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Lee Joon x Jung So Min Couple (Actor x Assistant) - Official Couple (1/1/18)


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16 hours ago, janeej said:

I have followed this forum for quite a long time but this is the first time I leave a message here. I am relieved when I read the announcement released by LJ's agency today. As the announcement mentions about his mental health, I recall the netizens' posts saying that LJ's suffering from bipolar disorder. I am really interested to know if there is any reliable source supporting those netizens. I have surfed on the internet many times but it seems that the related posts are usually orginated from this source:


However, I really suspect if this source is 100% trustful. Would the “bipolar disorder” issue also be a false report (due to e.g. mistranslation)? Is there any news article written in Korean reporting the same thing?


it's true he did suffer from bipolar disorder, he's among the first kpop idols who is very open about his mental illness. But in latest interview, if I remember correctly, he did said he has been cured from that disease, maybe it's not as severe as before, but as far as I know, panic attack can also be triggered from manic phase of bipolar? Therefore I'm not very sure if he has healed completely from his bipolar. I am thinking the tough and hellish environment of military is what triggering his anxiety. Please pray he will get better soon and recovered from this illness. 


4 hours ago, camichi said:



this site always write trash about celebrities, This site it is not a trustworthy one, I have always read fans complaining about every publication they do. This site only show or replicates news from others newspaper or site without confirmation. They has not ethic. 




MBLAQ's Lee Joon showed up for an interview with Newsen having only slept for 40 minutes out of the entire day. When told that he looked tired, he nonchalantly replied, "It's fine, I'm used to such a lifestyle." Is there any other idol as busy as he is? Busily preparing for MBLAQ's new album, filming for KBS 2TV's "Jungle Fish 2," working on variety programs - it seems like even 10 bodies won't be enough to complete Lee Joon's hectic schedule. Lee Joon previously showed glimpses of his fatigue while appearing on an Mnet program and dozed off while on the show. Viewers began wondering whether he wasn't putting in enough effort into the show, and said it was right for him to have lost his admission to Seoul University. Regarding this issue, Lee Joon stated that he felt regretful, but he had a reason. He clarified, "I had no time to rest during that period. I knew that I had to study, but I couldn't. I have a severe bipolar disorder, and people only saw what was broadcasted on TV. They don't see the effort behind the screen, such as the late-night rehearsals. No matter how hard I tried, my body just couldn't keep up with me, so it was very upsetting." Despite the physical and mental stress, Lee Joon continues to work hard in improving himself and achieving satisfaction in his work. "Acting is so fun. I have to work harder on it, but it's hard to pay too much attention to it when I also have album promotions to do. While on break from the drama, I'd go film for a variety program, and then record for MBLAQ's album during the 30-minute breaks. I wanted to do at least one thing properly, but I was never satisfied with what I put out." Despite having to work under such harsh conditions, Lee Joon stated that he was doing the best he could, and as joyfully as he could. "I've suffered from insomnia before my debut. It was fixed for a bit due to the fatigue after our debut, but it has come back recently. I haven't slept for two days today and went for my script reading. It's fun, so it's all right. I don't think I'll be appearing on variety programs as often. I'll be working hard on my drama and making sure our new album is of high quality." Source + Photo: Newsen Tip: leejoonwifey


It's true allkpop is not trustable site, but this article I pasted in the hidden content, it's a correct translation from newsen interview with Lee Joon. Allkpop took the translation from leejoonwifey and they give her credit. 

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4 hours ago, shsu said:

After reading the statement from LJ’s agency yesterday, Initially I feel a bit relieved. However, at the same time I feel really uncomfortable about the releasing of his personal medical condition due to a false article at the first place. Of course, there was no thing to be ashamed of and I admire his tremendous courage to overcome his health issues all these times, but just imagine how these words will hurt LJ since he is so vulnerable with no loved ones close by. As a fan, I will continue to support him and wait for him when finish MS. Fighting, LJ. I know you can do it,


Meanwhile:, I admire JSM even more than before because she must have known his condition before MS  but she goes ahead to pursue the love she wants  and she see them in LJ. Her situation onwards will get harder for her too as she will start receiving a lot opinion from her family, friends and fans from both sides. Stay strong and do what you believe is right and I will also support u because you did say you will only mAke the decision that make you happy. Fighting, JSM. 




