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Kim Suk Hoon 김석훈

Guest litto_gurl

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Guest sanarif

Thanks rinrinkoe for the news, photos & updates of KSH. Also not forgetting the song list & lyrics.

Don't worry we won't leave this thread, we will accompany you from time to time during our free time.

Since beginning of this year, I have been really busy & I don't have the time to listen to SH radio programme. Thanks for keeping me update of songs that he played daily. Happy to hear him still dedicate songs to his special someone....hope we will hear good news from him soon

I really want to hear news about him getting married this year......hahaha...

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Hello Rinrinkoe, hello all KSH's fans.

I love you very much detective Rinrinkoe. You read my heart and my mind so well. Yes I came to this thread everyday at least twice a day reading and checking the news about KSH and his lady hahaha. I love all your hard work and others fans posts too, thank you so much for everything you and others did for KSH and KSH's fan like me only read but no contribution.

About the award night, KSH really show his gentle to KHJ. Every time KHJ went up to received the award he was so happy like he was the winner but KHJ still awkward and shy in front of KSH. I saw Lee Yu Ri the co-star with KSH and KHJ in Twinkle Twinkle want to give KHJ the flowers at the table, she supposes to gives it to KHJ but she hold it back and later I saw KSH gave it to KHJ on the Stage and he hug her in her shoulder. I think she try to hook up KSH and KHJ together. I hope my thinking is correct.

I can see and feel the loneliness that KSH had. He has been single for so long and really want to have some one so he can share the love together. I wish I have the power to help him out in this hahaha. I hope by the end of this year he can find his happiness with the woman that he really in-love with and wish for his careers blossom in all different fields.

Hi bibidep, thanks to you too

I am glad that you and other fans still waiting his good news...but unfortunately SH fans really wont give me a hint who is SH lady. They shut their mouth and let my imagination runs wild about him and his women.... sometimes I felt they agree of my opinion about our lovely couple but they have to protect SH so they didnt say anything.... yes, I wish our hope is true and someday we will hear a good news from them

So for your present, I give a little bit about SH

SH live separately from his parents. But, SH really cares to his parents......he always spent his time with his parents and having a meal with them in hotel restaurant. SH mother is a religious person. Every Sunday, She is going to Church with SH. They said SH mother is a really nice women and good mother. SH father is an elder of the church. That's why SH become a devout christian.....

SH fans really love him coz they know SH cares to his parents and every one around him.... I think SH really cares to his lucky lady and I hope SH women will give all her heart to him and makes him be the happiest man in the world..... :wub:

Latest photo of KSH 2012

its an event

*quoted image*


Hi sandra

Thanks for the photos. from Baidu they say SH in charity work. But they dont know what kind charity is.... maybe Gelato have a clue about this photos.

Here the text of the photos from dc inside

아름다운 가게- 설맞이 소외된 이웃 위한 나눔 보따리 전달 행사에서

Beauty shops - two underserved neighborhoods seolmat delivered at the event for the sharing Grab Bag

Thanks rinrinkoe for the news, photos & updates of KSH. Also not forgetting the song list & lyrics.

Don't worry we won't leave this thread, we will accompany you from time to time during our free time.

Since beginning of this year, I have been really busy & I don't have the time to listen to SH radio programme. Thanks for keeping me update of songs that he played daily. Happy to hear him still dedicate songs to his special someone....hope we will hear good news from him soon

I really want to hear news about him getting married this year......hahaha...

Hi Sanarif....

I know you and Bibidep wont leave me in this thread.... I really know that. And I know SH fans still visiting this thread...take your time as long as you need. I will post SH update everyday.....

yes, I wish SH get married this year... Lets hope for SH and HJ fans meeting next month. Maybe we will hear a good news from them or maybe they fans will post the video....

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Guest sanarif

Rinrinkoe, thanks for sharing with us a little bit about SH. Rinrinkoe about SH woman, don't you think his fans give us a little hint about his woman. During the MBC awards SH die hard fans gave SH & HJ gifts......hahaha......can it be a hint to us.

His fans & HJ fans alway want to be their matchmaker & SH even said his heart flutters seeing HJ dress so beautiful that night. I guess his fans wants him & HJ together as much as we do.....hehehe & I hope our imagination about them is not wrong but 100% right.

