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Guest TrainDriver

^haha the first section was worth 44 marks out of 200. even though it was worth the most, i found it the easiest bit. i kept making mistakes in one bit cos i didn't read the info properly and i got worried that i'd run out of time, but it managed to finish after erasing one bit 3 times or so :P

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Guest TrainDriver

^SIXTHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hi :P somehow i feel like i've finished all my exams :lol: but still got info sys, my one downfall of my TER :( (well the unexpected difficulty of the applic exam is another downfall of my TER)

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rawrrrr it feels so weird, with everyone finishing their exams, i probably won't be seeing all my friends often and everything since we won't be studying together anymore~

it's saddd. i want to see everyone again but it seems like this holiday, it's time to find a job, learn to drive, and get on with life after high school.

it's so daunting - i'm terrified for what's to come. but it's pretty exciting.

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i keep coming onto soompi when i'm at the lib...

but at least i did my 2 hardest theory exams today, got 4 more to go.

life after high school... got pretty boring for me haha. depends what course you do i guess... i know i have no social life outside of uni anymore :P

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Guest ayaka_sorano

^ Is murdoch a good uni? Cos I'm planning to go there next year to do chiropractic science...

I never even considered going to murdoch LOL! I didnt even go to the open day.. I thought I was definitely gonna do sumthing in uwa or curtin..

I'm so glad that my exams are over!^^

Hopefully I can start work next week.... I've been so bored all day today. It's so sad.. Graduation next week! ^^

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^ haha chiro. omg the chiros are the best group of people ever, i love them to bits (the vets are all snobs lol). but the course is pretty tough, worse than vet it seems. umm... yeah but it seems really interesting lol i went to one of their labs and i had to go around half naked letting people palpate me.

murdoch has a small campus (unless you count the vet farms..) and it's not that flash but we get by. murdoch is only good for chiro, vet and law, IMO.

i wouldn't say its a great uni, but it's alright.

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^ that's what my sister said about murdoch, that it's good for chiro, vet and law.

hehe my friend always tells me stories about his friend, who does chiro. seems really fun and everything, and now my friend wants to do it.

i don't mind which uni i get into. i know i'm not going to get into uwa. and the choices of uni's are limited for me, since i want to do nursing, and uwa doesn't have it. so i'm either going to curtin or ecu... but i'm predicting ecu. and i don't mind, really. i just don't want to be a bum and not go to uni. >.<

awww. my graduation is in two weeks. my friends were planning to do some things on stage or something... i don't know if they're still doing it. such naughty boys. -___-"

it's gonna be sad~ probably won't see many people again~ except for the second hand book sales.. eek!

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Guest ayaka_sorano

^ LOL yeah Second-hand book sales... Graduation is gonna get teary...... I'm gonna miss all my frens!

We dun get to do anything for Grad... It's only the picked ppl that can like do perfs and stuff.

The only reson I didnt want to do Chiro at first was cuz it's in Murdoch....... but I'm like whatever now... I'm just gonna do chiro. It seems fun. None of my frens are doing it which is sad cos then I'm not gonna know anyone! Make new frens I guess. haha... My other choice is physio at curtin... but the swimming stuff is tough! That choice is over now..

I need to get my L's and P's!

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Guest TrainDriver

ah Grad Night, last time to see classmates. i suppose it'll be odd not seeing some friends again, but i guess i can live with it :P one of my friends is leaving perth to study, how lucky, i wish i could study overseas.

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^ awww~ i don't know anyone who is leaving Perth to study.... one of my friends is leaving australia, though. :( i'm gonna miss her like sroghisef;glshirt crazy :(

^^ oooh. yeah, i didn't want to do Nursing at ECU..... but after talking about it with my sister, she said it's fine if I go to ECU... (i thought that by going to ECU, i'll be a disgrace to my family, even though my brother went there to get his second degree :x). So if i go to ECU.. then i don't mind, any more. i just want to get into uni! LOL. i don't really know anyone who is doing nursing, too.. >.< but it's okay. yupp. meet new people. ^^

same hey. i need to get my L's and P's. i'm probably taking the test next week (i was meant to get it mid year :xxxx)

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Guest ayaka_sorano

^ You're gonna take it next week? I'm probly gonna take it like next month LOL.

I guess we have a lot of time...

Man... I've been spending my money so much that I'm almost broke now... I better save up from work haha!^^"

I'll go work like crazy! XD

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i've had my permit since i turned 16 and i still haven't gone to sit for my test. pretty pathetic, but i'm weird that i prefer public transport.

don't worry about not knowing anyone, most people make friends really easily... especially if you're doing a course with a small number of students, its so easy to meet everyone.

and seriously, it doesn't matter which uni you're going to, it's the course :)

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^ lol true. my best friend had to go through that for about a month...

go to orientation day stuff! that helps. i met all my friends at o-day and vet camp.

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awww o day... uni life sounds so exciting, but i'm still pretty scared getting out in the real world!

ooh, i dislike public transport.. just too lazy. but it is much easier and i feel bad when my dad always has to pick me up from places. but i guess it depends where i'm taking the bus. like, if i'm taking the bus home from the city, that's fine for me. or taking the bus from school to the city.. that's fine. other than that.. eew~~

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Guest ayaka_sorano

Yea O day is gonna be lots of fun I reckon. I do hope everything goes well next year! haha...

I catch the bus basically all the time.. My parents are always too lazy to take me anywhere unless it's really necessary.. But I dun really mind the bus now. Most of my frens catch the bus too anyways.

I'm going beach tomorrow! Finally getting out of the hse! LOL

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^ aww i wanna go to the beach. but i have to wait 5 more days :( hope its good weather this weekend cos that's the only time i'll be able to go beaching all summer. i have to go back to hk next week T_T winter...

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awww beach! i cbf going to the beach ._." yeah i went out today, expecting rain... there was none, today. -____-" oh well it was good anyway. hahaha.

awwww! i don't like summer that much~ i prefer winter~ lucky you're going to hk!

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haha i shouldnt be online :X i got my Chinese exam in 2 days! >< haha

lol i havent been to the beach for like 3 yrs o_O haha, but my parents probably wont let me anymore since there's been incidents there and stuff =( ahaha i hate summer though >< it's ok now though but i hate it when it gets all humid and stuff ><

^you're so lucky you're going to HK! i wanna go to HK, it seems SO cool ><. i'm going Taiwan next wk xD hehe yay, i like winter

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