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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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5 minutes ago, NerinaC said:

Only for those with strong heart n no nose bleed alert

kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... what is thissss!!!! what is thiss!!! ok. i need to be away from this thread for awhile so that this weak yet strong heart can rest and i can do my work.. but but but but.. *nose bleed*


3 minutes ago, riuenu said:

OTTOKE!! I found neck and more neck!!! :flushed: @aimwanie SCREAM!! I AM FAINTING!

HEAVEN... i'm not fainting, DEAD already! why didn't you send this tonight.. so that he can come to my dreamland again. kekekekekkee

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4 hours ago, marimari00 said:

I can already imagine them front row and centre. JG has to keep fanboy HN under strict supervision and sit with him. if he's given free reign I have a feeling he'll show up with 20 light sticks and carry the biggest IU fan sign. JG won't be amused. Baker JH should be allowed to bake all the cookies he want. @chi13lou can we include this wish to our daily chant? 

Since we'll be camping here for quite sometime, can I just make a note of this and include it when IU holds her next series of concerts? KHN would be the cutest fanboy but I am sure he will behave because of his hyung.LOL


4 hours ago, Silvermaine said:

No no no don't worry about it because it'll totally help our OTP. Here, I'll write this fanfiction for you.

They never make it to the premiere, right?

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That cover of them in the Chinese News Daily magazine is so cool too.

I wonder, since they are so loved like that for example in Taiwan, can they be offered to do a project there, film anything, from reality show there? or a drama there? or perhaps a movie there,,, and they have to stay overseas for some time to complete the project....together.


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@riuenu You weren't finding pictures of his neck, you were looking for them! Is this how you spend time as FBI JoonU chief investigator? Stop looking for pictures of his body parts and look for evidence about where IU is now, whether she went to a salon or visited a shop to buy clothes!

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16 minutes ago, riuenu said:

hahahahahahaha, hopefully there is more, @aimwanie angel..are you still alive?


PRETTY MUCH STAYING ALIVE TO COMPLETE MY WORK BUT NAH.. MY MIND WANDER TO SOMEWHERE ELSEEEE.. i once found his top naked pictures.. but i dont dare to download it.. thats how innocence i am~~ *flying like an angel*

13 minutes ago, chi13lou said:

@riuenu You weren't finding pictures of his neck, you were looking for them! Is this how you spend time as FBI JoonU chief investigator? Stop looking for pictures of his body parts and look for evidence about where IU is now, whether she went to a salon or visited a shop to buy clothes!

she basically forget her duty @chi13lou because of oppa neck.. * i still cannot accept it on how Milla kiss it even i cant see if her lips did touch it or not*

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Omooo...i miss this ship. ..bz life this week.

Meanwhile....you guys already created byeontae group....kekkkkekeke. its not sinful..after all we are human being...and NORMAL women..hahaha

Going to backread..so many pages. :blink: and i see some fanfic link last time. Next to search for it.

Thanks for keeping this thread alive. The thought/investigation/delulu mind/pic/sexy pic/ gif etc. Im not good in this kind of things..but i really enjoyed it to the max. 


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20 minutes ago, chi13lou said:

@riuenu You weren't finding pictures of his neck, you were looking for them! Is this how you spend time as FBI JoonU chief investigator? Stop looking for pictures of his body parts and look for evidence about where IU is now, whether she went to a salon or visited a shop to buy clothes!

OOPS!!! Believe me, I am digging hard for information @chi13lou, but while digging...neck and more sexy neck pictures surface out...therefore...I just share :flushed: I got another part time byeontae gang to feed now you see..... saw that @aimwanie acting angel flying around "innocently" she is one of them who need me feed her, somemore requested me to post it at night so oppa will visit her in her dream..tsk tsk...

hahahahahahahahaha, since when I become FBI JoonU chief investigator..oh man, my title is really getting longer and longer..but uri IU is a ninja for real, I cant find her anywhere!

Maybe, it is true to what @Silvermaine written...she maybe found at Joongi penthouse =x ALRIGHT, I ADMIT THAT I DELULUING, but cant blame me as the fanfic is too well written!

@aimwanie angel..I didnt forget my duty to feed you right..:expressionless:

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24 minutes ago, ladybirdz said:

Omooo...i miss this ship. ..bz life this week.

