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Han Hyo Joo 한효주 - [FIN: Happiness (2021) || NEXT: ThePirates: Goblin Flag (Jan 2022)]


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Guest n4tleeyaa

:mellow:harmony deary i hope your dog getting well and the operation success ... i love my dog too, if something happen to him i will get nervous and sad too, so i pray the best for her

BSB will be in dong yi with hyojo again :o .... though i love BSB as well as LSG but i hope she's play with someone else, coz i like pairing hyojoo with hot men too, ... so in dong yi kinda like .............. :) JJH ... he already married :rolleyes::P , BSB we've seen their pairing, if someone else that will be good especially those K drama hot men ( i believe they have million stocks :lol: ), but still looking forward for this drama though :P

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Guest tiffany_is_love

I fell in love with SeungJoo pairing in Brilliant Legacy. But I also like BSB. ;) I agree with n4tleeyaa, I'd like to see Hyo Joo paired up with other men too. :) But i'm definitely looking forward to Dong Yi.

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Huhu thanks for everyone's concern over Mao Mao <3 lol

She's currently recovering from the surgery :) She's slowly getting better and can move around without any assistance now :D But she's hella skinny T_T

Serenity89: She does grow on you doesn't she? lol A lot of people don't find her that pretty when they first see her but if you watch her in a drama or something, then you start appreciating her kind of beauty - a simple, natural prettiness :D It's a good thing because it's rare to get tired of looking at her lol and it doesn't help that her look's so versatile and so she can pull off any kind of look.

Keke, I like JaeJoo coupling more too! :P It's probably because I'm bias (ex-JJ fangirl!) but I don't know... they spark more in me than the other couples lol. They'd make such a gorgeous couple... Seriously like... the prettiest, most attractive Korean couple ever haha. I didn't think they'd look so good together since their looks are kind of different and appeal to different crowds. Like Jaejoong has that untouchable, mysterious aura about him and Hyojoo's got the girl-next-door look.. but they really look good together! I could spazz about JaeJoo forever omgah.

Well... Hyojoo's into guys like So Ji Sub and Eita, who aren't necessarily the typical hot guy types. They possess this certain charm about them that's rare to find in other males. And I think Jaejoong fits into that category too :lol: Am I even making any sense? x_x I just know that she likes men who are really dedicated and in love with what they do for a living. JaeJoo share a lot of similarities though ^^'

Thanks for your concern over my doggy! :) *hugs

fujiwara no sai: She's doing a lot better now :) When I took her home yesterday, she kept crying and whimpering until I moved her closer to my room so she'd feel more comfortable. That stopped the crying and she pretty much just spent the whole day resting and would only get up when I took her out to pee.

I didn't notice SeungJoo interacting during the Top Ten Award part either! lol Man.. Korean fans notice everything >< They have the eyes of a hawk! Wait... So you were only able to watch the first 15 minutes of the 2nd part? Wtheckk.. That's weird o_o Have you tried redownloading it? Maybe there was something wrong with your connection? My file is perfectly fine x_x

YunKyo: My doggy's not a puppy anymore! :P haha She's almost 4 years old now! I adopted her like 3-4 months ago :) And thanks for the concern over her! <3

I want to know what they were talking about too~ SeungGi was very interactive that night :lol: Haha so you choose JaeJoo because Heaven's Postman touched you more? Hmms, I think I agree with you there. I loved the story behind Heaven's Postman. It would've been a lot better if it was a drama and not a movie :( They would've been able to explain the story behind the messenger and go into detail about Hana's past and shown flashbacks or something to illustrate why she feels lonely all the time :( LOL I'd totally die out of over spazzing if my idea were to come true! If I were the scriptwriter I'd just have Hyojoo end up with whomever and I'll take the leftover XD

I'm excited to see BSB/HHJ working together again :) It's obvious the two are very close so it's nice to see them together again for a new project. Plus, with BSB there, Hyojoo will feel more confident and comfortable while filming.. She seemed kind of lonely while shooting Iljimae >.> She didn't really interact with anyone :\ But then the problem with having BSB in Dong Yi is that Hyojoo will have better chemistry with him than Ji Jin Hee :lol: I wonder if they'll have any kissing scenes :o That must be awkward to shoot because they're such close friends lol

LadyKash: XD I'm glad I was able to share that .gif everyone! You all seem delighted to see it! lol It's always SeungJoo vs. JaeJoo :lol: I miss seeing Hyojoo with long hair too :( Her NATURAL long hair lol. Not with extensions D: Just a couple of more months and Hyojoo's hair should be grown out a bit! :D So excited for Dong Yi!!

