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Kim Yoo-Jung & Park Bo-Gum | Moonlight Couple|


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18 minutes ago, buttercup18 said:

Still cant log in from my tab. Gggrrhhh....

Oh well guys... its ok if our prince is going to work with other female star... we will hv the chance to see the difference of how  he treats his precious doll and other girl... he is after all one woman man right ?  Cheer up hope for the best eye contacts between them and many more 'soft announcement' to the world -- this girl is mine and i am hers forever....:wub:

I don't know if this will help but, I couldn't log in from my tab as well, so I deleted all of my history and refreshed the page and tried logging back in...it finally let me log in....

i agree, we'll get the chance to see the differences...

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@Louise13 excellent choices, i like your taste... those dresses will look good on yoo jung... my fv is no 2 and 6

@torquoiselily.. they dont have to say a word.. their eyes just lock on each other, and they already know exactly what to do.... he smiles like a proud man, yes ? As if he already won her heart... no ? They say it best when they say nothing at all... 

I hv a feeling yoo jung will wear something flowery that represents the cosmos garden.. while bogum will wear white tux.. 

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3 hours ago, louise31 said:

Honestly, I really don't know what to do this morning... I'm so bored and I miss our couple so much like you all do chingus and so I thought for a while that although the KBS Awards will take place more than a month from this day onwards... I came across a few dresses that I think uri YJ would really look great on it, notwithstanding the fact the YJ whatever she wears is like magic, she makes it as her own and always give out this mood of pristine and purity within her... And as for uri BG...ahhh...the ever so dashing and debonair... he always give me this aura of chivalry, suave and charming at the same time... Please chingus allow me to imagine or be delulu even for awhile of them wearing these dresses and pair of tuxedos... Before I go on with my day, let me leave you with this saying 'coz the first time I encountered this expression, I always remember uri Yoo Jung-ie...:blush:

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For uri Lovely  Yoo Jung-ie...:love:


Damn so Fine!................:love:

Hope you like it chingus!!!....:blush::heart:



Be back later... Signing out Chingus!!!....:glasses:


THAT RED DRESS IS SO PRETTY!  :love:  YJ will look so gorgeous in this red dress. She has a very pretty neckline and she will look good in it! :wub:

For BG, he always nailed it whenever he wears tuxedo! Indeed he looks very dashing and gentleman-y I may say. Looking forward for his attire for year-end awards show~ ^_^

Thanks for this one! I love your choice of dresses and tuxes! 


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25 minutes ago, thesecretgarden said:


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P.P.S.: Sorry for the super long post! Will try to be more concise from now on :sweatingbullets:

Hi there! I'm very much love love love to read fanfic of our BoYoo. I've been lurking around many sites just to get a much needed interactions of our puppies through other people works of imagination. I'm glad to find and read your FF. And I would definitely support you in writing more of our OTP's FF in the near future because I LOVE READING IT! Please please do write more and indulge us with your awesome creativity and imagination. It is a pleasure to read your masterpiece.

Thanks so much for this one! Going to devour your story slowly so I can ease my feeling for them. I miss them so much. :heart:

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34 minutes ago, thesecretgarden said:

Hi guys! I've been lurking in this thread since a while back but only decided to join now. I hope you guys don't mind adding me into your circle :D

Even though I initially watched mdbc promising myself that I wouldn't ship BG with YJ (since YJ is still a minor), as an audience, I - and I'm sure the rest of you too - have watched how their relationship progressed throughout these past five to six months. I believe in fate and true love (a certified hopeless romantic that I am), so when I found out that YJ actually walked in front of BG at SIA 2016 BEFORE it was decided that YJ will play the leading lady in mdbc, I thought to myself, "Ah, this must be fate. This must be destiny. Such coincidence couldn't have happened without it meaning something." 

The two of them are such wonderful and lovely individuals - and together, they bring forth magic and happiness to the people around them, including us. YJ is indeed very mature for her age, she is an old soul I suppose. But so is BG. I've read about how he lost his mother when he was young and the difficulties that he had to face and endure before he got to where he is now, so I truly admire them both, not just for their acting, but also because of who they are as people. 

