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Full Moon o Sagashite

Guest kRaZiExLaDiE

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I haven't read the manga yet, but the anime was good........

I heard that the manga is better so ima try and find scans on the internet....... or buy the books after Fruits Basket finishes -_-;;

Haha, the fruits basket series is gonna take a looong while... unless you're buying them in japanese?

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Guest lea4016

I love this manga so, so much. I prefer the manga than the anime...^__^ The anime has different ending than the manga, but I love how the manga ends...^__^ So sweet.... :blush:

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Guest knockblock

Has anyone seen another anime like Full Moon? I want to see another like it. The only other anime I found that is like it is Kaleido Star.

The ending was sad. But watching it again from the beginning is even more sad. The manga does tell the story better. They explain more stuff like Meroko's past and Itzumi's past(Takuto's is differen't than in the anime). If the ending for the manga is like how people are saying it is then I will be happier to see it. It's more satisfying from what everyone is saying.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest umbanana


i just finished watching it a couple of days ago on youtube and my eyes were completely swollen...i dont think ive ever cried that much watching ANYTHING. (ok..mayb taegukgi...but never for an anime)

teehee i dled the manga so im gna be reading those pretty soon =D

i think the anime was BEAUTIFUL. i lurve tanemura arina <3 she rocks!

im so in love with the songs at the moment. teehee, esp. the route L version of eternal snow <333

anyways...did anyone strongly dislike this anime..or the manga???

coz i was talking to my friends abt fullmoon yesterday coz i was sooo eager to share this excellent anime with them,...and they all said they watched an eppie or read a chapter of the manga and HATED IT. grrr...they hurt my feelings *sob sob*

they said it was too 'girly' and 'typical' =_= hmpppph.

well it doesnt matter. I LOVE FULLMOON and im gna be watching the anime again~

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^it is slightly cliche at the beginning... but the story builds on and gets really good after that.

i find the anime's first 10 episodes are kinda redundent in contributing to the theme but the manga is pretty tight.

overall.. one of my all time fav manga AND anime. :)

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Guest aknintty1004

yea i finished watching it and it was pretty good but i dont understand y some peps hate it........

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Guest shane4ever

i luv this one!!

im watching the anime right now.. lol

but still dont know the ending!

but i think i will cry during the last part

since a lot of ppplz did cry in it.. lol

im a sucker for sad things!! XD

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Guest umbanana

i loved the anime so much that i had to read the manga (and i finsihed it in 2 days~)

teehee i cant decide which i like better

the second half of the anime has a different storyline from the manga...i like the manga's ending more~ coz everyone's happy =)

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Guest Kare1989

i like the manga ^^ its so sad :tears:

by some scene i cried ohhh mitsuki is sooo weak

the end is soo sad too

i never watch the anime but i think i try it ^^

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest snaeha_dalis13

^I've never seen the anime either, but the manga is one of my favs. It was soo good and the ending is really sweet. It actually ended like I wished it would. Bad thing is that it's hard to imagine what the songs would be like, which I guess the anime makes up for.

I must watch the anime version, but I hate sad endings.

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Guest Max_4_lyfe

the anime didn't have a sad ending, it just didn't end as well as the manga... besides that, the songs turned out great^^ Love the OST

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Guest mzxx3vil3vaxx

I like some of the songs from the anime. I think its a really sweet manga and anime. I like it (>.<)

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Guest <3goesDOKIDOKI

i remember this. it started in the telephone comic book when i was in middle school.... about lol 7 yrs ago!!!

i didn't read the manga tho...

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Guest JoO-Nee9o9

I borrow it from the library even though I watched the anime version!!!!!!! IT'S AWESOME~ <3 Sad at times too!! ToT

I'm waiting for the 5th voume!

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i remember this. it started in the telephone comic book when i was in middle school.... about lol 7 yrs ago!!!

i didn't read the manga tho...

eh not so long ago. the manga's first published in japan in 2001. the anime should be around the same time or later.

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This is one of the best anime and manga series I've ever encountered I thought it was pointless to read at first because it was about a 12 year old girl <_< but then I gave thought into it because it's Arina's manga and so popular too @___@ It has so much dealt with it that it made me think over about suicide LOL!! Anywho~~ -_- the mangaka is a truly an awesome artist and author ^__^ I wonder, was this sort of based off true events? (or something like that) I read somewhere in one of the vol. but I don't remember T_T

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