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Guest shaaaron

YunAh, you are an angel. xD <3

Dude Yume's smiling! LIKE ACTUALLY SMILING. :D instead of :)

xD PD is so freakin' cute. And Kevin's not smiling for once. But his smile is cute though. Smile Kevin! Maybe he's tired of smiling. Haha kidding. The kid in the picture looks pretty happy. 8D

PD's hair in the second picture.. I like it. Well the angle makes it look different.

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Guest HoiSang

ahaha, i tell ya, it's such a treat to see yume smiling so bright;y in those pics - no wonder he didnt want to leave ireland, lol~

and wow! they made it to the ireland papers! altho i'm guessing it's actually the uni's paper or something only? haha, but still, very cool ^-^v

and yayyy, more clips to look forward to watching, thank u so much once again! <3

and i just wana say kevin looks breathtaking (literally) in those pics taken in ireland - i really think his blonde-ish hair does it for me, haha (but nyah, PD will always be my fave, haha)

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Guest canityo

anyone can help me how to join xing's fanclub please T^T

By fanclub you mean their xing.tv site right?

So I created a really crap tutorial thingo =="


When you first enter XING.TV you see this box on the left side.

Obey the picture. ^^


Everything after that is pretty much straightforward. o.o;;

The button next to the ID box is just to check if your ID is available.

Actually you know I haven't joined yet cos the ID part is so bothersome. XD I'm just lazy.

XING.TV posted XING's mid-October schedule. ^^; It will be translated asap.


This was a pure accident. Uhm I'll be back with something. ^^;

Re-posting these links from Soong Eui University. ^^

Youtube Links!

My Girl -


Kevin's Solo (Because of You) -


Yume's Solo (Naeyeojaranika) -


Acapella (The Lion Sleeps Tonight) -


Yoohak -


Haha, I have nothing. Maybe later, I haven't stalked yet.

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Guest canityo

10.10(Wed) YTN STAR Special

11.11(Thurs) Kimhae Joongang Female High school XING Concert

11.12(Fri) JooRyang Youth Festival XING Concert

The times will be up on Monday

Loads of people seems to be wondering about the school concert times

If you wait a little it will be posted by next week

Thank you for your interest♡

Credits: XING.tv + double_love123(translations) + CYNOSTAR.NET

Do not take out without permission!

I wonder how long they are going to keep up the School promotion and YTN specials. ><

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They're doing stuff that are impossible to reach (at least for us).

Hmmm I hope they won't do this for too long. Its quite annoying considering the fact that we still dont have a HQ clip of them.

The fancams! The dizzyness! The fan girls screams! The pixel boxes of LQ clips.

I think I don't want to ever lay my eyes on another LQ clip again after this.

Those lucky lucky schools.

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Guest shaaaron

^Honey, LQ is all you get.

Well not true in certain cases but in general, we mostly get fancams. :\

I guess when they said they'll start promoting once their 3rd single/1st album comes out, they were talking about going on shows like the ones we want them too, for promotion, rather than YTN repetitively. I wonder if the school performances will end by that time. :x

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Guest canityo

Poppin' Dragon Diary Entry


I'm bringing sexy back



Take out with full credits intact!

So...maybe PD is happier now? XD


Lol. Girls, most of the stuff that actually count is audio anyway. T_T

It'll be a dream come true if we ever got a HQ XING clip. T_T

Both video and audio, oh where is there such a clip?!

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Guest HoiSang

Poppin' Dragon Diary Entry


I'm bringing sexy back


i swear, i ADORE this boy, lol~ <333

HQ Xing vids.... *prays really, really, reaaaaaaaaaaaaaally hard*

man, seriously, go on music shows ASAP please, huhu >.<; i think all the music show-stages are CRYING for Xing to step on them. seriously. I can hear the stages crying.

(or is it me that's busy crying and hoping? =.=; )

aiie, thanks for the Xing updates Canityo~ and yesh, those are lucky, lucky, LUCKY schools >.<

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Hello everyone! ^^

I'm not XING's fan but I do listen to their music and it's really good.

And I'm always wondering why they never perform on Music Bank, Ingigayo, Music core, M!Countdown and other music stages???

Can someone help me to answer?!?! xD

Thank u very much in advance!!! >3<

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Guest canityo

^ Probably because they haven't signed a contract with any of those channels?

We don't even know ourselves, maybe they just don't want to promote their song right now.

Can anyone else get over PD's snerdness right now? Cos I can't! XD


Credits: As Tagged + CYNOSTAR.NET


Btw there's a really funny Hyesung entry posted up in CYNOSTAR. ^^

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Guest loveprint

I'd pay you $100 a day not to use that awful word again.

That CHS entry was so adorable. So that's what they do when they're alone. xD

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Guest superkibum19

I don't know if this was posted cause umm, there is like 191 pages. lol. But this picture I took when I went to the Hello apM Mall in Seoul. You can see poppin' dragon on the right end.

>>If you share anywhere else please do not take out the watermark. And if you must modify it, please share it along with a credit to Linh @ uknow-island.blogspot.com


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Guest maizakichi

why doesn't xing perform at mnet countdown, music core, or music bank?

And I'm always wondering why they never perform on Music Bank, Ingigayo, Music core, M!Countdown and other music stages???

Can someone help me to answer?!?! xD

Thank u very much in advance!!! >3<

^ Probably because they haven't signed a contract with any of those channels?

We don't even know ourselves, maybe they just don't want to promote their song right now.

haha..nina..you don't like them to be called snerd?

Pd looks cute XD..bwahha....thanks for sharing XD

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Guest loveprint

I find the expression very, very bad.

Guys, please read at least a few pages before you ask questions. In this case, two exact questions were asked on the same page. =_=;;

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Guest canityo

Wow haha, I'm surprised CRAZY doesn't have that scan yet? XD

I'm guessing it's for HELLOSTAR cos Jisang is there. ><

PD looks so cute there. :3

Hyesung :mellow: what are you doing with your hair?

But gosh, ahahha Kevin looks so HAPPY. XD


Credits: As Tagged + Cynostar.net


Above Jinhyun: If I flew there, it might change everything.

Above Hyesung: Yes, what?

Above Yume (Black): Don't copy me

(Red): You weird person

Above PD (Top right): YoungKyung's poses are so usable.

Bottom line : Don't copy me you weird person [Repeated a million times]


Near Jinhyun (Yellow): Tut tut...

(White): So immature

Below Hyesung: They're arguing again...yes they are.

Above Yume (Red): No

(White): Don't you dare JoonHyung Yong

Below PD: Youngkyung, are you having a hissy fit because I stole your pose? T^T

Credits: XING Star Cafe + Cynostar.net

Do NOT hotlink & take out with full credits intact!

Haha the last pictures are amusing. Or well, I thought so anyway. --"

I will edit later with more pictures. ^^;



Credits: As Tagged + Cynostar.net

Do NOT hotlink & take out with full credits intact!

Okay woo edit! XD

Puahaha, the last costume for My Girl makes me feel giddy.

Someone TELL Hyesung to fix his hair. @__@ I'm like shocked right now about the hair he has above.

He crimped it! We have a lack of pictures even though they've been doing stuff. ><!

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Guest maizakichi

^hahahha..hyesung needs a new hairstyle.his current hairstyle now makes him look like a girl XD

or a poodle...lol..


820108788vv5.th.jpg 17004469ak6.th.jpg

credits: as tagged, XINGSTAR + cynostar.net

kevin's hair is so dry...tsk tsk tsk..

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