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press con chinese sub



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@joyezz @Princi_86 The way he tilted/adjusted his hat ever so slightly while giving that killer gaze. Omg. These videos always come out while I'm at work to torture me (but I'm happy to be tortured this way lol :D). I wonder, are we going to see humorous moments where he tries to impress someone with his good looks and sexiness before taking their souls away in Goblin? That was in one of the things mentioned in his character description from earlier on and it'd be funny if they make that a reality in the drama :P 

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12 minutes ago, winterdew said:

@joyezz @Princi_86 The way he tilted/adjusted his hat while giving that killer gaze. Omg. These videos always come out while I'm at work to torture me (but I'm happy to be tortured this way lol :D). I wonder, are we going to see humorous moments where he tries to impress someone with his good looks and sexiness before taking their souls away in Goblin? That was in one of the things mentioned in his character description from earlier on and it'd be funny if they make that a reality in the drama :P 

I hope there'll be cameo of female comedian as one of the soul he needs to collect. swooning at the grim reaper hahaha that would be funny :lol:

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@winterdew @giegie thanks for the welcome, nice to meet you all! I haven't quite gone through all of his filmography (HK and WR seem to not really be my type of drama, though I did start both of them in an attempt to get through them). I'm from the US (currently in college), but my parents are Chinese, hence the semi-fluency. 

I've finished translating half of the drama talk, so I'll just paste the transcript of the first half below. It's been a little hard to translate because some phrases are probably slang words, but I think the general meaning is conveyed.


sidenote: I love how LDW calls GY 'hyung' throughout and YIN calls him 'oppa', they're all so cute aaaaaagh

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7 hours ago, kyuhyus said:

@mulankang hello! yeah, it's a behind the scenes picture from Partner. I've watched and rewatched that drama SO many times, messy plot and all. It's my absolute favorite. 

@MaysoonD @Princi_86 @joyezz thanks for the warm welcome/well wishes! I guess I'm kind of new—went back to rewatch Roommate in May for Jackson, but after watching the second season I had a gigantic crush on LDW... Then I blew through the first season of Roommate, plus Bubblegum, Partner, and SOAW in the span of 3 weeks, so here I am, still obsessed.

Re: the interview segment, I'm always intrigued (and impressed) by how well he's able to keep a low profile and separate work from his personal life, for the most part. I've definitely had my suspicions about who he's dated in the past, though. Since his last relationship would've ended in the summer of 2015, I think he was probably dating during Roommate/late 2014, which is interesting to think about, since that year he was incredibly busy. No matter what, though, I just want him to be happy (but also to settle down because he clearly loves kids so much aaaaaaah)

I've currently translated the first 10 minutes or so. I'm not skipping anything because the cast keep dropping hints (and I just really like seeing them interact, they're all so likable), but if any of you want anything specific you can ask me and I'll try to translate that first!


Hi kyuhyus, I love this legal drama. It seems short to me at only 16- episodes. The growing love between the two-main-leads is delightful.  LDW has been fabulous in everything else I've seen him in.  This is truly a delightful show and no wonder you've watched and enjoyed it for so many times. I love the OST of this drama. :P

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161122 V-App Drama Talk - Chinese subs translated into English, part 1 (up to around 24:15)

MC: tvN’s 10th Anniversary special production <Goblin> drama talk starts now! I’m Shin Nayeong, the MC. Very happy to meet all of you.

[obnoxious clapping, Wookie starts a chant of the MC’s name, they’re like a bunch of little kids lmao]

MC: Wow, it’s lively in here. This must be the atmosphere of <Goblin>. Right now, this drama talk is streaming live through Naver’s V-App. During the livestream, we’ll directly reply to any questions you have for the cast. We also hope lots of viewers will click the “heart” button.

After watching the press conference and how excited the cast members were in welcoming me just now, you can tell the atmosphere is great here. I’m sure this lively atmosphere will be on display during our drama talk as well.  

[MC gives short intro/summary of drama]

Although this drama has a great plot, the circumstances that bring these cast members together cause great anticipation. Right now, these cast members are sitting right next to me. Say hello to the main cast of tvN’s 10th anniversary special project <Goblin>!

[everyone is clapping and saying hello]

MC: Right now there are a lot of people who are watching this livestream through Naver’s V-App. Please give a simple introduction of yourself (and the character you’re playing) to the audience.  

