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Sm Audition___callbacks

Guest miyeOnx3

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Guest babiesy

ummm my demo... errm

well i gave them all the info they asked for on the site :x

and then just gave them a link to my photobucket for pics

and then... i sent in 3 songs. they were kinda short clips though

one was joshimhasaeyo by tim

another was hero by mariah carey

and then timeless by jangriin.

:x heh... i hope i dont have to wait too long for a reply ><

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Guest babiesy
^ Did you get the automated mail?

And of course, Good luck!! ^-*

NOOO not yet!!! ><

maybe ill get it tonight?

how long does it take for that automated message?

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Guest chemical9
NOOO not yet!!! ><

maybe ill get it tonight?

how long does it take for that automated message?

I'm not sure either.

I haven't sent mine.

But someone mentioned earlier that mails with files attached get spam filtered.

My sister sent one to SM in February, with pictures and everything attached, and she didn't get the automated mail.

So I'm guessing, maybe we really can't attach files to it...? I don't know. >_<

Sorry if I didn't help much. xD

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Guest punkrocker2829

how pretty would you say someone would have to be these days to get into SM??? i mean, i dont think i'm that pretty but i'm probably not ugly either... ???

oh if I do send in an audition e-mail thing... do i have to send in a pic, demo, video, or all of it? eek i'm so confused

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Guest lovablekrnstar63

can somebody find the source where they said

"if you attach files, it'll get deleted"?

i just want some validity

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Guest Freshh
how pretty would you say someone would have to be these days to get into SM??? i mean, i dont think i'm that pretty but i'm probably not ugly either... ???

oh if I do send in an audition e-mail thing... do i have to send in a pic, demo, video, or all of it? eek i'm so confused

i don't think the SMtrainees are that gorgeous :/

they look pretty average to me

i guess if you have clear skin, double eyelid, straight nose :/

don't look too old or slutty i guess, and not fat

they like youthful teenager

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Guest AZNpopFinatic

Alrighty, so for those people who haven't recieved an email is assuming that they are rejected right?

I can't stop thinking about my theory behind SM audition process.

I mean if the auditions are really officially over shouldn' the "thank you for auditioning" tab on the website be erased already. And also, that means that 1/3 of the auditionees aren't notified at all due to unreadable email addresses?.

Here's my theory, you can consider it or not...

I think that the auditions are over...but now for those who aren't recieved any emails are either still being considered or rejected soon. I mean... look at all the people who got callbacks. (there isn't alot of people who got called back...around 10-12ppl got called back from each location) and no one from the callbacks have recieved a rejection letter. And also based upon soompiers who "personally" knows people who work in SM say that there are still 50-60ppl who SM is still going to pick out a few from. so the auditions are over, but now they're still in the review process.

SM doesn't want to pull another "younha" ya know? I mean younha got rejected, but now she's under the Sony label and is rocking away with her music. she's super talented!!!

what do you guys think?

for those who are SURE that the auditions are over can you guys please provide SOLID EVIDENCE that the auditions are really over? Because right now, we are all basing our assumption by word of mouth.


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Guest 1dEtErMiNAtIoN

well..i received a rejection letter..so i think that the auditions are officially over for MOST people..they may be considering some people..but thats a really long time for consideration..


ok..i have a question..u know how the application page for SM says that

they dont except scanned, camera, etc. picture files rite?...

how are you suppose to send them the picture then?

especially if ur goin to email ur application w/ pics online..

theres no way to send it if its not downloaded from a

camera or scanned onto the computer...or do they want a

link to a website with ur pics on it?

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Guest punkrocker2829
i don't think the SMtrainees are that gorgeous :/

they look pretty average to me

i guess if you have clear skin, double eyelid, straight nose :/

don't look too old or slutty i guess, and not fat

they like youthful teenager

I.c. hrrm... i guess the answer varies huh? well thanks for replying. =)

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Guest lovablekrnstar63

i think most of sm trainees look like bugs

..like as in they have huge eyes like bugs, not like they're disgusting like bugs


honestly, i think the auditions are over

b/c we heard from a reliable source that only about 50 or 60 people are being considered

and that was about a month ago.

if you haven't received a rejection letter yet

do you honestly, seriously think that you could be in the top 60 out of THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS that auditioned?


and that was about a month ago. i'm pretty sure it's all been concluded by now.

if you guys still want to think callbacks are still going on, go ahead & think that way

there's no way to tell for sure, obviously

(unless SM comes out and tells us, which they are not going to do)

and because we dont know for sure, all we can do is speculate.

you can't ask for hardcore evidence whether the auditions are over or whether they're still going on

b/c hardcore evidence don't exist for this.

(and no, i dont think it's coincidence that the members who have been giving us inside info

are no longer posting on this thread anymore.. but that's just my speculation)


do you mean, "accept" not "except"?

b/c a lot of the question depends on that word.


some girls sent them their photobucket url (or w/e they use to upload pictures)

so, i'm guessing they just sent digital camera pics

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Guest AZNpopFinatic
i think most of sm trainees look like bugs

..like as in they have huge eyes like bugs, not like they're disgusting like bugs


honestly, i think the auditions are over

b/c we heard from a reliable source that only about 50 or 60 people are being considered

and that was about a month ago.

if you haven't received a rejection letter yet

do you honestly, seriously think that you could be in the top 60 out of THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS that auditioned?


and that was about a month ago. i'm pretty sure it's all been concluded by now.

if you guys still want to think callbacks are still going on, go ahead & think that way

there's no way to tell for sure, obviously

(unless SM comes out and tells us, which they are not going to do)

and because we dont know for sure, all we can do is speculate.

you can't ask for hardcore evidence whether the auditions are over or whether they're still going on

b/c hardcore evidence don't exist for this.

(and no, i dont think it's coincidence that the members who have been giving us inside info

are no longer posting on this thread anymore.. but that's just my speculation)


do you mean, "accept" not "except"?

b/c a lot of the question depends on that word.


some girls sent them their photobucket url (or w/e they use to upload pictures)

so, i'm guessing they just sent digital camera pics

I totally understand you're point of view, but what about those who got callbacks? Do u think that they might be the ones that are considered? I know that i wasn't called back, but i was wondering for those who got callbacks are they getting considered?

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Guest Cheeseburgerplease

^ she mention that the callbacks and some noncallbacks people are being reviewed over and over again. who knows what's going on.. if you really want to know are you rejected, i say call them and ask. Besides that all you can do is wait, because they're supposely not done with the video tapes yet.

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Guest ixLoveXse7en
^ she mention that the callbacks and some noncallbacks people are being reviewed over and over again. who knows what's going on.. if you really want to know are you rejected, i say call them and ask. Besides that all you can do is wait, because they're supposely not done with the video tapes yet.

hey can i ask what is the number to sm i try to call but i dont know their number.

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Guest lovablekrnstar63


i guess out of the 50 - 60 people

those who got callbacks are probably one of those people

but still they visited about 15 cities

and if they called about 10 people from each city,

that's already 150 people

so even if you were called back, it's a half/half chance that you're still being considered & you're not being considered


SM should just put all this in their website instead of making us guess like this

*angry face*


you can probably find it on the SM website

and you need a phone card

es muy expensive-o

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