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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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2 hours ago, NerinaC said:

Thank you for all the encouraging words about my fanfic... I am sure I have made lots of mistake in grammar and all, but seriously I am happy that I could make a fanfic that pleased you guys. It is not that amazing, but love it when you guys said it was good. It made me wanted to write more and deliver another chapter as soon as possible. #bow# thank you chinggu ya.

So here comes part 4

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So… are you coming this weekend? Or do you have some work schedule?’  That was like the third time he asked her, so far she had refused to answer, she partially ignored the question or changed the topic. It was the second gathering; she had missed the first gathering.  She didn’t really have anything on this weekend but she still couldn’t decide should she come or not. Showing up with extreme puffy eyes would raise question, no matter how good she put on her make up. She still cried from time to time, hugged her dogs for comfort, called Inna unnie or messaging Suzy, or just flipping around her pictures with Ki Ha oppa. She still questioned herself on what did she want, where should she take her relationship with Ki Ha oppa. Joon Gi oppa messages sure provided some distractions and comfort at the same time, he made her laugh and helped her felt better about herself when in this kind of time she usually blamed herself for everything that had been going on in her life. She didn’t tell him about her situation with Ki Ha oppa, she could talk to him almost about everything in her life, just not that, somehow she felt it was not something she could talk to him about.

‘Hello *a smiling black cat with crescent eyes emoticon*, are you still there? Or did you fall asleep?’ his message poked her out from her thought. She couldn’t help to smile, secretly she loved the emoticon, it sure reminded her of Joon Gi oppa.

She started to type an answer when a call came in, it was Ki Ha oppa.


“Hello oppa,” and an awkward silence crept in.

“uhm… have you been okay?’ He broke the silence.

“Have you?” She refused to answer his question.

“Ugh… anyway, could you have dinner with me this weekend? We need to talk.” Another silent moment crept in.

“Yeah sure, the usual place?” Finally she answered.

“Okay, see you at dinner.”

“See you.”

The phone called ended flatly, even when they had fought before; it had never been this flat. ‘Was that the sign? So nothing can be done anymore? Is this how it ended up; her 3 years long of relationship? Does she want to continue fighting for their relationship or not. Should she fight for it?’ All kind of thoughts barged in at the same time to the point she felt like she had some trouble breathing. She curled herself like a ball trying to calm herself, she was not going to cry again, she refused to cry, she had cried enough, so no more.

Her phone vibrated, everything felt like a slow motion, she reached out and saw Joon Gi oppa message. She didn’t really read it, she just wrote a quick answer of his last question.

‘I am sorry I can’t’ and she turned off her phone.


They walked quietly along the shore of Han river, usually  on their previous dates they would walk hand in hand, but not this time. It was summer night, but the weather never felt so cold or was it their feelings?

Ki Ha stopped his track and turned facing her. He could still see her puffy eyes, he never felt so bad because he knew it was because of him. He tried to remember when was the last time he heard she laughed out loud, at some point of their relationship it had gone. She has always been calm, but he found out that she had been holding herself up, a little too much. He knew that all of it because she was taking care of his feelings. She had always been the mature one. He wished for once she let him felt that she could depend on him, but damage had been done and he knew; it was over.

“Eun ah...” he whispered her name, this would be his last time calling her with such intimate way. She looked him with her round deer eyes, and he knew that she knew what he wanted to say.

“I love you... and I am sorry.” That was all he could say. She managed to pull a smile and shook her head softly.

“It’s okay oppa… thank you for everything.” She bowed at him.

‘Good bye’


She decided that she couldn’t go home, so she went to the gathering, it was pretty late, she worried that she would missed them. But there they were laughing and chattering, her Scarlet family were still in the gathering. She saw Kang  Ha Na shi, Hong Jo Hyun shi, including Joon Gi oppa, even Tae Jo pheya. She didn’t see Ha Nuel or Baek Ha shi, probably they were busy with work.

