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Kim Hee Chul 김희철 [希]

Guest damifino

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kekek thanks for the clarification :)

i actually watched that youtube audition clip... and that was the first time i thought he did something to his face... cause he looked more manly there than he is now...

or maybe it's his hair on the clip that made him look manlier... but looking at his previous pics, he does look the same before and after :)

haha his permed blonde hair looks really weird but looks good on him :) i think the time he had his hair colored and done in that way was the hip thing at that time... cause i remember during 2001 and 2002, a kot of korean stars had blonde (bleach blonde) hair...

In his audition clip i think it was his clothes and maybe his shorter hair that made him looks more manly lol. Also im pretty sure he died his hair for bad family .. errr the drama >.> correct me if im wrong damifino lol

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Guest damifino

I think it's the fact that he is EXTREMELY underweight... he weighs like 125-130 lbs and he's around 5'10" and his hairstyles that makes him look more feminine especially when it used to be dyed various colors. Typhoon from Trax and Yunho from DBSK always mention that when they used to hang out together with Heechul (before they all debuted), people would always mistaken Heechul as either one of their girlfriend because he was so skinny and had long dyed hair. I heard that one time Yunho, his girlfriend, and Heechul were out shopping and they went to a jewelry store so Yunho and his girlfriend could get couple rings and the store owner thought Yunho and Heechul were the couple who wanted to get the rings LOL

In his high school pics and even his audition tape as you said, he looks more manly or normal. Although I do think he's been looking more like his old self lately with the "Dancing Out" activities. He's dressing less feminine (more in dress shirts and ties) and even his hair is back to the way it was during the audition days, short and plain.

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Guest heartdrops

HAHA. I remember that Yunho and Heechul couple thing. That's so freaking funny. I don't mind Heechul being feminine because that makes him more unique lol.

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Guest miyawoks

^ keke the yunho and heechul couple thing really cracked me up...

but he's definitely not gay right?

cos he seems to be, but i'm thinking he just has a weird (and maybe twisted) sense of humor... that's why his acts sometimes seem to be girly, as well as his preferences...

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Guest damifino

Heechul just doesn't like the confines that society places on people to be and dress a certain way. He always follows the beat of his of own drums and doesn't like to be like anyone else. He said once that if people expect him to do or be one thing, you can be sure he'll do exactly the opposite. That's just his personality. He likes to be unique and he likes to be noticed (isn't that why most people get into show business?).

He's been very upfront about his life. He talked about his awkwardness around girls he's liked and his recent heartache over a female entertainer he hung out with a lot and had a crush on, but discovered that she was secretly seeing someone else (or more like she was secretly seeing him since it turned out she already had a boyfriend). He isn't very good at hiding his feelings in public. If it's on his mind, you can bet his fans know about it via his radio show when it was on or his website. Even if it's not in his best interest, he's even chewed out his fans for behaving in ways that he doesn't appreciate like when they were screaming and making "V" signs during a performance to raise money for a kid with cancer while they were showing pictures of the sick kid or crowding him when he's going to work. Apparently, while all the other members of Super Junior go to the SM office through the back way because they'll get mobbed, he and Kibum are the only ones who can go through the front because the fans make way for him because they know how scary he can get when he gets angry. He even acknowledges the fact that he has a quick temper. They might be his fans and while he appreciates them, he isn't going to live by their rules, he sets his own.

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Guest damifino

More new Heechul entries on his website photo section:

Heechul entitled this "Golden haired 希 (Hee in Chinese)"


2006.09.04 17:11

"Red haired Ann~ cute young girl~♬

Red haired Ann~our friend~♩"

I remember there was a song like this ( ̄- ̄)

"Golden haired Hee~ cute young boy~♬

Golden haired Hee~our friend~♩"


Back then, it wasn't really hair strands..

It was more like hair fuzz ㅡㅡㆀ

That that..

Look at how red those lips are -_ㅡ++

Heechul entitled this "Heechul Cue"


2006.09.04 20:34


Even when I sing a ballad..

Even when I sing a dance song..

It comes out rock style..

Is it because that's what I saw ever since I was young..?


Then why..

Aren't there any instruments that I can play like a rock star..


I have the triangle, castanets, cymbals..