YSJ: Hi everyone [laughs]… Hi everyone, I’m Yook Sungjae and I’ll be playing Yoo Deok-hwa.  [short character summary]

KGE: Hi everyone, I’m Kim Goeun and I’ll be playing Ji Eun-tak. [character summary]

GY: I’m the goblin in <Goblin> [laughs]. [short character summary] 

LDW: Hi everyone, I’m Lee Dongwook and I’ll be playing the grim reaper in <Goblin>, who lives together with the goblin and Yoo Deok-hwa in the same house. There will also be interesting happenings with Sunny. And also my character has complicated relationships with Euntak and Gong Yoo, so please anticipate that.

YIN: Hi everyone, I’m Yoo Inna and I’ll be playing Sunny. My character is a woman who is a little immature, and she’s the owner of a chicken shop that doesn’t have a lot of customers. She’s known Eun-tak, who works at her chicken shop, for a long time. She also falls in love at first sight with Lee Dongwook’s character.

MC: Right now on V-app the hearts/questions/comments are coming in nonstop! Before we start the drama talk, to ease our nervousness a little, we’ll start by answering a question: What are your wishes/aspirations for <Goblin>? Let’s start from YIN this time.

YIN: Are these real-life wishes, or…? Ah… I wish <Goblin> could be 100 episodes. 

[prolonged whining and groaning]

MC: Right now we’re hearing the actors groaning. Oh, GY has resurrected from the dead. LDW, do you have any hopes for this drama?

LDW: Obviously I hope <Goblin> will do really well, and I hope everything goes smoothly for all of us (the cast members). We’ve all grown really close while filming this drama, and I hope we’ll be able to stay close for a long time.

MC: And how about GY, who says Goblin absolutely can’t be 100 episodes? Do you have any wishes for this drama?

GY: I’d like it to be more like 10 episodes… [laughing] Ah, sorry. Well, wherever it is, it would be nice if I could be sent there quietly. 

MC: Where are you going?

GY: Well, wherever I want to go. No matter where. Just give me that kind of power/ability. Hold my hand and lead me there. That would be good. After you watch the drama you’ll understand why I’m saying this.

MC: Ah, so now we’ve given the audience a little bit of suspense. 

GY: We can’t tell you all of it.

MC: Right. 

[LDW says something that isn’t subbed, YIN replies/hits him on the arm, more talking in the background]

GY: KGE, you know what I mean, right? 

[everyone turns and looks at LDW/YIN, KGE tries to hand them the mic, YIN refuses]

MC: What a lively group we’ve got here! How about you, KGE?

KGE: It would be nice if the goblin would listen to what I have to say. 

MC: It sounds like you’re saying this to GY.

KGE: Oh, I’m not. If I could have a little space to move around a bit, that would be good.

MC: Well, I don’t know the details to this either, but I feel like this has to do with something important in the drama. 

GY: This has to do with a scene we filmed.

MC: Got it, I guess that’s all we’ll get for now. Last, Sungjae?

YSJ: A more real-life wish would be for gold to appear directly in front of me. Nah, I’m joking. I want a loveline.

MC: Ahh, a loveline. 

YSJ: Just now when we were taking press pictures I was the only one without a partner.

MC: Ah, well I hope your wish will be fulfilled.

We just watched the highlight video, and the story/plot of this drama is really very powerful. I’m sure the cast members will have some special thoughts and feelings after watching it. Let’s hear some of these thoughts/feelings. You’ve gone over some of them in the introductions already, so why don’t you say/summarize how you feel in 5 syllables?

‘After the highlight video, I felt this way’  expressed in 5 syllables.

I’ll give you guys a little time to think.

Right now GY is picking up his microphone like he’s ready to talk… …but now he’s immediately putting it back down. Okay, let’s hear it.

GY: ‘Very exhausting.’ You just saw the 6 minute teaser—for the past week, in order to explain my character, I’m filming the part where I’m in human form. So I’m appearing as a ‘war god’ (?). This is my first time filming a sageuk/action sequence, and the costumes/props are really large and heavy. Wearing all of that while carrying the sword and moving around was seriously very tiring. So thinking of the action sequence, that’s why I’m saying this. 

LDW: Then I should follow that by saying “(You) really worked hard.” If I were to say a sentence, then I’d want to address all of the cast members and the film crew/staff: ‘Let’s do well/better.’ 

MC: So far we have ’Very exhausting’ and ‘Let’s do better’…

GY: I keep saying it’s exhausting, I’m capturing the traits of my character. But Dongwook is the kind of heartwarming person who knows how to console people, he really knows how to put on [run?] a show. 

MC: So in the drama we’ll continue to see this kind of ‘bromance’. Okay, what about you, YIN?

YIN: ‘Year 2016’.

MC: ‘Year 2016’?