BoYoo, I think, is a ship that I jumped into not just because of their chemistry (although we can't deny that it is so palpable and off-the-charts both ON-SCREEN and OFF-SCREEN), but it's also because watching the two of them is like reliving the memory of your first love. That warm feeling fluttering in your chest, the shy smiles and lingering gazes, how they can't help but laugh in each other's presence, the way they tease each other - look after each other, even unconsciously - all of those speak volumes about how much they care for each other, how important they are to each other.

I would like to think that they are attracted to each other, not just physically, but emotionally too. They've been through tough situations together after all - so they must have bonded through the late-night shootings, the summer heat and chilly fall nights, and all of this ultimately leads to the beautiful relationship that they have right now. They trust each other. They rely on each other. They encourage each other. They help each other to become stronger (and to become better people). They help each other to shine. And they cherish each other. 

How can you not see the sweetness in Bogum's eyes as he looks (*cough*gazesfondly*cough*) at Yoojung? How can you not acknowledge the change in Yoojung's demeanour (from a cool, sweet tomboy to a mature, yet shy lady) when she interacts with Bogum? How can you ignore the fact that the two of them are basically in their own little world when they are together? 

Of course, as outsiders, we can never be sure when our OTP display affection for each other behind the scene, as in whether or not they're real, because some dramas did go as far as scripting their leading actors' BTS interaction in order to promote their show, and sometimes when you ship two people together, you can't help but think that what you see is true. That it's reality. You want to believe that 'they' is true, and before you know it, you end up believing that it's true. We can't help but construct our own reality because our belief is undoubtedly affected by our perception. That's why I think when 'shipping', we as shippers also need to be considerate of other shippers as well, no matter how contradicting or different their views from us might be. But at the same time, I also think it's reasonable for us to over-analyze and go crazy over the smallest things that BG or YJ does, because we are their shippers (err, well - submariners due to how fast this ship has been going recently haha). That's what we do. Our 'job' is to basically keep this ship sailing until it is confirmed otherwise. Most importantly, though, I think this thread is a place to spread love and happiness. You guys have given me so much joy and helped me through some of my worst days just from posting about your 'delulu' - not to mention the thorough analysis that some of you made on their interaction (and kiss, gosh, that close-up kiss gif almost gave me a heart attack!) and they never failed to bring a smile to my face (and made me squeal like a little girl and giggled in the corner like a mad man). 

Anyways, heh. Sorry for the long post. I tend to ramble a lot and I guess being a silent lurker made me accumulate too many thoughts and pent-up emotions, lol. But I can't express my love for these two amazing individuals enough. I will forever support them and wish them all the happiness in the world!

Looking forward to continue shipping these two puppies with you guys! :heart:

P.S.: I found some old drabbles in my notebook as I wrote a fanfic about these two puppies on my way home in the bus. I'll put it under spoiler because otherwise this post will seriously be too long, haha.

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Incidents are either the products of my imaginations or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual events is purely conditional, and is by no means written to hurt, demean, or insult others. :)

Prompt: BoYoo ABC Drabbles

A. Apples

"Omo, that's so awesome! How did you do that, Yoojung-ah?"

Bogum swivels his head at the sound of the voice and blinks, eyes turning into saucers as he looks at the cleanly split apples in his co-star's hands. She directs her gaze at him and his heart unconsciously gives a small squeeze at the adorable sight of her smiling bashfully at him and looking somewhat proud of her achievement. Before he even realizes it himself, he is already crossing the set in three large strides and stops in front of her, a sweet smile playing on his lips.


"Bogum-oppa!" She offers one of the pieces that she split earlier and beams at him. "Have some."

"Did you do this," He tilts his head, wonder and amusement colouring his eyes. "with only your hands?" 


Bogum gapes. "How?"

Yoojung giggles conspiratorially before sticking her tongue out. "It's a s-e-c-r-e-t."

The young man makes a disappointed face and sighs in defeat. "Fine. I'll catch you doing it again one day and I will make sure to note down any useful tricks."

