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Lee Joon x Jung So Min Couple (Actor x Assistant) - Official Couple (1/1/18)


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Really, really. You are a shameless person. Why don’t you find another thing to do, how envious can you be? Don’t you know that when people curses to others will receive the same?


I think you are and evil and a bad person, you must be very immature to come here with your negative energy and you already know that we don’t want people like you here.

I am a JSM fan since the beginning and I can’t accept that a thing like you is disrespectful with her. If Joon means her happiness I am happy too, and I am sure they love each other and believe in each other.


In order to give you something interesting to do I am leaving here a message for you. As I know you must be a lazy and a jobless person that has nothing good to do with your life.

No puedo creer que haya en este mundo gente tan mal intencionada como tú. Como puedes ser tan envidiosa y tan pobre de espíritu para insultar a Joon de esa manera. No solo insultas a Joon y a JSM si no también nos insultas a todos los que formamos parte de este fórum y a todos los que deseamos lo mejor para esta pareja tan linda y verdadera.


Debes tener una vida muy aburrida que andas por el mundo regando perversidad y malas energías, puede ser que no te quieran ni siquiera en tu casa que vienes a nuestro fórum a sembrar la mala semilla.


Lo más probable es que seas una niña/niño sin amigos y sin nadie que te quiera y es por eso que sientes tanta envidia. Probablemente tú autoestima  esta tan  baja que  necesitas molestar a los demás para que luego te insulten y tal vez disfrutas que te insulten. Pobre manera de llamar la atención y de ser tomada en cuenta.


Yo solo puedo sentir lastima de gente como tú y sentir vergüenza ajena que alguien se cree un perfil en soompi para molestar a otros.


Eres un troll pero uno de muy mala y de baja categoría.


Cómprate una vida, busca algo interesante que hacer, también puedes visitar a un psiquiatra porque estoy segura de que algo debe estar muy mal en tu cabeza. Estas tan llena de ira y malos sentimientos y no sabes cómo canalizar esa ira que buscas molestar a los demás para que nos sintamos como tú.


Solo quiero darte un simple consejo y es que trates de ser feliz, busca la felicidad en ti misma, controla tu ira, tu envidia, tu falta de autoestima. Habla con tus padres para que te ayuden, que te lleven al médico. Busca consuelo para tu alma enferma. Recuerda que recibirás lo que das porque la vida es un bumerán, todo lo malo que desees a otros se te devolverá multiplicado por 100 o por 1000.


La verdad no se para que te digo todo esto porque  no creo que con tu bajo intelecto puedas entender lo que quiero decir, pero bueno nunca esta demás tratar de ayudar a un alma perdida.


Recuerda la felicidad está dentro de nosotros mismos, solo tienes que buscarla.

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First move? She already talked about it in Life Bar (3/10/2017) . But,even if she not said that,  we knew who made the first move. Of course, it's LJ. 

For those who lazy to click play button or doesn't want to waste their internet data, i s/s this for you :tongue:





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                                                Drama vs Reality

Drama-He gives her a hat because of the hot weather 


Reality - He hold an umbrella for her 


Drama-He pulls her from the falling boxes


Reality - She pulls him from the incoming motorcycle



Dispatch : Reality is more heart fluttering:wub:


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Hello~Everyone! Happy New Year. I like Joonmin Couple very much :heart:and I come from Hong Kong.  Nice to meet you all and I have been read all post in this thread:wub: All moments of LJ and SM are full of sweet and bliss. As a fans of this couple, I would like to share my view towards them (can't keep silent and have to Speak up!! haha) :blush:


I become a fans of So Min since Playful Kiss. Although So MIn is not with an "amazing" beautiful face in first sight,  i really like this girl. :D She has a sweet smile and a "pure" face,  providing me a comfortable and refresh feeling. And her acting is really good too.  Honestly, I have shipped her with Kim Hyun Joong before.(* At that time, i am a fresh university graduate and do not have any love experiences :ph34r:) Just shipped them because they played happily in the bts and their chemistry in the drama is good, too. But after So Min acts in more and more dramas to make comparison, and at the same time i have entered into the society to work and start to have my love experiences.I totally change my mind XD:lol: First, I discover that So Min can have a good working relationship with each actor,  later on, too. All drama crews could work happily with So Min since she is a super kind and nice girl =)   It makes them noticed that KHJ , as well as the other actors such as Kim Young Kwang,  although they could have closed friendship with So Min during their drama time, but their friendship is a bit like " brotherhood" (haha~ i remember So Min describes herself  in a past interview , says she sometimes will act like a boy when playing or working, not so elegant and girlish":w00t:) . From my view, the most important reason which remind me that the previous actors are only a "friend" but not a "lover" with So Min - is mainly Lack of "Love Sparks:star:"between them.