YIN: Yes, because our drama <Goblin> wraps up/closes out this year. [turns to LDW] Ah, that’s not very good, I’ll just say whatever

GY: They told you to say 5 syllables.

YIN: [spelling out] ‘Year 2016’!

GY: Ugh, this is tiring.

[LDW and KGE tease him by exaggeratedly demonstrating how to count the syllables]

GY: Okay okay I got it! 

[MC asks actors to talk into the microphones]

MC: KGE, if you were to say 5 syllables to express how you feel about this drama, what would say?

KGE: ‘Handsome and beautiful’. 

YIN: Ah good job [everyone claps]

MC: And Sungjae?

YSJ: I don’t have anything special, so I’ll just say ‘Wooow’.

GY: Wooooooooow

LDW: That’s cute.

YSJ: I really only have amazement [literal translation: exclamations]. It’s really cool/entertaining. Although I think as long as I can appear more it’s good. But it’s really so cool. 

MC: Now that we’ve each used 5 syllables to describe our characters and their personalities, let’s officially start discussing the drama.

YSJ: The replies say ‘it’s so boring’.

LDW: Ah, we’re boring?

YIN: All of us?

GY: Good thing it’s saying everyone’s boring. I thought they were only calling me boring. But that’s okay!

MC: Okay, let’s officially start talking about the drama! Through what opportunity/circumstances did each of you take on <Goblin>? You can speak your heart, whether it’s background stories or exposing the secrets of your fellow cast members. Since GY is holding a microphone, why don’t we start from him.

GY: I’m only holding it because you told us to hold our microphones! 

MC: Then why don’t you start us off? [lmao]

GY: It’s been a long time—around 4 years—since I’ve been in a drama. No matter what, because this role/character isn’t a human character, I feel a little anxious, a little burdened. Even so, when talking with the scriptwriter, I could tell that she was really enthusiastic about this project. I could really tell how much she trusted the actors. I was really touched. Plus the director became popular through other projects/dramas, so I really trust the two of them.  Now that I’m approaching my 40s—please receive this sincerely(?)—

LDW: This is such a sad subject…

GY: Ah, seriously. So I was thinking of how—

LDW: It’s okay, we all have to go (through it), there’s no before and after [probably lost in translation idk]

GY:  So I was thinking, right now, when I at least still have energy [literally ‘vitality’], I could film and show everyone this kind of magical/fantasy drama. So after agonizing over this I decided to take this drama.

MC: When GY was talking, LDW said something like “We all have to go, there’s no before and after,” what kind of work do you think <Goblin> is?

LDW: Of course, I feel the same way as GY. I really trust the scriptwriter and director. And like I said (during the press conference), I was told that GY would be playing the role of the goblin, so I thought it would be pretty good to play the role of the reaper. In contrast, I actually first expressed that I wanted to play the role, because I really thought this role would fit me well. Plus, in the future, YIN and I will be able to show an interesting love story/plot, so please anticipate that.

But just now, after hearing that we were boring, it’s been making me feel burdened. Why don’t we go around and show some personal talents or something.

GY: No no no let’s not do that. Actually I’ve even done a V-App stream before and they never said we absolutely had to be entertaining—

LDW: Of course, of course.

GY: It’s more important for us to sincerely discuss the drama.

YSJ: Ah now they’re all saying ‘it’s interesting! it’s interesting’

LDW: There’s also… how do I say it, what is it… wasn’t our press conference just now also streamed live? So I wanted to say things/answer questions we haven’t already said just now.

GY: No but it would be better to carry on answering according to the questions, right?

LDW: Ah yeah, I understand. So YIN, what thoughts do you have about this new project—

GY: [talking over LDW to KGE]

LDW: Let’s do this freely then.

GY: Let’s all just say what we want to then.

LDW: So YIN, how did you decide to take on this drama?

GY: Do we do this for 30 minutes then? 30 minutes? Give every person a camera, whatever everyone wants to say, you can say it.

LDW: Okay, let’s laugh it out then. Which room do we go to. [gesturing at camera]

YIN: Well, for me, of course I really wanted to act in this scriptwriter/director’s work. I was the last one to join the cast, so I already knew which actors would be playing each role, and I thought this drama would be really great and would be a lot of fun. So with these thoughts, and with a lot of trust, I didn’t have any reason not to take on this role. 

MC: When YIN was talking there were many comments appearing that said “kekekeke this is fun this is interesting” [kkuljaem]

YIN: They’re teasing me, right?

MC: No, no, don’t feel too pressured

[LDW said something here and YIN laughed at him, as usual]

MC: Okay, then let’s hear KGE’s feelings.

