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Weird eating habits

Guest rain.lee.bow

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Guest miss sweetie

when i eat pizza, i always eat the crust first. ALWAYS

when it comes to like dessert, I MUST eat it while drinking milk. NOTHING ELSE BUT MILK.

im pretty picky. :/ it's not healthy.

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Guest o__xmonii

when i pour something in a cup i only pour 3/4 full..

:o me too!


and err i hafta eat oreos like in the ad *twist lick dunk*

and i sometimes eat my plate of food in groups of colours? T-T WHAT THE..

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lol when i eat pizza, i wipe off all the sauce near the crust

and then when i eat chips etc.,

i switch off sides i chew so it's even on both sides (ex. one chip on one side and then the next one on the other side) haha

i don't mean to... but i end up eating them like that lol

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Guest f_ishie

i have to drink ice cold water before i go to bed

same here if i don't i feel like something is something is missing

and i always eat the crust of my sandwiches first..

also when i have soup i always eat all the stuff inside and then i drink the soup w/ nothing in it..

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-I put tea on my rice or I can't eat it cause it's too dry

-I pick a part my pizza; pepperoni, cheese and then the dough/crust

-I tear everything into small pieces with my hands like sanwhiches, burgers, pop tarts, etc before I eat it; I don't bite it.

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Guest asukaxD

I eat all the stuff i dontl ike first then eat the stuff i like =P eg i'll eat the veggies first then save the meat etc for last lolxP

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Guest crystallizedtear

for dumplings, i eat the meat first allll the time. When there's a yummy snack i have to finish the whole thing or else i feel guilty.

i like to lick my spoon. which kinda looks gross when done in public

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I have the same habit as your friend.

I have trouble swallowing food if I don't have any liquid to help it go down.

I like to shake the glass/cup of liquid before I drink it.

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I love peanut butter with white bread. But my weird habit from childhood is to squish the sandwich till it's as flat as a piece of tissue paper before I eat it. I reckon it makes the peanut butter flavour more intense. Haha.

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Guest greentea:vee xo

whenever i drink a glass with ice in it, i make these weird slurping noises ?

i try and get straws while i`m in public >_>

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Guest tknoodles

i eat the crust of bread first...and then the middle.

i ALWAYS have a little bit of water (not juice or milk) left in my cup. always.

i sort my gummi bears/m&ms by color...and then make sure that all the colors are equal. yea. i'm weird T_T

I sort them too! My friends always say i'm weird.

- I stir my cereal until each one is coated with milk.

- I eat burritos with ketchup

- I eat all my cereal and then drink the milk

- I have to eat every single grain of rice in my bowl.

- I try to get every single scrape from the bowl if it's some sort of sauce or whatever.

- I have to be standing still or sitting still when i'm drinking something. I can't drink while i'm walking or moving.

- I eat hot dogs with a fork and knife.

- When I'm trying something new, i take a small bite and nibble on it for a long time to see if it's good or not.

- I have to be doing something while i'm eating or it feels like i'm wasting my time.

- When i eat trix or lucky charms, i have to have one of each flavored cereal piece (clovers, blue moons, etc.) in the bowl and then finish it off.

-When drinking milk or anything out of the cup, I have to drink it at the same area.

I have so many more, i just can't list them. Gosh, i'm such a weird eater.

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--I eat dinner with my hands most of the time. :( Only dinner though, not breakfast or lunch. XD If it's soup, I usually add bits of rice to it so that I can gather everything up with my fingers. O_O; And then when almost everything's gone, I tip the plate (I don't use bowls too much.) so that I can drink the soup.


--I don't really like ice cream when it's solid cold. Aii~... I don't know how to explain it. T_T; I have to mix it a bit when it's in a cup or wait for it to melt a little if it's in a cone. I hate when it drips over your fingers when it melts though. (<-- Only when it's in a cone.) >_<;

--You know those strips of gum? I usually bite off a small, smaaalll piece of it and then chew. X3 And then I bite off another small piece and then chew again. I do this until everything's in my mouth. XD

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Guest Hero-Is-Mine

1-hmm...yeah i put ketchup in every food....

like with cheese sandwitch,chips,rice and salad ....o.o i dont think its weird?? but ppl said 2 me that i'm weird 2 put ketchup in every food :huh:

2- i drink cold water everyday ..i cant drink awarm water i mean even when i'm on period i drink cold stuff ...coz i cant drink any warm drinks it just i dunno :huh:

3- i must eat achips aday! any chips!

or iwont feel good o.O :mellow:

4- well i think thats all about me but there is sumthing i really get disgust :crazy: when i c my bro eating... omg his bad habit is when he eat any salt things he must eat any sweet stuff with it..aish am not good at english i mean...ok i'll give an example...

when he eat chicken with rice...he must eat chocolate or any kind of sweet and then he can chew it together yukk!! :vicx::vicx: eww i saw him that day he was eating noodles and then he bites akitkat choco and then eat it together O.O yukkkkkkkk :wacko::wacko:

and my other bro eats french fries with chopsticks :huh::huh::huh::huh::huh:

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- eat every 3 hours.. says my bf

- eat deli sandwiches in circles

- eat whatever is in front of me

-- never get my own food, so people pile stuff in front of me.. <_<

- eat mindlessly while watch tv

- bite ice cream

- never finish my food/drink, no matter how much it is.

-- my mom says, "just give her a lot of food, she always leaves a little, it doesn't matter how much it is."

that's all i can think of now..

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