Yoojung laughs. "Just kidding, oppa. I can teach you how to do it if you want to. But anyways, you should have some. They're really good." To prove her point, she takes a large bite at the piece in her hand and waves the other at him. Bogum can feel the twitch on his lips as she offers the apple excitedly at him, and really, he should have known better because there are people watching and it's not a polite thing to do and she might be offended later, but instead of taking the (untouched) piece that Yoojung offers at him, his eyes are trained on the smaller piece that's been marked with a small bite and decides to have a taste of that piece instead.


"Hmmm. You're right." He chews the apple thoroughly, eyes never leaving her face. "It's sweet. Really sweet."

It takes a good three minutes before Yoojung is snapped out of her trance and stammers incoherently, clearing her throat and mumbling a little as she shifts her gaze to the floor. Bogum notices the red that starts to creep from her neck and when he leans down to take a closer look at her face, his heart skips a beat. 

"Apples." He blurts out. 

Yoojung blinks. "Huh?"

Bogum opens his mouth and is about to say something before the director suddenly calls her name and the two of them jolt in surprise. He watches her waving a hand at the director before sneaking a glance at him. He meets her gaze, and she tenses, turning a lovely shade of red all over again, before hurriedly strutting toward the older man. 

He chuckles at her retreating back and smiles to himself.

Your cheeks. They remind me of apples.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

R. Realization

It comes to him all of a sudden, like a gentle spring breeze that wakes him up one afternoon.

They are laughing at something, he remembers.

And Yoojung-ie looks beautiful as always.

They are laughing and almost crying and it's usually something that he won't laugh about because it's so silly but he finds himself laughing with her anyway because it's always been so easy to forget about his worries whenever he's with her.

He's still laughing, and she's still laughing, but then she finally opens her eyes to look at him with those big, brown eyes, and he --

He stops laughing and he pauses because it suddenly becomes harder to breathe.

She notices this too, and stops, sending him a worried look. 


And he wonders why the sound of her voice suddenly causes his heart to take on a peculiar thrum, and it is weird because it's getting even harder to breathe. He must be gaping right now, he thinks, but he can't help but to just stare at her -- at the way some of her hair falls into her eyes, and he's thankful that it's never to the point where he can't see those beautiful brown orbs. He stares, and stares, and stares, and she stares back into his eyes, and suddenly he doesn't know what to do -- should he smile? Laugh it off as nothing? Should he act cool? Or should he listen to that treacherous voice at the back of his mind and pull her into his arms because she looks so, so lovely--

"...What's wrong?"

And when her hand touches his, those gentle fingers of hers -- the ones that gripped and clutched at his arms shakily three months ago back when they were filming at the pit; those digits that wrapped around his own ones gently as she sat beside him and listened to him talk about his trouble developing Yeong's character; the same fingers that will curl themselves into a fist and encourage him to stay strong during late-night shootings -- bring forth a set of realizations that Bogum knows will mark the start of a long journey for him.


The corner of his mouth curls up into a small smile.

I see.


Since when... 

He chuckles to himself and pokes at her cheek, causing her to pout and look at him suspiciously.

Since when did I fall in love with you, I wonder?

"Oppa, you're acting weird today."

"Am I?"

"Yes, you are."

He grins. "Yoojung-ah."



Yoojung blinks, before laughing. "See, you are being weird!"

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G. Girl

You're like a comfortable friend, Jingoo-oppa says. 

Shouldn't you act more like a girl? Her Eomeoni laughs and shakes her head at her.  

Aren't you eating a little too much, Yoojung-ah? Her sister chides her. 

Yoojung knows she isn't very lady-like and likes to dress down whenever she doesn't have work, and sure she eats a lot and laughs with her mouth wide open and she isn't graceful like Sohyun nor is she a sweet, demure girl like Saeron, but it doesn't mean that she doesn't wish to be treated like one. Deep down she is hoping that someday, she would find someone who can see her as a proper girl, to accept her for who she is - uncouth or not.

And then she meets him.


"You have dirt on your cheek," he intones gently as he wipes the stain on her face with a handkerchief. They were shooting a scene from episode two when she accidentally fell down in the midst of running after those chickens. "Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?"

She flinches away from his touch at first, but he looks so genuinely worried and sincere and she feels an unfamiliar but not unwelcoming sensation of something warm fluttering in her chest.