n4tleeyaa: Thanks for the encouragement and support! She's doing a lot better now but is still pretty sick. I know how you feel :( I love Mao Mao and Piggy (my rabbit) so much T_T I don't think I'd be strong enough to put them down D:

BSB is playing the second fiddle again, sorry to say.. lol But knowing his chemistry with Hyojoo, people will be rooting for those two again :lol: Forget about her and Ji Jin Hee, Dong Yi has turned into a SooJoo? HyoBin? reunion! I don't know what their couple name is :lol: I don't really care who she ends up with in Dong Yi because people are already wary of her acting in sageuks, so I just want Hyojoo to do extremely well portraying Sook Bin! ><

tiffany_is_love: I would also love to see Hyojoo work with Won Bin (!!)($*%()443 <3), So Ji Sub (Hyojoo's husband :P), and any hot men there are out there! Not just limited to Korean men! I want to see her with Japanese actors too haha. I was excited for Dong Yi before, but now I'm like bouncing off my seat because Soo Bin's going to be in it XD He's just the cherry on top for me :)

sandixbabo: :lol: I'm sure a lot of people imagine SeungJoo are together in real life. It's like me imagining JaeJoo is real LOL *embarrassed. From the looks of it.. Soo Bin's going to be the second fiddle again :( Another unrequited love and having to be rejected by Hyojoo again D: lol

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Bae Soo-Bin In A New Drama

Actor Bae Soo-bin has decided to join the cast of a historial drama by famed producer Lee Byung-hoon of hit TV series “Jewel in the Palace” and “Isan,” according to Bae’s agency BH Entertainment on Tuesday.

BH explained that Bae, 33, will play the role of a swordsman who dedicates his life to protecting his love Dong Yi, played by actress Han Hyo-joo, in the TV series also tentatively titled “Dong Yi” in English.

The drama will be about the life of Dong Yi who grows up to become Choi Suk-bin, a consort of King Sukjong and the mother of King Youngjo during the Joseon Dynasty. Hallyu star Ji Jin-hee has been tapped to play the role of King Sukjong.

This will be Bae’s second time working with Han — they became two of the most sought-after actors and actresses in the entertainment industry for their role in drama “Shining Inheritance” earlier last year which ended its run with a 47.1 percent rating.

Bae’s most recent drama “Temptation of an Angel” which ended in December also saw a successful run, with its ratings surpassing the 20 percent mark.

He will soon undergo training in swordsmanship for the drama set to go into shoot starting later this month.

Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr

<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>

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Hi Bashful, glad your dog recovered, got a shock when i just saw your posting. Take good care of it.

Thanks again for sharing the photos. HHJ really looked nervous at the SBS Drama awards & i love the outfit she is in, suit her a lot. I have not watch Heaven postman yet :( hope i have the opportunity to do so soon. Looking forward to her new drama, Dong Yi with Bae Soo-Bin. They looked good together too.

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Guest n4tleeyaa

:P thanks God your dog is ok now harmony dear :)

:o:o i love her and all her outfit in your recent photos ... that look!! that look was like the first time i saw her, and me and my sister found that she's so pretty, one of very few prettiest eastern female seleb ( Kor, japanese, Chinese etc) , hmmm .. i think they are all pretty but just not that pretty ( :rolleyes: gosh what i am talking about :lol:), that's why i'm so confused if someone think that she's not pretty ;), but if talking about men seleb :lol: :lol: i always found that they all handsome and nice to looked at :blush: :P

;) hmmm ... i miss seing that part, when hwansung couple standing behind that "temptation of wife" lady (i forgot her name ;)), they look so cute and young over there , but somehow to me they look so dorky as well :) , coz when the other eight look so cool, they just ..... soo .. young ... with smiling, bubbling, talking with youthfully awkwardness gesture, especially hyojoo ... which has gave me so big smile :):):):)

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Cindy..............I'm glad to hear your dog is fine now...... :)

About HP........I had already tried to redownload it..........but keep failed........ :(

I don't know what's going on in my network........ :rolleyes:

But I'm sure I'll keep try until succed........

I want to watch JaeJoo so badly.............can't wait any longer........ :lol:

anyway.......If I have to choose between JaeJoo and SeungJoo.......I definitely choose JaeJoo.......

If I remember about HP presscon..................Make me smile..........the way they looked each other......

They even almost had the same hair colour........... :lol:

They had so much chemistry on and off screen.............so perfect...... :D

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Guest winniesuzette

nice to hear that ur dog is ok now, hope she will recover fast... like u, i also love my dogs so much, so i understand how you feel, but i as i have researched thru wikipedia, it is common to female after heat, have ur dog mate before?

