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Guest shaaaron

Yay, I'm so happy you girls are actually meeting them. :D Or well at least Kevin.

It helps a lot that he's fluent in English. Mwahaha. <3

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Guest canityo

canityo I felt kinda bad that I was the one who got to talk to him because I know people who are much bigger fans than I am. But I couldn't really...hand the phone to someone who was in the US when I was in Seoul lmao.

I hope no one thinks I'm bragging about this because I just figured I'd share the whole celeb-fan thing, and let everyone know that Kevin really is as nice as he seems on TV & such :]

Woman don't feel bad! :DDD I was pretty happy to know that he is alive after all these months of no official news and whatnot.

Haha, yeah Kevin is really niceandcute from what I've heard, his friend, Ashley, said he is the nicest guy you could meet.

Dang, I want to meet him with the rest of XING too. But it's like...impossible for me. T^T

Yeah I agree. I would so go to that store too to check it out but since I'm only staying 5 days in Korea in Sept, I don't think I have time for that...

Well, they don't really have a shop kind of shop. I think it's an online thing. (:

They are currently holding events and so on. ^^

And...as much as I love Kibum, I don't think we should talk about him in the XING thread anymore. He isn't a part of XING anymore now. ><


^ His shop's URL.

His entries are still being posted at CYNOSTAR but at his thread and yeah.

Thanx for your answer, but I tried to meet Kevin myself T_T

I just waited out of Xing entertainment and met Kevin 3 times

Today I'll leave Korea and I just met Kevin 10AM today.

He's so nice , he even said "Have a good flight" T_T

I couldn't love him more T_T I aked him to sign for me and for Thai fans and he said ' No problem'

He such a good person T_T Before he enter to the office he even said 'See you next time'

T_T This is my suggest to all Xing fans...this is a good time to meet them..

because Xing's CEO [That I met] told me by himself that they will release new single on this August.

So u better go to meet them before they get more famous T_T

Hope everybody that want to see Xing can see them too^^

I'll shoe you guys Kevin's autograph later after I arrive Thailand.

I got some help from two korean fans too they r so nice.

T_T Omg you are so lucky. Why are you all in Korea and I'm in my school uniform sitting on my butt? ;_;

Kevin...3TIMES. T_T Well, it's better/worse than the girl who has 45 signatures. 0_o...

Meeting them is like 0% chance for me right now.

I hope it's in August, he wouldn't lie right? HE WOULDN'T RIGHT? If they don't release something, I think I'm going to cry.

More famous? Hahaha, I know they are pretty famous right now. Just that this Soompi thread is slow moving!

Korean fans, fans will be fans. ;D They know our love for them and of course they would help. ;_; You're so lucky yo!

Cynostar needs a Korean representative to go get signatures too.

Yes lets just fly to Korea right now and meet them. No problem. =_=;;

Lol Nina. T_______________T



Yume Entry


Even if I don't show it, as stupid as I am I hope you know it.

I can't express it so I hope you understand me, and I hope

you don't change your feelings really quickly..

I understand that we've become a lot busier than usual but

I hope you truely understand..

There isn't that much time left, and in that time we'll work harder

and we'll run foward.. [T/N - by running foward he means not to turn back and to continue for their dreams]

Until then please support us and we'll thank you..

And XING hwaiting, Kibum hwaiting to you to! ^^

To the tired days, Yume's message..The End!

Credits: Cyworld + silver_byul + CYNOSTAR.NET

There's another one of his cute entries at Cynostar.net and more about their single/performing stuffos.


Hold on women! I'm uploading pic.



Uhh I'm getting it translated now. So wait.

T_T WHAT THE HELLL! I want Jinhyun's hair back!

And I thinnk it would of been better if Kev was blonde. ._.





Think I'mma go hyperventilate in the corner.

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Guest HoiSang


haha, I WANNA JOIN!!! bring me, bring me! xD ... But we pretty much need sum strong glue then eh, haha ~

and urbanature~ don't feel bad, i enjoyed reading about ur experiences (= it's very nice to know Kevin is as sweet as everyone expects him to be <3

and WUT?!? jin hyun and yume cut their hair?

omg...how short are we talking about?!? O.O


ohh, okies, i see the pic now ^^; not as short as i expected it to be, haha, and they both still look great, so <3

but yeah, i agree on you about hye sung's hair - it's even longer than mine! O.O haha~ and awww, PD and his infamous red beanie, keke xD

but honestly, in that piccy poster thingy...my eyes are drawn instantly to Kevin ^-^v

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Guest loveprint

Omfg look at Yume. What a kid. XD Jin looks like a friend I know. Kevin looked better with black hair, although he still looks very good. Hye looks the same and PD looks the same.


