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@mk.. i just found picture that you said
this event held at January 13, 2013 and HJ fans attend that event.
I getting confused whether this news true or false, maybe i mistaken translate Jino Kang tweets that her fans passed away Oct last year cause i using GT. i'm sorry.

I guess Jino Kang is ordinary people who continuosly tweets about HJ at Nov 25, 2013.
But, i found it's strange that he never tweets since november last year. Suddenly he tweets about HJ.

Article about Jino Kang tweets
cr: Nate

and here's chinese translation about Jino Kang tweets from baidu

帖 子的内容:孝珠咖啡网的这位会员参加了孝珠粉丝会,没有抽到赠品,孝珠感到抱歉,周日的时候访问了这位会员的家。给他带去了《同伊》整套DVD、夹克,签 了100张A4纸大的名,在那之前,孝珠与这位粉丝常常联系,孝珠还送了试映会的票。去年10月份,这位粉丝最终还是因为心肌梗塞而离开了人世,终年27 岁。孝珠还穿了葬服悄悄的去参加了这位粉丝的葬礼,孝珠还给了这位粉丝家人100万韩元。

孝 珠一边说着一边走了下来。我真是又惊喜又兴奋。见面会的最后,孝珠从台上走下来。在观众席最前排右边有一位坐轮椅的少年。也是孝珠的粉丝呢!母亲陪同前来 的少年戴着呼吸器,身体不能动弹。 孝珠在少年面前蹲下,声音哽咽地问“我能为你做些什么呢?”“我有什么优点呢?”少年好像被妈妈催促着回答,稍微有些害羞。“现在我能做什么呢?”孝珠继 续问,把一条心形项链放在少年的右手上,并拥抱了他。

2011 年4月10日(星期天)平凡的一天…孝珠拜访了这位粉丝的家…
在 星期天,真的发生了很让人吃惊的事,令我感激的礼物;孝珠亲自到访,感激的是积压了几千倍几万倍的感动……(孝珠)来了,我本有很多问题想问的,但是被妈 妈拉去谈话去了,两人无所不谈,孝珠和我、和父母一起照了相,还给我们一家人签了名,礼物有一套《同伊》DVD、衣服、包、还有孝珠的亲笔信,我也送了孝 珠一封信。还有,最后试问了试映会可否受邀,连这个都毅然地给予了邀请。我至今还认为梦想和现实是不一样而活着,但从昨天开始,相信梦想能成真这样的话。

cr: BaiduHHJ

according to this article
The photos were apparently taken at a birthday party with her ex-boyfriend and friends four or five years ago.
cr: english.chosun
if those photos took 4-5 years ago, that's mean around 2008-2009 when she filming iljimae/heaven postman/BL
if i'm not wrong in 2009 she rumour dating KDH, but she denied it and she said their relationship only oppa-dongsaeng.

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Guest Mark Tan

Hope more good news will come out instead of bad news during this period.
Hope she don't get badly affected by these events and decided to take a long break. 

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I really don't want it to be KDH. No offence but she "could" do sooo much better and her ideal man is/was So Ji Sub, so we can see KDH is not her type. I don't want to know who her then-boyfriend was. It would feel like betraying HJ. I am sure it is a thing of the past and yeah I hope she is strong and does not decide to take a break. In Hollywood ppl are always making appearances, having candid pictures taken, their relationship is talked abt and they do at least 2 movies every year but in Korea if u are not doing drama, there u are literally like a ghost lol. I want her to do Drama but I will take movie, anything to see her on my screen. I hope she does a very different character in a movie with strong social msg. So ppl can shut up. Han Hyo-Joo fighting!!!

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I really don't want it to be KDH. No offence but she "could" do sooo much better and her ideal man is/was So Ji Sub, so we can see KDH is not her type. I don't want to know who her then-boyfriend was. It would feel like betraying HJ. I am sure it is a thing of the past and yeah I hope she is strong and does not decide to take a break. In Hollywood ppl are always making appearances, having candid pictures taken, their relationship is talked abt and they do at least 2 movies every year but in Korea if u are not doing drama, there u are literally like a ghost lol. I want her to do Drama but I will take a movie nonetheless, anything to see her on my screen. I hope she does a very different/strong/bipolar/underdog character in a movie with strong social msg. So ppl can shut up /:) . Han Hyo-Joo fighting!!!  
Oh gosh, I somehow posted twice. Sorry. I think only the moderator can delete it? If so then pls delete the first one :)

