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Weird eating habits

Guest rain.lee.bow

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haha..i cant think of mine.

but people and i were talking about this!

this lady, she puts ranches sauce on everything!

i find that weird...

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Guest addickshun

my water has to be freezing cold,

my soup has to be boiling hot.

if i sense my water being a bit too warm i complain.

same thing goes with my soup.

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when having different foods on one plate, i tend to to have 1-2 bites of each food and just continue that way until everything's gone. i never realized until one day my cousin pointed out to me cuz she's been watching, that i ate a couple bites of pancake, moved on to the hashbrown, moved on to the toast, moved on to the eggs, and just continued that 2 bites per food circle.

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Guest Rhapsodyy

I know of this guy and when he eats rice he has to drink something with it or else its to hard for him to swallow..

Aa that's the same for me! haha I get like.. three bites of rice done and I HAVE to have something to drink or I can't swallow, like it feels like there's a clump of food in my throat. And then i get the hiccups haha [it happens EVERYTIME I eat rice.. it's sad, cause i love rice too so i eat it all the time and hiccups are annoying baha]

And like dbsk_star said I have to eat rice with a sauce on it, it just tastes.. bland without one haha.

Hmm anyways some other habits I have are when eating a sandwich [or a sub from like Subway or whatever] I always take a few bites from the front, and then I turn the sandwich around and eat from the other side, and then go back to the front and so on haha. It annoys my friend SO much xP.

And also when i'm eating food, after every bite I take of whatever i'm eating[mainly when in public, but sometimes when by myself too] I always cover my mouth with my hand to chew haha. Oh and when having pizza that has been ordered from a pizza place, i normally take off all the cheese or majority of the cheese and just eat the bread and sauce [or bread, sauce and pineapple/tomato... depending on what type of pizza i got].

I can't chew ice cream, it makes me cold. And not really a eating habit of mine, but more of a thing I can't stand haha, when people chew their ice it drives me insane, it gives me shivers and i get really cold haha [but i get cold/shiver LOOKING at a freezer haha,even if it's not open >_<;;]

Oh and I don't like my food touching, unless it's certain foods haha. But I can't have salad on the same plate as other foods haha.

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Guest xiao jia

I HAVE to eat a huge bowlful of grapes every morning. XD And when I do, I skewer them on my fork in groups of four, lol, and then stuff all that into my mouth. I just love the juiciness of it. MMmmmmmmmm.....

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Guest AnimalCrackersxD

- i eat at home i always have my knee up :P i got that from my mom :3

- i drink water from a water bottle when it gets half empty i refill it then drink it if its empty i don't refill it after like 2 days

- i eat noodles with ketchup

- When i go to buffet i our sweet and sour sauce over all my food then eat it

- I lovee onionrings with sweet and sour sauce

- I eat chips with ketchup

- When i eat pocky i like to suck all the flavor off then eat the stick

- I eat alot of my food with ranch

- I eat rice plain sometimes its good :3

- When i eat cereal with milk i dip all the cereal into the milk to make it soggy then i eat it

- I like to eat everything with onions o.o its a new habbit

- I also eat chips with chopsticks so my hands don't get dirty if im on the computer :3

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Guest mrs.sierna

- i eat pizza from the normal way. and then halfway up, i turn it around and start eating the crust.

and then i start eating it sideways...

-when eating ice cream i flip the spoon upside down and melt the ice cream in my mouth...

^^hehe .

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Guest j.a*star

I got sick of Salty potato chips so...I "wash" the chips in water before i ate them...T_T''

:blink: is there still flavour in that?!?!

i love salty chips <3

Well when I was in my elementary age..I used to like eating and then lying down digesting the food. I don't know why but I'd get in big trouble for it

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Guest krnbaby

- i put a pound of grounded pepper into my food

- i eat chicken nuggets naked. meaning... i eat all the breaded stuff first, then the chicken. (barely eat them though)

- i eat my cereal soggy

- i put ice cubes in my orange juice

- i like american instant noodles with lime (barely eat them though)

- when i eat pretzel chips, i only eat half of it

- i lick all the ranch doritory part off on my doritos (haven't done that in a while...)

