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Guest `super joeyy


OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i'm managing the store on monday!!!! and i usually wake up at 5am.... but now i gotta wake up at 4!!!! >=( and then... the following monday i have jury duty.. and i was gonna wake up at 4.30 get ready n catch the bus.... but now *sigh* *goes mental* *turns emo* that just ruins everything.... today is a really depressing day T^T

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i dont mind daylight savings now, but then i don't exactly like it either.

this year and then once more... then hopefully it'll be all over

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hahaha daylight savings ~ i remember when we went clubbing last year when it was time to change clocks to dst and my friend complained the government was stealing an hour from her. i don't really like it. we get a lot of sun light as it is here anyway.

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Guest TrainDriver

just had my grad dinner, was ok event, the songs sucked bad, dancing to fall out boy is ........ ahhh DST. 1 HOUR LESS TO STUDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMGZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

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Guest rain.lee.bow

final day was awesome!!! and so was grad dinner. so much fun! i went to my boyf grad dinner as well and it was fun xP

daylight savings... i got ripped off an hour of sleep! lol. its ok. i like it how the day lasts a little bit longer. i hate it when its like pitch dark at 6

goodluck to those sitting TEE!

btw RAI-RAI: haha naww i dont go to ur school (como?). if it is then i go to a private girls school near urs :)

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oh great. i just chose VET music as one of my courses for year 11. Now I'm not too sure why.

I have practically no background in music, even though I've taken piano, singing and violin, my performance and theory is horrible.

I would've been better off doing photography which was my only other choice and I've never done anything close to it before. ><;;;

Should I switch to photography or stay in music?

I mean, the booklet said you could improve on "instrumental OR vocal skills", which means I could just choose to work on vocals and not play anything...right? xD It should be like, an introductory course since you earn Certificate I in Music Industry if you pass =/ I think a lot of the stuff is learning to be a roadie, actually.

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Guest fragment

anyone know what roads are gonna be closed for the dumb red bull air racing thingy? my brother has an exam on saturday morning & i have to drive him to school x_x stupid dumb red bull air racing thingy.

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Ahh my chem TEE exam is tomorrow :mellow:

I feel like taking a break from all the chem study though... I think i'm ready for it :/ I don't want to do too much work and stress myself out >< haha.

I had my music practical TEE on monday... argh i think i stuffed it up :(

Anyway, Rai-Rai, is VET music like TEE music? :/ i've never heard of that before :/ if it is then the theory side of it is hell hard T_T i always fail it haha. The only thing that passes me is the practical side...

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Guest TrainDriver

even though with my final report marks my predicted TER is more than i want, i have a feeling that i'm not gonna do so flash in the TEE exam, and i'm gonna miss my goal :( applic is my first TEE, so i've been taking study quite easy as i have so much time. good luck every1

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i just had my Chem TEE and dont think I did as well as I wanted ><

at first i was going through the first 3/4 of the exam and though "hey this is so easy :blink: " and then got to the calculations... got the first 2 done fine, then crashed in the last few >< then ran out of time to do my essay so i wrote it in 5 mins :( I just hope everyone found it hard so we *might* get scaled up a little bit ><

I hope the applicable tee wont be as bad :wacko:

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Guest --eternally lonely--


good luck to everyone who is doing TEE..

i need to find a new Hairdresser does anyone know wheres a good one??



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Guest TrainDriver

any of u guys done the past TEE applic papers? i've done all the ones i have, seems back in the old day they were a lot easier :P i found 03 and 04 to be harder than the others, and the last few questions in 06 to be a bit tricky. one thing i wanna know is if u gotta show ur working out for normal distribution using the Z score and stuff, atm i just whack everything on using the calculator.

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Guest rain.lee.bow

OMG chem calcs were hard. first two were okay. but the empirical one?! wth. lol. annd not enough time for the last calc and essay!! arghh. oh wellz no more chem ever!

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Guest `super joeyy

HEY GUYS!! anyone going to the red bull air race tomorrow?? XD or is everyone studying for TEE T^T

well good luck to everyone doing TEE and sitting the exams!!!

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^ haha yeah, i did the first 3 calculations and thought "omg this exam is so easy!" and was looking forward to the empiracal formula one since I'm normally good at them, but wtf was that :mellow: i got OH- as 103 or something like that :wacko: The essay part I just copied random stuff for my calculator so maybe I might get some marks if I'm lucky...

ongi3000: I just do all the questions in the Creelman books haha. I've only done the first 2 chapters so far though. I have papers all the way back to 1993 xD I dont think I even have time to do them :mellow: For the normal distbributions I just use the program on the casio calculator HAHA, i show working out though, but I do it all on calculator and just pretend i did it by hand :mellow: If you want more exam papers for Applic or Calc we can meet up at the state lib since i go there quite alot to study if you want :P

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