You know I have been watching the MBC awards night video over & over again especially their parts (SH & HJ) & I love to see them together again after Twinkle Twinkle.

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Guest bibidep

Thank you Rinrinkoe for the present. His fans know who was his lady already??? I'm really want to know who she is too. Wow his parents are old and he is the only son and not marry.....I can feel the longing of his parents want him to get marry and have kids so they be able to hold the kids before anything happen to them.

After I think about KSH was a christian and KHJ may be a buddhism they may have a different religious and more difficult to be together.

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bibidep, No kim Hyun Joo is not buddhism, she is either Christian or Catholic, sometime you see KHJ wearing Buddhism band or goes to temple , maybe she did it to remind of her of old friend( park Yong ha, PYH was Buddhism, and his funeral was hold in as a Buddhism funeral)

on new year day(2012), last few weeks, she wrote a message on her fan page, she said that she went to pray with a mass( maybe with her mother???) I dont know what she prayed? maybe she wanted to get married soon thats why she went to pray, hahaha

e*dit** is Kim Suk Hoon an only child? then I guess he and KHJ should get marry soon, LOL

since KHJ lost her father, so i think she really needs a father( maybe a father-in-law) , how about them having a beautiful daughter?? so she can play with KHJ's cousin( the son of her brother) i think it's not fun to see your younger brother get married and have kids before you?


btw, is it me or do KSH and KHJ didnt look close behind the scene? are they trying to hide something? or they are really not close? sometime i think i understand the celebs but sometime I cant guess whether they are hiding something before our eyes or they are really not close?? whether it's good news that we are waiting for or not, I hope we would hear something soon, waiting, hoping and guessing makes me tired, i want to hear something soon.

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Hi Sandra, thanks for the pic

Here another new photos of KSH. From baidu they said that this is SH charity work. The foundation names is Beautiful Store and they accept donation of good and gains help to the poor people. Their main activity is environmental protection and poverty alleviation...

Its not SH first time charity work. I found a lot of SH photos with this foundation... I will post it to you later...

This is SH new photos with them.... I think they celebrate a new year....



credit: kimsukhoon.co,kr

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Hi All....

before I am going to my office, I will give you a little bit story about SH...

Do you remember when Gelato translate SH "Healing Camp"? In the variety show, SH told the host that his family had a pain when SH was a little boy. SH family trough a difficult time. And I let you know about SH pain.....

SH is not an only child in his family. SH is a youngest son and he had a big brother. But, his big brother die on a car accident when he was a child. Its hurt for SH and his family. Thats why SH and his family trying to heal they pain time to time.....And Church help them to heal all the pain.... I think SH still miss his big brother and he wont tell the story on Healing Camp coz its hurt him.... poor SH.

So, after I knew this story, I believe SH and HJ had a close relation. I remember when HJ told to the reporter when Twinkle Twinkle aired, that they are easy to make a conversation. I thought SH really know how HJ pain when HJ best friend and father leave her....SH knew the pain and know how to heal the pain. So... I let you think what kind relations between them.... :wub:

Ok guys.... I'll be back again with another photos of SH and of course his radio broadcast.....

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Rinrinkoe, thanks for sharing with us a little bit about SH. Rinrinkoe about SH woman, don't you think his fans give us a little hint about his woman. During the MBC awards SH die hard fans gave SH & HJ gifts......hahaha......can it be a hint to us.

His fans & HJ fans alway want to be their matchmaker & SH even said his heart flutters seeing HJ dress so beautiful that night. I guess his fans wants him & HJ together as much as we do.....hehehe & I hope our imagination about them is not wrong but 100% right.

You know I have been watching the MBC awards night video over & over again especially their parts (SH & HJ) & I love to see them together again after Twinkle Twinkle.

Hi Sanarif....