- when i eat at buffets, i get a little bit of everything i like... but never finish it. i hate wasting food =(

- i like my oreos soggy from the milk

- i eat more than 1 vitamin a day :X

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Guest peachesapples123

-I always eat the crust first of something (a sandwich, just bread, etc.) then eat the middle.

-Sometimes, when I eat something that's kind of mushy or I'm drinking, I keep the food/fluid in my mouth for a while, savor the taste, and slowly swallow it all. And I'm slightly pouting my lips as I do it. Haha.

-This is a weird one...XD When I'm sucking leftover food out from my teeth after a meal, I always chew on the little piece with my front teeth until it's aaall mushed up.

-I always eat the pepperoni first of my pizza. (It was because once when I was eating a pepperoni pizza, the pepperoni hit me in the nose when I took a bite of it. And I'm very acne-prone so I get scared...T-T)

This is an old habit I had when I was in like...Second grade. But it was weird. XDD Whenever I was eating something, I had to kind of stick it out of my mouth and then continue eating it before I swallowed my food. I don't know why. XP

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Guest mr. lovely

When I eat hamburgers, I flip it over halfway.

It really bothers me how my bite is like...slanted O_O; So that the top half of the burger is larger than the bottom half.

And when I eat candy like Mentos or Skittles, I always flatten them and make contests with myself to see if I can make it last really long. Stupid, I know xD

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Guest iitzjesss

- I suck out all the juice out of an orange before I actually eat it. :P

- I eat the white skin part of the orange. [i think I got this from my sister...]

- I put the whole strawberry in my mouth then eat the whole outside, but not the inside core part. I eat that part afterwards. [this is really hard to describe..like i drag it along my teeth, so only the outside is gone, leaving the inside core part left... that sounded weird o.0]

- I sometimes eat the skin of a grape before I eat the grape itself.

- When eating broccoli, I always eat the stem part first

- Sometimes when eating chocolate covered almonds, I melt all the chocolate in my mouth before eating the almond.

- If I'm eating at home, I usually have to use a certain fork. [My friend took it once and I somewhat freaked out in a joking manner, Lol. She always checks with me before using forks at my house now.:D]

I have a friend who has to organize the colours of M&M's before he can eat them 'cuz he eats the brown ones last, I think. he says if someone messes up the order, he won't eat them. He'll have to buy a new package and reorganize them. Lol I found this so adorable, but so funny! :D

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Guest jamessong

after a spoonful of rice i eat all the side dishes in the order from left to right,

my girlfriend says its cute, but i think its weird haha

i always swirl my dr.pepper whenever i dont feel like drinking it,

if im still hungry after the meal i try to get every last grain of rice on the bowl,

whenever i eat korean food i must have kimchi but i guess thats normal right?

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Guest smile-jw

- Whenever I eat rice with other side dishes, EVERYTHING must be even. Like...I put some rice in my mouth, then meat, but if the meat is bigger than the amount of rice I have in my mouth, I must stuff more rice. And the the meat is too small, I stuff more in my mouth. It keep stuffing until it becomes even. x_x

- Whenever I eat a hamburger, I must eat the excess bread from the side first, then I eat the middle.

I have strange habits, Yes.

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Guest omigosh

mmmmmm, these are the few i can think of:

* i love rice. i eat it two ways.

first, rice mixed with soup + any side dishes

second, in the absence of soup, put the side dishes on top of rice and mix them all together

I like my rice that way.

* I use only my right hand, no matter what. When eating steak, i would cut the meat into pieces before with my right hand use the fork to devour.

* I used to dislike eating the sides of bread so i would throw them away else dip them in sauces, like i do to pizza crusts.

* I love sauces! Sweet Chilli..tomato... garlic..mushroom.. i dont eat dry meat -_-

* I eat cereal with milk but made sure to eat the cereals before they lose their crunchiness -_-...

* I drink soft-drinks with my meals to create 'fake fullness' (so that i eat lesser)

* I save the best food for last. :)

* I hate oranges but i enjoy the process of peeling their skins off. But then it would be wasteful not to eat them so i bite the top of each slice (along with seeds and all) and spit them out before finishing the rest.

* I sometimes stuff my chips in between my hungry jack's burger

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