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Weird eating habits

Guest rain.lee.bow

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Guest royaldark

I like to suck my biscuits and chips until they melt in my mouth then I chew.

-I like dipping lollipops in water to make a liquid sweet treat.

-The pizza topping is the worst for me. I always pick it all off, and eat the dough/crust for last. Caaarbs.

-I don't like sharing food with people after they've eaten something. It might affect the flavor!

-I only like eating cookies when they're soggy and drenched in milk. I like more watery type desserts.

-I HATE moist chicken. I like to feel the striations in the meat (aka semi dry).

That's is for now. :P

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i always leave the 'good' stuff till last.

e.g. there's rice and side dish.

i always seem to finish the rice first then the side dish.

i've been told that stupid cos then i'd be full of rice before i can finish the dish...

which is sort of true. :ph34r:

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Guest loozerrlovebae

I eat in an order I decide before eating like let's say bread, entree, side or entree, side, side, I can't eat them all at the same time.

I have to pick every piece of fat off meat before I eat it. Especially off things like steak or roast because if I chew on fat accidently I gross out and can't eat for some reason.

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Guest springmaid

Whenever I eat in a plate, I make sure each dish doesn't touch each other. @.@

Oh and when I eat Lays or Pringles, I swallow a big piece as a whole just because I don't want to let any crumbs fall. D:

When I eat porridge, I bite every piece of rice slowly like really savoring the flavor. @.@

When I like something, I eat it extra slow. (Mind you I already eat slow normally)

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Guest VenusianTaurus

Mine isn't healthy, but I cannot resist!

I put salt before tasting my food!

I've heard so many times my husband trying to help me with it!!

And also I can only start eating my meals after  I drink anything cold,

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Whenever I'm drinking something, I always somehow leave enough for a sip or two in the cup or bottle and never finish it. I never noticed myself doing it until my bf and mom pointed it out.

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Guest -ghettoelectro

I have a friend who used to take both the ends off of a french fry before she would eat the middle part o__o" 

I have a few too.. apparently they're weird anyways ^^" 

 - I like to eat pizza from the crust to the tip

 - for nuggets and those kinds of things covered in batter, i like to peel the batter off before eating the insides sometimes

 - I really really really like eating ferrero rochers by layer 

 - I will only ever eat cereal at midnight and rarely with milk (it just tastes better hehehe)

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Guest mao.mao.

There are so many.... let's see...

I dont like wasting my food so i try to finish everything.

I can't eat salmon. Even if i take a little piece, I vomit before i even swallow it.

I like things extra hot because i feel like they are made that way. It doesn't taste as good when it cools down.

I will never ever drink a hot drink turn warm. I rather throw it away and buy a new one.

I don't like biting my noodles when I'm slurping it.

I have to eat french fries with ketchup.

I always use chopsticks to eat. Unless there are no other options.

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Guest mii_hungrii

I eat ice cubes :phew:

Like.... when i want a snack, I will just go get an ice cube. then all youll hear is CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH for a relly long time O.o

I cant stnad it when someone chews with their mounth open either fury.gif  It sounds so gross....

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Guest Chocolate_Truffle

If there are many types of food on my plate I eat one food at a time. There's no certain order. I eat what I like best at that moment first.

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I clean my hands a lot. I can't have any kind of food stuck to my hands for very long. I even do it when I'm going to pick up the food again. I also clean my mouth with a napkin very much, but I clean my hands more.

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Guest ZOMGITzHibari

I have a few weird habits.

1) If I eat with chopsticks, I use my left hand even though I'm right handed.

2) If I have food in my mouth and someone turns to me and talk to me, I cover my mouth so they wouldn't see me chew.

3) I eat almost everything with regular water unless I'm eating steak or something. If I have steak, I drink soda. LOL.

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Guest KaiYi

When eating burgers, I like to eat the lettuce first, then the meat, then the tomato, then anything else, and then the buns. The top piece , and then the bottom piece ~.~

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Guest faye2thesky

I sometimes try to eat the filling before the shell (ex: fries, chicken nuggets, oreos, etc) :P

Hmm... I like to just suck on the bone when I finish the meat xD

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Guest herrokittay

1. i always have to double up fries and eat it at the same time and they have to be the same length or similar.. if not i have to bite the longer one first to make it the same length and then eat it LOL; also, HAVE to each french fries w/ ketchup or any other dipping sauce.

2. if i eat a sandwich/burger and the meat doesnt cover the whole thing, i have to eat around the meat until its even and then eat the sandwich.same goes for a hot dog, if the bun is too long i have to cut off the extra bread before i eat it.

also, it has to be cut in half or fourths or something or i can't eat it.

3. when eating the pizza crust, i always break it into pieces and then eat it

4. when eating korean food, i have to put almost every single banchan in the rice bowl and then take a bite.

5. also, this is weird and kinda gross to describe but i always have to separate the food equally on both sides of my mouth when i chew or else it feels so uneven.

i just realized how weird i am...

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