Yes, they said that they didnt know SH love life or his private life. They dont ask to SH agency coz its a sensitive issue for them so they respect SH privacy.... But the good news is they never against or denied when ever I mention HJ name. They just laugh after I said "I think SH dating HJ"..... and others said "dreams come true"... hahahahahaha feel free to think about they answer..... :D

Yes, that night SH fans gave HJ a present too. They even didnt gave LYR present hahahahahaha I asked about it to SH fans site manager, who is have a close relationship with SH agency. I asked "Why not you prepare a present to other cast on Twinkle Twinkle drama who will be the winner like LYR?" and she never answer my question.... hahahahahaaha

the present is prepared from SH fans not HJ fans even in dc inside there are HJ fans too. but from the packaging I know the present only from SH fans. Its they habit to give SH present or meal. The sticker picture of Twinkle Twinkle drama and SH new Movie "Sound City". That sticker is SH fans made.... so I think the present is come from SH die-hard fans only.....

Thank you Rinrinkoe for the present. His fans know who was his lady already??? I'm really want to know who she is too. Wow his parents are old and he is the only son and not marry.....I can feel the longing of his parents want him to get marry and have kids so they be able to hold the kids before anything happen to them.

After I think about KSH was a christian and KHJ may be a buddhism they may have a different religious and more difficult to be together.

Yes, I want to know too. I think not all SH Korean fans knew about SH women. I think only few fans especially the one who have a close relation with SH and SH agency who knew about SH women....... but most of them want SH and HJ together. But they like when SH didnt denied or agree with their assumed. Its different behavior when SH fans suspicious he have a love relations with Yoon Jung Hee. I think gelato already told us that SH denied he had a love relationship with Yoon Jung Hee when the issue came out.... thats why SH fans still waiting the good news of him since SH lock up his mouth....

SH parents really want SH to get merried soon but SH is a picky man. I guess there are many women waiting for him but he only choose the women who makes his heart flutters for the first time he meet her..... I am happy when SH said to JJH the 2011 MBC Drama Award host that HJ made his heart flutter when he saw her with beautiful dress.... wow, maybe HJ always made his heart flutter since they first meet......


thank you for your info about HJ buddhis beads.... I always curious why HJ like to wear Buddhis beads. Is she a Buddism or christian and I am glad that HJ went to church on last christmas thats means she is Christian. Yes, I wish HJ get married this year. She need someone beside her and sharing their happines together..... :wub:

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Rinrinkoe, please go the CBS site to see message No: 4290. Somebody attached your love letter to SH and talked about you and foreign fans, blah blah blah and also soompi and baidu, etc. Now you are a famous person in the CBS site, hahaha.

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Guest bibidep

Rinrinkoe, please go the CBS site to see message No: 4290. Somebody attached your love letter to SH and talked about you and foreign fans, blah blah blah and also soompi and baidu, etc. Now you are a famous person in the CBS site, hahaha.

Thank you Gelato for the news about our detective Rinrinkoe. Wow congratulation to Rinrinkoe, I'm so happy to hear that your love letter to our Chief Editor SH had been seen all over now.

Rinrinkoe: What did you write for him??? I really want to know hahaha. You really is KSH's die hard fan..... :lol: Thank you for the news about KSH's family. So sad to hear that. Even he had a brother but he already pass away only KSH left that is the same like he is the only son now.

LHRCN: Thank you for telling us about KHJ's religious. I think KHJ really match with KSH that why I still have my hope so high. If it turn out they are not an couple, I still hope they will find their love one this year and get marry.

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Rinrinkoe, please go the CBS site to see message No: 4290. Somebody attached your love letter to SH and talked about you and foreign fans, blah blah blah and also soompi and baidu, etc. Now you are a famous person in the CBS site, hahaha.

Gelato.... why you tell everybody in this thread about my love letter? OMG! I'm really ashamed hahahahaha

Now everybody read my love letter to Hoon....(SH nickname from SH Korean fans)

Gelato you have to translate what is Cecil write in CBS site now ! hehehehe promise me that you will translate it including others comment ok? pleaseeeee.........

Thanks to Cecil, SH fans site manager who deliver my message to him so SH will read it and hope someday he will playing my song.....but I am not put my hope so high. As long as SH read my message I am happy :wub:

Bibidep, my love letter not that interesting... actually, I just expressing my feeling about CBS site and how much I like every song that SH playing on his program.

