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Blonde Asians?

Guest YunHo

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Guest -forever-

hii~ so im just wondering. when you guys go blonde.

do you get it done professionally or just do it yourself with palty or something O__O

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Guest Fudgestix

Lol you guys are all so negative, I love Asians with Blonde hair and Asians with Black/Dark Brown hair. I also love Asians with crazy hairstyles and haircolours ^^. Some people can pull it off, some can't.

All depends on the person[skin shade,eyes, everything else], shade, and personal preference[beautiful to you may be horrendously ugly to someone else].

BTW BLACK ISN'T A COLOUR! It's a shade >.>.

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Guest .basic.

I would loooove to have a full head of blonde hair.

I was thinking about having long blonde hair but I hate taking care of the roots when they grow in.

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Guest writtenkarma

Still blonde and I still love it minus the 3 week root touch up, that might actually be the death of me but going lighter blonde soon! I did my hair at home with a help of a friend and the internet.


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Guest legweak17

As with everything, the person (Asians, in this case) have to have the right coloring and features to be able to pull it off. But if they can pull it off........<3333333333

Just some examples:

Taemin-12202010-3.jpg jessica-legally-blonde.jpg



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Guest sojuiicy

Definitely depends. I have friends who pull it off very well, but that's because both their eyes are big and they maintain their hair very well - it's not brassy or with any tint of red/orange. They also have a more tanned skin color so it looks better than if you were pale, and they also have light colored or thin eyebrows so it's not much of a difference. I personally had blonde peekaboos and it looked great - only because I didn't go full blonde. Natural still looks best though!

That's me last year when I first had my hair


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Guest dot.1430279747

I think if your gonna have blonde hair, do something with your eye brows because the contrast is not attractive at all! (this is only if you have thick black brows) People who have thin brows aren't too bad. 

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Guest cherrynkinnz

i think it depends on the person.. but in everyday life .. sometimes it looks good, i admit. but it gives off the impression of attention seeking and "trying to be different." LOL, that's just how i see it.

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I think a lot of the time it looks great....mostly on celebrities that *can afford to have there hair properly dyed and touched up. I think that goes for all people though not just ones of a certain background. As long as it's done right and you choose the best color for you I don't see a problem.

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Guest hillando

It really depends on the skin tone and what type of blonde you colour your hair.

Platinum blonde is fine by me (as long as you tint your eyebrows as well, blonde hair + heavy black brows = STRANGE), but a more yellow shade tends to wash out Asians. Their skin already has a yellow tint, having fully yellow hair will just make it worse :| So going for the more ashy blondes is fine, it'll just ruin their hair because it needs several bleaches to get that light.

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