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Weird eating habits

Guest rain.lee.bow

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Guest ~Shelly~

When I eat pizza I eat the crust first. When eating cakes and biscuits or whatever I eat the outside first then the fillings or toppings. I ALWAYS eat the blandest part of my dish first i.e rice, then the vegetables and then the meat. It's kind of like my save the best till last habit i.e the meat. Haha also when I eat I have to seperate everything from each other, I don't like different foods touching each other the rice will be on the right side, the vegetable on the top left side and the meat on the bottom left side. Um... I have to have a drink with me whilst I eat. Haha I have lots more...

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Guest Daisyblu89

Wierd eating habits... wow I have a lot

-When I have a bowl of rice, if there's like even one speck I have to eat that off no matter how small it is.

-When i put stuff in my bowl of rice, I don't like it touching the side of the bowl.

-When I go out and eat at buffets, I can't have the food on my plate touch each other.

-When I eat things with my hands, I only use my index and thumb.

-When eating hot cheetos I like to suck off all the red stuff before i eat the rest, and when salt and lime is availible I eat it with that mixed, and then drink the lime juice at the bottom

-I eat french fries with ketchup added with pepper.

-When eating grapes, I take them all off the stem first and into another bowl and then eat them.

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- I can't eat my food if it's touching other food (ie. my meat can't touch my mashed potatoes) unless it's an intentional mixed dish like stirfry

- I eat everything in a really specific order, and one by one. So I eat my meat first. Then vegetables. Then rice. Then soup. (unless I'm at a restaurant and the soup comes first, then I have no choice). I can't eat like a spoonful of veggies, then some rice, then a piece of meat.

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Guest iamstellar!

when i eat Korean BBQ, I can use both hands at the same time(chopsticks with galbi on the left and spoon with rice on the right)

my mom says I look like a crab when I eat.

oh, I do that too! "xlush"

(i eat all the stuff i hate first, then eat all the good stuff last.)

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Guest MizJudge.d

Uhm, when I eat cupcakes, I usually tear off the paper cup part, flip it upside down, and only eat the sponge part. I hate the sugary cream on top. I guess I'm not a fan of sweets

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest babycurious

when I eat alone, I would do it while reading, or surfing the internet (yep, I don't eat at the diner table some times) and that can last for 2 hours, or even more... :(

I eat mixed stuff, so I only classified my food into carbohydrates and proteins (or fat), that's all that I care of,

and I mixed food the way that normal people won't mix.

err I can eat rice with mango, or lasagna with rice :ph34r:

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Guest chicken2

- i eat soup with almost anything..doesnt matter wat kind. as long as it hot and seasoned

- i like my mash potato lumpy with extra extra extra extra gravy

- must have something to watch while eating

- i save the best food for last =]

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Guest chaoticrose

I can't drink lukewarm water or I throw up. -_-

And... whenever I eat something spicy or salty, I have to eat ice cream after. Or strawberry milk or something like that. ._.

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SOMETIMES when i eat mchickens. i eat it till like half.. den i eat the bread alone then i eat the chicken.


so in other words.. i eat it together then later i eat it separately

-I eat french fries with ketchup added with pepper.


i only do it at mcdonalds. when u havet hat lil thing to pour ur ketchup in =P

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Guest cherrie.7

- i hate touching food with my hands so i use a fork and knife almost for everything

- i use forks with fries, pizza, chicken, burgers.. etc (mainly on fastfoods)

- the funny thing is when eat it with a knife and fork, im automatically left handed. cant use the other hand

- i always like to pour my glass half a cup only. get more later if i want to but it still has to be half

- my bowl of rice can never be full. cant stand eating it full

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-When I have a drink, I like to bit onto my straw even when I'm not drinking I just like to bit on it for a while you know XD.

-I like to eat something sweet after a meal I won't feel complete without it.

I wish I have L eating habit it's so cute, for awhile I practice some of L's habit XD.

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Guest --Fallen--Star--

after like, every five spoonfuls, i have to drink ICE COLD water, or else the taste is really wierd >o<

and i gotta like, wait until my teeth aren't cold anymore or else i put hot stuff into my mouth my teeth will ache >o<

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest seriatim_*

When I eat pizza I always leave a little piece of the bread with the pizza sauce so when I'm eating the crust I still have that pizza taste in my mouth =D.

I mix peanut butter and jelly together in a bowl and then add the stuff on the bread :vicx:

When chewing gum, I get a new piece when the flavor is gone, but keep the old piece in my mouth too.

:huh: LOL

i do the pizza thing. lol :)

i don't suck on my candies. i just crunch them in my mouth and eat it :sweatingbullets:

me too me toooo. haha :D

hm some other things..

`if i have something sweet to eat then i have HAVE to have something salty. >< lol

`when eating pizza with toppings, i have take off the toppings and then eat the pizza then the toppings

`when i eat rice. i have to get every last piece or elst i get mad. lol

`i eat with leaning on one leg, and it's like one leg is bent? lol lie ahjumma style~

`when i eat i have to drink something while eating. because i get thirsty then i get the hiccups. lol

`i have to be doing something while eating, talking, watching t.v, reading. something

`when i get a chicken sandwhich at bk i have to put bbq sauce in it.

`i chew ice.

`when i have korean bbq, i usually only eat the rice and meat, with no lettuce stuff. unless there's that good onion salad thingy? lol i don't know what it's called

`majority of the times i hate eating noodles with forks. it bothers me

`i eat almost everything with chopsticks if i have the chance

`lately, everytime i eat, i have to burp atleast twice or else i feel uncomfortable

`if i'm home alone and on the computer or doing something, i usually only drink water and don't eat.

`i don't like the yolk in the eggs. unless i dip my toast in the egg yolk part, other than that i have to scramble the eggs, or pop the egg yolk

yeah i do a lot of things. i probably have more but i'm too lazy to think of it. lol

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Guest iloveren

when i eat something crunchy i always open my mouth and chew.. i like the noise it makes XD

like today, i was eating chips in class. *crunch crunch cru-- BAM! someone threw a paperball at me :( ..

another class i was eating candy. someone threw a pen at me.. :(:( DUDE I THINK ITS THE SAME PERSON OR SOMETHING je ne sais pas

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