KGE: I think I feel pretty much the same way. Wow, this is a lot of pressure [laughs]. Of course I also really trust the scriptwriter and director. Actually, at first, when GY confirmed his role, I was curious about to see who the female lead would be. Then shortly after that I received the offer for the role. It felt very magical. Plus I already was a fan of GY… and after I accepted the role, LDW, YIN, and YSJ all confirmed their roles, so I felt like accepting the role was a good decision. 

MC: The comments keep saying “this is fun/interesting”. So last we’ll have YSJ share—what’s the attraction point of the drama?

YSJ: Attraction point… For me, first I already saw the confirmed lineup for the drama, and I thought, ‘Wow, if I could act/work with them I would definitely be able to learn a lot of things.’ It’s with spirit/sincerity(?).

LDW: Why are you looking over at us when you say that… 

GY: It’s said with more spirit/sincerity than what KGE said just now [idk how to translate this]

LDW: Just now hearing KGE saying she was originally a fan of GY, GY and I both had to sigh. 

YSJ: Oh and also my older sister really likes GY and LDW, she’s been a fan since a long time ago.

YIN: Actually in Korea pretty much every woman/girl is probably a fan of the two of them. 

KGE: Right, right.

YSJ: And so she told me I definitely had to take the role. So I did. That’s all. 

LDW: Then GY, why don’t you say a few things to Sungjae’s sister?

GY: Me?

LDW: Yeah, why don’t you say something first.

GY: Is her name…?

YSJ: Seonhyo. It’s Seonhyo. 

GY: Hello Seonhyo, I don’t know if you’re watching, but I’m happy to be able to meet you like this. I’d like to ask how old you are.

YSJ: She was born in ’92.

GY: Ah, so young. Very nice to meet you. Well, looking at YSJ, you’re probably very pretty. Next time come please visit us onsite/here. Thank you.

YIN: [to LDW] You should say a few sentences to my older sister, her name is Ah-na.

LDW: How old is Ah-na…?

YIN: My sister has a kid already.

LDW: Ah, is that so… I hope you can become a good mother. Next time, come visit us here. Please love <Goblin> a lot, thank you.

MC: Ah, so far we haven’t actually asked many questions and already the chemistry [between the cast] is this strong. Everyone’s personality/role seems to be very clear, too. Please compare each character’s personality with their real-life personality. But actually, it seems like we’re gradually seeing these personalities come through; GY plays the goblin, LDW plays the grim reaper. Now, if we were to compare the personality of your character to your actual personality in real life, what would be similar/different?

Ah but why is everyone just exchanging glances/looking at each other? Let’s give the microphone to LDW then.

LDW: Okay. Uhh… [gets distracted by microphone cord] Sorry but this mic cord is tangled with this chair. Uh… as for the grim reaper… …do you want us to talk/compare for just our own characters? Ah, then I’ll talk about the character Sunny/YIN. 

YIN: …Don’t…. 

LDW: Ah, you don’t want me to? I’ll only pick good things to say. We’re in front of cameras, after all. 

YIN: It’s just… right now I don’t think I’ve found anything in common with the character Sunny, have you found anything?

LDW: No. [laughs] If you haven’t found any similarities yourself how could I…

YIN: Then what were you planning on saying…?

LDW: No, because Sunny is a pretty reckless… the character in the drama is quite reckless, and her self-awareness is very strong… This is a very strong, clear character/role. But in reality YIN is a much gentler person, who can really listen to other people’s thoughts, and can really look after/care for other people. She’s a really great person. 

YIN: Thank you.

LDW: Yes, congratulations. [laughing] What even was that ending just now? 

MC: Who wants to talk a little about someone else’s character next?

GY: One way KGE is similar to Eun-tak is that she’s very open/cheerful. This is what’s most similar. As for differences… compared to Eun-tak, KGE is smarter. [to KGE] That wasn’t bad, right? Okay, now talk about my character next.

KGE: First, the goblin’s… uh… 

[GY purposely puts a hand on her chair, KGE gets nervous]

KGE: You kept praising me and now I don’t know what to say! Because originally he doesn’t really praise me that much. A similarity between GY and the goblin character is… first… well… that prankster/joking kind of look/style? When going through lines with Eun-tak he’ll be noisy, excited… he’s also like that in reality. As for differences…

MC: Does [GY] really never praise people? Right now KGE has this really imposing(?) feeling… as you were saying?

KGE: Yes, well, as for differences, GY is a lot younger.

MC: The goblin is over 900 years old, after all…

GY: Yeah, well…

MC: Yes, so a large age difference, and…?

