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Song Il Kook 송일국


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2014 Song Il Kook Fanmeeting & Birthday party Application and Party-fee Guide|----------- Foreigner[JP2]luvhime|조회 5|추천 0|2014.06.11. 01:00http://cafe.daum.net/GeNtLeSongillgook/Yd1/902 

Hello, GeNtLe family members,

한얼STAFF announced '2014 Song Il Kook Fanmeeting & Birthday party application and party-fee Guide'.


See below;


2014 송일국 Fanmeeting & Birthday party 신청 및 회비 안내


< translation >


Hello GeNtLe members!^^

We'll accept the application for 2014 Song Il Kook Fanmeeting & Birthday party.

The member who has already made the temporary application has to apply this time,too.

The member who hasn't made the temporary application can also apply this time.


2014 Song Il Kook Fanmeeting & Birthday party Application and Party-fee Guide


1. Fanmeeting Date : Sept. 27th ( Sat. ) From afternoon to late evening

※We'll announce the exact time and place as they are fixed.


2. Party-fee : Korean and Foreign fans ( except Japanese ) = 170,000

                   Japanese fans Translation charge 100,000won + Party-fee 170,000 =180,000


* Maybe you're embarrassed this party-fee is more expensive than expected...

 In the meantime, to reduce the economic burden of family members, GeNtLe has been supplemented theexcess of the amount...

But it's hard to cover the excess of the amount with GeNtLe donation.   


Please note that at this point with your kindness.


*Party-fee included : Rental fee for the party room, Hotel dinner ( Buffet style ), liaison costs, DVD costs.


3. How to apply :   Write

Your GeNtLe Nickname / Daum ID / Your name / Phone number / e-mail address

to the left bar Top 

  " 2014 팬미팅&생파 신청방 "


The seat-arrangement will be reserved on a first-come-first-served basis.


Secret comment, proxy application and duplicated application is prohibited.


*If you cancel after the application, you will be prohibited attendance for the next 5 programs.


4. Application Date: June 24 ( Tue. ) 10:00p.m. (22:00) ~ 11 p.m. (23:00) 

* Application room will be opened five minutes before.


( Invalid application passed 22:59:59  )



5.Payment period : June 25 ( Wed ) ~ July 01 ( Tue )  at 24:00 midnight


*Any members' right to attend the program will be revoked authmatically if failed to payment during the period and will be prohibited attendance for the next 5 programs.


So, please keep the deadline.


Korean fans : After deposit, see [운영진]곰돌이 푸's confirmation



Overseas fans : Follow hkmom님's guidance


Japanese fans : Follow 아키코님's guidance



Change the Birthday present to Mr. Song Il Kook 


 Although we have handed the Birthday present at the BP before, but this time 

we'll collect contributions.

It depends on the amount of the donation, but we'll plan to dig a well for the children in the country of water shortage.

Of course, the well's name is "Song Il Kook Well" ^^


1) Amount raised: free fundraising, 20,000won or more 
We need your great interest.


This contribution is different from the party-fee.

And to widen the choice, we have to set the lowest amount.

So please understand this.




2) Raising period: June 25 ( Wed ) ~ July 25 ( Fri ), at midnight

3) There is no qualification limit

All GeNtLe members can contribute (Even if you can't attend the BP)


Please keep the raising period.

Follow hkmom's guidance.


[ Bank account ]


Depositor: 윤원자 ( YOUN WON JA ) ( 곰돌이 푸)  

Bank account : 100 - 119 - 5800  



*If you have any questions, ask at 질문&건의방.


*We'll announce other new information as it confirmed.


Thank you.


If you have signed up before, you will need to sign up again.
Window is only 1 hour, Korea Time
Application Date: June 24 ( Tue. ) 10:00p.m. (22:00) ~ 11 p.m. (23:00) 

Sign-up link will be available 5 minutes before June 24, 10PM, at http://cafe.daum.net/GeNtLeSongillgook

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Nice Poh..for the latest Marathon event, he's doing it a bit differently every year!!  And getting yummier too.. ;p  
lol..I think he's like me, when I'm in seoul on a tour..to chucheon or jeju island!!  ;p..take every single moments!!  :)

  Hey Yvo, I would like to know where you are getting these fab photos, wonders if they have an official page for those drams..or him?  :D   Keep them coming… 

Also to KB and from Gentle too..doing all this work for us!!  :)  lol…on the second photo..he's just as tall as she is.or about the same height...there!!   Nothing he needs..  *Y*  Nice..glad it's official for the next birthday M&G..I'm still not over from last years.. :D  Thanks for the update!

Thanks sig, he looks like at NY times square.. :D..both sides..   ON today show.. ;p Wow..yummy albethbet soup, lunch!!   Think I get some and built one of jumong or muyyal..haha..v

Hey kish, haseyo!!  Isn't he a dreambo!!  those wicked sweet eyes.. lol..  I'm loading up or reloading my Kotw and jumong OST..not sure why, I haven't' even downloaded on my iPads!!   About time, though.. v  

  lol..Gab, knock it off,  or Will never ever keep my eyes off of him!  ;p..    Too bad I don't have OST to Eots!!   :(  Will keep looking..v   :) 

Speaking of..will some of the ost photos, from there?  Will hold on the books later?  Not sure if kotw/jumong form is up still??  :) 
 Hope some of you have these ost..they are like real deal!  :)  
Kotw had the most photos, jumong is more like from the bookphotos.  Will add more in other posts..

IMG_0631_zpsd670e3af.jpg   IMG_0621_zps90317d90.jpg 

IMG_0633_zpsd505082b.jpg  IMG_0629_zps180ae1e6.jpg
Lyrics on the photos.... 

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Ok, it's splendid for SIK to become ambassador for Red Cross - this came thanks to his huge personality, his hard work as an actor, his megastar image, his implication in charity activities and - a very small bit - to his fan's donations in Green Umbrella Fund. But, honestly, instead of an embassy I'd prefer a 60 - episodes drama - a historical one. I'd like to see him filming year after year long series and movies. I'm egoist.    

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Song Il-Kook at '2014 World Blood Donor Day' ceremony in Gwanghwamun Square
Song Il-Kook was appointed as one of the Red Cross Ambassador







Reunion of Michael King and Bo Bae
(SIK said in 1 of the interviews that Han Chae-Young was very friendly and out-going person.She looks stunning after the child birth).


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