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Who Do You Miss?

Guest krnballer24

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Guest euricexlovesxrice

i miss my boyfriend T_T

haven't seen him in days.

he's not coming back till january 10

and i can't call him either cuz he's in mexico :tears:

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Guest moon_kyung

+i miss.. going to sleep at regular hours.. vacation sucks right after finals

+i miss being able to smile without having a mouth full of metal [ridiculous mom decides yes, in her prime time is when she should get braces.. and stupid ortho saying no i don't recommend invisiline to students]

+eating good, home-cooked, family meals

+my bf who i used to snug into bed every night to

+"free" internet, electricity, and heating...

+ my friends whom i haven't seen since i've been back T-T

+ a childhood friend who i used to secretly have a crush on [not that that matters anymore]

+the simple days of nap time and snacks and half days

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Guest xWiReDx

i miss krispy kreme donuts.. it's been a while since i've had one of those.... :tears:

oh yeah, i miss "him" too.

...>_> you sound so sincere about your feelings...oh noes, the pain.

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Guest Rawr_LuLu

hmmm i miss my friends cause of school holidays and my family in vietnam...

ohh and i miss the guy i thought my ex was but he isnt anything like how i thought he was ]=<

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Guest keyhunt3r

I miss the most special person in my life.

Shes in HK now T^T but will be back soon =D

But life is still heaps hard without her, even though we regularly text each other ><

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Guest ephemeral.

I miss my old bestfriend. We've drifted a lot since highschool started. It's sad.

I also miss my grandmothers. As well as my cousin. If only I could see them again. ):

Enough for dramatic stuff.

I also miss my friends and school. I can't wait to see them when school starts! (:

*coughs* ... and him.

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