KGE: When the goblin is talking, there are times when he’s pretty indifferent/cold, but GY is warmer. 

KGE: Not bad, right?

GY: Yeah, that was pretty good!

MC: Next, YIN?

YIN: First, in reality LDW really has a lot of charm [high-fives LDW]. If we were to talk about similarities and differences with the grim reaper, the reaper is a funny kind of man, and in real life LDW really is that kind of funny, interesting man. 

[prolonged embarrassed pause]

LDW: Uh, then, lastly, I’ll… 

[KGE and YSJ imitate LDW/YIN’s high-five]

LDW:… I’ll talk about Sungjae, then. Of all of us, Sungjae is the most similar to his character in the drama. He’s cheerful/open, cute, and refreshing/cool, and when I was watching replays, one time he was filming outside—I said this before, right? ‘You’re really very handsome’, like that. While I was watching replays, without even knowing it this phrase just tumbled out of my mouth, because he really looks so bright and clean. I really felt like, ‘ah, being young is so great’, ah… it was like that. 

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@willenette ahhhh I love Partner so much, even though the cases were pretty unrealistic I live for the kind of underdog-overcoming-corrupt-villain story it tells... and the chemistry between LDW and KHJ was really special—they really went beyond the script in so many different scenes, and they were so cute in all the NG scenes. I loved the OST so much, too! :')

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@kyuhyus wow wow wow! Chingu, you're daebak! You have done such a great job! I'm in a middle of my working day so can't invest myself in discussion but will post later. The're awesome but of course our Wookie is the best lol. Will you continue to translate it? I'm greedy, right? haha

Talking about Partner, that's one of my faves in terms of relationships realism. I have found main leads build up the most realistic, warm and down to earth among most of kdramas I have watched. Some his fans and kdrama viewers overall think that they didn't have chemistry, but I have enjoyed their mature real life chemistry. So sad that media has drawn LDW and KHJ apart. She's nice person and I believe could be very good long lasting friend like he is with some other co-stars. 

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@kyuhyus YAY! Thanks a lot for the translation! *kisses*

Now I know what happened between them, such a very sweet group indeed, and loveeee how LDW was so bossy around GY. LOL. If I'm in drinking game, maybe I'll get drunk every time YIN touched LDW during the interview. The high five moment also my highlight, the way YIN described him showed how great LDW not only as an actor but also as a friend, and LDW sometimes isn't acting nicely, he also loved to tease her too!

All of you love Partner, I think I should watch it after Goblin then! Thankyou

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@kyuhyus Thank you so much for the translation :lol: I love Wookie's answers. He's funny yet mature, and always has good things to say about his co-stars. Like how he mentioned that his wish is for the cast to remain close after filming, and that he said "You really worked hard" to his fellow cast members when asked about his feelings about the drama. And I also love how he leads the conversations. You can tell he's a natural at this, especially with his hosting experience. And of course, his interactions with YIN and YSJ. I can't wait to see their onscreen chemistry :) When you get the time, please give HK, WR and La Dolce Vita/Bittersweet Life a shot :) Like you, I was introduced to and fell for him him through his lighter dramas like MG, SOAW and BG, but it was quite surprisingly, dramas like HK, WR and LDV that sealed the deal for me. Haha. His roles in those dramas are more complex, so you really get to see his brilliant acting capabilities. 


Hotel King - It's a long drama with tons of family drama (which makes it difficult to watch - at the start, at least), and a bit draggy at 32 episodes, but it's every bit worth the ride. I'm sure that's something that the other fellow Wookie fans in this forum will agree with ^^ He played out his character's struggles so well that it was one of the rare times I've felt so deeply for a character. My fave role of his to date :)


Wild Romance - I think he's one of the few K actors who can look good with facial hair, but still I prefer him without it :P If you feel the same way, don't let it deter you from watching this drama :) It's funny with quite a thrilling plot. First drama I watched after his lighter drama, and I was pleasantly surprised that he could be great in comedy roles too.


La Dolce Vita - It's depressing, definitely not your conventional K-drama, but so worth the heartbreak and tears. He plays complex characters so beautifully. One moment you're wondering if he's this evil guy who wants his friend dead, the next moment you're tearing up for him because of the guilt and pain his character experiences. The soundtrack of the drama as well as wintry Hokkaido as the backdrop really add to the emotionality of the drama. And the fact that he took up a difficult role like this after his hit drama MG tells us he's determined to prove his worth as an actor ^^

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Okay, so here's the next part of the translations for the drama talk. I finished up to around the 38:50 mark, but because they're talking so much I'll post a third part later. 