Whoops can I just say I totally didn't realise KiBum wasn't there. I never paid any attention to him in the past. I only realised when I was thinking to myself 'Hey, Kev's in the middle again' and realised he couldn't be in the middle cause they have 6 people. Then it dawned on me and yeah. I know, that was really mean of me. Sorry, KiBum.

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Guest canityo

I think that the picture looks awkward with no Kibum and the fact that PD and Jinhyun are there too. Not that it's a bad thing, I'm just not used to seeing five of them. :x

The translation of the NEWSTAR EVENT! has been posted up at CYNOSTAR Headlines. (:

And Jinhyun self-cam pictures have also been posted up in Snapshot.

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*starts to snort and be very unlady-like* I'm sorry, when I saw Yume's hair short like that I just started to have a giggle-fest. He looks so...boyish in the kid sense. I don't know, now he's no longer oozing bad-boy but now "I'M A BOY AND ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS MY TWO FRONT TEETH" I miss Jin Hyun's pretty long hair T_____T;;; But then again they're going for that summer look and having long hair in the summer is sometimes tied back anyways = =;;;

Kevin go back to black hair whenever you want to. You're still cute no matter what. Hello PD with his favorite red beanie that devours his mushroom head. Hello Hye Sung with your BIG SMILE and jeebus your eyebrows...I still can't stop looking at them. I noticed of course that blondie Ki Bum was no where in sight. What sadness.

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shir0-chan lol, her dad was saying how Xing doesn't get many chances to interact with fans even though they have so many, and something about how they wanted to get to know their fans as they grew more popular. I think he was a Xing fan hahaha, he kept going on and on about how good they were.

canityo I felt kinda bad that I was the one who got to talk to him because I know people who are much bigger fans than I am. But I couldn't really...hand the phone to someone who was in the US when I was in Seoul lmao.

I hope no one thinks I'm bragging about this because I just figured I'd share the whole celeb-fan thing, and let everyone know that Kevin really is as nice as he seems on TV & such :]

Hehh? They wanted to get to know their fans? Aww, they're such sweet boys! That's so cute of him to admire his fellow group mates like that. Hahhah, you know, its not considered as bragging, you're basically contributing to the conversation and the life of this thread! Its good to share experiences, because we get to know somewhat a little bit more about XING.

Thanx for your answer, but I tried to meet Kevin myself T_T

I just waited out of Xing entertainment and met Kevin 3 times

Today I'll leave Korea and I just met Kevin 10AM today.

He's so nice , he even said "Have a good flight" T_T

I couldn't love him more T_T I aked him to sign for me and for Thai fans and he said ' No problem'

He such a good person T_T Before he enter to the office he even said 'See you next time'

T_T This is my suggest to all Xing fans...this is a good time to meet them..

because Xing's CEO [That I met] told me by himself that they will release new single on this August.

So u better go to meet them before they get more famous T_T

Hope everybody that want to see Xing can see them too^^

I'll shoe you guys Kevin's autograph later after I arrive Thailand.

I got some help from two korean fans too they r so nice.

*falls* you lucky lucky one. Too bad going to Korea seems impossible for me right now. Actually its probably impossible until I gain complete freedom! A new single this August heh? I wish its early August. Yay YunAh can now add more autographs to her collection of other people's autographs of XiNG. Its cool to know that a lot of people have met Kevin and all said that he's nice. Thank you for sharing with us!

Thank you for sharing the picture YunAh, I guess that conversation with you over the phone paid off. xD hahah I headed home as quick as I can.

And it does feel slightly weird without KiBum in there. Its like they're missing something. But oh wellz...they all look wonderful. Yeahz...new look. ^^ I'll get used to it! Within a few days!

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Guest silver_byul

Question for micnmin4eva or anyone who has been to XING Entertainment...

