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Weird eating habits

Guest rain.lee.bow

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Guest rain.lee.bow
what's yours?
Me.. well its not exactly eating but when i pour something in a cup i only pour 3/4 full.. iunno jus this habit of mine >< I know of this guy and when he eats rice he has to drink something with it or else its to hard for him to swallow.. and; in Everybody Loves Raymond, Robert when he eats he has to bring his spoon up to touch his chin before putting it in his mouth :blink: puhaha so do you have any weird eating habits?
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Guest idyllic

.I eat ice cream and peanut butter with my fingers

.I love drinking bubble tea upside down

.I always throw strawberries or any berries into my mouth

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Guest hahamysock

when i eat cheese nips or potato chips, i chew on them one by one, but i don't swallow it until i have like 7 in my mouth.

and then i gulp it down.

gross, i know.

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oh i have a lot. i eat standing up. with my hands if its not food like rice or noodles. i don't really eat cookies with milk or any other food that's suppose to be with milk except cereal but even that i don't put milk in it. haha. i eat cereal straight out of the bag with my hands. eh. i can't write them all down. and any cake that has like bits of walnuts or chocolate sprinkled on top, i chip those off and eat it only and leave the cake alone hahahha. save that for tomorrow or something.

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Guest made in cHiNa

-x- i only drink 7/8 of all i pour.

-x- i put sweet and sour sauce on almost everything.

-x- after im done..any wrappings it came with.. i fold it nicely in a square..then realize how dumb that is..and squish it into a ball.. haha ^^;;

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Guest _BeLLe*

when i eat with my fingers, i only use my thumb and index finger.

i pull pizza apart into smaller pieces instead of just picking up the whole slice and taking a bite.

(that goes with other foods like pizza)

yup. i eat like a total girl and all my guy friends like to imitate me. =/

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Guest Clu3less

^^ i do the finger thing too!

when it comes to pizza, i always get a napkin to try and wipe off some of the oil from it. all my friends say i ruin the pizza but i just cant stand all that oil. and its pretty gross how much oil comes from it..

iuno why but for school lunch sandwiches, i always rip it apart piece by piece. and then i usualli end up ripping half the bread off of the sandwich or sub..

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Guest 5he_2fly

Sometimes when I'm really bored and have nothing to do I ear =.= its a badd habit good thing I'm not fat yet oh and when I eat nuggets I tear it into small pieces then eat it =P

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Guest ichigo_no_powder

I have to be doing something when i'm eating alone like reading a book or watching tv. it feels like i'm wasting time if i don't. I like to mix everything together before eating it. i can't stand just white rice, i have to have at least some sauce in it. it usually takes me forever to finish making a bowl of rice so i have to reheat it after i'm finish cutting and mixing the rice before eating it. and lately i've been eating everything that i normally will use my hands for with a knife and fork

when it comes to pizza, i always get a napkin to try and wipe off some of the oil from it. all my friends say i ruin the pizza but i just cant stand all that oil. and its pretty gross how much oil comes from it..

I know >.<

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Guest luvjunjin0819

I can't really think of many, except that I always eat the cheese and toppings off the pizza then i eat the dough. and i always eat pizza with a fork, well most of the time. O_o

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Guest eumsung

... whoa hahaha

when i'm drinking i sometimes feel the need to tap my cup on the table a few times before i can put it down.. no idea what that is.. kk

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When I eat rippled chips, I usually eat them one line at a time :blink: LOL

I eat pizza backwards....Crust first, then the rest =)

and in general, I always have to have something to drink after I eat...Cause I hate when you finish eating something and a little bit is caught in your throat...

when i eat hamburgers, i like to eat all the edges before eating the rest. that means i eat the hamburger while turning it. :phew:


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I have two weird things I do:

- When eating toast... I eat the crusts first and then eat the middle.

- I eat salad with my fingers. (It's darn annoying trying to pick up a lettuce leaf with ur fork <_<)

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