I think the Prain TPC letting LJ to made the decision himself. LJ always being so open about his mental illness, he's not ashamed about it and many people salute him because of that. He makes people more aware that this kind of illness does exist and it's not just a fantasy. He gained courage to tell the fans and media this time because of the fake rumors. I really respect and love him more because he still want to serve and protecting his country even though he was diagnosed with this disorder, that's really something to be proud of if you're stanning him. He doesn't let his illness defeat him, he's a really strong guy, and he deserves to be happy and respected. 


I have the same feeling as you, I really think JSM is his last love, the girl really love him despite him having this illness which might affect their relationship but their love still going strong until now. She's not just still want to wait for him to finish his military, but she willing to take care and be with him even though she knows of his condition. I wish their relationship last forever. 

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5 hours ago, camichi said:



this site always write trash about celebrities, This site it is not a trustworthy one, I have always read fans complaining about every publication they do. This site only show or replicates news from others newspaper or site without confirmation. They has not ethic. 


Thank you for replying me : ) I have similar thoughts as you about this web page. As his fans, we need to think critically when we come across the news about LJ. There are too many false reports and if we believe in them and pass the false messages to other people, we are actually ruining the one we love.

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51 minutes ago, eyjooniesh said:


it's true he did suffer from bipolar disorder, he's among the first kpop idols who is very open about his mental illness. But in latest interview, if I remember correctly, he did said he has been cured from that disease, maybe it's not as severe as before, but as far as I know, panic attack can also be triggered from manic phase of bipolar? Therefore I'm not very sure if he has healed completely from his bipolar. I am thinking the tough and hellish environment of military is what triggering his anxiety. Please pray he will get better soon and recovered from this illness. 



  Reveal hidden contents

MBLAQ's Lee Joon showed up for an interview with Newsen having only slept for 40 minutes out of the entire day. When told that he looked tired, he nonchalantly replied, "It's fine, I'm used to such a lifestyle." Is there any other idol as busy as he is? Busily preparing for MBLAQ's new album, filming for KBS 2TV's "Jungle Fish 2," working on variety programs - it seems like even 10 bodies won't be enough to complete Lee Joon's hectic schedule. Lee Joon previously showed glimpses of his fatigue while appearing on an Mnet program and dozed off while on the show. Viewers began wondering whether he wasn't putting in enough effort into the show, and said it was right for him to have lost his admission to Seoul University. Regarding this issue, Lee Joon stated that he felt regretful, but he had a reason. He clarified, "I had no time to rest during that period. I knew that I had to study, but I couldn't. I have a severe bipolar disorder, and people only saw what was broadcasted on TV. They don't see the effort behind the screen, such as the late-night rehearsals. No matter how hard I tried, my body just couldn't keep up with me, so it was very upsetting." Despite the physical and mental stress, Lee Joon continues to work hard in improving himself and achieving satisfaction in his work. "Acting is so fun. I have to work harder on it, but it's hard to pay too much attention to it when I also have album promotions to do. While on break from the drama, I'd go film for a variety program, and then record for MBLAQ's album during the 30-minute breaks. I wanted to do at least one thing properly, but I was never satisfied with what I put out." Despite having to work under such harsh conditions, Lee Joon stated that he was doing the best he could, and as joyfully as he could. "I've suffered from insomnia before my debut. It was fixed for a bit due to the fatigue after our debut, but it has come back recently. I haven't slept for two days today and went for my script reading. It's fun, so it's all right. I don't think I'll be appearing on variety programs as often. I'll be working hard on my drama and making sure our new album is of high quality." Source + Photo: Newsen Tip: leejoonwifey


It's true allkpop is not trustable site, but this article I pasted in the hidden content, it's a correct translation from newsen interview with Lee Joon. Allkpop took the translation from leejoonwifey and they give her credit. 

Thank you for explaining the background to me. Really hope that he will get through all the hardship. Pray for him.

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13 hours ago, wobieanne said:

I'm also curious what does that word mean, the one word on SM's bio between the stars. Does anyone know? Thanks in advance! :wub:

This is reply from JMSC:

“Ssom” or “some” if you are in a love mood. Her agency also uses this with their posts of her - “ssom_times”
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I hate Allkpop and i think they are no different like Seoul Shinmun.Why they wrote the headline like this, for clickbait?