1. Were you allowed to go inside the entertainment or did you wait outside??

Hehe I'm going to Korea next year and who knows..there might be a chance I can visit ;]

(eeeehhhhhh back to translating cause I know all of you guys are still waiting for the loooooooooooooong ones lol)

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Guest shaaaron
Yes lets just fly to Korea right now and meet them. No problem. =_=;;

I wish it were possible. T_T;

Seriously.... I like Yume's hair! XD Well actually, I'd like it better if it was like that one photo with him looking angry, but he looked like Se7en, and his hair was black... and long.. but short since it was layered? I like layers and messy.... well it depends on how'd it look. Some people can pull it off. Yume probably can. But yeah, I don't know, he looks really cute in that picture. Smile perhaps? :D

Kevin's hair, okay nevermind.. that's not my dyed hair color. When I thought reddish brown, I literally thought like... reddish... brown. xD Which is my hair... His is like.. BROWN. :x But Kevin really looks cute, even with the different hair color. <3 I like black, but I'm not complaining since it didn't do any damage to have brown hair.

I seriously need to stop procrastinating and get ready for PGA... ._.; (KEVIN SHOULD KNOW WHAT THAT IS. XDD)

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Guest shaaaron

^ Not an exact reason. Maybe for different goals/ambitions, or... I heard something about medical problems? We're not exactly sure. Or at least I'm not. x.x

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Guest meshelle_so_rawrness


Kim Kibum is Kim HyunJoong's bro?


Soo cooollllll!!!

However, i havent seen them in

a while...=_=

hope they come out more


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Guest WithYunHo


Kim Kibum is Kim HyunJoong's bro?

He's brothers with Kim Hyung Jun...

You're talking about the leader of SS501...

Did you get their names mixed up?

Here's an intimate brother/brother moment...


credits: Cynostar & Soompi

OMG! micnmin4eva! You're so lucky! You met Kevin too!!!

Dang! I want to meet that boy...He is so sweet...I really wanna

meet him and get his autograph...The staffs seems very nice too.

Wow...you gals are so lucky...

That's a great promo poster!!! Jin Hyun cutted his hair! :o Wow!

Yume looks very handsome!! I need to get use to Kevin's new hair

though....I like it but just need to get use to seeing it...Hye Sung looks

so cute!! PD too (^^) Hehe...Thanks for sharing!

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Guest reiyana

it is very sad that kibum left Xing, since he's one of my favs from there...

does anyone know what he's up to now? is he going solo or something?

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Guest loveprint


We don't exactly know what's he's doing. But I have a feeling that he might go solo. Or he might not even come out as a singer. Who knows.

He did start up a shop with HJ, though. We mentioned that I think on the last page?

Yay happy 500 posts for me. :D

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Guest canityo

shaaaron:I heard somewhere that it wasn't what he imagined it to be, I suppose celebrity life is really complex.

I don't think it's medical problems anymore, more about his goals yes? :D

meshelle_so_rawrness:They'll come out, they'll come out in August or something. Hopefully or I will start crying. ):

Cyworld updates

Yume Cy Message: Come on guys

PD Cy Message: hehe

PD Title: I am Yong Joon Hyung

PD 07.07.25

I'm not gonna get pushed over anymore, I'm gonna become stronger

Credits: CYWORLD + silver_byul + CYNOSTAR.NET

YAY PD!!! XD I'm so proud of him for some reason. T_T He sounds like a strong boy.

Woo, I'll be back with more updates later, maybe. If I don't fall asleep on my food. ._.

My post is very bolded? :x

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Guest maizakichi

i didn't have the chance to go online yesterday T_T

but wee..our home's net is back..weeee

urbanature and

micnmin4eva(and you even met XING Ents CEO?!)

wahh...you're so lucky..hehehe...

weee...so cool...

Yes lets just fly to Korea right now and meet them. No problem. =_=;;
heheh...i wish T-T




wee...i like Kevin's hair here though..it looks good on him.

i like jin's old hair better XD

but omo..omo...YUME!




okay wow.

yume is yummy.


seriously i like his hair now hhehehee..

it suits him..

and PD withi his beannie again...

yeah..hyesung needs a haircut..hahaha

and woot. i guess i should get

used to seeing Xing's pic w/o kibum <3

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Guest shaaaron
shaaaron:I heard somewhere that it wasn't what he imagined it to be, I suppose celebrity life is really complex.

I don't think it's medical problems anymore, more about his goals yes? :D

Goals, yeah. Cause I just heard the medical problems rumor out of no where. I mean I knew that he got the surgery for his nose, but other than that.. yeah, I didn't get why he'd leave because of medical problems... BUT ANYWAY.. XD From what I've heard about other celebrities and such, it's really hard to train to become a celebrity, or well what I've heard was in terms of a singer. :x

Okay I really wanna see new official photos of the boys with their new haircuts. Or camwhore photos.. or something! xD <3

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