(There's this part where GY is complimenting Dongwook on how long his eyelashes are and DW playfully swats him on the arm, and it literally sounds like something straight out of Partner, I had to pause and collect myself, lmaooo.... also he teases YIN so much, they're so cute help)

161122 V-App Drama Talk - Chinese subs translated into English, part 2 

MC: So we just heard everyone’s comparisons to their drama characters’ personalities. Because it’s a romantic fantasy drama, the subject matter/material(?) and characters of <Goblin> seem to be quite unfamiliar for the cast as a whole. I’d like to hear what everyone did to prepare for this drama. Also, there’s a sageuk (historical drama) segment, there’s a goblin, a grim reaper [literally ‘messenger of hell’], these kinds of strange characters… To play these roles, did the cast members have to specially prepare (for) anything?

Characters like the goblin or the grim reaper, these roles really must not be simple to play…

GY: Right. Like you said, they’re not human (characters), so in the beginning I really was at a loss, trying to figure out how to play this character. But after filming, there were actually many parts that could be simplified. Because the characters are not human, there’s a kind of ability to do anything. Therefore, when I’m acting, there’s a lot more freedom. So this (fantasy) aspect was originally quite stressful, but as time went on, it actually came in handy. 

As for the sageuk part, there were action sequences, but we had less time to practice than imagined, so it was a little unfortunate. But I was helped a lot by the martial arts crew and staff, and the director filmed the scene in a really, really cool/handsome way, so I was very satisfied with it. 

LDW: As for studying and understanding the grim reaper character, I have the same thoughts as GY. Also, there was a lot of preparation before we even started filming… Actually while filming we exchanged a lot of thoughts and ideas, especially when GY and I were filming together, it was a little… Later when the drama is broadcast you’ll know what I mean. Because it was like we were acting out the reality/situations we were envisioning in our minds. We were discussing with the staff and cast members, ‘how do we act this out’. I thought that kind of creative process was very interesting overall. 

MC: Then, what about KGE, who’s playing a high school student? Did you do anything to prepare for this? For example, imitating the expressions of contemporary high school students?

KGE: For language/expressions… In reality I didn’t really mimic them that much because scriptwriter KES designed the script very appropriately, so there wasn’t really that kind of problem. On set, I also discussed a lot of things with the director. Also, the first time I filmed with GY, it was also through discussion and collaboration that I was able to get used to the character. 

MC: What was YIN’s situation like?

YIN: For me… actually Sunny is a pretty strong character, and in the beginning I introduced my character like that. When the character Sunny talks to other people, she’s not willing to concede to anyone, that kind of defiant attitude. But in reality my personality isn’t like that. I’m the type to immediately soften… 

[YIN giggles, LDW tries really hard not to smile and fails, THEY’RE SO CUTE] 

…so to not be like that, I put up pictures of KGE and the others at home. 

[Cast laughs, LDW says something, YIN makes a small circle with her hands.] 

Yeah, just ones that you could hold like this, not just pictures that I saw at other places. Photos that were taken to see what the profile shots would look like(?). I used really thick paper to make them into signs [that you can hold], So there was a picture of KGE where she was smiling really brightly, and in order to get/act a little tougher I would face the picture like this and just practice like that [laughs]…

MC: Ah, so you practiced before. Right now, looking at the comment section, new comments are continuously streaming in. Everyone is saying you guys are all very entertaining, so you guys don’t need to worry. Lastly, YSJ’s situation, you’re living with the goblin and grim reaper, right?

YSJ: Ah, yes. 

MC: Your character is probably also not that easy to portray, right?

[LDW and YIN talking in the background again]

YSJ: Um… In reality it’s a little difficult. At first, because I’m originally nervous around strangers, while filming for the first time I was really just like my character Yoo Deok-hwa, bouncing(?) back and forth. It was pretty tiring. But gradually we became more comfortable with each other, so that kind of feeling I had in the beginning went away. Also in the beginning I knew that the character Yoo Deok-Hwa is a third generation chaebol(?), and not just a normal chaebol, he’s /very/ chaebol, so I was wondering how to seem more boastful/proud(?). And more like a chaebol. Once I went on set and put on Yoo Deok-hwa’s capable-looking(?) clothing… was in a huge house… drove a luxury car… naturally, that chaebol-feeling came to me. Those kinds of hand motions, that kind of gaze, all of that. I really felt like, ‘Ah, this drama’s sponsors are so awesome’.

[cast laughing at him]

Seriously, I was like, wow, they’re not fooling around here. Especially the car. You can even open the top cover. 