Lee Joon reportedly attempted suicide in the military + his agency gives official statement

Comments from readers:

1)Allkpop, since this is not true, why don’t you say in your headline that it isn’t true, instead of insinuating that he committed suicide? You know “reportedly” is just a way out for you. When it comes to people’s lives and reputation, have a heart and don’t just go after clicks.

2)Piece of s@#* AKP. Remove that f*%#@ headline and fire the human trash who wrote this. You knew before you wrote this that the agency already cleared it being complete lie, richard simmons made by morons and now you're cashing in with suicide clickbait. Can you be anymore low?
3)What a misleading title...shame
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16 hours ago, irisariadne said:

I hate Allkpop and i think they are no different like Seoul Shinmun.Why they wrote the headline like this, for clickbait?

Lee Joon reportedly attempted suicide in the military + his agency gives official statement

Comments from readers:

1)Allkpop, since this is not true, why don’t you say in your headline that it isn’t true, instead of insinuating that he committed suicide? You know “reportedly” is just a way out for you. When it comes to people’s lives and reputation, have a heart and don’t just go after clicks.

2)Piece of s@#* AKP. Remove that f*%#@ headline and fire the human trash who wrote this. You knew before you wrote this that the agency already cleared it being complete lie, richard simmons made by morons and now you're cashing in with suicide clickbait. Can you be anymore low?
3)What a misleading title...shame


Allkpop always made clickbait headlines, this time is the worst they can do, playing with someone's life like they have got nothing better to do. Unfortunately kmedia also the same, Seoul Shinmun which is a reputable news media outlet in korea is the one who started this rumor, I think it must be because they want to cover the big political scandal in korea right now. They aimed at Lee Joon because he had the bipolar history. Very irresponsible and cruel reporter :angry: They affect LJ's mental health, and cause his family shocked, this can't be forgiven, they need to be sued and jailed. 


As a long time fan of LJ, I've always known LJ didn't have any suicide attempt history even though he was diagnosed with bipolar before, if there had, there must be news to it since he was an idol.


He's a very strong will person and has planned to live until 100 years old if possible, he even planned to save money for his grandchildren ( watch happy together). I don't think someone like this will want to put an end to his own life, no matter what happens, he won't do it. He now has a pretty girlfriend who is very protective and caring of him, their love is stable, the fact that his gf willing to start a relationship when the man has to leave for army is something we can call loyalty.


I hope LJ will be able to finish his MS without any problem, and he will comeback safely and healthy, with more successful projects in the future. After that he can get married and lead a beautiful life with his loved one. He always think about his future, and planned what to do, he even ranked first among the soldiers, don't think someone like him will commit any suicide attempt nor having the thought of it. Pray that he wil be better and be cured eventually, he deserves it after long years in pain and hardship due to this illness. 


I read from koreans comment, saying military is already hellish experience, with panic disorder it's double. The fact that he's still carry on with the military life proved he's strong and full of determination, he won't let this illness defeat him. He even showed his wrist to prove he didn't attempt any suicidal action, but people are so shallow they thought it's not his wrist, and speculating if it's his wrist it might be before that attempt. I can just eyerolled at that comment.

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Anyeong chingus,


Well.  It looks like an awful false rumor has been spread about LJ.  I mentioned before that I really can't stand paparazzi.  But, I'm also leery of entertainment sites when it comes to news.  Although they should be cognizant of making sure that their sources are both legit and truthful before announcing any news, it's not going to happen with these sites.


 We're living in a wonderful time because of the technological advances of today.  Unfortunately, some people misuse tools that should be meant for good.  That's why I'm not on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.  


As far as LJ, we know that he's a strong soul.  I'm also confident that he'll manage to get through his MS just fine.  Also, he and JSM will continue to be happy together.  So, there's definitely no reason for any of us to worry.


The moral of this story - be careful what we believe as far as news.  


"The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is" - Winston Churchill


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3 hours ago, eyjooniesh said:

He even showed his wrist to prove he didn't attempt any suicidal action, but people are so shallow they thought it's not his wrist, and speculating if it's his wrist it might be before that attempt. I can just eyerolled at that comment.

