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Kim Tae Hee * 김태희 * 金泰希 * キムテヒ


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Guest istatowin

Soy, if i hadn't known the Kim siblings are siblings, i'd have thought they were a couple since they did a lot together!

tokio, i hope you're doing better now? it's Saturday in Canada right? here in Asia, we just crossed into the wee hours of Sunday morning, coming back to Monday when it's the routine school all over again. :wacko:

here are 2 old pics to share of a sporty Tae Hee?

<a href="http://imageshack.us" target="_blank">p><p> does she have natural curls? cause

in particular these 2.

[url=http://imageshack.us]'>http://imageshack.us]'>http://imageshack.us]'>http://imageshack.us]%7Boption%7Dhttp://img74.imageshack.us/img74/5901/59426085bh6.jpg' alt='59426085bh6.jpg'></a> and [url=http://imageshack.us]'>http://imageshack.us]'>http://imageshack.us]'>http://imageshack.us]28619585ma1.jpg</a>

and this one just posting it cause of tht smile, i just love it!! :wub:


she still looks the same :lol:

haha! i love those baby pics...shes adorable already even before :)

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Guest istatowin

istatowin, did you mean this pic jhea posted?


i believe it was taken when she was in Hong Kong in July 2005.

here are a few more to share frm the HK trip. kinda posted it back then at HOME, so easy for me to track back hehe :P



and here are just some fan-taken photographs by hcman

for more pics frm this HK trip, you can go to http://forum.kim-taehee.com/index.php?showtopic=41








credit Yahoo Hong Kong + blog.naver.com/good_taehee

omo! she really looks great! hay... :lol:

hey im in that range!!! (19-24 of course!) but then again...i wouldnt mind being the only male either haha :sweatingbullets:

ur crazier than me :P:lol:

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Guest badhairday

Oh, I saw that thread and I'm glad that both KTH and JDG are listed most fave. entertainer for thier respective age groups.... especially JDG since I have the hugest crush on him since All About Eve and there hasn't been any other guy that has replaced him. I so want JDG to do a series with KTH!

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haha i like the listing too .. its kinda funny how dbsk had the highest numbers amongst the teen female population, even though it was expected, i still thought it was funny.

as for kim tae hee, its kinda awesome, how she hasn't really been in a series since since lsih, and yet it seems like her fanbase and amount of admiration has grown. she kinda stepped out of the limelight for a moment, and still people .. remember how awesome she is.

anyways my fanfic btw is up, so if you guys have a chance please read it, just click on the banner on my signature

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Guest localpinoy

omo! she really looks great! hay... :lol:

ur crazier than me :P:lol:

ahh well...i hope that doesnt scare you. obviously, it doesn't hehe :sweatingbullets:

haha i like the listing too .. its kinda funny how dbsk had the highest numbers amongst the teen female population, even though it was expected, i still thought it was funny.

as for kim tae hee, its kinda awesome, how she hasn't really been in a series since since lsih, and yet it seems like her fanbase and amount of admiration has grown. she kinda stepped out of the limelight for a moment, and still people .. remember how awesome she is.

anyways my fanfic btw is up, so if you guys have a chance please read it, just click on the banner on my signature

yea its been a while since shes been in a drama. however, she did do the restless and she always has cf's flowing around which is awesome. its also cool that people remembering how awesome she is will just further anticipate her return to the drama or maybe another movie....im getting anxious! haha its a good thing shes doing cf's now because if she was away from the spotlight completely...i wouldn't know what to do! ::istatowin, like my craziness? :)::

soy, ill read your fanfic sometime...tokio got me started with her's and now i cant wait to see what other ideas people have!

btw...tokio, when's a new chapter coming up?

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Guest istatowin

ahh well...i hope that doesnt scare you. obviously, it doesn't hehe :sweatingbullets:

yea its been a while since shes been in a drama. however, she did do the restless and she always has cf's flowing around which is awesome. its also cool that people remembering how awesome she is will just further anticipate her return to the drama or maybe another movie....im getting anxious! haha its a good thing shes doing cf's now because if she was away from the spotlight completely...i wouldn't know what to do! ::istatowin, like my craziness? :)::

soy, ill read your fanfic sometime...tokio got me started with her's and now i cant wait to see what other ideas people have!

btw...tokio, when's a new chapter coming up?

scare? no such word in my dictionary :lol:

yeah tokio/soy cant wait for ur next installments :D

thanks for posting the links pres angel :)

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Guest istatowin

After seeing the LYF poem contest, some members suggested one for KTH at YummyCelebrities KTH board as well. So here it is...


Rules are simple, just write a poem for Kim Tae-hee in English. (poem can be in any format)

To avoid any copycats, PM me your poem... and I will put your name here to confirm your entry.