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Guest damifino

I was just checking my second favorite character on Rainbow Romance Jung Euichul's minihompy (Heechul's co-star and friend) and Heechul left a message for Euichul saying that the atmosphere in Euichul's minihompy doesn't feel quite right.. Heechul must really have too much time on his hands if he's now going around critiquing his friends' minihompys LOL

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Guest miyawoks

^ omo!!! they could really pass for a couple...

heechul is just too pretty!!

and i love the fact that heechul loves rock!!!

cos rock rocks!!!

i'm glad he seems to be doing well and doing a lot of things for himself...

it must be really boring though...

hope he gets well really, really soon!!!

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Guest damifino

This is a translation of Heechul's post in his fan cafe from the SuJu thread. Can anyone post the original Korean version if you have access to Heechul's fan cafe at http://cafe.daum.net/HCkiseki?

I guess I can translate it [and procrastinate in the process >.>] It is this one right? If not, well uh..here's a translated version of what Weiyin [? Sorry I'm not sure ><;] posted for anyone who wants to know x] I'll cry if someone posts this before me..okay no I won't lol

Translation from Chinese by me:

Opening the morning of September..

Is everyone happily and full of knowledge[ly..] spending time at school?

I'm still in the hospital room..watching the kids running outside from the window as I write.


The result of practicing hard...is that now my leg is healed to a certain extent -_ㅡv

Even if I still can't walk..mm..

One day..

"This is also a question of determination and patience.."

The me that believes in this..using strength with both feet, yelling as I stand up..

"Determination! Patience/toughness!"

...and the result of that is I almost had to forever say BYE BYE to my left leg ㅡㅡㆀ

I had to spend a long time taking xrays. Today I also got to see the picture [xray scan]. hehe

(⊙_⊙)a oh

And inlayed into my left leg and ankle are..

Not Dae Han Min Guk's mother *insert name of a teacher?*..but full of metal nails [supports for his torn muscles and bones] ah..(the name and metal support things have a similar sound in Korean)


Even though I liked SF [i don't know what that is] since I was a kid, I don't like "End Result Robot Person Hee [his name]"..

I'd rather it be a "WAZZARD [maybe he meant wizard?] Hee" that can use magic..

But no matter what..it is because of the love of flower petals that I can pass each day with a smile. [being poetic again?]


Who is the faded flower petal that keeps text messaging me and phoning me despite knowing my pain?! [i don't get it..]

Everytime I get such a call I would use Han Geng's voice and say..

"What is this? Ah, don't call me~Don't~" [in other words..Hajima~Hajima~ lol]

Despite that, I'd still get such phone calls- -^

Of course, I understand their desire to listen to my 黄莺 [name of a kind of yellow bird] voice.

"It's fine if I'm the only person calling right.." Even if it's okay to think this way, but I end up getting 100 or so phone calls a day- -^

It feels as if a lender is calling me back to collect debts..in reality, although I've never had that happen before; but in general, I can tell what kind of feeling it would be-_ㅡ++

Even manager hyung was woken many times by the sound of text messages..

I already set it to vibrate, but he was still woken up- -^

I can't sleep if there's a phone by me..because I'm afraid an important call might arrive- -

At first I felt they were "calling because they worry about me"..

But when they became too much now I feel like "they call because they want to kill me"..

A similar situation has occurred before in the past, when there's a nightmare call [prank call? threat calls..] I just write down the number.

Then I'd contact people I know in the phone company and find the (prank caller's) address, ask what they want..this has occurred before..

But..right now there's many things I can't do..

In this space/place that has "trust," "space" [like distance, personal space] is very important as well..

Before I film on stage..many flower petals [at this point, I think he's referring to the fans], slowly, without guard [protection], walk over..

Just because there's "trust"..even manager hyung has times when he leaves me.

I can directly go ask those in the audience. Our manager hyung..the flower petals are so cute..quiet..flower petals..

If you plant trust in a flower garden, there will always be a day when happiness blossoms..

( '')/ I seem to have seen this phrase many times before somewhere? hahahahahahaha (in someone's lyrics from 'BELIEVE' ah- -)

Next time that I do such a thing..I'll save all these numbers [phone numbers I'm guessing]..and ask some other flower petals who these people are?-_ㅡ++

[You] should know that my leg hurts a lot now, and I still have to spend so much energy going to plug my cellphone into its charger-_ㅡ^

But no matter what..watching our previously filmed stuff..mm..in the time of "TWINS"...bouncing around/being bouncy was so cute..ah~♡

The hairstyle also..after filming in dramas, I don't know why, but no matter what, my hair won't grow [look like] how it was back thenㅡㅡㆀ

Ah..my red hair [referring to both color and style] were very good looking too..

