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[variety] Heroine 6 여걸6

Guest jingjuna

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Thanks, yoojeong... ^_^ I can't wait for the game translations.. Have lunch first so that you will be more alert when translating... ;)

PS: I'm crying right now because of School Attack... This girl said that her teacher is like her mother -_-

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No need to be sorry yoojeong! Take your time!

I'll try to do the subs by tonight. :)

thanks yoojeong and debbii for the translations and subs! muah!!

does anyone have the HQ in their cb?

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Guest evelyn168

Thanks for translating... Today's episode was hilarious... The new game and partner choosing was fun... Woo Hyuk is in trouble next week... I wonder if Kim Jong Min and Kim Jung Min are prepared to be bashed on the internet like MC Mong and Ms Shin... Haha...

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Guest yoojeong

Still continuing...^^

Back to School days.

Sukjin- Everyone, i have some good news. You see how theres only girls sitting here, this school is a boys school.

Sunhee- I never knew it was a boys school.

Sukjin- And, another 7 new boys will join you today.

Girls fighting..

Sukjin- Hey hey, stop now.

Sunhee grabs hyeryuns hair- Stop it!

Hyeryun- I am Hyeryuns dad!

Sukjin- Girls calm down..

Okay, ill start introducing the first student.

This student is very popular and is ZZang (best)..

Please come in~


Now woohyuk you see how there is an empty table/seat next to the girls, you can choose where to sit.

Hyunyoung- Thank you~

Woohyuk grabs a stick- Give me your hands..

Sukjin- When do you like woohyuk, hyunyoung?

Hyunyoung- when he dances its soo sexy, theres a dance whilst he kneels its perfect!!!

Sukjin- now woohyuk will choose a seat..

Hyunyoung- Woohyuk shi, over here..

Woohyuk- I will sit in a comfortable seat for today..

Everyone- NO way, jung sun hee~~

Jung sun hee and Jang Woo Hyuk together.

Sukjin- Now ill introduce the 2nd male student. This person has joined us despite having a rest.. Please come out!!


Come over here tim.

Hyunyoung- His handsome. I really like the singer TIM.

Sunhee- Didnt you say you were a big Woohyuk fan??

Hyunyoung- Previously..

Hyunyoung- I really like Tim, he comes out in my dreams..everyday and every night..

Sukjin- Our Tim has prepared a dance for the Yoh Gals..

Tim dances, and chooses to sit next to hye young..

Hyeyoung- Oh my, i really cant believe it!!!

Sunhee- Hyunyoung's expression is deep..Also Yuh Jins the youngest member here, but theres no use if you're young..

Yuhjin- Over here do you make partners according to the age??? (Sunhee first then hye young)\

Hyunyoung- ohhh is that so, is that so..I was worried for no reason..

Sunhee- Hyunyoung, do you..still like tim??

Hyunyoung- No not really..I lied before..

Sunhee- You said you dreamt of him every day every night..

Sukjin- Hyunyoung shi, what do you think of tim personally??

Hyunyoung- well...i dont really want to think of him..

Sukjin- Now next student. This student has just attended another school... You guys know right??

Please come forward.

Kim jung min.

Hyeryun- Um we want a student...

Sunhee- Not an employee..

Jungmin- First off i will introduce about myself. I am only 3 years older than all of you. Why im 3 years older

why i brought these flowers, i will explain now sir (to sukjin)

Sukjin- yes sure, you appear the same age as me..

Jungmin- To be honest, this oppa has only attended school for 3 years. I have moved from school to school in 3 years,

and caused many accidents..and after causing many accidents/problems, i bought these flowers

and it calmed me down..So thats why i am joining you today.

Since i am your oppa i will speak informally..

I have a request, please dont separate these flowers from me.

So do i choose a student??

Sukjin- yes..ohhh his walking confidently..

Jungmin sits next to sujung.

Sunhee- Its like a stewardess meeting a subway employee..

Sukin- Now this student is late student...his not an post school student..Studies just like you guys..

OUr Kimjongmin student!!!

Kimjongmin shi, in heroine 6 hyunyoung has come, and also yujin has joined..say something to hyunyoung..