Some people like to show off their 'wits' by challenging the truth and denying evidence. Even if the photo showed LJ's face plus his wrists plus a newspaper dated 13 Feb plus etc, they would say the photo had been ps or so.

Yes, the photo can relieve our worries, but I feel so unhappy that LJ needed to do this way to stop that stupid rumour. Sigh...

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10 hours ago, eyjooniesh said:


Allkpop always made clickbait headlines, this time is the worst they can do, playing with someone's life like they have got nothing better to do. Unfortunately kmedia also the same, Seoul Shinmun which is a reputable news media outlet in korea is the one who started this rumor, I think it must be because they want to cover the big political scandal in korea right now. They aimed at Lee Joon because he had the bipolar history. Very irresponsible and cruel reporter :angry: They affect LJ's mental health, and cause his family shocked, this can't be forgiven, they need to be sued and jailed. 


As a long time fan of LJ, I've always known LJ didn't have any suicide attempt history even though he was diagnosed with bipolar before, if there had, there must be news to it since he was an idol.


He's a very strong will person and has planned to live until 100 years old if possible, he even planned to save money for his grandchildren ( watch happy together). I don't think someone like this will want to put an end to his own life, no matter what happens, he won't do it. He now has a pretty girlfriend who is very protective and caring of him, their love is stable, the fact that his gf willing to start a relationship when the man has to leave for army is something we can call loyalty.


I hope LJ will be able to finish his MS without any problem, and he will comeback safely and healthy, with more successful projects in the future. After that he can get married and lead a beautiful life with his loved one. He always think about his future, and planned what to do, he even ranked first among the soldiers, don't think someone like him will commit any suicide attempt nor having the thought of it. Pray that he wil be better and be cured eventually, he deserves it after long years in pain and hardship due to this illness. 


I read from koreans comment, saying military is already hellish experience, with panic disorder it's double. The fact that he's still carry on with the military life proved he's strong and full of determination, he won't let this illness defeat him. He even showed his wrist to prove he didn't attempt any suicidal action, but people are so shallow they thought it's not his wrist, and speculating if it's his wrist it might be before that attempt. I can just eyerolled at that comment.

I cant believe, i just cant believe these comments saying about his wrists, just heartless and cruel... i chose to ignore from that moment on. I hope that these news will be buried forever and no more active comments on them at the end that can finally put an end to this nightmare. Weekend is coming and my heart beats fast again .... 

It is great to hear sth from Somin for the lunar new year. Hope she will find the strength in new year to get over all the difficulties coming. I miss their laugh together so much.

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2 hours ago, anna0427 said:

i hope jsm & lj's relationship will be stronger despite their challenges.. miss seeing them together.. wish jsm's next drama will also be successful (with less kissing scenes if possible hehe)

If I remember correctly, Somin mentioned in her last live stream when their relationship was still not revealed, she said she would like to try action or thriller genres... Even I hardly relate her to action dramas haha. I thought she might assure her bf who is far way with this kind of drama. However i thought they are professional enough to act in any genres.

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I found this article and i think it's related with Jsm situation.


To The Girl Whose Boyfriend Is Leaving For Boot Camp

It's not going to be easy, but you will learn to be strong.

Hey there,

To start, I know this is hard. I know you are extremely happy for him, for what he's doing, for the reason he's doing it, but I also know you feel selfish for not wanting him to leave, you're not ready to let go of seeing him every day, the good morning and goodnight texts.

Whether you've been dating for a small amount of time, or you've been dating for a while now, it is going to be hard. Up until the time that he leaves, I strongly advise you to just spend as much time with him as you can. I'm sure you've already thought about that, but I mean being there when he wants to hang out with his boys, he wants to spend just as much as time with you as you do him, don't worry.

But also, don't be overbearing. Give him that alone time with his friends and family when it gets closer to the time he leaves, he spends most of his time with you anyway, and you know for a fact you will be one of the last faces he sees before he drives away to the start of the rest of his life.

When he actually leaves, it's hard. There will be tears, promises being made, lots of hugs and kisses. Fill his mind with nothing but positive thoughts, he knows you're sad and he's sad too, but the last thing he would want to talk about is the sadness itself, so make promises that you'll be here when he gets back, tell him you're proud, tell him to kick richard simmons.