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xesre8: Thanks :) She's doing so much better! ^^

Oh yeah, she was extremely shy during the performance and during her speeches :o I guess she's not comfortable performing like that in front of so many stars? lol I'm not used to a shy Hyojoo, too accustomed to the Hyojoo we saw behind the scenes of Brilliant Legacy :lol:

Aw, supposedly Heaven's Postman will be airing on SBS sometime this season.. Reports said it'll begin airing in early 2010, so *crosses fingers! Even though I've already watched it numerous times, I want to see it in high quality and not some creeper/stalker fancamera status lmao. Though I am extremely grateful towards the person who recorded it and uploaded it :D And of course eternally grateful towards DBSKnights who subbed it!

I'm insanely excited for Dong Yi! I can't wait to see Hyojoo in hanboks again! The hanboks she wore in Iljimae were sooo beautiful and she looked so regal wearing them. I'm hoping the costumes in Dong Yi are even more extravagant and stunning! It should be since it's a big/epic production like Queen Sun Deok. I don't know if I'll be able to watch Hyojoo reject Bae Soo Bin again though *tears. lol

n4tleeyaa: Huuhuu, yeah. I'm so happy that Mao Mao is okay now! I cried the entire day on Monday T_T

Wait... which recent photos? Haha, I post a lot of Hyojoo pictures :P Do you mean the outtakes from the photoshoot/interview shot outside? If so, yeah... her smile is so enchanting *googley eyes. And I love her side profile! Some might say her nose is a bit big, but it fits perfectly with her face. Being beautiful doesn't necessarily mean having all the perfect features, but rather having a proportional look. Does that make sense? lol

Haha, I think a lot of Eastern Asians are beautiful! But they kind of look the same after a while... *coughs. >< I guess that's why I admire Hyojoo's type of beauty so much. Her look is so refreshing and it's just so simply natural and that makes it even more admirable. I am a bit weirded out when people say she isn't pretty.. lol But then I understand it when people don't find her to be that beautiful initially, but then they're able to discover the beauty later on. I think Hyojoo is maturing so nicely though! She's going to age so well lol.

Weren't SeungJoo one of the youngest ones standing there receiving their Top 10 Awards? Other than Jang Geun Suk (who's... a year younger I believe?), they're both 1987ers. I loved their little interaction during that though! :lol: It was definitely something worth spazzing about hehe

fujiwara no sai: Thanks! :) I'm super thankful that she's okay now too! :D It nearly broke my heart to see her in pain T-T

Aww... That's odd that your network is failing on you like that! I was able to find these videos on Youtube.. Someone reuploaded the Heaven's Postman videos, but I think they'll be taken down very soon because other users have alerted the uploader that DBSKnights did not want anyone to upload them anywhere. Anyways, here are the links!

Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYFrfjW4wr8

Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbigyzR8buM

Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5umvaWc0naY

Part 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBUcMrwYnwo

Part 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxE5OULR3aA

Part 6: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ldn-08pG2B0

Part 7: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBObPmFc-0c

Part 8: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaZtSAd_pZs

Part 9: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbCPykhzph4

Part 10: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHWzKYIR1UM

Part 11: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzYRpZ1jjqg

Enjoy!! :D

And I loved the way JaeJoo looked and smiled at each other during the press conference. It was like the look of love~~ LOL jk. But it was indeed very sweet and friendly ^^ I wish they'd just date *sighs. But a scandal like that isn't worth losing her career to :( Especially right now when she's so popular and so young.

winniesuzette: Thanks for your concern over my doggy! :) She'd lick you right now if she could! lol And yeah, pyometra is pretty common in older dogs, but my dog's only 3.5 years old right now :( And to answer your question, she's been pregnant twice (before I adopted her). My vet says it doesn't matter how many times she's been mated so... :\

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I read over at Hyojoo's Baidu Bar and DC Inside that Hyojoo will be/is at Australia for a new CF for Samsung! :D :D

Dang... looks like Australia is the new IT place for Korean celebrities... JJ is also there along with Yoochun and Junsu for vacation. And Changmin and Lee Yeon Hee (I wonder if she and Hyojoo are still friends?) are there shooting Paradise Ranch.

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Guest heartnet_XIII

hey guys.. i really miss posting in this thread.. but studying and so many other things prevent me :angry:

any ways.. so many things have happened lately ;) im so happy about the awards.. :lol:

but i really realy wanna ask u guys something..

can u give me the link for heaven's postman with subs? coz i really wanna watch the whole movie..i already feel left out.. hahah :lol:

please guys! thank you!