转FR: 花瓣雨 翻译BY MOMO

Original Credit: KRKV

Retranslation by reminiscencex


That was LONG, so I'll be very very angry and annoyed if anyone steals it -.-; So, "how about not stealing?" Okay? Okay we can! ^.^

Sorry if it's not exact, I tried to keep as much literal stuff as possible, but I altered some stuff to better help get the meaning across.

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Guest damifino

Here's another post from the SuJu thread. It's a translation of a post by a friend of Heechul who visited him in the hospital.

Credit : KRKV

Basically he says that HeeChul moved to a new ward, which is in better condition compare to the previous one, but the news that he’s moving has spread throughout the hospital, so he still need to stay in the room. And his family and some frens went to visit him, they watched heechul’s video during “twins”…

The fixture(?) on his leg was removed, now it’s only using cast to fix his leg. He dunno if HeeChul paint it himself or the cast is originally pink… (ahhahaa…. Pink cast~~) He said HeeChul’s recovery is so fast… he can walk a bit now. And talks 2-3 times more than 2 weeks ago…But still he looks very tiring with this condition. Looking from the back, he looks like a 90 year old man when he’s walking. (poor heechul oppa…) He said heechul even do physical therapy himself (like he mentioned in his diary… = =||| ). Haha!!! He said heechul read those comic books until he get bored of it! Heechul will go back to the dorm once a week, and stayed online for whole day. Same thing repeat, about the phone call, many ppl called heechul and his phone always need to recharge bcoz of that.

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hey guys!

does any of you have Kim Hee Chul - ma bub eh sung/enchanted castle? its a song from Bad Family.

its so nice, but i couldnt dl it from the drama ost page.


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Guest damifino

I just came across this. It's an advertisement from the college that Heechul attended (attends?) and it says that Heechul was a 2004 student in the Computer Data Informations major. So where did the information that he was an English for tourism major come from?


Knowing how good with computers Heechul is, his major seems fitting.

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hey guys!

does any of you have Kim Hee Chul - ma bub eh sung/enchanted castle? its a song from Bad Family.

its so nice, but i couldnt dl it from the drama ost page.


errm im pretty sure i have it.. but i dunno if i still have the direct file anymore =/ if i have it i'll upload it to megaupload

OK I FOUND IT lol im currently uploading

http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GKWAV5QE heres the megaupload link for magiccastle- heechul's version

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errm im pretty sure i have it.. but i dunno if i still have the direct file anymore =/ if i have it i'll upload it to megaupload

OK I FOUND IT lol im currently uploading

http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GKWAV5QE heres the megaupload link for magiccastle- heechul's version


BUT, i can't dl frm megaupload :( how about sendspace/ysi?

I just finished watching the drama.. haha this might seem a little late.

The part where Na Rim told the family not to leave... arghhh it moved me to tears!

Those who haven't watched this drama yet, go watch it cos its good stuff! :D

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Guest damifino

Here's a translation of an article about Heechul from today.


Kim Heechul "Even those I disliked, I've come to like"

[starNews 2006-09-08 09:18]

Boy band Super Junior member Kim Heechul who suffered a thigh fracture from a car accident has expressed feelings of gratitute towards those who visited him at the hospital.

At dawn on August 10th, Kim Heechul was returning from Mokpo where he was paying respects to Super Junior member Donghae's father who passed away, when the car in which he was a passanger was involved in an accident while changing lanes on the interchange and crashed into the center median. Because of this, Kim Heechul was rushed to surgery that same afternoon to fix the fractures in his thigh as well as his ankle in a Seoul hospital where he is currently hospitalized.

Kim Heechul's representatives revealed that "Kim Heechul is resting at the hospital while his health is recovering" and "while Kim Heechul has been in the hospital, he's had time to reflect a lot on his past. He's been feeling very grateful for the large amounts of people who've come to visit him and feels somewhat undeserving of all the kindness."

His representatives also stated "Kim Heechul is spending his time being so grateful to the point that he might like even those whom he might have secretly disliked before" and "while he's been in the hospital, it seems he's had lots of time to reflect on his personal relationships and feeling many things."

Along with this, his representatives added "while Kim Heechul's condition has improved a lot, he will remain in the hospital in the meantime and the plan is to continue receiving treatment."

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Guest MizJudge.d

Who didn't he like before? well, whoever it is I'm sure he had his reasons. I just hope that his ankle will heal completely in the next coming months so that he can come back to his activities. I miss him so much TTTT

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