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^Yeah, the HyeSung pic is cute too. Aww I want that golden retriever! Hmmm 12 days left, let's hope the information is reliable. Well, let's just wait (again and see). My net just have to lag like crazy when there's a new/old unseen HyeSung picture. The net hates me.

Oh well. Thank you heaps for sharing YunAh. Seems like things are looking up again.

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xing started off as a 4 member gp..wen were the other members added and y?

i know its prolly a question which is most likely to have been answered b4..but if someone could tell me or direct me to where i can find outwhy that would b great

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Guest canityo
xing started off as a 4 member gp..wen were the other members added and y?

i know its prolly a question which is most likely to have been answered b4..but if someone could tell me or direct me to where i can find outwhy that would b great

Near their debut PD and Jinhyun were added in. We still do not know why, but maybe to give the group an extra kick or just to create some hype?

They started off with 4 members and then they added 2, now 1 left. So there is a total of FIVE members, just in case if you didn't know that 1 of them left. (:

Yes, it is a question asked all the time, in fact I think we should put it on the front page instead. =="

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^ Alright, yes you're right, its a question that is frequently asked in this thread and whenever Xing is mentioned. Correct me if I'm wrong alright. Xing started off as 4 members, then 2 were added after the release of their first single (or some time around then). And recently, KiBum announced that he is no longer apart of Xing...so the math is:

4 + 2 - 1 = 5

Right? There's 5 members now. *sighs* KiBum...

I wonder if there were other pictures of XING with dogs.

- edit -

Woah YunAh you're fast. Yes a f.a.q would be VERY nice. ^^ it would really help newbies know more about Xing. Well not like we know much.

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^^thanks for that :)

cos i didnt no wen it happened..and i read abt the kibum thing up there

(sorry to b an annoyance)


ur both so fast!!!

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^HAhaha, I think that's because we're from the same time zone.

I wonder if KiBum will be included in the new Single/Album.

I want to know~~~ I can't wait till the release of the single/album, we'll get heaps more pictures, or AT LEAST a set of official pictures AND at least an MV. I hope I'm not expecting too much.

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Guest canityo

No problem, twee. >< Fast eh? I guess we kind of monitor this thread for movement. T^T

We needs to discuss stuff around here....somewhere in the terms of acting? *giggles*

As far as I know only PD, Jinhyun, Kevin and Kibum are on the list. ^^

That's more than half of them now! Now what character do you think they would be suitable in a drama? (:

Jin Hyun - Lol, I said this before and I would say it again. Gangsterrrrrrrrrrr/good at fighting dude. XDDD Okay, my adjectives aren't the best, I know. But he suits the type only because we've seen him flip. But he would look superawesomehotsexyomfgdrooldiesdieschokechokescreaaaam if he was like 'the dude who can fight and protect' in the drama. XD It would be so awesome.

And then from his White Day picture, it gives me the feeling of the shy guy to girls, you get me? Yes, now I'm just staring at the white day picture on the wall.

This is kind of off topic, but I remember one of those Banjun dramas Yunho was in and he was like one of the tough guys who had a girl as a tutor, well Jinhyun could fit that role perfectly too! Jumping out of the window and fighting the guys. *laughs like crazy* okay I've completely gone insane from waiting, but I'm trying to get some imagination happening around here. And can't you imagine him being awesome at basket ball? He probably is anyway. That would all just fit in a drama, he would just be the 'cool' guy, you know? XD

On the other hand, for some reason I can imagine him in the role for one of the guys in Goong. Jeebus wouldn't he look awesome in a prince costume/outfit?

Hmm, yeah on another note. I need to discover a new JinHyun White Day picture because I am very curious of how else he posed with the gift box. ^^

Kevin - I said this before too right after Ashley said Kevin is one of the nicest guys on Earth. He would suit the nice dude next door. Hahaha. :D

I really can't imagine him as the tough guy or anything but I can only imagine him being the nice guy but being so perfect at everything. *My imagination just placed big nerdy glasses on him O_O*

He wouldn't be the guy in the drama which all the girls squeal over, but that could happen. I just can't imagine it.

Now that I think about it I can't imagine him being in any role, maybe a little brother that always plays video games? That would be so cute! I don't know about pretending to be a spoiled brat or a heartbroken boy. XD But a little brother is imaginable!!! XD

*puts big glasses on Kevin* Well, I can imagine him browsing through the library like a nerd? -_- Okay my imagination for Kevin died long ago. >_> I know.

About his two White Day pictures that I've seen, ones all smiley and one is glare-y. I hope there's another smiley one we haven't seen!

PD - PDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!! What role could he suit? I can imagine him being a cheeky little brother AND a gangster guy. XD He suits both!