"Yoojung-ah, aaaaaah." He offers a spoonful of rice at her, smiling gently and eyes closed in crescents. She blinks at him to see if he's being serious, because they are not in the middle of filming right now and didn't he just see her bulldozing her lunch less than thirty minutes ago like a glutton?


"You don't want it?" He sounds so dejected - and she almost (almost!) replies to him in a tone that will sound a tad too defensive, because who in their right mind would refuse a spoonful of steaming, fluffy white rice when it's being offered to them? At least, not Yoojung. She has only had meat for lunch and to her, that is not what a proper meal is. Yoojung loves rice as much as she does meat. And she has a feeling Bogum knows it too.

"...I do, but--"

"Okay, then aaaaaaah." 

Yoojung relents and slowly opens her mouth. The taste of white rice combined with kimchi and stir-fry squid causes her to close her eyes in bliss. 


Yoojung blinks her eyes open at the remark.

She stares at him.

Bogum stares back, still smiling. "Is it good?"

Yoojung blinks, before nodding and then looking down, ears turning red. 

Bogum chuckles.


"Are you alright? Do you feel cold?" He places a hand at her arm gently and tilts his head. "Do you want me to get you a towel? Ah, I think you're shivering a little. Should I--"

"Hyung," Dongyeon laughs, watching as Bogum frets over her. "It's not like she actually fell into the pond. The staff just gave her wet clothes and dampen her hair a little. And it's in the middle of a very hot afternoon."

Yoojung nods and smiles at him. "That's right, oppa--"

"But still," Bogum accepts the towel from one of the staffs and dabs her cheek with it before gently placing them over her shoulders. He pokes at the tip of her nose and chuckles. "You're a girl, aren't you?"


She bites her lips and turns around, heart pounding a loud thump-thump-thump against her ribcage. 

Bogum blinks. "...Yoojung-ah?"

Yoojung pauses and clutches at her chest. 

What is this...?

"What's wrong?"

Yoojung peeks at Bogum from the corner of her eyes, and quickly averts her gaze somewhere else when their eyes meet. 


She can feel her face flushing in embarrassment.

I found him.

The person who sees her as a girl.

Him, who sees her and accepts her for who she is.  

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I. Impure

"Hyung, I'm so impure."

Joongki coughs into his drink and looks at the younger man in bewilderment. "I'm sorry?"

"I..." Bogum rakes a hand into his hair and sighs against the wooden surface as he bumps his forehead onto the table. "I am a very impure person."

Joongki stares at Bogum unsurely, before shifting his gaze toward their sunbae. "Hyung. What is this person talking about?"

Cha Taehyun gives the youngest of the three a knowing look, and smirks. "Ah. I see."

Bogum sighs helplessly while Joongki looks at the two of them back and forth, confusion plastered across his face. "Huh, wait, what. What did you see?"

Taehyun takes a small gulp at his soju and quips cheekily. "Yoojung-ie."

Bogum flinches at the name and peeks from the corner of his eyes, looking like a deer caught in headlights. "...Hyung, how did you know?"

"Yoojung-ie?" Joongki frowns, eyes flickering toward his dongsaeng. He notes the troubled look marring Bogum's face and smirks. Oh. "What about Yoojung-ie?"

Bogum remains oblivious to the fact that the two older men are currently having a blast teasing him. "It's nothing."

Taehyun pats him on the back. "It couldn't have been nothing if you are sighing and moping around like this. Talk to us. Even if we can't help you, talking about it is better than keeping it all to yourself." 

"That's right," Joongki coaxes, nudging him. "You will feel better if you talk about it. Trust me."

Bogum slowly rises from his slouching position, seemingly encouraged by his two sunbaes' words, before he sighs again and leans back against the chair, two hands clenched tightly in his lap.


The two older men's ears perk when they hear him say something. "Say that again?"

Bogum mumbles. "...Ponyo."

Joongki blinks, and sends Taehyun a confused glance, mouthing, 'Ponyo'?

Taehyun coughs into his hand before starting slowly. "What about Ponyo, Bogum-ah?"

The man in question lets out another long breath but sees the concern painted on his seniors' faces and feels a stab of guilt. He doesn't mean to make them worry. "It's just...Yoojung-ie...Ponyo...band-aid."