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Guest YunKyo

Cindy, to some extents, I dont think there is a kissing scene between BSB and HJ in Dong Yi. First, Dong Yi is a historic film in which rarely two main characters kiss each other. For example, in Dae Jang Geum, we didnt see any kissing scene, or at least they just hug each other :D

Secondly, BSB is not the main characters of Dong Yi so I believe that HJ and he don't have as much interaction as Jin Hee and HJ :D Anyway, you like BSB and it's ok :D I respect it :)

Ah, about your dog, hic, I always dream of having and bringing a puppie :( My mother also like but she doesnt let me have bcoz my house is not big enough :( So which kinds of dog is your dog?

Oh, Seung Gi tried to hug HJ but he just embraced her lol like he felt a bit awkward. They're not really close, you see. But I like it bcoz I think Seung Gi really want to treat HJ like other actresses. He used to hug Goo Hye Sun or Yoo Eun Hye freely and comfortably. However, yes, however, he becomes shy towards HJ lol I can't understand why :))

HP, oh, it's awesome for me to have chances to watch such a really masterpiece work like that. Maybe it's impossible to compare HP with other movies in the world but it really deepens my impression. I like the script, I like the way scriptwriter makes audience surprised at the end of the film.

I dont get your mean :( you said that you will take the left. Who is the left? JJ? lol

Do u notice the fur necklace JJ wears in HP? Oh I love it so much and I'm considering whether I should buy it or not :(


OMG!!! Maybe JJ and HJ can reunite in the country of Kangurus haha *dreaming*

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heartnet_XIII: Gah, it's okay! It's nice of you to just post in here anyways :lol: I worry about my grades once I go back to school this Monday :lol: I just can't seem to stop posting in here! haha The award ceremony was so fun! ^^ Have you watched the SeungJoo performance yet? hehe

I can't find the links to the original Megaupload links right now and I just checked the links that I only posted earlier today and they've been removed :( I'll try to find the links ASAP and PM them to you! ^^

YunKyo: Hmm... Well Hyojoo and Lee Jun Ki had a kiss in Iljimae! But then again that was a fusion sageuk.. :\ Not exactly the same as Dong Yi lol. I'd still die if Hyo Joo and Soo Bin shared a hug! :lol: I'd be even happier if they ended up together in Dong Yi, though I doubt that's likely :\ If they do end up together, it'd be my perfect Brilliant Legacy ending! Jun Se is amazing <3 I don't care how unrealistic he is! haha And in my mind, I'm 100% convinced that Soo Bin is exactly like Jun Se in real life :lol: This is totally random but I just noticed that all three of them (Hyo Joo, Soo Bin, and Ji Jin Hee) are a part of the Telecinema project :o Just thought that was really interesting lol.

Aw, at least your mom likes dogs! lol My mom's a complete germaphobe and cleanfreak so she can't stand having animals inside the house but I managed to convince her to let Mao Mao stay inside :lol: She hates my rabbit though >< Cause he poops a lot haha. And I have a Shih Tzu ^^ She's so stumpy, I love it! haha

There was awkwardness between Hyo Joo and Seung Gi at the award ceremony, but it's okay... I mean it's been like half a year since they last saw each other.. and I think the two wanted to show some fanservice lol. It's okay because despite the awkwardness, it was still super cute! XD Maybe he doesn't view Hyo Joo as just a friend? They're also closer in age compared to him and GHS and YEH. But I still side with JaeJoo! Sorry Seung Gi! :P

Heaven's Postman was really unique! I love it so much and I can't wait until it's shown on TV and is released on DVD! I'd still buy the DVD even if it doesn't have English subs! haha I want to support it in any way I can so maybe... hopefully one day JaeJoo can pair up again for another movie or a drama :) At least a photoshoot! lol Oh and I meant whoever doesn't end up with Hyo Joo in Brilliant Legacy 2, then I'll take him! haha

Do you mean the feather necklace? I think I read somewhere that the feathers represent Jaejun's life on Earth and when the feathers fall off, then it's his time :( I like how feathers represented Jaejun and cherries represented Hana ^^'

I'd seriously.. have a hemorrhage if fans caught JaeJoo hanging out in Australia :lol: But I think JaeChunSu have already left and have returned to Korea :( And I don't know how long Hyo Joo has been in Australia or when she's even going, so yeah... It'd be so painfully exciting and spastic if there were fantaken photos of JaeJoo walking by the beach or at the zoo with kangaroos and koalas! Haha I could die happily then <3

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Guest heartnet_XIII

yep..i've seen the SeungJoo performance ;)

they were so cute together! haha :P

so you're going to school this monday too? haha.. nice.. :lol:

hmm..i see. it's too bad that the vids were deleted..

but anyway, thank you so much in advance bashful!! ;)

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