GY: Aren’t you a little too simple/honest?

YSJ: It’s awesome, it can even make noise. The house is also super big. The fridge has a screen, and it’s even a touch screen! So it’s really pretty good! 

LDW: That’s great. You’re too good at PPL (product placement), you just advertised all of the PPL. 

MC: Okay, now we’ve heard everyone’s answers, and we’re really anticipating this drama. We’ve prepared some highlight pictures from filming, so now we’ll take a look at the pictures and then ask everyone to explain more in detail about them.

Let’s first show everyone the first picture. Can you remember this scene, GY? On the top picture, GY is acting as a warrior/general and as the goblin, [audio goes mute]…

GY: The top picture is when my character is still in human form, when we were still filming the beginning of the drama. When I was still living as a general. My appearance was that of a gallant general who is the people trusted and depended on. The bottom picture is when I was reborn as the goblin. I think it was the first time I filmed. This was when I was talking a walk. This is the part of the drama where the goblin is (most) terribly upset, so at this moment my character is actually in deep [gloomy] thought. Yes, it should be this picture. In my estimate, I was probably thinking about Eun-tak, the character played by KGE, who is sitting next to me. 

MC: The first picture looks very intense, and this was even when you were still in human form, wasn’t it?

GY: Yes. It was probably during the Goryeo dynasty/era?

MC: This must be your first time acting as a general in a sageuk, right?

GY: Yes, it’s my first time.

MC: What kind of preparation did you do?

GY: I prepared armor! [cast laughing at him]

MC: Ah, right, and what else? You even had a sword…

GY: Yes, and after that there was a wig. I even put on a wig. Didn’t it look very natural? They made it look pretty natural. [The cast is snickering at him in the background LMAO] So I prepared a wig, and also… well, everything I mentioned was prepared for me by the staff. Originally I thought filming a sageuk really wasn’t suitable for me, so… although it wasn’t like I was specifically avoiding sageuks, since my debut I’d never acted in one. This time, in <Goblin>, I didn’t even know I’d be showing everyone this kind of [sageuk] appearance, but I’m very satisfied that I’m even able to create this special and handsome/cool appearance. Beforehand, I did have my worries.

MC: In reality, the GY that we’re familiar with is more like the feeling the bottom picture portrays, but the intense/strong appearance seen in the first picture leaves a deep impression on us. 

Alright, then let’s look at what’s happening in the second picture. It’s the goblin and Eun-tak, walking together on the street. KGE, what kind of setting/scene is this?

KGE: Uh, this… The two of us went to Canada together. Because it was Eun-tak’s first time leaving the country, [my character] was really excited. And then seeing all of the maple leaves falling to earth, it felt like walking the red carpet, in the lively Eun-tak’s perspective. [gestures to GY]

MC: [to Sungjae] Do you need a mic to talk?

YSJ: No, no.

MC: Then I’ll say it. YSJ just said, it’s more like you were walking with a red carpet wrapped around your neck. [KGE is wearing a giant red scarf in the pictures]

LDW: Isn’t it more like a piano cover? 

[everyone looks at him like ???]

LDW: Ah sorry I’m sorry

GY: In this scene of the drama I’m a little impatient. Because it’s her first time outside of Korea, Eun-tak is especially excited/hyper, so she’s just incessantly following me. If she’s not scampering back and forth like a puppy by my side, I’m trying to lead her forward while walking, this kind of situation.

MC: Actually, after looking at the comments, I’m seeing people saying the two of you have great proportions/positions(?). It’s just like it’s from the perspective/angle/position of a girl who really likes someone. The two of you suit each other so well! It seems like the chemistry between the two of you is pretty special. When you were filming in Quebec, was there anything else [that happened] that was interesting/fun? 

GY: Quebec is a place that has so many tourists, and in the beginning we hadn’t thought of that. Compared to filming in Korea, when we were filming in Canada, there were more people who would come over to record/take pictures of us. There were people from China, Canadian locals, people from Japan, tourists… if they weren’t really doing anything, they’d all come over and take pictures of us. So even though that made it a little more difficult to film, we got to advertise for the drama pretty effectively.

Additionally, the local Quebec news station also broadcasted a very eye-catching piece of news. So at that moment I could really feel the impact/influence of Korean dramas. 

MC: ’This kind of appearance/scene, of course they would release news about it’… Okay, the comments have continuously been increasing, from ‘Really very compatible’ to ‘With this kind of goblin, I also want to be caught/taken’, ‘Really wish to be taken/caught’, it’s really getting very chaotic. Alright, let’s take a look at the next set of pictures. Finally, we get to see the pictures of our grim reaper wth Sunny! 