"Band-aid?" Joongki finishes, bewildered. "Did she get hurt?"

Bogum shakes his head. "It wasn't her - but she...Dongyeon-ie...I mean, she gave it to him--" He sighs and groans as he looks down at his feet, muttering. "I am so impure."

Joongki and Taehyun look utterly and thoroughly confused.

"So Yoojung-ie gave a Ponyo band-aid to..." Taehyun pauses. "Dongyeon?"

Joongki stares at Bogum. "And...?"

"He cut himself during an action scene. It's just a small cut."


"So she gave it to him."


"But it's her favourite band-aid. She never uses it."


"She told me she loves Ponyo too much to use the band-aid. But she gave it to him."


"And it's the last one too."


"Hyung...I'm--!" Bogum turns to look at both Joongki and Taehyun and regards them with the most solemn expression on his face. "I am so impure."

The two older men give each other knowing looks even as they try to hold back from guffawing out loud. 

Pfft. Impure?



"I know I shouldn't be thinking of such things, especially since Yoojung-ie only meant well and she was worried about Dongyeon-ie like the kind girl that she is, but ah--Hyung, I really am too impure!"

Taehyun coughs a few times to mask his laughter and Joongki looks like he is trying his best not to break out into small fits and ends up clutching to Taehyun's shoulder for support. 

Unbeknownst to Bogum, the two actors of Blossom Entertainment have the same thought running through their heads at the moment:

Aren't you pure? 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

U. Umbrella

She has always loved rainy days.

The musky smell of the earth, the cold that seeps through her skin, and the pitter patter against the ground around her are all enough to allow her a moment of reprieve and wash away her sadness. So when they wrap up the shoot early one day and she finds out that her manager-oppa is currently stuck in a traffic (and is not able to pick her up until at least another hour), Yoojung decides to do what she loves the most after a tiring day: basking in the rain.

She stealthily escapes from the crowd of staffs who are currently busy packing up their equipments and finds a secluded place near their filming site. She smiles to herself and steps into the rain, closing her eyes and surrendering herself to the cold.

This feels nice, she thinks. Though her manager will probably end up scolding her later on their way back home. 

She stretches her arms above her head, before letting them fall limply beside her and sighs in contentment.

"What are you doing?"

Yoojung suddenly can no longer feel the coldness of the rain and flutter her eyes open, meeting a pair of concerned brown eyes.

She sucks in a breath of surprise (or maybe not) and takes a brief glimpse at the blue umbrella above her head.

"What were you doing?" Bogum repeats his question, reaching out his hand to stroke her cheek gently. She closes her eyes at the warmth emanating from his skin before smiling and opening her eyes. 

"Enjoying the rain."

A sliver of something unrecognizable passes through his eyes -- surprise? sadness? understanding? Yoojung wonders -- but then Bogum stays silent and he smiles back at her. Yoojung can feel her heart beating faster. 

He understands.

"I love the rain too, you know."

Yoojung hums and tangles her fingers together. Bogum smiles even wider at her small action. He knows she does this whenever she's nervous.

"Okay then, just this once."

Bogum lets the umbrella to fall from his grasp and Yoojung looks at him in surprise, laughing. "Oppa?"

He grins. "I thought you wanted to enjoy the rain?"

"Yes, but I don't want you to catch a cold." Yoojung folds her arms across her chest. "I'm a tough girl so I will be fine. But oppa, you haven't had proper sleep these days so your immune system must be weak right now."

Bogum, however, doesn't waver. "I won't get sick."

Yoojung squints her eyes at him. "You won't?"

"I won't." He repeats, then smiles. "And you won't either."

Yoojung gives a small laugh and shifts her gaze to the front, a comfortable silence falling upon them. 


She glances at him. "Hmm?"

"Next time, if you're planning on doing this again..."

"If I'm planning on doing this again...?"

He pokes at her cheek. "Tell me. I will stay with you in the rain."

"You will?"


"But...what if you're busy?"

"I will still make time for you."

"Even if it's one in the morning?"

"Even if it's one in the morning."



Bogum then offers his pinky at her, and Yoojung tries to stop herself from smiling like a fool, tangling her own one with his. 