But dont worry I let you read my message to hoon hehehehehe

Here my message:


This is what Cecil write about me, SH die-hard fans from Hong Kong, about us in soompi and baidu fans too...

from online translator, Cecil told SH that I listening his program everyday and want to learn Korean. Cecil write that I have to learn English so I can share all about SH in soompi.... Cecil told about SH fans from Hong Kong was send him a christmas card too...

(팬레터 클릭하시면 크게 확대되어 보여요~ㅎ

팬레터 읽다가 시름시름 노안 되실까봐요^-^)

팬레터 보내신 분은 Dewi Pratiwi 님이시고요. 인도네시아의 아리따운 처자라고 당당하게 말씀하시는 분이세요.

직접 신청곡을 쓰고자 열심히 CBS를 두드렸으나 아직 가입을 못하시고 계신 듯해요ㅠ 네이버의 장벽은 쉽게 넘으셨는데 CBS의 장벽은 더 견고한가봐요^-^ 이번 3번째 팬레터는 "아름다운 당신에게"와 관련된 내용이라서 아당게시판에 옮겨드린다고 했고 제가 배달부가 되어서 Dewi 님 대신에 신청곡과 함께 팬레터 배달 왔어요~

Dewi 님은 Soompi 라는 영어권 한류 사이트의 훈DJ님의 방에서 발빠르게 소식을 전하시고 계시는데 저에게 다른 친구분들도 소개해주셨답니다. (홍콩의 Cannix 님은 작년에 훈DJ님에게 크리스마스 카드도 보내셨다는데 잘 받으셨는지요? ^-^ 이 분은 또 중국 baidu의 훈DJ님의 방에서 또 엄청난 활약을 하시는 분이세요.)

Dewi 님은 반빛 송편 때문에 영어를 6개월만에 마스터 하셨고요. soompi 에서 정보를 교환하기 위해서 노력하셨대요. 또 지금은 한글 읽고 쓰기가 마냥 서투르지만 1년 안에 마스터 하려고 노력하고 있다고 합니다. 이쯤 되면 훈DJ님, 해외거주 외국인팬들이 많아서 으쓱으쓱 하시겠는데요? ^-^

팬레터 읽어보시면 아시겠지만, "아름다운 당신에게"를 빼먹지 않고 듣기 위해서 잠을 하루에 4시간 정도 주무시나 봐요~정말 대단한 팬이세요.

신청곡은 Can't take my eyes off you. 이고 Frankie Valli의 목소리였으면 좋겠다고 하시네요. 가장 좋아하는 노래라고요~

아당 선곡표를 검색해보니 2006년 이후에 선곡된 적이 없던데요~

특히 그 중에 2번을 제외하고는 다 Morten Harket의 목소리더라고요^-^

정확하게 검색한 건지는 잘 모르겠어요.

훈DJ님! 외국인팬을 위해서 이 곡 틀어주실 수 있으신가요?

힘 좀 써주세요^-^ Dewi 님이 곧 직접 신청곡 쓰시는 날이 오겠죠?

저는 일단 무사히 편지 배달 했습니다.


If you want to see my message and Cecil message, open this link:

CBS board message


SH didnt played my song but Cant Take My Eyes of Off You played on the other program, after SH program with lady host. Dont know her name.... And my song isnt Franky Valli but Laurens Hill. I believe SH read my message but maybe they dont have Franky Valli collection and only had Laurens Hill or the song isnt suitable for SH program.... but at least CBS staff played my song after I send SH letter trough CBS staff. Oh even I dont kow what the lady said but I hear she mention about my favorite movie "Conspiracy Theory" starring Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts. In my message to SH on CBS help board message, I said that I fall in love to Cant Take My Eyes of Off You song after watched Conspiracy Theory movie....Thats why they played Laurens Hill who sing for Conspiracy Theory OST.....

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Hi Maria !!!!

I hope you read this post and I hope at least you register in soompi forum. We welcome you in this thread and waiting your first post.... Feel free to send me an email and I will help you. Dont worry about anything just try to active in this thread.......


I just received Maria email. She is SH fans from Romanian.... She found this forum accidentally. I think there is a lot of SH overseas fans out there. But maybe they dont know how to contact us or SH Korean fans.... so, If any of you know how to write an article in wikipedia, please help me to create SH profile. I dont know how to create an article in wikipedia.....