Obviously you will need to be a member at this forum to send me a PM.

Unlimited entries per person.

The contest will end on February 28th, 2006. (Sorry, have to delay from the initial Feb 23 because I will be away for Chinese New Year celebration)


Me and the other 2 moderators here (Bob The Builder and my_misyel) will decide the winner(s).

There will at least 1 winner. We might select a few more winners depending on the numbers of submission and the quality of the poems.

To be fair moderators will not take part in the contest.


The prize for the winner is a VCD set for Love Story in Harvard (or USD28 cash by Paypal).

All poems that have some decent qualities will be sent to KTH's agency either by email or snail mail. I can't promise she will receive it and read it though, that's out of my control.

For Newcomers, you can share info and join in discussion for Kim Tae-hee here.

note (yEINJEE):

Ok, prize finalised, it's going to be a VCD set for Love Story in Harvard (or USD28 cash by Paypal) for the first prize winner.

As mentioned earlier they will at least a first prize winner, and consolation prizes will be considered depending on the numbers and qualities of the contest entries.

TOKIO, yeinjee said that as long as its understandable haiku or sonet is ok...EVEN AN ESSAY :)

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Guest starsangel

thanks for the picture. she is very pretty. i started noticing her in stairway to heaven. she did a great job in it. and i liked her in love story in harvard with kim rae won. god their cute!

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Guest istatowin

thanks for the picture. she is very pretty. i started noticing her in stairway to heaven. she did a great job in it. and i liked her in love story in harvard with kim rae won. god their cute!

alo starangel! :) welcome to our KTH thread! :D

im glad u like our LSIH couple too :D

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thanks for the picture. she is very pretty. i started noticing her in stairway to heaven. she did a great job in it. and i liked her in love story in harvard with kim rae won. god their cute!

yeah welcome to the thread. she was amazing in sth :) you couldnt help but love her, even if she played such an evil role. well i loved her, atleast. haha yes yes the lsih coupling is very cute, but i think you need to give Tae-Bin a chance :)

anywho .. welcome to the thread :)

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scare? no such word in my dictionary :lol:

yeah tokio/soy cant wait for ur next installments :D

thanks for posting the links pres angel :)

hahhaa, i have some rough draft written but not liking it, it will be up soon, hopefully :sweatingbullets:

note (yEINJEE):

Ok, prize finalised, it's going to be a VCD set for Love Story in Harvard (or USD28 cash by Paypal) for the first prize winner.

As mentioned earlier they will at least a first prize winner, and consolation prizes will be considered depending on the numbers and qualities of the contest entries.

TOKIO, yeinjee said that as long as its understandable haiku or sonet is ok...EVEN AN ESSAY :)

Ohh cool, hmmm. An essay?! lol

I cant even wrtie a haiku or sonnet too many rules for me...but ill see what i come up with. I hope that the KTH poem contest is doing good. im not sure if i can finish something because i have midterms coming up. hehehe

yeah welcome to the thread. she was amazing in sth :) you couldnt help but love her, even if she played such an evil role. well i loved her, atleast. haha yes yes the lsih coupling is very cute, but i think you need to give Tae-Bin a chance :)

anywho .. welcome to the thread :)

Soy is recruiting now?!

But welcome starsangel to the Tae Hee thread

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hahhaa, i have some rough draft written but not liking it, it will be up soon, hopefully :sweatingbullets:

Ohh cool, hmmm. An essay?! lol

I cant even wrtie a haiku or sonnet too many rules for me...but ill see what i come up with. I hope that the KTH poem contest is doing good. im not sure if i can finish something because i have midterms coming up. hehehe

Soy is recruiting now?!

But welcome starsangel to the Tae Hee thread

haha the more the merrier .. we need more fans on the tae-bin ship .. lol

yeah you should totally submit something though tokio, lol i cant wait to read what you have in store for the contest :).

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Guest localpinoy

hahhaa, i have some rough draft written but not liking it, it will be up soon, hopefully :sweatingbullets:

Ohh cool, hmmm. An essay?! lol

I cant even wrtie a haiku or sonnet too many rules for me...but ill see what i come up with. I hope that the KTH poem contest is doing good. im not sure if i can finish something because i have midterms coming up. hehehe

Soy is recruiting now?!

But welcome starsangel to the Tae Hee thread

haha tell me about it tokio, im in the process right now. got one tomorrow and supposed to have a paper due but the teacher got sick. but im hoping i can get one done before the due date when midterms are over. im not creative, but we'll have to see haha :)

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credit yahoo korea

[엔터폴] 한예슬, 밸런타인 같이 보내고 싶은 女스타 1위

[스포츠조선] 2007년 02월 05일(월) 오전 11:57 가 가| 이메일| 프린트

 초콜릿처럼 달콤한 밸런타인데이를 함께 보내고 싶은 최고의 여자스타로 '꼬라지' 한예슬이 선정됐다.

