of her former co-stars, so I think a non-celebrity boyfriend gives her that stability she needs in her life. 
 Did she imply she gets friendzoned often? :-S 
“Unfortunately, nobody seems to be attracted to me. I guess it’s not great to have many male friends. It just means that I’m not attractive as a woman. I used to seriously wonder if I had no feminine charms.” I think she feels lonely and wants to be loved. But as she said, its hard to balance that out with all her schedules. 
 She has always been so humble. I'm sure hiccuping like that requires a lot of skill, but she deflected the praise from herself and just said that she only got those compliments cause there was no one else to compare it to. 
 When do you approve yourself giving a white lie? When my mom calls me and asks me how long will it take me to arrive, I tell her that I’m almost there although I just left. I’m heading home anyway, right? Haha too funny, we are all like that =))

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Guest annariana18

Hmmmm... Its hard to believe that nobody show interest in Park Shin Hye.. Or nobody ever approach her.. She's a goddess!!!

I know right. I think she has a lot fanboys, stars or not. But she's kind of oblivious to it. She doesn't really notice it when someone likes her I think.

And she thinks she lacks appeal. LOL this girl. I think the reason that they (her male star friends) don't ask her out is because she's friendzoning them. Not because she lacks appeal as a woman. A lot of them choose her as their ideal type.. But end up being friends coz they're friendzoned by her.

Anyway, whoever gets this girl will be so lucky. I will be really jealous of that man although I'm a girl. I hope her destined man cherish and love her until the end of their lives. She's one of a kind. No one can replace her.

I may sound too biased, but who cares :D

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Park Shin Hye "'Pinocchio' is an Unfinished Drama to Me"


Park Shin Hye said, "Every second I was shooting a scene, I felt happy. Trying to find cases was fun and the the evolution of the romance between Inha and Dalpo was sweet and praiseworthy. It was not all about melodrama so I liked it, and I really liked the family scenes. I liked everything." and "To me, 'Pinocchio' is an unfinished drama. Words are not the weight of one moment, but a weight that takes its toll even in the future."

Park Shin Hye cried when she saw the script of 'Pinocchio' and felt like she needed to act in this drama so she cancelled her original goals of graduating from the university and decided to film and finish this drama. 

She said, "Inha has the same personality and blunt speech like me." and "She is lively, smiles a lot, and laughs loudly exactly like me that it made me so surprised that a character would be such a clone of me."

Park Shin Hye said, "I cried a lot as Inha with true feelings. To tell you the truth, I sometimes cry in front of my mom and dad while clinging on to them which made the family scenes seem more real." and "Even Inha calling Grandpa, "Harabeoji, Harabeoji~" and Grandpa answering back, "I have no money" are the same interactions I have with my grandpa."

She continued on, "Even when we were not filming, Jin Kyung mom would call me 'Ddoksooni' and I would call her mom. She would take good care of me as if she was like my real mom. She would complain about how could there be such a mother in this world and wished that Hamyeong would get his revenge in the end. Also, inha's mom in the drama is cold and my mom (real) was like that sometimes, so I would feel sad and wanted to cry. Now, whenever I hear my mom speak, I want to cry each time. Therefore, the scene with Jin Kyung mom really made me want to cry."

Park Shin Hye is known throughout the entertainment industry as the queen of making friends with everyone and is known for being nice and easy to get along with. However, she said with a small laugh, "No. I lost the title of flower of the filming site due to Jong Sukkie." She added with cute chagrin, "I even lost to the length of his eyelashes and lost to his aegyo. i lost to everything."

However, through a continuous evaluation of Lee Jong Suk, we were able to learn how close they are and how much they lean to each other for support as friends and as colleagues. She said, "Jong Sukkie is a lovely friend. His body is filled with lovely aegyo so I asked if he is the youngest child, but he replied that he is the oldest." and "Because of him, I was able to laugh a lot, strangely I felt proud of him at times, I liked him as my partner, and we were able to exchange a lot of harmony. His eyes are delicate and warm."