Thank you all


I already post your letter to SH and he will read it when he visiting the site.but dont get disappointed if SH didnt answer your letter. But he will read your letter and really thanks to your support for him.....and all his fans I will capture your letter and send it to your mail..... thank you for trusting me to post your letter to Kim Suk Hoon.

oh btw, SH name in english is Kim Suk Hoon not Kim Seok Hoon....


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Monday (16/1) "To Beautiful You" song list

Theme: Expectations in their hands, rather than fear

KSH CBS 2012-01-16

First Hour

1. On Eagle's Wing

- Michael Crawford

2. Chopin / <mazurka in D Major> Op.33. No.2

- Rudolf pireukuseuni

3. Vivaldi / "Flute Concerto> Rv.443 2 Largo movement

- Dorothy ohbereulringgeo (flute), de la Gioiosa sotateri

4. Babilropeu / ahbemariah

- Ruby, Great torque (Loubistock)

5. Gershwin / "Piano Concerto> F major, 3rd movement Allegro

- Philip angteureumong (piano), Philadelphia Orchestra

6. Bizet / <Carmen> of the 'Song of matadors'

- Ernst Blanc (baritone)

7. Mozart / "Violin Concerto No. 5> 2nd movement Adagio

- David fifty-two seuteuraheu, Staatskapelle Dresden

8. Astor Piazzolla / Tango Callejero

- Songyounghun (cello), Pablo jingeo (piano), Jose bayeseutereu

Second Hour

1. Mai piu cosi lontano

- Andrea Bocelli

2. Puhol / Guajira (gwahira)

- Jangdaegeon (Other)

3. Handel / oratorio "Solomon> of the" two good to see people as to the pilgrims'

- Team Med (counter tenor), Dominique label (soprano)

4. Clara Schumann / "Romance for violin and piano of three> of the second movement

- Joseph jilbereu shoe person (violin), V. yohum (piano)

================================================== ===

"Classic Cafe> - surviving adversity, musicians

5. Love for the sake

- Yisangjae (clarinet)

6. Chaplin / Smile

- Russell Watson

7. Rachmaninov / "Piano Concerto No.2 in C minor> 1st Movement

Boris Berezovsky (piano), the Ural Philharmonic Orchestra.

================================================== ====

8. Yunhaeyoung, jodunam / pioneer

- Treating the choir

Song lyric

"Mai Piu Cosi Lontano" (NEVER SO FAR AGAIN)- Andrea Bocelli

Mai piu cosi lontano (Never so far again)

Mai piu cosi lontano (Never so far again)

Mai piu senza la mano (Never again without the hand)

Che ti scalda il cuor (That warms my heart)

Mai piu cosi lontano (Never so far again)

Mai piu cosi lontano (Never so far again)

Mai piu senza il calore (Never again without the passion)

Che ti scalda il cuor (That warms my heart)

E mille giorni (And a thousand days)

E mille notti (And a thousand nights)

Senza capire (Without understanding)

Senza sentire (Without feeling)

Senza sapere (Without realizing)

Che non c’è niente al mondo (That there’s nothing else in this world)

Nemmen nel più profondo (Not even in the depth of my soul)

Sei solo tu (You’re the only one I need)

Soltanto tu (You, and only you)

Mai più senza la mano (Never again without the hand)

Che ti scalda il cuor (That warms my heart)

Mai più così lontano (Never so far again)

Mai più così lontano (Never so far again)

Mai più senza l’amore (Never again without the love)

Di chi ti ha aspettato (Of one who has waited for me)

Note: Love this song... ahhh SH really want to get married... Hey SH women please accept his proposal. Just get married and be happy hehehehehehe

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Hi Maria !!!!

I hope you read this post and I hope at least you register in soompi forum. We welcome you in this thread and waiting your first post.... Feel free to send me an email and I will help you. Dont worry about anything just try to active in this thread.......


I just received Maria email. She is SH fans from Romanian.... She found this forum accidentally. I think there is a lot of SH overseas fans out there. But maybe they dont know how to contact us or SH Korean fans.... so, If any of you know how to write an article in wikipedia, please help me to create SH profile. I dont know how to create an article in wikipedia.....