[In the corner you can see LDW spots YIN struggling to see the picture, so he moves in front of her to block her view, which she protests. What a flirt.]

MC: In the picture, the two of them are standing face-to-face, looking straight at each other. But it also feels like you guys were just arguing with each other, what’s happening here?

LDW: [to YIN] Why don’t you explain?

YIN: Ah, this scene… Sunny is saying to the grim reaper… Wait, am I allowed to say this?

LDW: Yeah, we can’t tell you everything

YIN: Right. This… it isn’t like that.

LDW: What isn’t?

YIN: [laughing] Ah I don’t even know anymore either [bursts out laughing]

LDW: ‘Ding!’ Uh… this is after the two of us meet for the first time. This is the second time we meet. It looks like I scolded Sunny, in this scene we were filming. This was actually the first time YIN and I filmed together. 

YIN: Ah, that’s right. 

LDW: You didn’t remember?

YIN: Of course I remember! 

LDW: So originally that day I thought it would be really awkward, but the filming process was actually much more comfortable than I had imagined it would be.

YIN: Yes.

LDW: YIN voluntarily came up to me and asked if we wanted to go through/match our scripts, so I’m really very thankful to her for taking the initiative. She took the initiative to set the atmosphere. 

MC: The first time you met, was it under really intense circumstances?

LDW: Yes, it was like that. The first time we meet, it’s really intense. Uh… there’s a reason. There’s a reason for that. 

MC: A reason… we’ll just have to watch the drama to find the answer to that, then.

LDW: Yes, of course. 

MC: Okay, we’ll quickly move on to the next picture. Ah, this picture… it’s like it was secretly taken. Bromance! In the second photo, GY has his back to LDW like that… what’s the situation here?

GY: There’s no way to explain the details of this

LDW: Right… This… I’m really sorry, we can’t tell you all the details because then it would be a spoiler.

YSJ: In this scene… 

LDW: Good job.

YSJ: …this is a picture where the grim reaper is staring at the goblin’s back.

[everyone starts laughing LMAO]

LDW: [laughing] Ah, correct! Wow, YSJ is doing so well! 

MC: Ah, yes, I really hope everyone could speak into the microphone. [turns Sungjae’s mic around for him] See, everyone’s answering correctly!

GY: Okay, this is when I slightly injured the grim reaper’s self-esteem [pride/ego?]. So the reaper is a little angry in this scene. But I’m immersed in my own emotions, and I didn’t even notice.

LDW: At this scene, where the goblin yells at me to “Go away!”, this kind of scene.

YIN: Here LDW looks kind of like a female lead, doesn’t he?

GY: It looks like his eyes are shining with tears.

LDW: [embarrassed laugh] Uh…

GY: Okay but LDW’s eyelashes are really pretty. It sounds strange when I say it like this but—

MC: No, no, please continue

LDW: It’s very strange. Very strange.

GY: For a man’s eyelashes, your eyelashes are really very pretty. Even from here, you can see that his eyelashes are so long! 

LDW: Omo, cham… [hits GY on the shoulder]

GY: I really…

MC: Could you turn to the side so everyone can see? Show the camera, too… 

LDW: How?

GY: It’s like Bizarro.

LDW: I don’t think you can see them. 

GY: Ah his eyelashes are so long

LDW: Why would you say Bizarro, you complimented me so why would you mention Bizarro

MC: Right now in the comments there are people saying ‘It’s like GY and LDW are playfully arguing/flirting’ 

LDW: Yes, well, in the drama there will be a lot of scenes where we’re just bickering back and forth. That will be one of the interesting features of this drama.

MC: It’s a little like a relationship that’s somewhere between love and friendship. 

LDW: Yes, it is. A love-hate relationship between the goblin and the reaper.

MC: A love-hate relationship, right. Okay, let’s look at the next picture. 

[stop at 38:50]

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@winterdew Aghhh the thing is, I've always been extremely picky about watching shows. Like I actively resisted watching dramas and I don't even watch that many English shows bc it was never really something I did. If I didn't watch Roommate I honestly don't think I would've ever known who he was. And whenever something turns makjang/melodramatic I have to stop watching because I can't stand it. So I know those are pretty popular but every time I try to watch them (I've tried multiple times) I'm like ok i'm stressed now, i gotta stop LOL. But many people love those projects, and I'm sure there are many great reasons for that! I've actually wanted to watch LDV for many months now but this semester has been crazy and I don't know if I have the sheer willpower to get through that kind of subject matter yet lmao


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