From the impression I have from his cute butt smile, he is the guy who has many many friends. XD The guy who has EVERYTHING but his lovewhoisme.

I can imagine him playing DDR because of the Hello Star videos that I have watched. :x He is just the happy chap, you know. XD He suits any role, maybe except for a super sad one. ._. He looks way too happy to suit a sad role. T^T

He is the guy who would do the sweetest things for a girl, this comes from looking at his cake white day picture but yes I CAN IMAGINE HIM GETTING FLOUR ON HIS NOSE FROM COOKING A CAKE. (Actually, I can imagine the whole of XING hahahahaha!! THEN THEY HAVE A FOOD FIGHT. >:]

Okay, I lost my imagination for PD too now. -_-

HOW ABOUT HIM BOXING?? XDDDDDDDDDD!!! PD = mushroom and nothing else.

His cake White Day pic was love love love. <333

Hyesung - Okay so he isn't on the actors list but no harm in adding him in. xD I can always imagine him as the guy who says the wrong things at the wrong time~ When I imagine it he is always so funny.

Of course as we have heard of his tremendous appetite he would eat a lot in his character too! But since I haven't seen a lot of Hyesung, I can't really imagine anything of him.

Though I can imagine him in a prince outift, omfg it would look so pretty. <3333333!!

Oh yes and he would own a cat because he looks like a cute kitty cat. xDD

I can imagine sitting in a corner opening each and everyone of the presents he fans gave him, it would look so cute!! XDDD

Yes I have no imagination for Hyesung.


He is funny, well I love his Q&A and I think he is funny by nature. XDDDD But then I've seen him act sad before too. His expression really fooled me from his funny personality. XD

I can so imagine him being way over-protective about his girl and then the girl being angry at him and then he would have to fix it! XDD

And Yume chasing a little dog. ._. Too bad he isn't on the actors list either. ):

Maybe I'm done now. T^T I wanted to start a discussion, but yeah I have to do my assignment. >__<


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LOL YunAh...my thoughts are slightly different. You should write a fanfiction. Knowing you woman, you'll be back before midnight.

Alright, just to kill time cuz I don’t have an exam tomorrow!

JinHyun – Ermmm he can play the role of the demon TaeKwonDo master that looks really nice when you’re not training, but is EVIL when you’re training.

Kevin – Hahah yes, seems like Kevin is the cute kid next door that bakes cookies for his older sister? Aww how cute. Erm, though at the same time he seems like the “strong-willed” type. Everyone’s got a dark side, I wanna see this guy’s dark side!

PD - PD = mushroom. Definitely suit the cheeky role. Or he can be the crazy kid that hops from place to place.

Yume – The alien…that gets chase by dogs! He’d suit the role of being the crazy guy, judging from his entries seems like his mind is quite twisted, actually seems like his sense of logic is quite twisted too. OR he can play the role of the crazyoverprotective older brother that always gets into trouble with his younger sister. O_O now that would be interesting.

HyeSung – Mwhahaha must leave the best for last. This guy seems like he can pull faces well…heck, he can be anything. Though…a prince would be nice. He’s got that feminine feel to him, this is only his appearance I’m basing this on by the way. He seems like a serious guy, no kidding, T_T he can be the guy that pops his honest opinions at the wrong time and ends up in a mess. Or he can be the guy that sits at the corner and eat cakes. Either way would work.

KiBum - Can be the guy that glares at the screen and melt fan girls.

I'm braindead right now, must preserve brain cell for practical exam!!!

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Guest canityo
when exactly is the streetjam or whatever.

like the korean date and time and can someone tell me the address.

i will try to go and take pictures if it's allowed but i can't guarantee it

since i'm getting ready to leave korea soon :[

Date: 2007 August 19th Saturday

Location: Namdae moon, 10th floor, Popcorn Hall(?)

Time: 4:00 ~ 10:00

Amount: 20000 won (around $20)


Yes dear, go for it!!! XDD

I just realised I wrote quite a lot before. -.-


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooo! I owned. T^T


Credits: As Tagged + Cynostar.net

the other In The Morning pic. :x

v Thanks for that. I'm literally falling asleep. T^T

Kevin and Yume pics posted at CYNOSTAR.NET *falls to the ground sleeping*

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Guest shaaaron


JinHyun: Exactly, the gangster/fighter. But he's secretly someone who performs on stage, but he can't let his "brothers" know, or they'd totally make fun of him. Or do worse. You know, just pure humiliation cause he has to wear stage makeup and stuff. :D

Poppin' Dragon: SHAKESPEARE NERD!... who can dance.

Yume: Bipolar character. He's funny. He's cute. But when he's got a girl, he's over protective and jealous. And when he's alone, he goes emo on our butts.