Also, when we talked about Lee Jong Suk's slump, she said, "Rather than being happy and having fun while acting, I feel that he was overwhelmed with new emotions. I felt a similar feeling after I filmed 'You're Beautiful'." and "When I opened my eyes, I missed filming, I couldn't grab onto anything, and I cried every single day. I was able to get over that feeling and was able to put more strength to another drama."

Like their friendship, their passion and their support and humane affection as well as consideration and respect for each other made them able to bring out the best for the Darling Couple which made viewers feel like the Darling Couple was real. Park Shin Hye pouted and said, "The scene where my dad has an imagination of us having a Toast Kiss needed to show a lot of love, but Jong Sukkie and I weren't really used to each other then so it really made us gag. The PD-nim even scolded us by saying, "Did you guys ever date?" I feel that holding the toast in my mouth for the toast kiss was really hard."

She added, "I experienced different feelings for the Mouth Covered Kiss and the Toast Kiss. While the first kiss left me a tingling feeling, I experienced more emotions with the breakup scene. In particular, I experienced such strong emotional feelings of the breakup up to the point that I was wondering to myself, "Why am I feeling this way?" My heart felt like it was really breaking that I cried a lot that day."
Park Shin Hye concluded the interview by saying, "Before filming 'Pinocchio', I didn't pay much to the news and really focused on news that had impact rather than facts. Now, I like to watch the news even the ones that may seem boring because these are the news that I need to hear. I watch all news like cases of arson, abuse, and violence. I watch everything on the news now and focus whether the reporters are really reporting us the facts or just want to give us news that we want to hear. 'Pinocchio' really changed my views of the news."

If you want to post this again, don't forget to give me (TheFoodMonster) credit.

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Thank you for all the translations guys! All of these really made my day. I appreciate all the time and effort you've given for all these translations.
Dating ninja master Shin Hye.lolI don't think no one is interested in her. She's so charming and lovable. Rather than lack of interest, the guys probably gets intimidated in asking her out. Although they are dying to date her, they get scared to take heir chance. And a lot are probably considering keeping her as a friend for life than risk dating her then if things end up not good they'd lose her forever. She's a keeper obviously. But the guys have to make their choice so as not to ruin their bond with her

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She was talking about marriage and kids lately i am sure she has someone in her heart, how is possible believe that she has not suitors? impossible ... well maybe all her fanboys are scared of lost her friendship if they confess ... she is so ...perfect!!B8RSENBCcAAtA6O.jpg
credit images @Mohamed sunbae

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@annariana18‌ Come to think about it, I might agree with you. I guess she has absolutely no idea when a guy is interested in her. She should get hit over her pretty head with cupid’s arrow to get her attention.. Hahaha kidding!! Nonetheless, I pray hard for this beautiful, amazing and kindhearted girl to find her best man.

I love you shin-hye yah!

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SHE IS SO GORGEOUS! :x So sad she got "friend zoned", well it's quite true that if you're very friendly with guys, they might not see you as a women. Hahahaha. IDK, maybe coz guys like women that pull and push?? In addition, she knows her priorities well, that she can't focus well on her work now if she's dating also. 8->
&Yes I agree with her that Pinocchio is an unfinished drama, for me too! The drama left a great impact on how we see reporters/news and gave a very meaningful message to everyone!!! I don't want the drama to just end~ The feeling you get is unforgettable and always stay lingering with us. I believe the viewers can feel the happy atmosphere they had while filming. Such wonderful memories will stay with us till we're gone~~ 8-X I love the chemistry of all the casts! 3 months is neither very long nor very short, or maybe it was short but it was a really sweet 3 months! :-* :)) Everyone continue to rock on! \m/

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I'm sorry for my bad english
Her interview.
The first reaction - shock. Why?
But then ...)
She is very smart and proud girl.
PSH was provoked. Someone wanted to be "honest" and talkative.) =))
“It is very hard to pick on. Each of them have pros and cons. Its weird but all of them have great manners. They know how to make the working scene better, does not cause problems with others and does not get tired or frustrated. I can trust and rely on them all.”“Although I’m not dating anyone right now, I’ve been dating on and off without the public noticing; some of the experiences were more memorable than the others. Unfortunately, nobody seems to be attracted to me."
All in the past. No exclusivity.) There is no one special to remember and regret.
Clean sheet.)
I think that she will change now.She will be even more hidden and cautious.A male friends ...I think her friendship will be more formal now.

