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Auditions In Australia


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have there ben any?
ok...so everyone noes that auditions are hld reguarly for those peeps in America..

but has ne1 heard about or known anything bout any auditions in Australia?

Australia is so left out...

But if you have auditioned for any entertainment comp...for anything... and you live in Australia..

can you share how you auditoned...like through mail or email..

and the outcomes of it....

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i'm pretty sure there haven't been any recently..

but i DO know that SM people are always scouting people that they think have potential..

this guy friend's older sister got scouted by SM but she turned them down =\



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Guest fragment

if australia is left out, perth is even worst. like, even if they come to australia 50% chance they'll go to sydney, 49% they'll go to melb, 1% is left to places like perth, brissy, gold coast & stuffers.

being in perth sucks :(

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Guest .:-kiddo-:.

yer i agree .. australia's always left out =\

i guess its also true that perth is like always left out .. buh i liv in melb so its oks =]

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if there weree auditions,


even if like er my family would be like wthareyoudoing.

i would enter sm or yg. i know i'm crazy about sm, but i want to meet everyone! and see if those rumours are true. :X

but yg! OMG HELL YEAAAA. it's my preferred company to be at.. my favourite genre <3

and meet my husbands. ;DDD aw dongwookie baby <3

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  • 2 weeks later...

one of my friends got scouted by SM to be a dancer wit BoA... she's really pretty and hot tho and has lots of talent.

i have no idea how they find these ppl..

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Guest eumsung

omg i'd totally audition! haha i'm not out there with the singing and dancing so scouting is not an option with me.. i might go audition when i go to korea next though.. if anyone knows of upcoming concerts and auditions in aus and esp in melb.. plz PM!!

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Guest joongie;love

Haha, it'd be so cool if SM came and held auditions in Australia.

Despite the fact that i have no talent -O-; I'd go for the hell of it anyways (:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest *wenDzie^^*

i went with my friend to MTV audition yesterday for their new show, The Lair, airring in Jan...

saw it in MX... btw this is in sydney

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest jellyrabuman

I reckon going to America is easier to audition than Australia...Probably because it's a more Chinesey place. Cause lots of CPop singers come and auditions too but no one from Korea comes here...T_T Except that concert a few years ago...But no auditions that I've heard of...

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Guest iloveyunho

omg i so wish SM had auditions in Aus...i've been contemplating whether or not 2 send an audition via mail or email, and whether to send a recording or video -_-" someone help me make a decision plz ^^"

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