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Kim Hee Chul 김희철 [希]

Guest damifino

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Guest damifino

I think the "being so grateful to the point that he might like even those whom he might have secretly disliked before" was more of a figure of speech by his representatives than Heechul actually starting like people he didn't like... although it wouldn't be surprising if he's seeing people in a new light and appreciating people in his life more.

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crossposting from http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=84475

This is a collection of Heechul`s Everlast pictures. Enjoy~

If you want these pictures, i put them in a zip folder and uploaded them on megaupload and sendspace. PM me if you want the link!

Newer Everlast Pics
















Older Pics


































Whew! Finally done uploading xD

CREDITS: 휘예@Bestiz+mizzqtpnai@soompi

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Guest damifino

Here's a translation of a new entry in Heechul's sister's minihompy diary...

2006.09.09 (2006.09.06 20:16)

Too much of a hectic schedule..

I visited the hospital~ ㅋㅋㅋ

This time.. the color of his cast is black~

Not sure how I feel about the color.. ㅋㅋ

It's fortunate that his condition has improved so much,

but all he does is eat and sleep these days and still he keeps losing weight..


Ah.. I'm tired~!

Poor Heechul :( He can't afford to lose any more weight. He's too skinny as it is!


Did anyone watch Sunday Star Wars Answer the Phone on MBC today? Apparently, Yuri was on it and she called Heechul? Anyone know anything about this?

The SuJu boys (Shiwon, Eeteuk, Hankyung, Eunhyuk, and Kangin) were on Bungee Song King again this week and they replayed what Eeteuk said about Heechul from last week and Shiwon said his own thing as he was jumping. He said as always he misses seeing Heechul and wants him to get better so they can all be together again.

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Guest damifino

I know, isn't it sort of strange that they changed his cast after only one week? Don't most people keep the same cast for months? Heechul did mention how he got his leg x-rayed recently because of his own unauthorized leg strengthening exercises, maybe they took out the cast for that.

Re: Heechul's weight

I know! I was hoping that he'd plump up a bit when he comes back since he is way too skinny to begin with, NOT get skinnier. As is, he's all skin and bones.

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Guest damifino

Here's yet another translation of Heechul's sister's diary from today...

2006.09.10 21:19

On Happy Sunday <Bungee Song King>..

Shiwon's words..

Again.. my eyes welled up with tears......

Aigoo~ like an idiot!!!

These days.. whenever I hear the name "Heechul" on a TV show, I get tears in my eyes..

Heechul.. please give him the strength to be active again quickly!!

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Guest damifino

Here's a link to the audio from Sunday Star Wars Answer the Phone on MBC today that I asked about earlier. Yuri was on it and she called Heechul to ask her question.


Y = Yuri

H = Host

HC = Heechul


Y: He's a member of Super Junior and right now he's resting. Because he got in an accident, he's in the hospital...

H: Ah, Kim Heechul!

Y: Yes, Heechul.

Others: Oh~

Y: Should we give him a call?

H: Because we are also curious to see if he's gotten better, let's call him. Give us the first call! (calling) He must be bored if he's in his hospital room all alone all the time.

Y: Yes, he's probably really bored so he watches a lot of TV.

(phone call connection)

HC: Hello?

Y: Yo...

HC: (no answer... I bet he thought it was one of those hundreds of phone calls he keeps getting from fans LOL)

Y: Hello?

Others: What "Yo"? Give what? (she pronounced "Yo" like "Jo" which in Korean means "give")

Y: Yo... Heechul!

HC: Ah... noona

Y: Yeah, have you been alright?

HC: (being playful and talking sing-song like) Of course... I'm doing fine, you're calling because you want to see me, huh?

Y: Of course, I want to see you that's why I... (to those on the show) we're close, right? I wasn't just saying we're close... (back to Heechul) Heechul!

HC: Noona, your background noise... who is that?

Y: It's a bit noisy, right? I'm at the studio.

HC: Ah...

Y: Heechul, how's your body feeling?

HC: It's ok... ah, are we on the air?

Y: Yes, but how did you know we were on the air? (to those on the show) Aigoo... our Heechul is very perceptive, he senses things very quickly... (back to Heechul) It's a program called "Answer the Phone."

HC: (in a cutesy polite voice) Yes, noona.

(everyone laughs and someone imitates his cutesy voice)

HC: Is Hongchul hyung next to you?

Y: You want to talk to...

HC: (imitates Noh Hongchul's voice for a bit)

(everyone laughs and claps)

H: That's so much alike!

Noh Hongchul: I was even more surprised!

Y: I thought Hongchul was talking! Ok then Heechul, I'll ask my question now.

HC: (again in a cutesy polite voice) Yes...Yes.

Y: When I say "trot," what person comes into your mind?

HC: Park SangChul who sings the song "MooJoKun"

Y: Awww, what are we going to do?! (I guess he got the wrong person)

HC: Ah, did I have to sing the song?

Y: Yes, why don't you sing the song. What is it?

HC: (sings "MooJoKun")

Choi Rina: Awww, so cute... what are we going to do with him!

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Guest mysidisvicious

Ahh, thanks for translating that for us, damifino! Actually, thanks for translating everything you've done so far and finding all of this, haha, I am no where near as good as finding all this Heechul stuff as you. And hey, you're from SoCal too!

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Guest shronie_x3

i watched the cut from the phone show. it said heechul phone cut and i was like "!!!!!!" i miss him too much T_T;; school is preventing me from coming here. luckily i didn`t have that much hw today.

i can`t believe heechul is losing more weight.. what does he have to lose?! my sister and i were talking about him and we were like maybe he`ll finally gain weight since he lays down all day, sleeps, and eats. guess not. why did he change his cast to black? heechul=pink.