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Park Shin Hye mentioned Kang Sora:- Through University hoobae, Choi Tae Jun's introduction & get to know Kang Sora, both of us feel that it's so amazing for us to be born in the same year, month, day & having the same blood type. We actually met at yesterday's VIP premiere. We have make a date to meet up together someday, however due to schedules till now we have yet to meet up. Both of us are Kakao buddies. During <Misaeng> filming, Kang Sora even message me "I'm going to drive a truck now", "Come join me for fried chicken". She's a friend who has very good character and easy-going.

Original trans cr. Rainlv小窝:- 朴信惠#提到#姜素拉#:通过大学后辈#崔泰俊#泰俊的介绍和素拉相识的,我们两人都觉得出生年月日和血型都一样好神奇.昨天VIP试映会上还见面了.约好以后单独见面,但因为行程的关系还没能见面,我俩是kakao好友.#未生#拍摄时,素拉还发短信'我现在得要开货车了''过来一起吃炸鸡啊'.是性格非常好又随和的朋友
credit to: Jinjja Wintercherub's twishort
It's surprising how Shinhye and Sora share exact birthday. I've known Sora quite a bit and never i noticed this fact. I like it that Shinhye regards Sora as someone who has good character because i personally admire also Sora when it comes to acting. Looking forward when both can collaborate in a film or drama someday. I hope they can find time with each other and grow a beautiful friendship.

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Park Shin Hye talks about her resting days, her only male friend Junhyung, and dating


Actress Park Shin Hye sat down for an interview with Kuki News at a cafe in Seoul recently, where she talked about her male friends and dating.  

When asked, "After finishing a production, what do you mostly do when you're resting?" she replied, "I'm not a homebody.  After finishing a production, I'm never home.  I purposely overwork my body no matter how hard it is so that I can sleep deeply.  If I don't do that, I realized that I'm unable to cast off the production from my mind because I'm too invested in it. I exercise and meet friends.  After finishing 'Heirs,' I even learned flower arrangement."

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Park Shin Hye is known for having an easygoing and healthy image as an actress.  She stated, "I really like sports.  I enjoy wakeboarding and bicycling; I even go fishing with my father often."  It appeared she would have a lot of male friends due to her personality, but she revealed, "My male friends are so busy that I rarely get to see them.  The only person I remain close to is Junhyung."

When asked if she, then, had a boyfriend, she said, "I did date in secret, but I do not have one at the moment.  I'm the type who can't do anything once work starts.  I can't go to school and I can't contact my friends often.  Because of that, I came to think it wouldn't be good if I dated.  I don't think it'd be good for either of us."

source: http://www.allkpop.com/article/2015/01/park-shin-hye-talks-about-her-resting-days-her-only-male-friend-junhyung-and-dating

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Park Shin Hye reveals she's KakaoTalk friends with her peer Kang So Ra

January 26, 2015


Actress Park Shin Hye talked to Kuki News during an interview about her fellow same-age peer and actress, Kang So Ra, who has become a trending star of late.

The reporter stated, "Amidst the lack of female actors in their 20s, you're putting up a good fight," to which she replied, "I think it's because I consistently do one production at a time multiple times."

When it was pointed out that she and Kang So Ra were the representative actresses in their 20's, Park Shin Hye revealed they were also friends.  She said, "I saw in a report that we were born in the same year, month, day (February 18, 1990) and were of the same blood types.  I was really surprised.  My college junior, actor Choi Tae Joon, filmed SBS's 'Ugly Alert' with Kang So Ra, so I met her once at a broadcasting station.  I was introduced to her by Tae Joon. It was fascinating that the two of us shared the same birth date and blood type.  I ran into her at a premiere yesterday, and recently ran into her by chance at an award ceremony, too."