  한예슬은 스포츠조선이 홈페이지(http://www.sportschosun.com)를 통해 지난달 30일부터 5일까지 '밸런타인데이를 함께 보내고 싶은 여자스타는'이라는 주제로 실시한 '엔터폴'에서 총 6만3056명이 참가한 가운데 34.4%(2만1662명)의 압도적인 지지를 받아 영예의 1위에 올랐다.

 한예슬은 지난해 드라마 '환상의 커플'(MBC)에서 '된장녀' 안나와 기억상실증에 걸린 나상실의 1인 2역을 멋지게 소화해 시청자들의 호평을 받았다. 이번 설문조사에서도 이같은 인기가 반영된 것으로 분석된다.

 2위는 19.9%(1만2542명)의 지지를 얻은 윤은혜가 차지했다. 드라마 '궁'을 통해 가수에서 연기자로 확실하게 변모한 그녀는 '포도밭 그 사나이'(KBS2)에서도 깜찍한 연기로 눈길을 끌었다.

 3위는 간발의 차로 간미연이 뽑혔다. 지지율은 19.9%로 같으나 득표 수에서 24표가 뒤졌다.

 섹시스타 이효리와 팔방미인 하지원, 미소천사 김태희는 각각 5000여표 안팎으로 4~6위에 머물렀다. < 김인구 기자 clark@>

  다음은 밸런타인데이 세번째 순서입니다. 밸런타인데이를 함께 보내고 싶은 남자와 여자스타에 이어 과연 '밸런타인데이에 가장 많은 초코릿을 받을 것 같은 남자스타는 누구'일까요? 이번주 후보는 송일국 주진모 김민준 윤계상 세븐 이민기 이한 박해진 입니다. 모두 드라마와 스크린에서 활약 중이고, 미혼남 입니다. 여러분의 많은 선택을 바랍니다.

- Copyrights ⓒ 스포츠조선, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지 -

i Swear they have soo many of these darn polls. its the v-day poll this time around. "The Female Star, You Would Like to Spend V-day with" It went from Jan 30th to Feb. 5th. blah .. ill just post what i posted at the yeh thread.

its about a valentines poll they did. its about the female star that you would like to spend valentines day with (i swear .. they have so many of these polls ><), people voted from jan. 30th to feb 5th. "whatever her name is" placed first from couple of fantasy, then the article talks about couple of fantasy about how it was about a woman that got amnesia, and etc... you know the story, she got 34.4% of the votes (21662). There was a total of 63056 people that voted. Yoon Eun Hye got 19.9% of the votes to place second (12542). The MBC, Palace, helped establish her as a bonofide singer turned actress, and the same goes for Vine Yard Man (she got positive feedback for both). i have no idea who the other girl at third is. Sexy Star Hyori Lee and Smiling Angel Kim Tae both placed 4th and 6th respectitvely. and then it talks about more upcoming polls.

i love how in the article they refered to tae hee as the smiling angel :)


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Guest istatowin

yeah welcome to the thread. she was amazing in sth :) you couldnt help but love her, even if she played such an evil role. well i loved her, atleast. haha yes yes the lsih coupling is very cute, but i think you need to give Tae-Bin a chance :)

anywho .. welcome to the thread :)

hahaha! you dun wanna drop the TAEBIN issue :lol:

hahhaa, i have some rough draft written but not liking it, it will be up soon, hopefully :sweatingbullets:

Ohh cool, hmmm. An essay?! lol

I cant even wrtie a haiku or sonnet too many rules for me...but ill see what i come up with. I hope that the KTH poem contest is doing good. im not sure if i can finish something because i have midterms coming up. hehehe

Soy is recruiting now?!

But welcome starsangel to the Tae Hee thread

think u can make it tokio...2 to 4 paragraphs will do...or is it too short if ur talking about our angel :lol:

haha the more the merrier .. we need more fans on the tae-bin ship .. lol

yeah you should totally submit something though tokio, lol i cant wait to read what you have in store for the contest :).

how bout u soy? both u and tokio are talented when it comes to lit and writing :D

haha tell me about it tokio, im in the process right now. got one tomorrow and supposed to have a paper due but the teacher got sick. but im hoping i can get one done before the due date when midterms are over. im not creative, but we'll have to see haha :)

il cheer for the three of u... :lol: go tokio go soy go localpinoy!!! :lol:

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