Jongmin-Ahh Nuna(older sister) you're beautiful, really...She's so beautiful i want to be partners with her.

Hyeryun- so what about me??

Jongmin- No thanks.

Sukjin- According to the music played you can choose to sit with whoever you like.

Please play the music!

Jongmin chooses ??

Hyeryun- Jongmin wants jungmin to come out of his seat. They're fighting for sujung.

Sukjin- THen kangsujung shi, can choose..

Jungmin sit, or Jongmin sit.

Sujung- Jungmin SIT.

Sukjin- please play the music again.

Jongmin chooses yuh jin.

Sukjin- Choi yuh jin and kim jong min sit together.

Girls- #(*$&)*%)((@*#

Sukjin- Whats wrong??

Hyunyoung- how can i remain with jo hye ryun??

Sukjin- Now this student is the youngest of all the male students here.. and is very close to KKOT MI NAM (good looking)

Two students will both arrive..

Kim Hyung jung and pak jung min

KHJ/PJM- Hi we are from SS501

Sunhee stands- everyone sit straight and bow~ "HELLO"..

Sukjin- Who is younger???

Jungmin puts his hand up.

Sukjin- You will be surprised when you hear his date of birth.

What year were you born in??

Jungmin- ...1987...

Kimjungmin- Hey jungmin im only 3 years older than you, remember that

Sukjin- Please play the music.

Hyun Jung chooses hyunyoung.

Jung min chooses Hyeryun

Sukjin- Now the seating arrangements settled..Left row is for guys, right row is for girls.

Hyeryun- Yes thats right..I really like him..

Sukjin- Hye Ryun KUN(Mate) please sit.

Hyeryun- YES! HWa ee ting!

Kimjungmin- OY Hyeryun mate, im only 3 years older than you.

Sukjin- Now you see you all have filled seats right??

Everyone- yes.

Sukjin- it doesnt finish here. We have invited another male student. So thats why there is an empty seat

at the back over there, as well as an extra student.

This student is the king of R&B. His surname is BU..Thats the final hint.

Please come out!!


If you examine the room its all filled.

Brian- Oh..i have no partner..

Sukjin- Thats right.. We even have boy couples here (johyeryun/pakjungmin)

So what you can do is go to the student and yell "Hey come out".. and sit..

Sunhee- Is brian's surname BU or Bra??

The seating arrangement has all changed whilst jungmin/hyeryun started dancing..

Sukjin- Whats happened here?? wait a minute..Jungmin why are you theree??

Hyeryun- I was just dancing for a bit...what happened to my partner??

Sukjin- So the two of you (hyeryun/jungmin) can sit over here..

Sunhee- Or she can sit with brian and jungmin sits at the back.

Sukjin- just sit over here.

Hyunyoung- Didnt brian choose me??

Sukjin- you chose brian??

Brian- Thats right..

Sukjin- Then kim hyun jung stand up, and hyun young can choose.

Either hyunjung sit or bra sit.

Brian- and if i do get selected do i kiss her??

Sukjin- Yes you peck her on the cheek..

Hey hye ryun can you give her some idea/help her to choose??

Hyeryun- well at times like this...I dont know (never happened to her)

Jungmin- Sir, do i have to sit here??

Hyeryun- You cant move away from your seat, otherwise the arrangement will change again!

Hyunyoung- I will choose Brian

Sukjin- Okay then hyunjung will choose again. Please play the music!

Hyunjung chooses jongmin

Sukjin- Yes we all predicted this.

Choi yuh jin just shout" jungmin sit, or hyunjung sit".

Sunhee- jongmin say something..

Jongmin- Ive had a hard life..

Sukjin- Did you expect him to come to you???

Jongmin- Yes

YUhjin- Hyungjung sit.

Sukjin- Jongmin's 2nd selection.. please play the music.

Jongmin to hyeryun- LEAVE

Hyeryun- What!! this is unfair!!

Does that mean Kim Jung Min has to choose between the two of us???

Sukjin- yes.. Either "jongmin sit or hyeryun sit".

Jungmin- to be honest, i love both of my younger brothers.. but....Jongmin sit.