Meanwhile....you guys already created byeontae group....kekkkkekeke. its not sinful..after all we are human being...and NORMAL women..hahaha

Going to backread..so many pages. :blink: and i see some fanfic link last time. Next to search for it.

Thanks for keeping this thread alive. The thought/investigation/delulu mind/pic/sexy pic/ gif etc. Im not good in this kind of things..but i really enjoyed it to the max.




45 minutes ago, chi13lou said:

@riuenu You weren't finding pictures of his neck, you were looking for them! Is this how you spend time as FBI JoonU chief investigator? Stop looking for pictures of his body parts and look for evidence about where IU is now, whether she went to a salon or visited a shop to buy clothes!


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The supposedly FBI JoonU chief investigator @riuenu has now changed her major task.  She wakes up and sleeps full of images and thoughts of  LJG's certain body parts.....so much so that her fingers automatically type "LJG sexy pictures" !!!! And she has badly influenced the once innocent JG angel @aimwanie! and sweet @NerinaC ! ALSO framing this innocent ahjumma!

This is cheating!  And....and.....and TRESPASSING!  She's trespassing on what belongs to our Queen IU! I really really suggest a treatment in the isolation room! 

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9 minutes ago, simplyme_crazyme said:





HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The supposedly FBI JoonU chief investigator @riuenu has now changed her major task.  She wakes up and sleeps full of images and thoughts of  LJG's certain body parts.....so much so that her fingers automatically type "LJG sexy pictures" !!!! And she has badly influenced the once innocent JG angel @aimwanie! and sweet @NerinaC ! ALSO framing this innocent ahjumma!

This is cheating!  And....and.....and TRESPASSING!  She's trespassing on what belongs to our Queen IU! I really really suggest a treatment in the isolation room! 

@simplyme_crazyme stop recruiting the byeontae shipper!!! And stop framing me for trespassing!! I dont wish to be beheaded!! You wanna follow me to isolation room if I am there?? *wink*

Welcome @ladybirdz to our byeontae gang muahahahahahahahahaha, enjoy ur stay with always in denial @simplyme_crazyme, always flying around "innocently" angel @aimwanieand new recruited sweet NerinaC

4 minutes ago, meeibe16 said:
I think IU is free today.. she commented on her dancer oppa IG updates :D

thanks @meeibe16 chingu!!! Let me repost your post....JIEUN appear...yet...just dunno where she is...hmmmm...wanna come my FBI team, as I am busy with my byeontae gang now LOL, oops!! Thanks IUteamstarcandy for the tweet and translation


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7 minutes ago, meeibe16 said:
I think IU is free today.. she commented on her dancer oppa IG updates :D


Thank you chinggu!  Hmmmm..... very specific sched.  Why say 2pm tomorrow.....not just tomorrow?????  Hmmmm......-_-

See this @riuenu ????  @meeibe16 just did her task for you!  Tsk tsk tsk..... too much neck, jawline and chest obsession!  

Patiently (impatiently) waiting for @akinahana89 to share what that BIG CRUMB is in that FM Presscon!   Neo eodiya chinggu???

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4 minutes ago, simplyme_crazyme said:


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The supposedly FBI JoonU chief investigator @riuenu has now changed her major task.  She wakes up and sleeps full of images and thoughts of  LJG's certain body parts.....so much so that her fingers automatically type "LJG sexy pictures" !!!! And she has badly influenced the once innocent JG angel @aimwanie! and sweet @NerinaC ! ALSO framing this innocent ahjumma!

This is cheating!  And....and.....and TRESPASSING!  She's trespassing on what belongs to our Queen IU! I really really suggest a treatment in the isolation room! 

here come another new members~~~ kekeke.. once innocent, always innocent.. i refuse to be byeontae at day time.. *smirk* 

to think now i have to share my JG to Je unnie after sharing with sooo many other angels, i think, i need to dig in moreeeeeeeee for his picturesssss..

@riuenu u did feed me well chingu.. but as i said above.. i refuse to have it in daylight because.. my colleagues keep looking at my pc. kekeke. no no.. i cannot share with em! to see you becoming this DELULU too much.. now i cant wait to read @Silvermaine's fanfics tonight! 

@riuenu and to think i've seen all the pictures u've shared but still drooling and dying.. i seriously  adoreeee this guy sooo much. 

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