Fast forward to the anticipation of waiting for your first letter. Once you open the mailbox and take it out, it is an amazing feeling and you're already feeling a rush of words and emotions that you're more than ready to write him back. The writing continues during the duration of him being away, and surprise surprise, he gets his first pass!


A pass is an hour or more at a time (typically on Sundays) where you get a call/facetime with your soldier. This is the perfect opportunity to give your soldier your undivided attention and remind him how proud you are, how much you love them and how much you can't wait until you're back in their arms again. Those calls mean so much to them, and they will mean so much to you. Soon enough you'll be counting down the days until next Sunday when you'll get to talk again!

You have to promise him that you will be waiting. I understand these months are going to be really hard, you don't get to talk every day, you see other happy couples, you just have to try and stay occupied. The best thing I did when my boyfriend left was to keep myself occupied with everything I could. Find a hobby, start a workout routine, not only will it kill time but it gives you something to talk about! The days you're the least busy are of course not going to be easy, and you will need those days to let it all out and cry about missing him, but never fail to remind yourself what a great man you have by your side. He may not be physically there, but I can guarantee you're all he thinks about, and how he cannot wait to come home to you.

Out of love and respect, wait for him. Be strong. The biggest lesson I've learned from him being away at boot camp is how to be strong, how to grow confidence not only in myself but in our relationship. He is going to do great things, he has started the rest of his life, and he chose you to be by his side.


From one military girlfriend to another, stay positive.

Your love will only grow so much stronger.


I also respect and admire Jsm because of same reason like you guys here.  I know its not easy and for me 21 months is long but i wish for their long lasting relationship and happiness.




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I was thinking about JSM last post and the text she wrote (Everyone)

Maybe I am imagining things but I was trying to identify those flowers and I think or I am almost sure are Peony  (the white ones) and I think are mixed with rouses, if I am wrong please tell me. That flower has different meanings (Peony). 

Romance and prosperity are associated to this flower. Compassion and longevity too. For Japanese the peony is a powerful symbol of beauty, of the fragile and ephemeral existence and of the understanding that “to get great rewards usually involves taking great risks". The white Rouses means purity, innocence and humility.


I think she wanted to send a message to EVERYBODY, she could be saying thanks.

I could be getting crazy. 


Peony with rouses

Image result for bouquet de rosas y peonias

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51 minutes ago, camichi said:



I was thinking about JSM last post and the text she wrote (Everyone)

Maybe I am imagining things but I was trying to identify those flowers and I think or I am almost sure are Peony  (the white ones) and I think are mixed with rouses, if I am wrong please tell me. That flower has different meanings (Peony). 

Romance and prosperity are associated to this flower. Compassion and longevity too. For Japanese the peony is a powerful symbol of beauty, of the fragile and ephemeral existence and of the understanding that “to get great rewards usually involves taking great risks". The white Rouses means purity, innocence and humility.


I think she wanted to send a message to EVERYBODY, she could be saying thanks.

I could be getting crazy. 


Peony with rouses



Me too!! :) When I saw the flowers arragements in her pic, I thought that she was sending a message and that it was related not only to the lunar new year, but also related to things that surrounded them this periode and her/their inner feelings.


I don't understand the language of flowers nor asian symbolism, so I only can talk about what impressions the pic evoques on me (I will try to express it in my limited english). So, what it evoques on me is a message of (inner) peace, serenety and harmony; the whole image with the ambiance surrounded by light without shadows evoques on me a bright moment full of tranquility, calm and confidence. And, to finish the whole impression, the subtle touch of the red flower, as to say: there is also life and joy here.


I like very much this pic: it's so sober, so low key. Nothing is over. It is precisely due to it that it sounds real and sincere to me. The expression of harmony and joy that it shows is axed in simplicity, therefore it effortless says to me that it is her/their real inner feelings.


Yeah, it is peaceful and serere. It expresses a smoothness, simplicity and, at the same, time such a confidence, that my overall impression is that SM is saying: I'm in peace, I'm serene, I'm confident...


... and so do I: I have confidence in them. 


As LJ, Sm is also a strong person. :) 

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