Sukjin- Hyeryun go down there please.

Hyeryun- dont i have a chance...Lifes hard..

Sukjin- Everyone now these are your partners.. Now in the next lesson lets all have fun!! ^^

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Oh my garshness... Heroine 6 translations & subs?!?!! cool. thanks, yoojeong! B)

Maybe then i'll be able to understand how the game that they're playing works better.

I'm uploading cd2 of Happy Sunday [HQ] to my cb now, btw. It should be done in around 30 minutes.

Heroine 6 begins at the 7:25 mark. I might upload an HQ cut of the soccer segment tomorrow, if i'm able.

edit: it's ready to go! Come on over. Enjoy! :P


The plant that Kim Jung Min brought to class has been traumatized by himself... It was so hilarious watching them stroke that poor plant while they are waiting to be hammered :lol:...

I know--- there was something about how he came in carrying that thing & kept it with him thru the whole show that was just so sadly hilarious. Who knew a plant could be so funny?! :lol:

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Guest yoojeong

Finally finished ^^

Thanks to "H6" supporters.

Thanks to Debbii for sub~~

Build this thread up ^^;;


Sukjin- Do you remember back in the 70's we use to play "catch the mouse"..

Sunhee- Yohjin do you know this game??

Yohjin- No...

Sukjin- when we were young the teacher gave us mouse medicine..

Yuhjin- to eat??

Instructions of the game:

The person who begins yells a number between 1-5

Then in order the students yell "jab ah da"-caught it, or "no chut da"- missed it.

Jab ah da= raise your arms

No chut da= hit your head.

If Jab ah da has been raised as much as the number the 1st person suggested, then everyone needs to yell "man se"=YAY

However if they dont say "man se" at the right time or do "no chut da" instead then you will get hit with the plastic hammer.

Game begins..

Sujung loses.

Sujung- Im good at the games, but i @#$(* cant speak properly..

Jungmin- Sir!

Sukjin- yes

Jungmin- what about substitute??

Sukjin- yes!

Jungmin- Oh so you can have a sub...

Sukjin- Kim jung min you wanted to know that from before right??..

Jungmin- yes..

Hyunyoung- shivers..

Game begins..

Sujung loses again..

Sukjin- all you need to say is "jab ah da" or "no chut da".. whats wrong sujung shi??

Sujung- Because ive been hit previously my brains dead..

Woohyuk- theres subs right..

Brian- then can we go and hit instead..??

Sunhee- no guys hit lightly..

Sunhee begins to hit her head..

Hyeyoung next..

Sukjin- please play the music!

Sunhee- 1 mouse.

Sujung- Jab ah da

Hyeyoung forgets to yell man se..so loses..

Sukjin- we've never seen sujung run so quickly..

Hyeyoung- its scarier because you cant see..

Sukjin- likewise hyunyoung...since she has long arms..it can hurt..ohh hitting from the side..

How do you feel hye young??

Hyeyoung- My brains this small and its jumping around in my head..

Sukjin- okay we'll begin with lee hye young~

Please play the music!

Hyeyoung- 5 mice.

Hyunyoung- jab *&*&%&^

Hyeryun- no &^%*&^&*^

Sukjin- Kim jung min shi, whos fault is it??

Kimjungmin- Hyunyoungs fault.

Hyeryun- Oppa you're the best~

Kimjungmin- Replay it, its obvious.

Sukjin- Sunhee what do you call this type of situation??

Sunhee- this situation is where you have to call someone's mgr..

Jungmin- should i call the ambulance or a nurse??

Hyeryun- lets show a simulation..


Sukjin- hyun young how do you feel??

Hyunyoung- ohh....good.. I feel like drinking 3 soju bottles (really strong korean alcohol)

Hyeryun- lets stop..the guys need a turn too..

Hyunyoung- NO one more game..

Sukjin- okay we'll give you a revenge chance..

please play the music!

Hyunyoung- 1 mice.

Hyeryun- MAN SE

Hyeryun loses..she needs to yell jab ah da

Sukjin- Hyun young its your chance now..

Hyeryun- she was glaring at me saying "han ma di"-1 mice. So i couldnt think..