“Hey I thought you won’t come?” Joon Gi oppa smiled happily to see her. She was thankful of the dim lights of the VIP room, they had provided a good cover for her puffy eyes.

“Well I finished my matter quicker than I expected, so here I am.”

“Nice, so what do you want to drink?”

“Chamisul,” she smirked.

“Eyyyy…. Chamisul it is,” He laughed whole heartly.

She blended in pretty quick, laughing and chattering with her scarlet family, she didn’t really remember how much drink she took in.

It was 2 am, and some of the family already went home, she stagered to the ladies room where she stood there in front of the mirror and never felt so empty. Tonight everything had ended, her 3 years long of relationship had ended. The worst part was not because they  didn’t love each other anymore, but because their love wasn’t enough. Suddenly she felt like someone punching her in the stomach, she coiled, chooked down and for the last time she cried so hard.

“Ji Eun shi are you okay, what happened?” said  Ha Na worriedly.  who had followed her to the ladies room found her  curled up in the corner bawling her heart out. She hugged her trying to calm the crying girl.

“Please, don’t let anyone see me like this, not like this.” That was all she managed to say to Ha Na shi  between her sobs.

Ha Na quietly took her out of the ladies room, she told everyone that Ji Eun shi was too drunk so she would take her home.

“Thank you”  Ji Eun whispered, Ha Na answered with a soothing rub on her arm.


thankkk youuu for the updateeee.. right on time i was lurking in this thread. kekekeke. well.. no more voldy after this~~~

1 hour ago, meeibe16 said:

Is it the end of Voldy? yeesss... the next chapter there will be not Voldy kekkekekekee 

naughty! ahahahahaha

1 hour ago, berny said:

I wonder if he had used recently emoji with heart eyes? 

In one of his interviews before..

"And if there is someone I like, then my eyes will really change into heart shape."

and we have seen that dont we~~

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16 minutes ago, berny said:

You might have noticed this already before...but for the longest time i have been so curious ...i do not know what the gesture means...




Totally in love? Lol

N if u checked his ig you would find lots of heart eyes... he is in love

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10 hours ago, rushie5 said:

I guess the intensity of the ship is what scares me. Especially, that BBJX curse chant. I'm amazed and scared at the same time.

LOL! Do not scare, chingu yaa. We're not crazy or fanatic shipper. We're mature & open minded enough to receive what the best & what make them happy the most. We appreciate their decisions, but of course it'll be great if what we feel is what they feel too. But don't get us wrong we'll keep chant until one of them officially taken. LOL, and we're not bashing or hating anyone here. For the chant, it does already proved by BBJX Chinese version. LOL, and yeah I think you must scare of that, because its success rate is high enough. LOL, so we keep chanting BBJX CURSE PLEASE COME TRUE!! LOL!!

9 hours ago, marimari00 said:

Annyeong chinggu! I want to give you a warm welcome to our wonderful ship (rolls out red carpet). Glad you can join us instead of silently lurking. No matter how delulu you think your thoughts are, you are encouraged to share your opinions with your fellow Stargazers because sharing is caring! And it's always fun to discuss with other delulus kekeke.

Like you, I didn't think I would ship these two together. I was actually worried and thought they were lacking in chemistry when the first promotions were coming out a few weeks before the drama. They seemed distant and awkward with each other especially in the Cosmo interview and photo shoots. When the first episodes came out, I saw the SoSu chemistry right away and so, naturally I began to ship their characters with an easy heart. The BTS scenes was a revelation, seeing how happy and playful they are with each other and I couldn't beleieve my eyes. Omo, are they actually this close? - those were my thoughts. The two scenes you pointed out were among my favourite BTS scenes (I have too many to mention to be honest keke) JoonGi joking to JE to go out with him? If you're not at all interested in someone, you won't care to even joke like that. Jokes are almost always half truths. The biting hand scene really brought out JE's natural charm. It went through my screen as I was watching it and I thought, how could she be so cute. Surprised that JG just had to said it out loud. Maybe because he had the maximum dose of JE's aegyo from seeing it in person lol.