"It's a promise, then." He smiles at her again -- bright, honest, and unadulterated -- and this time, she can't help but smile back.

"A promise."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

N. Nice

He's a nice person.

He has always been a nice person, and he's just a really nice person, she chants dutifully. 

So Yoojung thinks she shouldn't take it too seriously whenever he does certain things for (to) her, even if sometimes those things cause her heart to beat faster and make her breaths feel shorter. 

Bogum-oppa is a nice person, and that's why he takes her hand into his and wraps his arms around her even when they're not in the middle of shooting because he knows that she gets cold really easily. 

Bogum-oppa is a nice person, and that's why he gives her a necklace and a card with an odd-looking creature that somehow resembles Ponyo on her birthday. 

Bogum-oppa is a nice person, and that's why he offers to massage her arms and fingers when he catches her yawning loudly, even when she knows that he's tired himself. 

Bogum-oppa is just a really, really nice person, and that's why one day when she can't find her stylist-unnie anywhere, he offers to fix her hair for her -- combing through them gently and tying them into a neat braid like a pro. 

He excuses himself afterward to talk with the director, but then Yoojung catches the look of surprise in Bogum-oppa's manager's face and she wonders why. 

"Yoojung-ah...did Bogum really just braid your hair for you?"

Yoojung blinks, absent-mindedly touching her now braided hair, before her lips curl slightly upward into a shy smile. "Yes."


The girl tilts her head, confused as to why he looks so dazed. "Is there something wrong?"

"Bogum really did that for you?"

Yoojung knits her brows. "Ne..." She bites her lips. "I mean, it's nothing new. Bogum-oppa is a really, really nice person after all--"

"Ani," his manager swallows, staring at Yoojung as if he's just seen her in a new light, and says softly. "But you're different, Yoojung-ah."

Yoojung pauses, blinking owlishly. "...Ne?"

He mentioned it to me before, you know. His manager thinks inside. That he's only ever going to touch the hair of three women in his whole entire life.

His charge's younger co-star continues to give him an inquiring look and he smiles like a proud father.  

His late mother, his older sister, and the girl he loves.

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H. Hug


Bogum turns to look at the younger girl and frowns. "Are you alright? Do you want me to grab you more hand warmers?"

Yoojung shakes her head before smiling sheepishly. "It's fine, oppa. We're about to shoot the next scene in five minutes anyways. I can handle this."


The girl pumps a fist and gives him a reassuring grin. "I told you before that I'm a tough girl, didn't I?"


"Really, I'm fine, oppa." 

His heart gives a small clench at the sight of her puppy-dog eyes and Bogum can't help but surrender to her persuasion. He then sighs wordlessly, pouting a little. "Yoojung-ah."


Bogum looks at their surrounding and is relieved to see that most of the staffs are either still in the midst of preparing for the next scene, or busy talking with the director about the sudden change of the last filming place. 

"Can you give me your hand?"

"My hand?"

Bogum nods and Yoojung innocently offers her hand to him.

He then quirks a smile at her, before circling his fingers around her wrist and pulls her closer, causing Yoojung to tumble into his arms with a small 'oomph'. 

She freezes a little in his arms, before clearing her throat and peers at him through her lashes. "Oppa?"

Bogum can feel his cheeks reddening. Even he is surprised at his own impulsiveness. "Hmm?"

Yoojung hears the pounding of his heart and feels something churning in the pit of her stomach. "I...ani da."

"...Are you still cold?" He inquires softly. 

Yoojung shakes her head and grips at the fabric of his clothes tighter. She can still hear the loud beating of his heart (or maybe that's hers - because that thump, thump, thump against her ear sounds almost identical to the thump, thump, thump of her heart beating faster), and when her eyes catch the sight of their fingers that are still interlocked together, she has this sudden urge of never wanting to let them (him) go. 

"Do you want me to let go?"

Yoojung pauses.

She pulls away slightly, and lifts her gaze to meet his. 

Nervous, hopeful, and reluctant.

Three such contradicting emotions.

Bogum-oppa always has such transparent and beautiful eyes, and Yoojung secretly wonders if he is as nervous as she is at the moment, or that he's as hopeful about her answer, and reluctant to let their hands untangle from each other just like she does.