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I also don't want to know who her boyfriend back then was, for fear that it could be KDH (no offense meant too but it was more for his age, he looks too matured for her). I'd rather she had dated back then someone closer to her age even if he's not from the biz and ordinary looking as long as she was happy with him.
I hope the criticisms about her winning will spur her on to do better in her craft. One thing that I really wish she'd work on is the expression in her eyes. I don't know if it's just me but I feel that she is suppressing it based on the the dramas and movies of hers that I've watched. 
After the Shining Inheritance/Brilliant Legacy success, she has been receiving flaks from netizens because she managed to star opposite the big actors in the industry (JJH, SJS, Go Soo, LBH, JWS) which her other contemporaries have not yet done and have enjoyed good box office and drama rating success hence she is attracting comparison and hate from fans supporting other stars, so for me it gets normal every time something positively big happens to her. I am already expecting it, haters gonna hate. Also I dont mind her being paired with matured actors because it gives her the learning experience and maturity to enhance her acting ability which I don't think she'd get from actors in her age bracket (no offense meant). But I am waiting for a HHJ-SJK pair up hahaha. This is the right time for her to act with them not when they're past 40s and I think BH is doing a great job of handling and planning her career well. 
I just hope that the blackmailing incident won't affect her and her endorsements and projects coming in hence I think that is why BH released a statement, to contain the situation and stop the public from speculating further as to the nature of the photos which could damage HHJ's career.
So here's wishing HHJ more success.    

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any news on how hyo joo took all these publicity??  i hope that she doesn't let this dampen her ... as all these things shall pass ...
urie : hi!  well i sure hope that your wish will come true ... since LSG and hyo joo do make a cute couple on screen ... and it seem that they have kept in touch even after their drama ended ... so it seem that their friendship lasts!
who is this KDH that was rumored to have dated hyo joo? if i may ask ...
as much has been said about her win ... and as i have said .... hyo joo deserved it!!  her acting was effective to me as a viewer ... since i was with her role's journey as a rookie cop slowly enlighten to the world's bad ...it was both so pure ... and poignantly acted ... and with that landslide vote ... what's there more to say ...
waiting patiently for news of hyo joo's next project!!!

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Hyo Joo talked about her Behind the scene photos on Extra edition of Hallyu Pia Japan magazine :)

"Hello everyone, I’m Han Hyo Joo

Now I’m preparing for the next event on November 21st. The day of the event gradually came up make me pounding and I’m also very excited. This time, I believe I’m trying to show you the different faces of Han Hyo Ju as “actress”, . So, while you see the photos taken during the filming of the work that I’ve appeared so far, I tried to remember, “Oh, seeing these photos make me wish ” I hope it was like this or that at that time,” I will introduce you some of that”.


First photo
This was a photo from “Brilliant Legacy” drama played with Lee Seung Gi’s. I played a role of Eun sung, but I am really young in this photo (laughs). It was a photograph in the day before taking the first kiss scene of Eun sung and Lee Seung Gi’s character. There was a scene a barbecue in the campground outdoor , but the photo was taken in the camper. It was in the shooting, but I eat grilled meat (laughs). It was fun! But, because at that time there was no time to sleep at all, my face were a little swollen. I am wearing a hoodie, but I like to wear a hoodie. Feeling …..feeling that was protected by it, just being in the space of my own. Oh, I have it from the drama. Let’s go to the next photo.


This was taken when I filming ” Dong Yi” which airing in Japan right now. This scene between me and soo bin oppa so I smile happily cause I was in the mood everytime I was with my brother. Everyone smile at the time, I remember the weather was so cold.


This picture was from “Only You” movie. Why I’ve been sitting on the the ground?
I don’t know about it (laugh).In fron t of me there were alot of broken bottle smashed. Jung-Hwa who blind broke the beer bottles on the parking place. If you saw the outfit you’ll see the color of Jung-Hwa which is dark yellow cause even Jung-Hwa had a trauma and had wound in the heart but she still very positive and bright person. I still remember of that yellow cardigan.

This was from the movie of Gwanghae, it was the historical genre just like “Dong Yi” but in this film, I played the role of the Queen. When this photo was taken? I totally do not remember (laughs). Thus, the role I played never smiled. Why did I smile? The queen exceptionally gentle and quiet, emotionless woman..However, this picture of the queen is me..

I’ve already intoduced the shooting scene photos above! I would shows more on my fan meeting on November 21st..Please look forward, ladies and gentlemen..

cr : hallyu pia translated by tinahyojootumblr
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