Kevin: A friend, the innocent best friend of the main actress. He secretly has feelings for her, but she's oblivious to the fact, even through all the care he's shown. Instead, she's off with Yume because he's older and she's thinks she's too mature for any 15/16 year olds. BUT ONE DAY SHE REALIZES SHE LOVES KEVIN, THE SWEET, BEST FRIEND OF 983274982374982734 YEARS, AND SHE FALLS FOR HIM. :D!

HyeSung: The guy who grows old alone with his 50 cats. The poet on the side. The one who has a happy side but also, a dark past and emotional side. The guy girls swoon for, but he ignores them because his heart is only set on one woman. Yeah... :x

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Guest maizakichi

Aw you lucky person. We have confirmations! They're alive and doing well. Thanks heaps for telling us ashleyx.

yeah..ashley is sooo lucky...but i'm so sad right now..did we just have someone to confirm that kibum is really no longer part of the group? huhuhuh..grrrr.... :tears:

and oh..the in the morning pics..they uploaded it on may 04 <3 yay..my bday..and hyesung's too.....hahaha.

.but how come there's no kibum solo?

arrgghh..of all the people..why did they have to left kibum?...heheheh ;p

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As much as I love dogs that fluff of fur that HyeSung is holding onto looks evil. T_T the thing looks like its glaring at me. Alright its only a dog, ignore it!


JinHyun: Exactly, the gangster/fighter. But he's secretly someone who performs on stage, but he can't let his "brothers" know, or they'd totally make fun of him. Or do worse. You know, just pure humiliation cause he has to wear stage makeup and stuff. :D

Poppin' Dragon: SHAKESPEARE NERD!... who can dance.

Yume: Bipolar character. He's funny. He's cute. But when he's got a girl, he's over protective and jealous. And when he's alone, he goes emo on our butts.

Kevin: A friend, the innocent best friend of the main actress. He secretly has feelings for her, but she's oblivious to the fact, even through all the care he's shown. Instead, she's off with Yume because he's older and she's thinks she's too mature for any 15/16 year olds. BUT ONE DAY SHE REALIZES SHE LOVES KEVIN, THE SWEET, BEST FRIEND OF 983274982374982734 YEARS, AND SHE FALLS FOR HIM. :D!

HyeSung: The guy who grows old alone with his 50 cats. The poet on the side. The one who has a happy side but also, a dark past and emotional side. The guy girls swoon for, but he ignores them because his heart is only set on one woman. Yeah... :x

LOL Sharon you're too funny. xD I can so imagine a cliche story with the Kevin description. I reckon that the girl should be older.

And the HyeSung and 50 cats part, for some reason, I have a feeling that HyeSung will have a priceless expression if he's really surrounded by 50 cats. A little scary, cuz cats can get agressive. *glares* that one woman better be me. T_T

yeah..ashley is sooo lucky...but i'm so sad right now..did we just have someone to confirm that kibum is really no longer part of the group? huhuhuh..grrrr.... :tears:

and oh..the in the morning pics..they uploaded it on may 04 <3 yay..my bday..and hyesung's too.....hahaha.

.but how come there's no kibum solo?

arrgghh..of all the people..why did they have to left kibum?...heheheh ;p

Hehhhh~ interesting. *pats Maiza*, its not the last time that you will see him. I'm sure that he'll do something to make you happy in the future^^.

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Guest canityo

it's on august 19?

awwww. i thought it was in july for some reason.

can't go since i have school soon -___-" sorry..

hope someone can post clips from the streetjam thing ^^;;

I wonder if Kibum is going to watch them. :x

Yeah most likely a lot of fansites would post them up.

>< It would of been nice if you went though huh?

I've run out of things to say here so I'm just going to post the pics. xD


^ I wanted to post this up because it's so freakin' cute.

Credits: As Tagged + Naver + CYNOSTAR.NET


Credits: As Tagged + CYNOSTAR.NET

Kev is so cute there. XD The dog looks funny!! XDD

There's still a Yume one at Cynostarrrrrrr!

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Guest WithYunHo

^ That is such an adorable picture of Kevin!!! He's so cute!!

His hair grew out...*ENVIES* He has very nice hair (^^)

Envy guys that has better hair than me (^^)'

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Guest shaaaron

My hair can only get that shiny and straight when I got to a salon. -_-

LOL Sharon you're too funny. xD I can so imagine a cliche story with the Kevin description. I reckon that the girl should be older.

And the HyeSung and 50 cats part, for some reason, I have a feeling that HyeSung will have a priceless expression if he's really surrounded by 50 cats. A little scary, cuz cats can get agressive. *glares* that one woman better be me. T_T

I'd personally be afraid with 50 cats surrounding me. xDD

Now that I think of it, that dog is kind of creepy. :x BUT LOOK AT HYESUNG AND KEVIN... :D <3

I'm really looking forward to the time when Xing has more videos and we can see them having fun and laughing.