"...No." She finally answers. 

His face then breaks into a smile -- maybe something she finds even more beautiful than his eyes -- and Yoojung knows she's smiling shamelessly but finding herself not caring about it.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Sometimes, it's easy to forget that she's only eighteen, he thinks.

"Are you tired, oppa?" She asks him with her brows knitted together (and a part of him is childishly delighted that she cares about him, even if it's something she does more out of kindness than anything), "You did really, really well today."

His breath hitches somewhat and he feels strangely embarrassed because a praise from her means a lot more than any praises anybody could ever give him. He pats on the spot beside him and she settles down with her hands tucked underneath her chin, cheeks red from the cold.

"You did really well too today, Yoojung-ah." 

His heart swells with fondness when he sees her flashing that smile at him -- a small tilt on the corner of her lips; a lovely mix of shyness and delight, and his hand unwittingly twitches, because she is so precious and he knows she reserves that smile only for him


She tilts her head. "Hm?"

"What do you think it means to be an actor?"

The girl pauses, before bringing her hands close to her mouth. "Hmm. What does it mean to be an actor?"

Bogum nods. "Oh."

Yoojung stares at the scenery in front of her and quirks a small smile. "To live a life full of challenges."

Bogum blinks. That wasn't the answer that he expects to hear from her. 

"Why do you think so?"

She taps a finger on her chin and directs her gaze at him, honest and bright. "Because to be an actor means that you have to be prepared to have your feelings constantly being emptied out, and then filled the next moment. If we don't have a strong enough heart, if we are too scared to have our feelings constantly changing, then that means we are not ready to become one."

Bogum grips his hands tightly. "Changes are scary."

He doesn't even know if he's ready to let go of Lee Yeong yet. 

"Yes. They are. But..." She turns to look at him again, that soft smile still playing on her lips. "Even after being emptied out of our feelings, we will always find a new emotion to fill that void, right? A new encounter -- a new beginning will follow after a parting. And they don't completely disappear from you -- your characters, they will become a part of who you are that you can easily take out anytime you want."

Bogum swallows the lump in his throat and turns to regard her with a matching smile. "And that's what makes being an actor so wonderful?"

She grins. "Ne. Because you're constantly being exposed to new experiences and perspectives. And the challenges are what makes it so interesting, no?"

He laughs. "Oh. You're right. And I guess it's another thing to add to the list of things that I should be thankful about."

She giggles. "You're always so thankful about everything and anything, oppa." She rests her chin on one of her hands and sends him that smile again. "But that's what I like about you the most. Because you never take anything for granted."

He doesn't know what comes over him in that instance, but he reaches out to take one of her hands and envelop them in his. She tenses a bit at first, but he sees the hesitation in her eyes slowly melt into shyness, and his heart feels like it's going to burst from all the happiness. He knows, that no matter how small her hands are, that he could easily envelop them in his; no matter how fragile her shoulders look sometimes, so easily he could engulf her in his arms, Bogum understands that Yoojung is someone whose insides -- whose mind encompasses more wisdom and kindness than most people he has encountered, and she is so painfully endearing to him, because she understands him way more than some people other than his family ever could, and sometimes, when he accidentally lets his emotions get the best of him, it's not hard to forget that she's only eighteen and he's twenty-three and that he needs to wait at least two more years in order to tell her how important she is to him -- how much he loves and treasures her.

He brings her hands close to his mouth and it's his turn to blows puffs of warm air into them, before enclosing them with his own ones.

His lips quirk upward when he sees the lovely tints of crimson painted on her cheeks, and he teases her. "Do you have a fever, Yoojung-ah?"

Yoojung clears her throat and tries to act nonchalant. "Ani. Why?"

Bogum hums. "Then why are your cheeks as red as a tomato?"

He then leans forward to rest his forehead against hers, chuckling again inside when he sees that her face has turned into an even deeper shade of red. "Are you sure you don't have a fever?"

Yoojung sputters incoherently and narrows her eyes when Bogum pulls away to laugh, not even bothering to hide his amusement. 