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Guest damifino

My pleasure :) Heechul sounded like he was antsy to be back in the limelight. He's practicing his impersonations, gags, and his aegyo, to boot! He must miss being on TV and stage as much as we miss seeing him :(

ETA First on the page...



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Guest damifino

According to an article posted on the SuJu thread, SM Entertainment said that they plan to postpone the release of Super Junior's second album to next year (they were originally aiming for November) so that Heechul has plenty of time to recover and relax instead of rushing back to work. After all, even if Heechul is able to record the album with his broken leg, he won't be able to perform at any shows to help promote the album by November, so that seems logical. He'll barely have had time to take his cast off by mid-November so he won't have been able to practice any dance steps and all. But I'm surprised that SM Entertainment is being so... I don't know, decent about the whole thing, saying that although Heechul is healing fast, they don't want to rush him back to the stage and want to give him plenty of time to fully recover, especially considering what I heard about their treatment of Yunho from DBSK and his injuries.

I'm so disappointed that they said Heechul returning to Rainbow Romance is unlikely though :( I was hoping that he'd be accommodated so that he could act while being stationary on a chair or something. They HAVE to finish the Heechul-Hyunkyung storyline. They can't just leave it hanging like that! I mean, Heechul's recovery is first and foremost, but as long as he's not putting strain on his leg, he should be able to act, no? Anyway, I'm hoping that SM Entertainment will allow Heechul to at least come back for a bit to at least complete the story. It would suck if the show ended without Heechul at least being on it once.

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I know its seriously dumb is they end rainbow romance with just.. i dun know like yo usaid loose ends isn't good. Also about how sm is being so nice about it and yea i know what you mean its a miracle >.>. Anyhows could is possibly be that since heechul's so popular/famous right now and so many people know about his accident and are so fond of him maybe they think it' in THEIR best interest to act ... like great people and than instead of having him rush back and al heechul's fan's being angry that sm made him start so suddenly?

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Guest damifino

I'm convinced that SM Entertainment has some ulterior motive behind this latest decision to give Heechul time to heal. Maybe they think that by hiding Heechul away until the next album comes out, there will be more interest generated in the second album and are using Heechul's injuries as a publicity ploy? I don't know. I mean, I heard Yunho from DBSK also got in a car crash some time ago and he suffered some leg injuries and they still made him perform continuously... so much so that the tendons on both his ankles tore and now he's having a hard time even walking and they have to carry him onstage. I just can't see these same people giving Heechul time to heal unless it benefits them somehow. Who knows, maybe they learned their lesson with Yunho's injuries... I don't know, I'm still suspicious.

Also, it's one thing to let Heechul heal fully before having him perform on stage, but there is no reason not to let him film Rainbow Romance since he can talk and there is no damage to his outward physical appearance other than the leg and he can always sit on a wheelchair or they can hide him behind tables and counters if they don't want him to walk.


I just read that Heechul is going to be released from the hospital soon... Here's a translation of the article regarding his release from the hospital.

"After a month of being hospitalized, SuJu Kim Heechul is being released still wearing a cast"

[2006-09-13 13:06:28]

After being hospitalized for a month as a result of a car accident, it appears that Super Junior's Kim Heechul will soon be released from the hospital.

On the 13th, Super Junior's managment SM Entertainment revealed that "According to hospital's medical treatment position, Kim Heechul's condition has improved greatly so he should be able to be released within the week" and "if it happens fast, he should be released on the 14th or 15th, but he will continue to receive treatment even after being released from the hospital."

However, SM officials stated that "If the doctors decide that it would be better for him to stay at the hospital for a little while longer, then we will follow policy and have him remain at the hospital. Because Super Junior's activities have ended, we don't think that there is a need to irrationally rush to leave the hospital."

The officials added that "Kim Heechul still is unable to remove his cast so they are carefully concentrating on his rehabilitation."

Kim Heechul was returning from Mokpo this past August 10th from paying respects to Super Junior member Donghae's father who passed away when he was involved in a car accident which caused injuries to his left thigh bone and ankle requiring 12 weeks recovery and has been getting treatment at Samsung hospital for the past month.

Due to the car accident, Kim Heechul has had to curtail his activities as a Super Junior singer as well work on MBC youth sitcom "Rainbow Romance"

[Newsen Entertainment]

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Guest damifino

Euichul and Heechul exchanged comments on their minihompies again :)

Euichul wrote:

Hyung, let's make sure to go to an online gaming room ㅋㅋ

Heechul wrote:

If you hadn't come yesterday, I was going to erase your phone number^-^ Next time, let's make sure to do nalachagi(?) (maybe he's referring to a game of tag?) together~ㅋ

And Heechul's sister wrote in her diary regarding his release from the hospital...

2006.09.13 21:59

Kim Heechul being released from the hospital~(13th is correct^^)

In the future... he'll receive treatment to cure~~ rehabilitation....

Fighting fighting!

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o-o errrmmmm damifino said it was from both their minihompies >.>. Anyways that was pretty funny when heechul said if you hadn't of come yesterday i wouldn't erased your number lol.

Also yes mbc should let him just continue on rainbow romance and your right if they used the camera angles and did everything right and hid him behind tables, chairs, other people what not no one would be able to tell he was injured. They really should just let do the show it won't be good ending without him, no show is good without Heechul :D

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