Honestly, JG is one of the most talented actors I've seen in K-dramas. He has the ability to bring a character to life that he had me convinced his version of WangSo existed in real life. I've seen him act since My Girl but I haven't really felt this much chemistry from him towards a co-start before. I did ship him lightly with Shin Minah but nothing like this. Hands down my favourite scene was when HaeSoo slowly removed his mask and traced her hand over his scar. So many intense feelings happening all at once. I couldn't believe he was channeling this much chemistry with a co-star.

Aaah, I just wanted to give you a warm welcome and I ended up ranting! Make sure you fasten your seat belt because this ship is a heck of a ride but don't worry, we will all hold on together - through calm seas and raging storms.


Love your post so much!! Thousands likes!!!

1 hour ago, NerinaC said:

So for my next chapter, I need help sorting out the time frame, I saw JE at press conference had a long hair it was on 24th of august, while when I checked her ig I saw her put a selfie with short hair on 29th of July, did she use extension on the press conference?  Also if I can get the fan cafe date when she said 'freedom' 

Sorry to trouble.you guys, thank you

No, chingu yaa in that photo she still has long hair, but she hides it and its caption is something like "is it like a bob hairstyle?" Something like that. You mean this pic right?


If I'm not wrong, she cut her hair several days before MLSHR gathering in this pic:


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Please click on the link below ( i cannot seem to upload the gif)

This is also the cute gesture I was referring to...anyone might have noticed it before ?

I do not know what it means..:wub:

LJG tenderly touches LJE's nose with his hand...and then... watch closely, he kissed his hand that touched her nose...why?

so sweet right?


JoonU ♥ Behind the Scene




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24 minutes ago, berny said:

Please click on the link below ( i cannot seem to upload the gif)

This is also the cute gesture I was referring to...anyone might have noticed it before ?

I do not know what it means..:wub:

LJG tenderly touches LJE's nose with his hand...and then... watch closely, he kissed his hand that touched her nose...why?

so sweet right?


JoonU ♥ Behind the Scene




I think JG said that JE has runny nouse at that time, so he swept it with his hand (Omo, too much care if you said they were just a co star. LOL!! Wouldn't you feel quite disgusting to touch other person snots? LOL, except your loved one's snots of course!! That's snot will be felt like chocolate flavor! LOL!! He was so caring to JE too when Stolen kiss scene, tidying up her hair. OMG this couple didn't have any chill at all!! They're really comfortable toward each other. Like doing that to their spouse!!). And then he kissed it?!!! Omoo, JG yaaaaaaahhh!!! What are you doing??!! I know after he touched her nose, they were being awkward and shy!! JE was being shy and did that "punch her neck" gesture, and JG kissed his hands that touched her nose before. LOL!!! Love bubles fly everywhere!! LOL!! I think if you want to know why he did that, you must ask JG himself. LOL. Because me too, curious! YAAAAHHH!! WHY DID YOU DO THAT, JG YAAA????!! After kiss JE in mutual kiss, he did touch his lips too, smack his lips, like wanna eat JE's saliva?! LOL. Ok, I'd stop at this point. Or I'll be a pervy one. LOL!!

Edited by caramelovers07
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On 1/19/2017 at 6:59 AM, kriswu said:

It's been two months and I still can't get over the fact that the director deleted these scenes.

THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE (I saw this pic before the drama aired and this was actually one of the reasons I was eager to livestream every episode lol bc I was waiting for this!!) I believe this was another kiss scene and not the forcedkiss because it looks like Soo's hand is on So's neck and they look so in love. *cries* This is much much much better than their first mutual kiss.