I am a fan of So Min since 2010, but so sorry that i do not watch every drama of hers. I only keep to update So Min recent activities and photos twice a month if i am free . Dramatically,  i don't know why i sudden would like to have a search of So Min's on 1 Jan , and at the same day the dating photos are revealed and she confirmed falling in love with Lee Joon after FIS (haha~I am so surprised at that moment but heart fluttering when seeing the Dispatch photo **so sweet of their interaction:wub:)20180101113811_lsh_8517.jpg


After knowing this , I spent almost one month to watch back the whole esipodes of FIS, its bts , entering into different forum of Joonmin couple and also take a "deep review" to know more about Lee Joon. I try my best to find his previous interviews and variety shows for a reference. And now I REALLY like him and become his fans :blush:.Haha~  LJ is such a cute and lovely person as well as So Min. He sings and dances well. And his acting is so good, too.  


I would like to share my comments towards LJ  (I know that there are many long time LJ's fans in this thread , please feel free to provide comments to my views haha:D I only a fresh fan towards him)


1. LJ is easy to shy and have slow-warm-up personality. I have watched lots of his live shows during his MBLAQ time, he is so hot and charm on the stage. But he will become a "Shy little boy" when at the back stage and off-show. :tongue: *such as cutie*


2. He respects and love his family so much. Since his father is bankrupted at his childhood and he must know that his parents have to work hard to raise him and his elderly sister. So, he really have a close relationship with his family especially  his mum. And i remember that he says that " I live for my parents" . It's really touching and this man is really wonderful! :thumbsup:


3. LJ start to learn dancing since his teenage and overcome lots of hardship. But he didn't give up and show his talent of dance. And he like acting and think acting is another form of expressing emotions as like as dance. So he left his MBLAQ team and focus to be an actor since 2015. I really appreciate his hard-working attitude to reach his goal. He is  really a perfect match with So Min at this field  ("" So Min also insist of dancing although her father didn't support and she also changes to studying acting according to her strong will")


4. LJ have two ex-girlfriends before the age of 24. (These two love relationship are happened around his age 18-20). Some people in other Joonmin forum are discussing - that means LJ do not have girlfriend around 8-9 years!?) haha~ In 2015, a Korean Media has reported that LJ has a girlfriend secretly for 2 years. But LJ's company on behalf of LJ and rejected this news immediately. From my #1, LJ is easy to shy and have slow-warm-up personality. He need to spend a long time to meet new friends, let alone to start a love relationship. He only got few time to sleep during his idol time and LJ shows me that he really focusing on his career that time. LJ is a honest person. He is sensitive and dislike other to misunderstand him.  Most MC of different shows always creating fun questions on him , it is because LJ is so straight-forwarded with a simple- minded. He doesn't know how to tell lies and take all of them so serious. HAHA~ :DAnd per LJ's confession " if i have girlfriend, the media must take photos with her since i would like to reveal her":wub: Therefore, I trust him and "have girlfriend in 2015" is only a rumor.  


To conclude, i think LJ really is a good man which match with So min. And i really could found the "love sparks" between them before they confirmed official relationship. I also have some points of view will share later =) haha~ Good night!



"Love are full of my eyes and they only direct to you!":heart:




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19 minutes ago, firebird88 said:

Hello~Everyone! Happy New Year. I like Joonmin Couple very much :heart:and I come from Hong Kong.  Nice to meet you all and I have been read all post in this thread:wub: All moments of LJ and SM are full of sweet and bliss. As a fans of this couple, I would like to share my view towards them (can't keep silent and have to Speak up!! haha) :blush:


I become a fans of So Min since Playful Kiss. Although So MIn is not with an "amazing" beautiful face in first sight,  i really like this girl. :D She has a sweet smile and a "pure" face,  providing me a comfortable and refresh feeling. And her acting is really good too.  Honestly, I have shipped her with Kim Hyun Joong before.(* At that time, i am a fresh university graduate and do not have any love experiences :ph34r:) Just shipped them because they played happily in the bts and their chemistry in the drama is good, too. But after So Min acts in more and more dramas to make comparison, and at the same time i have entered into the society to work and start to have my love experiences.I totally change my mind XD:lol: First, I discover that So Min can have a good working relationship with each actor,  later on, too. All drama crews could work happily with So Min since she is a super kind and nice girl =)   It makes them noticed that KHJ , as well as the other actors such as Kim Young Kwang,  although they could have closed friendship with So Min during their drama time, but their friendship is a bit like " brotherhood" (haha~ i remember So Min describes herself  in a past interview , says she sometimes will act like a boy when playing or working, not so elegant and girlish":w00t:) . From my view, the most important reason which remind me that the previous actors are only a "friend" but not a "lover" with So Min - is mainly Lack of "Love Sparks:star:"between them.


I am a fan of So Min since 2010, but so sorry that i do not watch every drama of hers. I only keep to update So Min recent activities and photos twice a month if i am free . Dramatically,  i don't know why i sudden would like to have a search of So Min's on 1 Jan , and at the same day the dating photos are revealed and she confirmed falling in love with Lee Joon after FIS (haha~I am so surprised at that moment but heart fluttering when seeing the Dispatch photo **so sweet of their interaction:wub:)20180101113811_lsh_8517.jpg


After knowing this , I spent almost one month to watch back the whole esipodes of FIS, its bts , entering into different forum of Joonmin couple and also take a "deep review" to know more about Lee Joon. I try my best to find his previous interviews and variety shows for a reference. And now I REALLY like him and become his fans :blush:.Haha~  LJ is such a cute and lovely person as well as So Min. He sings and dances well. And his acting is so good, too.  


I would like to share my comments towards LJ  (I know that there are many long time LJ's fans in this thread , please feel free to provide comments to my views haha:D I only a fresh fan towards him)


1. LJ is easy to shy and have slow-warm-up personality. I have watched lots of his live shows during his MBLAQ time, he is so hot and charm on the stage. But he will become a "Shy little boy" when at the back stage and off-show. :tongue: *such as cutie*


2. He respects and love his family so much. Since his father is bankrupted at his childhood and he must know that his parents have to work hard to raise him and his elderly sister. So, he really have a close relationship with his family especially  his mum. And i remember that he says that " I live for my parents" . It's really touching and this man is really wonderful! :thumbsup:


3. LJ start to learn dancing since his teenage and overcome lots of hardship. But he didn't give up and show his talent of dance. And he like acting and think acting is another form of expressing emotions as like as dance. So he left his MBLAQ team and focus to be an actor since 2015. I really appreciate his hard-working attitude to reach his goal. He is  really a perfect match with So Min at this field  ("" So Min also insist of dancing although her father didn't support and she also changes to studying acting according to her strong will")


4. LJ have two ex-girlfriends before the age of 24. (These two love relationship are happened around his age 18-20). Some people in other Joonmin forum are discussing - that means LJ do not have girlfriend around 8-9 years!?) haha~ In 2015, a Korean Media has reported that LJ has a girlfriend secretly for 2 years. But LJ's company on behalf of LJ and rejected this news immediately. From my #1, LJ is easy to shy and have slow-warm-up personality. He need to spend a long time to meet new friends, let alone to start a love relationship. He only got few time to sleep during his idol time and LJ shows me that he really focusing on his career that time. LJ is a honest person. He is sensitive and dislike other to misunderstand him.  Most MC of different shows always creating fun questions on him , it is because LJ is so straight-forwarded with a simple- minded. He doesn't know how to tell lies and take all of them so serious. HAHA~ :DAnd per LJ's confession " if i have girlfriend, the media must take photos with her since i would like to reveal her":wub: Therefore, I trust him and "have girlfriend in 2015" is only a rumor.  


To conclude, i think LJ really is a good man which match with So min. And i really could found the "love sparks" between them before they confirmed official relationship. I also have some points of view will share later =) haha~ Good night!



"Love are full of my eyes and they only direct to you!":heart:




Wow, such a great introduction post, welcome to the ship :), it is lovely to see new fan falling for them and is cheering the relationship. I am also Somin‘s fan since Big man and Playful kiss, but I never ship her with any co-actors haha. I admit that her chemistry with KHJ was really good with a lot of kisses and intimacy but somehow it did not give the vibes as her chemistry with LJ. At that time i heard a lot of fans shipping them, but frankly I am happy that nothing is real between them since KHJ was still very famous with a huge fandom while Somin is fresh man, I smelled the risk that Somin would have been hardly bashed if sth had happened. 