Sukjin- Simulation please.

Hyeryun- I think its enough now, i have two kids at home they wont recognise me~~

Sometimes my kids call me "JO HYE RYUN" not mother.

Hyeryun gets hit

Sukjin- the females have finished and now for the mens turn.. We have an incredible student..

woohyuk like to say something??

woohyuk- i will do my best like "boong"..

Sukjin- and you jungmin/jongmin??

Jungmin- since we're partners please call us "jung/jong".

Also i would like to reinforce that i am only 3 years younger then my junior peers..

woohyuk- I am exactly 3 years less..

Sukjin- and you jongmin??

Jongmin- i appear 3 years older..

Sukjin- starting with Hyun jung.

siren start!!

Hyunjung- 3!

Tim- no chu da

Jongmin- no chut da

woohyuk- jab ah da

Jungmin- jab ah da

Jungmin- jab ah da

everyone- man se

brian- 2...

The air flooded..

Jungmin- i was just holding/ getting prepared...

Sukjin- he didnt yell man se

Jungmin gets hit..

Jangwoohyuk simulates

Sukjin- whoa~ jangwoohyuks strong..

Kimjungmin make sure you monitor yourself again after this show.

Woohyuk- ill stop the "boong" and begin..

Jungmin- Sir please play the music.

game begins

Kimjungmin- 5!

J.M- No chut da

Brian- jab ah da

H.J- no chut da

Tim- jab ah da

Jongmin-no chut da

Woohyuk- jabahda

jungmin-man se

jungmin loses again

Sukjin- Wait your the one who said 5, and you cant keep track of it!

Jungmin- wasnt that 5??

Everyone- no

Jungmin to woohyuk- WOOHYUK ah, please just not the boong.

Woohyuk- i come because of the boong

Jungmin- I can see them from the angle over here.

Sukjin- okay we'll begin with Kim jung min again!


P.Jm- No chut da

brian- no chut da

H.j- jab ah da

tim- jab ah da

jongmin- no chut...

woohyuk- jab ah da$#$

Kim jong min lose.

Sukjin- our "jong/jung" brothers are continously...

Woohyuk ready

Sukjin- Jongmin if you dont know where to look, look at the angle..

Woohyuk- will this be boong??

Jongmin gets hit

Sukjin- okay we'll begin with Kim jong min

Jongmin- 3!

Woohyuk- no chut da

Jungmin- jab ah da

jungmin- jab ah da

brian- jab ah da

everyone- man se

again jong min loses for not saying man se

Jongmin excuse- i think brian was a bit strange from before..

Sukjin- you didnt say man se!!

Jongmin- me??

Brian- since he is accusing me can i hit him?? I really want to please..

Sukjin- instead of tim, brian will hit him..

Jongmin- wait substitute please...Jungmin hyung.

Jungmin- Jongmin ah do you want to look at these flowers too?

If not, then just touch them..

Sukjin- currently only the "jong/jung" brothers are losing..

We'll begin with Jongmin

Music is played.

Jongmin- 2!!

woohyuk-jab ah da

Jungmin- no chut da

Jungmin- no chut da

brian- jab ah da

everyone- man se

Hyunjung- 3!

Tim- jab ah da

Jongmin- jab ah da

Woohyuk- (&##$

woohyuk loses

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Guest just jess

Thanks for translating... Today's episode was hilarious... The new game and partner choosing was fun... Woo Hyuk is in trouble next week... I wonder if Kim Jong Min and Kim Jung Min are prepared to be bashed on the internet like MC Mong and Ms Shin... Haha...

im just wondering, why were ms shin and mc mong bashed on?? i thought ppl liked them...

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Guest Madisoid

That was such a great episode.. I was laughing so hard during the chair selecting game.. that was just classic!!

Thank you for the translations!!


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That was just a great episode. Woo Hyuk was so naughty! Switching the set and doing the boom thing with the hammer, but he hit pretty lightly (not like the girls, they hit hard!!!). Kim Jong Min and Kim Jung Min are so going to get him!

I like that one talkative new girl, she's funny. The new school room consept is good too. Thanks so much for the translation. Now I actually understand what's going on

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