*fans self* imagine all the other kiss scenes that got deleted. And here is our boy, JoonGi, still complaining and saying he wants more kiss/romantic scenes for SoSoo :rolleyes: Seriously if he is not in love, then he must be out of his mind while saying that because JE is still with Voldy...not lol :wub:

And this one too~ Although I'm not sure if this was a BTS or an actual scene. Either way, it's a win-win for us SoSoo and JoonU shippers. Lol

Lastly, the backhug. Is it too selfish of me to actually want to see them doing this scene in a "video" and not in a freaking "picture"?? -_- I'M STILL SO MAD AT SBS LIKE WHERE IS OUR JUSTICE. Lolol

Sorry for the long rant. But I also want to say thank you to our fanfic writers! I've read and subscribed to everything. You guys are just brilliant <33

Woooo....wat i missed out here! Yah SBS!... now i really mad...mad...mad....:angry:

The kissing scene really make my heart racing... Get real you two! Aish... BBJX MIRACLE..PLS..PLS COME TRUE

Edited by akinahana89
Mod Edit: Do not quote images
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1 hour ago, caramelovers07 said:

I think JG said that JE has runny nouse at that time, so he swept it with his hand (Omo, too much care if you said they were just a co star. LOL!! Wouldn't you feel quite disgusting to touch other person snots?

JG said she had a nosebleed and he wiped the imaginary blood off her nose. The funny thing is he kissed his finger afterward and he glanced at the camera while he was doing it. 

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4 minutes ago, chi13lou said:

@eunki Can I ask for a favor? Can you please listen and verify if IU was mentioned?LOL Thanks in advance!

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No, i think there's no IU mentioned.. if he mentioned her, it'll be headline in the news site lol

ahh it seems like he gained some weight.. actually he's looking good, but idk my heart just dont like him lol though i hv no reason to hate him bcs he's such a good guy indeed. I just dont like him to be IU's bf, even bfr MLSHR. LOL sorry Voldy.

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27 minutes ago, chi13lou said:

@eunki Can I ask for a favor? Can you please listen and verify if IU was mentioned?LOL Thanks in advance!

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with my limited korean, no iu mentioned+1. Only one musician (dont know the name sorry)working with him for his work and family, fans etc.

I was kinda nervous when listening to this...really dont hope anything related to our queen XD.....

Edited by rachm2014
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3 minutes ago, rachm2014 said:


with my limited korean, no iu mentioned+1. Only one musician (dont know the name sorry)working with him for his work and family, fans etc.

I was kinda nervous when listening to this...really dont hope anything related to our queen XD.....

Thanks and welcome to the thread!

Hope you join us and enjoy your stay here.

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4 minutes ago, chi13lou said:

Thanks and welcome to the thread!

Hope you join us and enjoy your stay here.

Thx u all sooo much for the 620 pages joonU:wub: have been lurking here since Dec after finishing MLshr in Nov. Never be so obsessed with a drama couple before..feel like myself dating again hhhh

Greatly impressed and encouraged by these strong n sweat two!!! Just wait patiently in my heart for the best;)

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31 minutes ago, rachm2014 said:


with my limited korean, no iu mentioned+1. Only one musician (dont know the name sorry)working with him for his work and family, fans etc.

I was kinda nervous when listening to this...really dont hope anything related to our queen XD.....

Can we consider this as a crumb? Eventho it is not from uri JoonU...

Isn't this a sign that they are not a couple anymore? 

Welcome chinggu :D

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1 hour ago, crazyshell said:

JG said she had a nosebleed and he wiped the imaginary blood off her nose. The funny thing is he kissed his finger afterward and he glanced at the camera while he was doing it. 


Yeah, i think it's more of a worry that JE might be prone to nosebleed during hot weather?

And it was just the tip of her cute nose that he gently touched.

Hahhaha I guess it's only JG who could answer why he kissed his hand after that.  My assumption is that he seem to want to share energy through that touch and then kissing where his hand touched her skin, hahhaha, Anyway JG and his many excuses for skinship, whatever, and whichever way. :lol:


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