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Weird eating habits

Guest rain.lee.bow

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Guest JOONIE.su

When I eat meat pies I start from the centre. I take out a square piece in the center with my spoon then as I eat the hole gets bigger and bigger. And I chuck the crust out. LOL

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Guest Yaoisinz

weird u tell me?!

my eyes twitches when i eat sumtimes. T . T

*sigh* and i chew wif my mouth open but

im tryign to stop it. and i dun usually chew with my mouth open


EDIT: and i leave the yummiest food last to enjoy it haha

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Guest LitoYammy

When I eat chicken teriyaki sushi, I take out the chicken part, eat that first then go to eat the rest of the sushi. (: When eating bread, just a plain slice of bread, I rip out a circle in the center and eat that first then I eat around the crust and throw that away. (: And I like to eat all my pasta first and save my meatballs for last but stop myself when I can. I remember when I was little, for cheeseburgers, I just ate the cheese on the bun cause I never liked the rest of the burger, LOL. ^__^ And I probably have a lot more. X:

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Guest Juliang

-I love cutting my pizza into small little bite size pieces then eating them with a fork

-This annoys my friends and family but i'm a very slow eater. I love to savor my food. For example it'll take me over 30 minutes to eat a slice of pizza haha.

-If i see a vien or whatever in my meat (all types) i would refuse to eat it because it grosses me out. Thats why I pick at my chicken wings or chicken legs because they have alot of those haha.

-I like eating Kraft Singles by themselves. I usually tear off little pieces then roll them in a little ball then pop them in my mouth.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest x3DOLPHiN

If I don't know the food,

i smell it first (:

its weird, because

mostly at school,

they have these weird

foods. and i sat at my table.

and everyone is just looking

at me. because i smell my food

first and then eat it.

hey, its safe ^^

&& ,,

i eat COUGH DROPS (:

they are still candy.

&& i love candy <33


i hate anything that is veggies,

yess i'm gonna go unhealthy.


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I wipe my mouth after every .. two bites. Lol. (x

And I always save the "best tasting part" for last.

Sometimes my parents think its the parts I don't like

and eat it though. ]:

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Guest bunnyleaf

it takes me a week to finish a regular bottle of water but i drink at least 10 cups of tea whenever i go out to eat.

i eat ridged chips line by line

i only eat the cracker part of pocky <no choco part> and i used to only eat muffin tops

i eat pizza with knife and fork.

i pour a spoon full of vinegar in my chinese sized bowl of congee

i ALWAYS ask for more pickles no matter what

i line each fry with a thin line of ketchup head to toe

i'm a vegetarian but i hate 30% of the veggies out there?

with my ex i used to wipe my mouth every 2 bites i dunno why

ok i have too many + my friends always tease me for being a picking eater =_=

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when i eat potato chips, i have to squish the bag first

to make all the chips break into pieces. my friends thought

i was a weirdo.

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I can't drink and walk at the same time even if I'm using a straw.

I only like muffin tops.

I eat around the crust of my bread instead of just peeling it off.

I only eat banana when it's in my cereal

I hate honeydew but I like the flavour (honeydew drinks, candy, etc)

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