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Weird eating habits

Guest rain.lee.bow

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1. I rather drink water thats in bottles then pour them in a cup and drink it(haha maybe that how lazy I am)

2.I eat to fast(my dad's fault!)

3.When I eat chicken nuggets I eat the skin then I eat the meat

4.MOST of the time I eat pizza with a fork or use my fingers too lol

5.I like useing spoons that have a small head..(idk why)

6.When I eat ships..I don't really bite it I just stick the chip between my teeth and break it off? lol

7.I like licking yogurt off my spoon instead of just puttin it in my mouth

8.When I drink something that has flavor I like to like..suck my teeth/lips? Idk what I do but it makes that sound..idk why I do that..just a habit..

9.I have a weird way drinking from a straw(that's what my cousins tell me)

Yea..thats kinda alot so I'm going to stop here..lol

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Guest sweeti.sammi

- the ferrero rocher chocolates, i like cracking off the chocolate & nut bits with my teeth, eat them, then split the inner circle in half~ lick out the chocolate on both sides, eat the nut, THEN eat the rest.

- my rice bowl has to be 1/3 or else it's hard for me to eat?? i refill it anyway lol

- when i'm done eating, i have to check in a mirror if there's anything on my mouth LOL. paranoid

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i eat noodles with my hands

i drink cola out of a wine glass because i think its fancy (weirdo <_<)

i let food get all soggy in my mouth then i swallow

gosh..i'm odd

I do that too, i mean drink cola out of a wine glass... hhahaha.... cool right? lolz...

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Guest Pucca_x3

When I'm at home I carry a spoon around with me. (just in case? idk) :)

If I'm eating a burger or something like a sandwich, I have to suish it down so its all thin and flattened out.

If I'm eating something that has layers I like to peel it or unravel it. Especially with eggrolls.

After I'm done eating, I fold the napkin up and put it in my pocket.

When I go to Taco Bell I take so many pakages of the fire sauce and I have to sqeeze some on every bite I take. I'm addicted to that stuff. I take it home with me and if I don't have anything to eat it with I just eat it by itself. :P

My friend's aunt, when she eats fries she nibbles down to the end except for the very last bit in her finger tips and throws it out. I guess she has OCD or something. teehee just kidding.

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Guest Natsumi_sshi


strawberry n cream lollies i like to eat the red part first...itsd weird

hrm..i like to keep everything neat

oh...if im eating chocolate coated icecream ill like and eat all the chocolate first, then eat the icecream.. (i like the smoothness)

LIKE fully well presented food ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

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Guest tomiko3

oh i understand your friend i have to drink water too when i eat rice or else it like hurts my chest. really weird but whenever i eat something that has a shape to it i have to bite off the points first and then eat the rest like thos 100 calorie packs thingies i actually didnt even realize i did it before a friend pointed it out

oh i understand your friend i have to drink water too when i eat rice or else it like hurts my chest. really weird but whenever i eat something that has a shape to it i have to bite off the points first and then eat the rest like thos 100 calorie packs thingies i actually didnt even realize i did it before a friend pointed it out

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lols. some people's eating habit are really cute and funny.

when i eat noddle soup, i like to eat all the veggie and meat before i eat the noddle. This is because i like to noodle the most and i save it for the last.

I like to eat food when it's hot (temp).

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Guest Fallencorruption

I like to eat my food seperately. If I go to a buffet or something, I take great pains in seperating one food from another. It bugs me when it mixes. o_o...

Also, when I eat rice, I don't like any banchan or soup or anything to touch my rice. If there's anything in my rice bowl, I get mad. o_o;

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Guest mai_anne

when I drink something hot, I always take two little sips. ALWAYS. If I do anymore than two, it just feels weird.

when I eat dinner and I'm having rice, with soup at the side, I drown my rice in the soup.

not that weird I don't think...just makes it all the more appetizing for me. aha

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hmmm lets see if i can remember these

1. i eat only school pizza with a knife and fork but at home it doesn't bother me and i eat normally

2. i eat pizza by the crust but i guess alot of people do that [aka backwards]

3. i HAVE TO seperate my food no matter what unless i want like sauces to mix they just.. idk they can't touch it bothers me yea.. very strange

4. if theres vegetables in noodles, lo mein anything i have to pick them out singley and can't touch the noodles till im sure they're gone

5. same with dim sum if theres shrimp in it i gotta take it out and make sure theres not even like an area of orange left

yea weird.. lol

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Guest dark intuitions


I like to eat while in front of the computer..or reading..or doing something other than just plain eating. It's not a must, but so much better.

But I know someone who does that and can take anywhere up to 3 hours to eat dinner. I also know someone who eats twice as much as I do and finishes in...7 mins is the record for him I think..

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Guest Azn_princess

in a resturaunt, at the end instead of eating a fortune cookie, I take a lime or lemon, and just bite into it LOOOL ahhhahah, boosts my tastebuds if their burnt from the hot tea.

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Guest chewy_cookie

Whenever I'm eating rice with some sauce I always have to mix them both together first then eat. It's something that I can't help doing. >.< And I never eat the stem of broccoli alone, I have to eat it with the flower attached to it.

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Guest paigehk

I would mix rice, soup, meat, and vegetable together and then eat....sound disgusting, but sometimes it turned out to be really good. Even if it's not, i just finish it and take note that never mix these kinds together again

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Guest yummers

i like to eat soggy cookies

when i get home from buying cookies at the store, ill spray them with water and then chuck them in the freezer

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Guest ginaaax3

Gahh T_T I have a lot but I'll just post FOUR up

1] I drink A LOT of water when I eat lunch & dinner, not breakfast ~

2] I eat really fast, I don't know why, I just do, it's bad though!!

3] There is this ice cream I like, and there's a small chocolate bar in it, and I try to eat all the vanilla and cookie & cream off the small chocolate, seriously, like I try to eat the small chocoalte last. Idon't want to even put a crak in it if I'm not done with the vanilla. STRANG O_O

4] For pepero sticks, I used to try to lick off all the chocolate before the breadish/cookie/biscuit part =] Haven't eaten them in a while. LOL

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Guest x_estherrrrrr_x

i chew yogurt. haha.

i eat ice cream with a fork.

i never ever eat mustard.

i eat my ketchup with pizza.

i poke the peanut butter part out with my fingers in a reeses =D

i never finish the last bite of my banana. i always puke if i do.

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