She glares at him half-heartedly and playfully hits his arm. "Were you teasing me, oppa?"

"I'm sorry," He ruffles her hair affectionately, eyes crinkling at the corner, "I just can't let such a good chance to go to waste, now can I?"

Yoojung pouts. "I'm not a child anymore, you know."

His eyes soften at her words and he brings his hand back to hers, once again letting their digits to tangle together. Yoojung slowly trails her gaze to his face and feels her heart fluttering as he starts to trace soft patterns on her thumb. There's something about the look on his eyes that captivates her at that moment -- something warm, so tender, and heart-wrenchingly loving that it takes everything within her not to break down into a stuttering mess and spills out all of her feelings for him. 

He brushes some stray hair away from her face and remarks in a gentle tone. "Oh. I know."

I know that better than anyone.

And Yoojung finds her heart starting to palpitate one-and-a-half beat faster, and Bogum can't suppress the smile that blooms on his face when he sees that she doesn't seem to have any inclination to let go of his hand either.

And he thinks, maybe -- two more years from now -- he will be able to tell her about his feelings.

And he hopes (dreams, wishes, and prays), that two years from now, he will still be by her side.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



P.P.S.: Sorry for the super long post! Will try to be more concise from now on :sweatingbullets:


Hi @thesecretgardenwelcome! Thanks for sharing your wonderful fanfic. I love it! You wrote beautifully! We're short of in-house BoYoo fanfic writers, so your joining the thread will definitely boost the mood and hope of BoYoo shippers. I'm so looking forward to reading more of your BoYoo fanfics. Thanks again!

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18 hours ago, gabaneme2006 said:

So this is how it feels when you see a different actress' picture placed beside that of Bo Gum's. :cry:  Trying to be mature and accepting, that this is part of their professsion. Forgive me mates.. I'm new to this. Bear with me..


its ok dear :) its just part of their career..but it hurts hehe :(

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16 minutes ago, tares1975 said:

after seeing some Negative comments from Knetz about Seolhyun's co-MC.

I just feel that if YJ will be chosen to be MC with BG in Drama awards and if have anti-fan blaming her, I will so sad... :tears:(BUT still believe that Knetz loves her more)




Don't worry, I belive K netizen really love YJ!

Seolhyun and her friend (I forgot her name) get a lot of hate because she doesn't know about some basic Korean history

K netz also find her somehow like a boring person that just smiling cutely and being sexy here and there, 

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45 minutes ago, thesecretgarden said:


BoYoo, I think, is a ship that I jumped into not just because of their chemistry (although we can't deny that it is so palpable and off-the-charts both ON-SCREEN and OFF-SCREEN), but it's also because watching the two of them is like reliving the memory of your first love. That warm feeling fluttering in your chest, the shy smiles and lingering gazes, how they can't help but laugh in each other's presence, the way they tease each other - look after each other, even unconsciously - all of those speak volumes about how much they care for each other, how important they are to each other.

I would like to think that they are attracted to each other, not just physically, but emotionally too. They've been through tough situations together after all - so they must have bonded through the late-night shootings, the summer heat and chilly fall nights, and all of this ultimately leads to the beautiful relationship that they have right now. They trust each other. They rely on each other. They encourage each other. They help each other to become stronger (and to become better people). They help each other to shine. And they cherish each other. 


That's a nice post to read in this downing time since no moment of our OTP.

However, I like the bold part the best.

As in Elle's interview, Bogum said at first, he and Yoojung did not get along well as all, even he tried to understand his character, but he cannot be good as Yoojung. Moreover, he said he and Yoojung met for the 1st time in MDBC, so they were so awkward but after that, after being together passed all the difficulties as you mentioned, their relationship got better as we see now.

I think because they passed these difficulties with each other a lot, the truth is they has been with each other nearly 6 months but I thought they have known each other for a long time......

If Bogum was hard to get into character, I think Yoojung was hard on bondage her breast. You know she has "breast" if it was bondage like that it's hard to breath well and she said in DLive, she even has scratch and redden between her breast because of that.

Knowing what they have been, I feel that MDBC will be in their heart and even our heart for a long long time.

I'm still hoping and dreaming to the day they meet again in a new movie/drama

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