Thank you all

Hi, I think you just go to the wikipedia homepage and there will be instructions for you to create an article. First, I think you need to create an account first. 2. Click "Help" and then go to "Editing Wikipedia". 3. Click "Article wizard" on submitting a new article. 4. Click "Create an Article Now". 5. Click "I'm writing about someone else". 6. Click "My article is about a notable person". Then go on answering the required questions. Then you can submit your draft and proceed.

Good luck with your Wikipedia. SH must be very happy for having a die-hard fan like you!

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Hi all....

wow, this morning I listening SH program and hope that he will read me and Cecil message. but hehehehe read my Edit above..... happy but still hoping someday SH read my message

This is another video from 2011 MBC Drama Award... this is fan cam and they shoot SH with Park Yoo-hwan and Micky Yoochun at the beginning ceremony. No KHJ and LYR there...

SH MBC Award Video

Here the screen capture. I am curious why SH want to hit Park Yoo Hwan. Maybe PYH asked about two lady or SH women hehehehe







Thank you so much... I'll try :wub:

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Hi all....

This is KSH second drama in 1998. The tittle of this drama is A Letter Written in A Cloudy Day. Of course, SH looks so young and handsome.... OMG ! I really love him :wub:

In this year SH played as Hong Gil Dong in Hong Gil Dong drama too. And the most important news is SH got his award for his role as Hong Gil Dong.....Now, Hong Gil Dong and A Letter Written in A Cloudy Day was aired in SBS television. So the question is if the 2 drama was aired in SBS television why SH said to KHJ that he got an MBC Award in that year when they presenting an award in 2011 MBC Drama Award?

In 1998 until 2000, SH only played in SBS drama. In 2001, SH played in Man and Women drama but I dont know where this drama aired. I should asked his fans site manager first... but in first 3 years, SH never played in any MBC drama.... so, maybe when he told HJ about his award as new actor he mean is his SBS new actor award.... but why he mention his award in another TV channel? Is SH has any intention for what he said? SH and HJ never meet in 1998 and they first meet is as Editor Song and Team Manager Han.... I cant complete this puzzle for a few days....

Girls.... can we discuss about this? I am really curious about this.. and Gelato... is SH said about his MBC award in 1998 or his first award? Thanks

oh one more, SH and HJ never got an award in the same year and in the same TV channel. If they got in the same year, they got it in different year. If they got in the same TV channel they got it in the different year. Twinkle Twinkle drama is the first time the got the award in the sama year and the same TV channel. Its look like a destiny for them....

SH award:

- 1998 SBS News Actor Award

- 1999 SBS Best Actor Award, Teen Actor Award

- 2004 MBC Best Actor Award

- 2009 KBS Excellent Actor Award for serial drama

- 2011 MBC Top Excellent Actor Award for serial drama

HJ Award

- 1998: SBS and MBC New Actress Award

- 2000: SBS Excellent Actress Award

- 2002: SBS Best Actress Awards

- 2004: SBS Best Actress Awards

- 2005: SBS Best Actress Awards

- 2007: KBS Excellent Actress Award

- 2011: MBC Top Excellent Actress Award for serial

ps/ if my info about HJ award is wrong, please tell me. thanks


Sorry girls.... I've got a new info about HJ award. I am making a mistake....Their first award is in SBS TV channel in 1998. So.... oh god! They already knew each other in 1998 in SBS year-end drama award.... So sorry.........so SH talked about SBS award not about MBC drama award. Its impolitely mr. Kim Suk Hoon....

oh since HJ got her 2 award in 1998 in 2 TV Channel, is she came to SBS award night when she said that she got her first MBC drama in 1998???? or SBS and MBC held the award night in different days? still curious....

This is SH second drama after Hong Gil Dong. A Letter Written in A Cloudy Day

KSH-SBS second drama (1)

KSH-SBS Second Drama (2)

KSH-SBS Second Drama (3)

KSH-SBS Second Drama (4)

KSH-SBS Second Drama (6)

KSH-SBS Second Drama (7)

KSH-SBS Second Drama (8)

credit: kimsukhoon.co.kr

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