Also in Can we get married and Alice in Wonderland, despite the closeness in the scenes, something is missing... As for Joon, I started my interest for him since Rough Play, gosh, this idol can play... From the casting day I am over excited but to be honest, the drama flow for the first third didnt give them enough screen time to develop the chemistry... But then BANG, the more the drama went on, the better their interactions were, despite the minor screen time. Something is just abnormal haha and they looked too real not to be true. Well the rest is now history. Compared to all her past dramas, it is on another level when the line between real and reel is blurred in FIS. Her smiling eyes, her blushed face after kissing, her mischievous jealousy are all so real. The chemistry she created in Because it is my first life is also spectacular and the drama is my favorite with its flawless writing but again it didnt send me the feeling. I like seeing them onscreen as character but that is it, no more needed. 

I am happy that they find each other in this world and hope their love will stay strong and loyal till forever. I feel the time is riped when both of them are mature with established career. LJ is defining himself well as an actor and as a human I can only show my respect for him after everything has happened to him. Somin is also now blooming in her career and is fully supported by her family. I really really really wish that their love will come to a happy ending in the near future. Let them come together and build a beautiful life forever and after, lord. 

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19 hours ago, eyjooniesh said:

@irisariadne I super love your post!-:wub:

Thanks dear :)Actually, i just realized that Starcast was the one who said the heart fluttering thing, but since Dispatch was there too , so i assume they also think the same thing . And because Dispatch is more popular than Starcast, i just continue using their name kekeke

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22 hours ago, firebird88 said:

Hello~Everyone! Happy New Year. I like Joonmin Couple very much :heart:and I come from Hong Kong.  Nice to meet you all and I have been read all post in this thread:wub: All moments of LJ and SM are full of sweet and bliss. As a fans of this couple, I would like to share my view towards them (can't keep silent and have to Speak up!! haha) :blush:


I become a fans of So Min since Playful Kiss. ,  i really like this girl. :D She has a sweet smile and a "pure" face,  providing me a comfortable and refresh feeling. And her acting is really good too.  Honestly, I have shipped her with Kim Hyun Joong before.(* At that time, i am a fresh university graduate and do not have any love experiences :ph34r:) Just shipped them because they played happily in the bts and their chemistry in the drama is good, too. But after So Min acts in more and more dramas to make comparison, and at the same time i have entered into the society to work and start to have my love experiences.I totally change my mind XD:lol: First, I discover that So Min can have a good working relationship with each actor,  later on, too. All drama crews could work happily with So Min since she is a super kind and nice girl =)   It makes them noticed that KHJ , as well as the other actors such as Kim Young Kwang,  although they could have closed friendship with So Min during their drama time, but their friendship is a bit like " brotherhood" (haha~ i remember So Min describes herself  in a past interview , says she sometimes will act like a boy when playing or working, not so elegant and girlish":w00t:) . From my view, the most important reason which remind me that the previous actors are only a "friend" but not a "lover" with So Min - is mainly Lack of "Love Sparks:star:"between them.


I am a fan of So Min since 2010, but so sorry that i do not watch every drama of hers. I only keep to update So Min recent activities and photos twice a month if i am free . Dramatically,  i don't know why i sudden would like to have a search of So Min's on 1 Jan , and at the same day the dating photos are revealed and she confirmed falling in love with Lee Joon after FIS (haha~I am so surprised at that moment but heart fluttering when seeing the Dispatch photo **so sweet of their interaction:wub:)


After knowing this , I spent almost one month to watch back the whole esipodes of FIS, its bts , entering into different forum of Joonmin couple and also take a "deep review" to know more about Lee Joon. I try my best to find his previous interviews and variety shows for a reference. And now I REALLY like him and become his fans :blush:.Haha~  LJ is such a cute and lovely person as well as So Min. He sings and dances well. And his acting is so good, too.  


