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Guest sixth.

i want to move to melbourne now... all my close friends are moving there this year =(

there needs to be a starbucks here!! gloria jeans just isn't good enough for me lol

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yeahhh it seems most people are moving to melb to study.

my parents want me to but i'm staying in perthh def.

as boring as it is, i love this place:)

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i don't know anyone who has moved to melbourne, lately. ._____.

just my cousins, aunt and uncle moved to perth a few years ago.

but why melbourne? i reckon they've been getting a lot of good plugs lately.

and man, i want to try out fifteen there. <333

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yehh cuz the universities at Melbourne are apparently the best in Australia or something? :/

i heard something about it xD haha

i havent been to Melbourne for like 6 years >< hahaha

omg it's been sooo hot these days! ><

hope it doesnt get this hot when school starts T__T ackkk

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yeah my mum made me to go to the zoo today so I'M SO BUMMED OUT RIGHT NOW T__T and other things are pissing me off real bad right now.. so friggen hot. my dad checked the outside temperature from the car and it was like 40.5 degrees O____O omgg. after we came back to the car, our arses got burnt real bad because of the leather seats >< OMG I HATE HOT WEATHER !!

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yeahh today was really really hot -___- but i went gelare and utopia with my friends to cool off =p

omgsh leather seats. i HATE sitting on leather in hot weather. it sticks to your skin and stuff. ewwww >_<

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Guest TrainDriver

hey guys, i'm in singapore airport atm waiting for my flight to KL. its been raining all week in SG, think of all the water it could be used for at home. sigh, school starts so soon, only about 2 weeks left of holidays :( my dad who just arrived in SG not long ago said perth had pretty cool days, but recently had a day of 40 C.... fawr hot, i hate hot weather, luckily singapore and malaysia are all cloudy, so no sun :D

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^^ i knoww hey. i feel sorry for my dad because he wore shorts and he got so annoyed when he sat on the seat haha. lucky i wore jeans. ><

^ yah it's been hot and cool --; it was lightly raining today, but there's a nice cool breeze right now, thank god. ^^

i knowwwww, school so soon, YEAR 12 GAAAAAAH. i went to the library with jo today, to study, and OMG. we didn't do anything. =X i'm so screwed ROFL. but i can't believe it's so soon.. even though i haven't had a real class since mid november, haha xD

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I'm staying home all week today T___T

I'm going out tomorrow probably to buy my books at school and that's it. My parents are making me stay home and study... so boring >< but ive done quite alot of work since I got my new tutor so I hope I'm ok haha.

My mum said she's not sure about us going overseas on tour around Asia anymore at the end of this year because of my dog T____T We have no-one that can take care of her for us T_____T

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yeahh today was really really hot -___- but i went gelare and utopia with my friends to cool off =p

ohh me and antz went to Utopia yesterday for about 10 minutes though xD after we went to study at the lib

haha we were playing with the Lee Hoo ringtones AHHAHA

"ahhhhh~ ssa~~ahssa~~ahssa~~~" HAHHAHA

^aww last time we went to Taiwan.. my dad stayed here so he looked after our dog xD

but my dad had work all day and came home at like 11 at night ><

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oh i remember how my entire family went back to hk for two months... we stuck my dog in a hotel thing and it cost a FORTUNE - and we even had a discount cos we knew the owners.

i got my uni offers today~ haha i'm all smiles.

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Ahh Kim, really? >< Awww that sucks. LOL. Jo seems like the multiple dog owner right now. XDD HAHA. Ahhh~ Yeah i just went to the booksales.. I hate it when books get sold out! GRRRRRR! So I'm going to go to Wooldridges on Friday afternoon =_=

LMFAO OMG ASSA HAHAAAAAA XDDD that was so funny, people were looking at us though... but it was still funny xD

Ooh Jenn, really? ^^ I started freaking out about uni yesterday, since I have NO IDEA what to do... I guess I'll really decide once I see how I'm going in semester one... BUT I'M SO SCARED T_T Nothing appeals to me! *sigh*

Aww Mel T_T Lucky~ I want to go shopping in Melbourne again. <3 I remember I was in Melbourne this time two (or three) years ago with my sister.. we went so psycho. It was fun. XDD We were being so blonde during the trip back to Perth.. and there were the big bushfires at that time, which we didn't know.. and the smoke in the aircon was so bad and I could see the fire flames ><

Anyone going to the fireworks show on Australia Day? I still have to see whether I can go. T_T I hope I can~

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i got my uni offers today~ haha i'm all smiles.

yehh my sis got hers too hehe. she was SOO happy haha cuz she JUST made it into what she wanted in UWA. she was the VERY VERY last one to get into Health Science at UWA.. haha so we celebrated today with a cake xD

ahh yeh i want to see the fireworks this year xD since i havent seen them upclose for a loooong time.

cuz we used to juz watch them over at my cousin's house haha

but it was soo far away

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i got offered a place in vet - i'm an animal lover, seriously. and my mum promised that i could get another dog! hurray! dw about uni choices just yet i reckon. i changed my mind sooooo many times but in the end i went back to my original pick =p

ooh i wanna go watch the fireworks. i haven't seen any in ages... probably not since i was in year 7 hahaha.

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Guest sulfuric_ACID

wow vet, congratulations! i love animals too, got a cat and a dog at home. took me ages to choose what course to do too, and even now i'm not sure. but in the end, i am doing what i said i'd do in yr 8 LOL.

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Woah, vet is really hard to get in right? o___O I heard it was harder than a doctor o___O My sister wants to be one haha. I'm hoping I can get into Pharmacy though... I really want to do it T_____T If not then I'll take my 2nd option and just continue studying music in UWA... when I went to the lecture last time it was pretty interesting. And my old tutor who I quit, told me I should so something to do with music in the future o___O? But that's only if I survive music this year... haha.

Ahh I don't know about going to the fireworks with the others anymore... I don't think my parents will let me go on my own with friends this year... Most likely they will want to come with me too and that would be too risky if they see... him.. haha again, and they would definetely think something is up since we're bumping into him everywhere T_______T.

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