She revealed, however, that the two seldom got to meet up in private.  "We said we should hang out together separately, but we haven't had the time in our schedules yet," she disclosed.  "We promised to meet up after we finish our personal schedules.  We're friends on KakaoTalk.  When So Ra was filming 'Misaeng,' she messaged me, 'I need to drive a truck now,' and, 'Come here to eat chicken.'  She has a really good personality and is an easygoing friend."


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class="at_ttl"Park Shin Hye Admits To Dating

BY Julie Jones | Jan 26, 2015


Park Shin Hye recently admitted that she does date even though she's not dating anyone at the moment.

In an interview with TV Report, the star of the drama "Pinocchio" and the film 'The Royal Tailors," said she has secretly dated for years.

"Although I'm not dating anyone right now, I've have dated on and off without the public noticing," said Park Shin Hye. "Some experiences were more memorable than others."

Park Shin Hye did not say whom it was that she dated. Rumors have paired her with co-stars Jang Geun Suk, Jung Yong Hwa, Lee Min Ho and most recently Lee Jong Suk. They have all denied being more than friends. The actress has also been photographed with several male friends, including F.T. Island's Lee Hongki and Super Junior's Kim Heechul. She and Lee Jong Suk were also friendly before co-starring in Pinocchio, having met up at multiple awards shows.

 "Unfortunately, nobody seems to be attracted to me," she said. "I guess it's not great to have many male friends. It just means that I'm not attractive as a woman. I used to seriously wonder if I had no feminine charms."

It's not true that no one is attracted to her. Recently, her "The Royal Tailors" co-star Yoo Yeon Suk said he wanted to date her. It did not seem like he was joking but when Park Shin Hye appeared on "Midnight TV Entertainment," she joked that Yoo Yeon Suk never called her after the filming ended. He missed his chance.

However difficult it might be to find someone special, the actress doubts that at this point in her life she has the time for a long-term relationship.

"I spend so much time on my work, totally absorbed, that it's hard for me to date. It's difficult for both me and my partner."

Dating does involve a lot of time and effort.

"Dating isn't just about seeing each other because you like one another. You have to make the effort and sacrifice your own time for your partner. I'm not good at focusing on other stuff when I have something on my mind. That is why I sometimes don't even contact my friends or family that often. Although I wanted to marry early in the past, I am now far from thinking about marriage just because I have more I want to accomplish as time has passed by."

Park Shin Hye appears in the dramas "You're Beautiful," "Heartstrings," "Flower Boy Next Door" and "Pinocchio."

What do you think about her claim that she's not attractive as a woman? We think she is beautiful. What do you think?


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azuvilla2006 said:

Park Shin Hye reveals she's KakaoTalk friends with her peer Kang So Ra

January 26, 2015


Actress Park Shin Hye talked to Kuki News during an interview about her fellow same-age peer and actress, Kang So Ra, who has become a trending star of late.

The reporter stated, "Amidst the lack of female actors in their 20s, you're putting up a good fight," to which she replied, "I think it's because I consistently do one production at a time multiple times."

When it was pointed out that she and Kang So Ra were the representative actresses in their 20's, Park Shin Hye revealed they were also friends.  She said, "I saw in a report that we were born in the same year, month, day (February 18, 1990) and were of the same blood types.  I was really surprised.  My college junior, actor Choi Tae Joon, filmed SBS's 'Ugly Alert' with Kang So Ra, so I met her once at a broadcasting station.  I was introduced to her by Tae Joon. It was fascinating that the two of us shared the same birth date and blood type.  I ran into her at a premiere yesterday, and recently ran into her by chance at an award ceremony, too."

She revealed, however, that the two seldom got to meet up in private.  "We said we should hang out together separately, but we haven't had the time in our schedules yet," she disclosed.  "We promised to meet up after we finish our personal schedules.  We're friends on KakaoTalk.  When So Ra was filming 'Misaeng,' she messaged me, 'I need to drive a truck now,' and, 'Come here to eat chicken.'  She has a really good personality and is an easygoing friend."


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