I would like to share my comments towards LJ  (I know that there are many long time LJ's fans in this thread , please feel free to provide comments to my views haha:D I only a fresh fan towards him)


1. LJ is easy to shy and have slow-warm-up personality. I have watched lots of his live shows during his MBLAQ time, he is so hot and charm on the stage. But he will become a "Shy little boy" when at the back stage and off-show. :tongue: *such as cutie*


2. He respects and love his family so much. Since his father is bankrupted at his childhood and he must know that his parents have to work hard to raise him and his elderly sister. So, he really have a close relationship with his family especially  his mum. And i remember that he says that " I live for my parents" . It's really touching and this man is really wonderful! :thumbsup:


3. LJ start to learn dancing since his teenage and overcome lots of hardship. But he didn't give up and show his talent of dance. And he like acting and think acting is another form of expressing emotions as like as dance. So he left his MBLAQ team and focus to be an actor since 2015. I really appreciate his hard-working attitude to reach his goal. He is  really a perfect match with So Min at this field  ("" So Min also insist of dancing although her father didn't support and she also changes to studying acting according to her strong will")


4. LJ have two ex-girlfriends before the age of 24. (These two love relationship are happened around his age 18-20). Some people in other Joonmin forum are discussing - that means LJ do not have girlfriend around 8-9 years!?) haha~ In 2015, a Korean Media has reported that LJ has a girlfriend secretly for 2 years. But LJ's company on behalf of LJ and rejected this news immediately. From my #1, LJ is easy to shy and have slow-warm-up personality. He need to spend a long time to meet new friends, let alone to start a love relationship. He only got few time to sleep during his idol time and LJ shows me that he really focusing on his career that time. LJ is a honest person. He is sensitive and dislike other to misunderstand him.  Most MC of different shows always creating fun questions on him , it is because LJ is so straight-forwarded with a simple- minded. He doesn't know how to tell lies and take all of them so serious. HAHA~ :DAnd per LJ's confession " if i have girlfriend, the media must take photos with her since i would like to reveal her":wub: Therefore, I trust him and "have girlfriend in 2015" is only a rumor.  


To conclude, i think LJ really is a good man which match with So min. And i really could found the "love sparks" between them before they confirmed official relationship. I also have some points of view will share later =) haha~ Good night!



"Love are full of my eyes and they only direct to you!":heart:




I dont agree  with you whan  you say "..Although So MIn is not with an "amazing" beautiful face in first sight"..beacuse some people hwo didnt even  know her name ,notice her beauty first .it just   your view .

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welcome to this thread @firebird88 


so happy to read your thought about this  couple :) I also love JSM especially in Red Teacher, her performance is solid there, she also nailed her character as BMY, she's the epitome of perfect kdrama female lead, she's pretty, talented and everything about her is perfect. With more successful dramas, she can solidify her career as an actress and standing tall as other popular hallyu actresses out there such as Park Shinhye, Song Hyekyo, Jun Jihyun etc. I know she's more known for her character in Playful Kiss as Oh Hani, but that was 8 years ago, now she's known as the Byun Miyoung from FiS, and that drama was the one which enable her to gain a lead role in BTIMFL, which boosted her popularity more as the drama also gain success internationally.  I still remember the first time I saw her as Oh Hani, I really think she's pretty and very natural, she didn't put a lot of makeup but her skin so good. I usually like face type like her, monolid eye and pretty eye-smile, her nose is pretty too, but she's not a plain jane like she usually portray in most her kdramas especially Playful Kiss, it's because other kdrama girls usually have big eyes with apparent double eyelid and so on, she's different. She doesn't need that to flaunt her looks, she looks innocent and men usually like this kind of look more rather than the gangnam-unnie face style like we usually see in korea. Apart from her nice style and personality, everything about her is perfect. I remember LJ said about her ideal type and I can see all that in SM, I really think LJ has set his eye on her the first moment they met, because she's completely perfect from head to toe, that's why during press conference of FiS LJ looks very unusually shy and nervous around her. 

I also agree SM and KYK relationship looks more like brotherly relationship, I think it's because SM didn't have older brother she may thought of KYK as one. With LJ at first there's no lovely spark between them because I think it's usual for SM to be friendly around her co star, but as time passed by and the more we watch the bts we can sense the spark of love finally floating in the air whenever they're around each other. I've sense LJ took care of SM in unusual way, he's not always like this as what I've seen in other drama bts, the female co star (noona) who usually took care of him :D even with LSY in VD he's still awkward with and kinda ignore her to focus with his script. But I also saw he's easily getting close to someone his age, for example Jung Eugene from HITTG, they're like friend and he seems close to her, but there's no intense love spark like he has with SM, they're like SM KYK :D if LJ got to work with KYK in the future it may feel like LJ is working with his older brother in law lol



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