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Guest TrainDriver

so i'm guessing u girls all hit the stores today? i went in the morning with my mum to Garden City cos we had to buy bath towels. my mum also needed a pair of comfortable shoes for walking overseas. didn't buy anything other than that. BUT as my TER result was good, i'm buying a Wii as a reward for myself, sad thing is the shipment doesn't arrive till january :(

btw, garden city has a new store called Crush that sells G-Star, Miss Sixty, and sneakers. its probably overpriced, much cheaper to buy overseas. guess all the aus teens will be digging this stuff though.

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Guest ayaka_sorano

I would have hit the stores except that it's still quite hot and I would have had to take the bus to get anywhere so I lazed at home and didnt get out of the house.... I'm also waiting for some YesAsia stuff which is SUPPOSED to have come!! But it hasnt.... How stupid...... =( And my parents are coming back tomorrow! And since they bought me lots of things, I rather wait to see them before going shopping just incase I got enough items already haha XD

I've been spending lots on soompi too... So have to try and stay away from using my money for now... Need to save up....

I hardly go to Garden City... It's too far from my place.. Are those brands like G-Star and Miss Sixty a Korean or Japanese or Hong Kong Brand? LOL I dunno these things... ^^" If they are, gonna go check them out one day!

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Pfft...I've been a hermit since Sunday. Considering it's so hot and I officially have no friends I can go shopping with since they all have gone on holidays, I don't think I'm gonna go shopping. I still need to get a job ahahaha I got one referee but I need a second T_____________T

I was gonna stay in Mandurah before but the house has no AC and its stinking hot. My cousins...in law (xD) went home because it was so hot. So I changed my mind. My sister and my bro in law and his parents still went though.

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Guest ayaka_sorano

^ Yeh.... I know the lonely feeling.... All my frens have gone too..... I havent been out of the house for almost 5 days now.... I'm going movies tonight at least to watch Enchanted! Can't wait! It looks good ^^

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I hadn't been out all week until yesterday. I went out all day, after my friend forced me to get out of the house. So with a bunch of my friends that I hadn't seen since the exams, we went to the city, then to Whitford City, then stayed in Northbridge until late. =_= I bought new clothes though YAYAYAYAY I wanna go back to Whitford City + shop still hehehehe. I didn't feel like going out that day because I was depressed over my TEE results, and it was freaking hot yesterday.


My friends went swimming and I couldn't really go because I had a driving lesson (just then), right in the middle of the outing =_= Grrr.

Plus it was rather a hassle to go so yeah. I'd rather swim yesterday than today, though. So oh well.


AND ME TOO! I wanna see Enchanted. T_T Disney. T_T <3

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i hope every one had a nice christmas despite the heat ~ boxing day was a killer

my mother's friend's daughter has just come from korea to study in perth and she almost died on her second day here hehehe.

imagine when i tell her that when i was in primary school we didn't get air-conditioning until the year i graduated yr 7

i think garden city changes the most out of anywhere in perth. i live like 5 minutes away but i don't get to shop much anymore cos busy busy busy

the last time i went it was like half the stores were new. haven't gone sales shopping yet but i think i will go tm (or today)

have any of you thought abt what to do for new years?

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haha yeh same, we didnt have aircons in PS until i was in yr 7 haha so only had them for less than a yr xD

the weather was pretty good today too, i went out today for the first time since i came back from holidays hahaha.

^haha i havent seen any new movies for SOO long haha but i might go next week =D

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I went to watch a movie a few days ago haha

I watched some treasure one, can't remember what it's called :/ missed out the first part cos we came in late -_-

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Guest TrainDriver

^ahh national treasure, i saw that on day of release. surprisingly, the cinema was empty :S i liked the movie though.

btw kim, if u have any DS things u want to ask, feel free :D

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ahahaah my PS got ACs the year after I moved in year 5 xD

Then my next school...ehh...no aircon there till the second half of year 7?

I want to apply for colesmyer but the form for referees is confusing me Oo; Like 'candidate position' and stuff.

I might call up officeworks and ask if I could have a job till school starts. Because when I asked about available positions they wanted a part time worker with around 20 hours a week. Something I can't do when school starts T_T

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Guest ayaka_sorano

Enchanted was good!^^ At least in a way I thought it was XD It had lots of funny bits in the beginning and A LOT of singing... But it was ok haha.. The story line is quite original and ending is not so bad. You guys should definitely watch it~

The next movies I wanna watch is probly Alvin & Chipmunks, Mr Mago's sumthing... 27 Dresses and some others I cant quite remember..

I've been so tired recently.. On Fri morning I had to do the gardening in the hot sun and then had to clean up the house cos my parents were coming. Then yesterday I worked from 9am to about 4pm.... My legs are so sore... my back hurts too.. LOL I feel like an oldie.. =D

I might go to Scarborough beach today...Not sure. But I dont feel like it cos the sun is too hot!

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Guest TrainDriver

so wats every1 doing for new years?? i've never really celebrated new years and my friends aren't chucking anything either, so nothing interesting for me today :(

wahhh ayaka, u want to see alvin?? :lol: i hate that damn trailer :angry::lol:

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