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Guest canityo

The more I look at the Kevin picture, they more I see his meatless wrists!! x_x

The dog is so lucky, the dog is holding Kevin's hand!!!! Or shaking it at least. ._.

-_- They all have such nice hair no matter how many times they dye it, kill it and slaughter it.

I will probably received some new news on their single (the full translations) tomorrow or something.

If you're interesting in being a Korean or Chinese translator, please go to CYNOSTAR.NET for more info.

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Puahahahahaha OMG I'm so late reading everything in this thread = =;;; Anyways, I just read YunAh's post about acting-wise and such. Well, I already wrote my little imaginary thoughts of Yume and a dog. If you want to know what that's about, just go over to Cyno because typing it here again will cause even more confusion.

ACTING. Well, let me see here:

JIN HYUN: He has that "I'm a martial arts expert so heeyah" kind of appearance to him; which yeah can make him be that gangster fighter yet he can also be that shy quiet guy that doesn't really have that complete appearance of a fighter, you know? It's like one of those little secrets of his he keeps to himself till something occurs for it to be revealed. I don't know, he just reminds me of a shy guy that has a very soft spot for the smallest things in life.

YUME: Okay the dog thing can be one part of it but for acting I'll leave that for another time. Anyways, Yume has that "Mystery Man" kind of appeal to him somehow. Maybe that's just me seeing him as the mystery guy with a million little boxes of surprises that are slowly revealed one by one as they are opened as each day passes by. When he doesn't smile, he'll always have a serious expression on his face that shows that mystery aura about him like you wonder: "What is he thinking about when he looks at the camera as if it's his reflection?" When he smiles it's so childish and leaves so many wonders of the questioning mind. Somehow I just find him like a child at heart with his silly little cyworld entries but when the situations call for maturity he can become a completely different character yet still remain himself. Make sense? Probably not :x

HYE SUNG: He always reminds me of a cat or one of those shampoo models who flick their hair back away from their face with such a blissful expression. Aside from that, he could be the quiet and soft-spoken sort of guy, like you really wouldn't know his personality or mannerisms unless you observe or speak to him on a daily basis. I hardly paid attention to him *runs away from Cammy* but something about Hye Sung is just another mystery sealed away in a box. I don't know...but that's how I feel.

PD: Beat-boxing and DJ-ing is what this boy reminds me of. Like he's that DJ in a club working the music with his own magic and enjoys the surrounding of sound to fill his world. Not to mention he is a dancer so he can be a top-dancer at his school that does daily gigs with a couple of friends on a day to day basis but doesn't allow it to take him away from his studies. He's got a nice personality and child-like smile; his scrunched up face with the cake is so fricken cute he's like a little child too.

KEVIN: Oh man, the baby of the group and the sweetest features of a little angel. Like the boy that lives next door; the one that you can grow up with and know all your life. Very down to earth, loving, and perhaps can have some little small hideaways that he can keep to himself. He's another one of those shy guys in a way but is very open and friendly; like those people that you will automatically click with as a friend the minute he says hello and begins a conversation with you.


Yepp that's all I have to say now. *takes a bow*

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Guest HoiSang
HyeSung: The guy who grows old alone with his 50 cats.

haha, DUDE! u nearly made spit out my drink while i was reading through this thread xD

hey all~ *wavess* glad to see the thread grew nicely while i was away in an internet-deprived place, hehe! so yeah, dat was a great thing to start with while returning to my much missed XING soompi thread ^^

but, while reading through u and the rest's character ideas for the XING boys, i dunno why i blanked out and didn't realize only 5 boys were being discussed about...

until i started reading all the previous pages...and the line that went ' is now a 5-membered group' caught my eye 0_o and i kept reading..and reading.. then i suddenly found out out that Ki Bum left.


gosh, i guess i didnt realize how much i love this group until this news happened - it really hurt me, that i was so numb when i kept on reading the previous posts.

but yeah, at one point i had to stop reading, coz i suddenly burst out crying coz i realized there seems to be a pattern that the kpop groups i adore and love..well,

1) god... then kye sang left

2) The Trax... then Rose left

3) XING... and then....yeah

*siiiigh* i'm cursed, i tell ya' >.< i hope i won't have to go through this AGAIN >.<

but yeahh, like everyone..i pray and hope the best for Ki Bum @ Marumir, and hope he'll have a bright future ahead (oh, wut am i saying, of COURSE he will ^^)

oops, sorry all for the long post ^^; - and yeah, i am looking forward to XING's future projects, and will continue (like so many others) to be patient. it's painful, i know, but...

i have a feeling it'll be truly worth the wait <3 P-D... (=

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