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August 19th, a chance for us to see their new appearance. LOL...so till August 19th we won't see anything at all. GREAT! ^^ in case if you didn't sense the sarcasm, THAT was sarcasm. Oh wellz. Hey, at least we have a date to "look forward" to now. ^^

Does this mean that they will dance? Ah~ ah~

LET'S DO THE COUNTDOWN GIRLS! ermmm 18 + 18 = 36...YAY 36 more days!!!

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(waves pom poms with Cammy)


Yunah, why don't you let people take it out of Soompi with credits so that the news of it spreads and more fans turn up at it? o-o

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Guest loveprint


We are Cynoing? Go go.

Finally, there are some news. Looking forward to it. (: Hopefully their single is still scheduled for July.

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Guest maizakichi

oh my sure we can! my gawdness...i'm having a heart attack!!!

i've said to myself that i'm not gonna believe on any news about xing attending concerts and stuff unless they debut or unless it was posted on their site 'cause of some previous rumored appearance before......and my gawd..

it came true! and it's from xing.tv....

aww..i wanna die..but i don't want to....;p

i wanna see them alive first..

plus their NEW LLOOOKKKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DANCING?! i wanna freaking see them ALL dance..please let the 6 of them perform PURLLEASSSEEE....

new and cool appearance..i am so looking forward for this one...

please don't break my heart T_T hahaha


thank you so much for the news <3

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Guest JA.NiCE

x3FOBBiiLiZZiix3: i think i know what you're talking about. i saw it once.

yeah i swear i saw that commercial before. and i was staring like crazy. thinking is that Kevin??

no it can't be him or is it?? yeah. no clue if it were him or not.

you're so lucky to have the chance to go. if i were you i would so go. xD

i'm so excited for this. hearing this made me so happy. =D

i want to see them dance. have they been practicing??

august is so far away. >_> i'll look forward to it though!

their new appearance. i wonder how they all look like now.

and the price for it is so cheap too.

thanks Yunah!

i hope the boys will have something for us this month too. (:

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This month. There's 18 days left. I hope something unexpectedly comes out and "suprise" us and shower us in happiness. == I'm beeing too sarcastic today.

Ermm perhaps an MV could come out. O_O those things comes out unexpectedly! Though...what are the chances of that?

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Guest canityo

I'm happy to hear the news of them appearing somewhere in August, but I don't like the sound of 'An Opportunity to see Xing's new and cool appearance!!!

Everyone waited so much right?'

Yes we have been waiting for a long time, but I never really expected them to think for International Fans but yeah. I'm only a tiny tiny tiny TEENY WEENY bit disappointed that it sounds like they won't show anything to us at the last minute.

And you know how we are we are international fans, it's not like I can swim to Korea then and take pictures for us. I just hope they allow cameras or news sites would take some official pictures for us

Hmmmmm ignore what I just wrote. -.- It's a negative side of some positive news! Not good! Just count down to the day of the appearance. ^^

And here's a picture I found today!


Credits: Cyworld + Cynostar.net



Credits: As tagged + cynostar.net

Yes, I fell off my chair when I saw this and had multiple heart attacks.

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Guest silver_byul

canityo you're scaring me...i read that entry and i'm translating it right now...omg omg omg...i'll say no more....

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LOL...You know I like this blonde better then the last one, my eyes accepted it pretty well. ^^

I was shocked and used several weird emoticons on MSN. Hehhe^^ Kibum looks pretty good now that I'm examining him. xD the blonde is doing pretty well. He doesnt have that sickly tone on his skin unlike before. xD

It'll grow on us! Like Jae's one. xD

Then again, you know, it might be an old picture (photoshoped). But I would like to believe that its new. xD

- edit -

See weird stuff happens on Friday 13th (like how I magically did something stupid).

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Guest JA.NiCE

i love it!! i'm sure when i first saw this picture my face was priceless. xDD

i like this picture more than the other one. =]

after i saw this picture i was like ohmy i love him blonde. ahahah

this blonde rather than the other blonde.

and his stare is so ^D^. and his eyes are so shiny. i love this picture.

one down 5 more to go. ;]


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Guest canityo

Hooo I forgot another one. :x


Credits: Cyworld + cynostar.net

I got used to it now. xD HE LOOKS CUTE. (:

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Guest WithYunHo

OMG! Is that Kevin giving out autographs?!! My goodness!

I wanna meet him and get an autograph! Plus pictures (^^)

Hehe...He looks so cute and sweet!

I wanna go see them at the B-boy event! Pretty sure Jin Hyunnie

will go in and show off his stuff, right? Haha! I would love to see

him...I'll just end up falling for him even more!! That's so awesome!

I hope someone could go and record them for us.

Thanks so much for sharing the pictures and for the GREAT news

and update!!

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I kind of can't get over how his hair is blond but his eyebrows are black. I think it'll take me a while to adapt. It's like JJ's platinum hair. I think Kibum should consider a haircut. :x

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Guest canityo

==; I'm sort of worried about Kibum. His entry...I don't know if it was suppose to be negative or positive. It was like half of it was 'YEAH FIGHTING!!' type XD the other half is 'I'm going now.' .__.

Here it is:



July 13, 2007, for the starting point XING's Marumir has

returned as Kim Kibum. I no longer saw the vision and

I don't regret this because I've made this decision to

open up my dreams. I still don't regret anything and I

am not going to regret anything in the future.

I thank all of the fans that have given me the name

Marumir, and I would also like to thank the staff and

our members, it was a very memorable experience.

I'll never forget the problems our members and I have

gone through and I wish all of them good luck and

our friendship will never cease.

I'd like to thank all of the fans again that have cared

for me but this isn't the end.

The vision I wanted may have already been made

but I won't just stop here.

I will not forget all of the caring and loving words you

have said and from now on Kim Kibum will step foward.

Today isn't the end.

Today is the S T A R T, Ma Life.

Credits: Cyworld + silver_byul + cynostar.net

T_T...I'm confused.

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Guest shaaaron

^I'm confused as you are YunAh. I mean of course it's probably got to with the band, but yeah... T_T;

His first entry wasn't very inspiring either.. well not really. Ahhh KiBum, what's wrong?

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Guest canityo

Okay women. It's okay. :D Just think happy thoughts, it's just Kibum being...a bit deep right? XD



Credits: XING ent. + Cynostar.net


Credits: As Tagged + Cynostar.net



Credits: As Tagegd + Blog Naver + Cynostar.net


^ Same picture but with signatures. ;DD!!

Credits: As Tagged + Cynostar.net

Well, that's all the 6 member pictures I've posted. Just to make people happier when they see Kibum's entry. :x


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Guest shaaaron

Were they dancing in that concert picture?

And I just realized that the group picture (the one with signatures) is of the boys with the same concert outfits. I like HyeSung's outfit on him. Damn he looks good in the photo. T_T <3

First photo, JinHyun's capture is just... wowwww.. he looks adorable.

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Guest canityo

^ Hehe, I'm pretty sure they were dancing at the concert. I know that PD did his trademark solo dance!

Hmm...if they each had a solo, then did Jinhyun dance or sing? ._.

Interesting, I must investigate. :D

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I'm sad. I'm willing to wait for another year. Just when KiBum climbed up to the top of my list he dump a "serious" cy entry.

I love those group pictures YunAh! Thank you so much for sharing. It must be hard breaking the news.

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