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@Gemmie, thanks for the movie link ;) alt=;) src="/plugins/Emotify/design/images/3.gif" width=1 height=1>

oki Gemmie, Hapril, here's the story..

the title: who will love me?

about Seo, her bf (played by Kim Young Jae - Dont Hesitate) broke up with her.. and was in agony.. keeps waiting for him to return..

she has been receiving mysterious presents and emails.. wanting to find out who sent those.. as the mail sender seems to know her situation very well.. in the second mail it tells her.. "if u loved a person, let the person go,,, if this person comes back, he/she belongs to u.. if he/she doesn't, he/she never belonged to u in the first place"..

only later realised that her ex bf left her for another girl who is her close nurse colleague.

was kinda blur cos not much dialogues... was wondering why our babe always appears from nowhere... if he's staying in the same apartment too haha..

he is actually working temporary in his cousin's laundry shop and the old granny patronizing the shop...

Seo replied the mail and asked to meet up...

otw home Seo bumped into LSW and they had drinks... and thru' their conversation Seo realised it was LSW who sent her the mails... he admitted that he saw her email addy on her name card..

here's to unlock the mystery.... after the old granny passed on... Seo found the receipt and confronted LSW. it all started with the old granny requested LSW to send flowers to Seo 'cos Seo thought nobody loves her.. LSW confessed to her... in the end, he realised he became the "present" himself.. remember the earlier dinner the 3 of them had together when old granny discharged.. old granny jokingly asked Seo if she fell for LSW and LSW answered on Seo's behalf yes she did ;P so granny has been trying to matchmake them ;) alt=;) src="/plugins/Emotify/design/images/3.gif" width=1 height=1>

Seo received a last mail from LSW.. he told her he had finally found a job, meaning he's leaving.. remember he supposingly only working temp in his cousin's shop? he asked her to meet him the next day @2pm.. if he is meant to belong to her!!!!

Seo hesitated and finally made her way to LSW only after 5pm.. trying to hide herself... as usual our dearie babe is always sooooo full of love... "blindly infatuated" with a girl :P alt=:P src="/plugins/Emotify/design/images/10.gif" width=1 height=1> he was still there even Seo was 3hrs late... and yes.. the ending you complete it yourself ;) alt=;) src="/plugins/Emotify/design/images/3.gif" width=1 height=1>

hope I got the whole story right for you ;)) alt=;)) src="/plugins/Emotify/design/images/71.gif" width=1 height=1>)

oops.. past 2am on Thur, I'm going to bed gotta get up at 6:30 to fetch my son to school..


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@Gemmie, thanks for the goodies! His face was so glowing for the SKII event, i wonder what skin-care he uses. He doesn't seem the type who applies BB cream....but who knows  :))
@ja5berh and @christinajoyce, wow, hearing from both of you, it seems like First Wives Club is really worth watching. I've been putting it on to-watch-list and am little scared by nos of episodes. 
Sang Woo had his birthday party with fans earlier today, looking handsome as usual.Here are pics from DC :x :x :x

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happen to see another voting site.. this time round from KR.. he's @#15 now was #11 earlier.. http://100479.net/ranking/?code=vote2&type=men one day/per vote ;) fighting!!!

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Thank you @gingerine for the pictures. Sang Woo looks very happy. He gave out a lot of hearts at the celebration. :x
More pictures from the party. 

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a belated birthday celebration?

:x thanks Gemmie & Gingerine for sharing these pics. wow our babe is really so gorgeous!!! if only I were there to join in the fun :(

@Gingerine, "First Wives Club" finally ended last Thur at my side.. gosh was struggling on Fri nite without our Lord SW!

yes! if you haven't seen this serial, FWC please watch it.. though its quite a lengthy one.. LSW said its one of the most memorable drama ever, he spent a year for shooting!

lotsa shower scenes hahaha and also gym, pool :P

screaming for boredom without LSW and happen to find this recent interview by the Japanese TV station, 2013-feb-10 on "First Wives Club" on youku but it's in Chinese sub.

ooohhhhh he really look so gorgeous and charming!


he urges all to watch FWC❤

*he said he did the bathroom & gym scenes almost every week and seems like these type of scenes are very common nowadays!!!


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read this.. from Baidu on the b'dae celebration. Got it translated for you using the google translator..

super like his reply when he was asked if he liked a gal, will (1). declare his love (2). just stays silent and watching over her -> he said the other party should aware of his feelings even he didn't spell a word.. for him, he will quietly watching over her, hoping she can sense his feelings for her❤❤

he thought he will rest awhile after HD as the filming was quite tiring. he feels he will be better after a good break. but since his part in HD was not heavy.. so it's not very tiring afterall.. even when he looked at the drama again, he too felt his appearance was very little (gosh ya he realised that too hahaha it was really a pain to watch HD for me)! hence, wants to shoot a new serial with more heavy participation... now looking thru' some scripts but yet to decide if will start immediately... hey ladies isn't that great!!!! we should be seeing his new project soon!!! and should be a good one... not just few minutes screen time!!!!

the above are just my own translation ;P forgive me if I didn't get the facts right.. please read the rest translated by google... enjoy~~~


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Guest perspective

Hello Everyone:

Just finished watching "Don't Hesitate".  Loved the drama even though there were a lot of frustration moments.  Lee Sang Woo was really good in it.   I'd like to start another drama of his "First Wives Club" and that drama is long too.   I don't want to invest the time to watch it if he is in only like 50% or less of the time.  Will someone please tell me if it is worth watching it and how often is he in the drama?  I know many in here have given up HD drama because of his miminum appearance.  Thanks.

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