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Desperate Housewives

Guest femme.fatale`

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Good episode last night; I'm glad Edie has a larger role now. It's so funny how no one called Susan to tell her that Mike's awake and they told pretty much everyone else. I found it odd that the doctor told his aunt? What the hell was that? lol it really was so random.

Lynette... good mother but bad person. I find her funny to watch because she's such a paradox.

I felt bad when Carlos revealed he still loves Gabby, and her response was so cold. Everything she's getting is things she deserves. She's so mean and pretty heartless.

I totally forgot about Orson running Mike over, and now I really wonder what the heck's the relationship between those two. My sister hypothesizes that it has something to do with his ex-gf who gave the baby to Mary Alice.

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Guest cyberfruit

^ You didn't see Susan's phone at the beginning of the show? Her phone said "no signal" due to where she was in the mountains. Her daugther was lucky to finally get through to her.

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^ I saw that; but her daughter had to hear it from Bree's daughter before Susan heard it from her. I was commenting how it was odd no one called Susan besides her daughter, since it did show who everyone called and her relationship with Mike I thought was public knowledge.

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Ah, too bad Mike lost his memory and can't tell us anything about Orson pft. It'll come out obviously but I'd like to know now lol. On one hand I'm glad Gabrielle's not leading Carlos on, but then... does she really have no feelings whatsoever for the guy? She's been married to him, cheated on him, tried to have a baby with him... thought it would work out and now she's being so cold. I feel so bad for him. She's really despicable.

I don't really like Lynette anymore. She says she'll be there for Tom but she'll only be there if he does something she approves of. She's really patronizing and bossy. I dislike what's-her-face also for being so manipulative but Lynette... bleh.

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Guest cyberfruit

^ Actually, I think that Gabby still loves Carlos because she's going through all this mess to get her to leave him so that she won't have to go through the pain of her leaving him.

...And they have sex in the next episode, but we'll see how that turns out.

I dislike Nora a lot more than Lynette (I still like Lynette). Lynette, like Tom, is impressionable. Lynette had her doubts in Tom's restaurant but they were warranted because who's to say that Tom's pizza place will make it (10% does but that's not the point). Nora only fed those doubts because she knows that Tom would be upset with Lynette not being behind him in his venture.

Nora is ultimately trying to break up Lynette and Tom's marriage and that makes her the worst character. I dislike her more than Edie and I can't stand Edie.

Am I the only one who felt sorry for Susan? 6 months of waiting and her prior relationship with Mike all gone because he doesn't remember her. Now Edie's moving in without blinking an eye. That has to hurt.

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Guest Lil.Miss.A

hi guys... u know where i can d/load desperate housewives? thanks a lot ;)

naynay123 has season3 episodes ^^

btw I just noticed the similarities between the DH girls with Sex and the City girls

Susan -> Carrie (obviously, the female leads, who is perfect in every sense and we all love, even when she makes mistakes, it's all in the name of love..... :P )

Gabby -> Samantha (the super sexy girls, well I dun think Samantha is sexy but out of the 4 she's the one who exercises her "sexiness" more often xD )

Lannette -> Miranda (the office worker type of ladies ^^ the most sensible out of the 4)

Bree -> Charlotte (the almost naive, perfectionist type of ladies)

:lol: what do you think? is that all the categories that woman fall into?

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Maybe Orson and Mike met in prison. Since, the whole dentist visit with Mike's teeth. Orson could think that Mike might find out something he did, whether it be killing his wife or whatever.

I feel sorry for Susan. Even though she's a little too emotional at times. I.E. getting with the British guy because she's "lonely." I just like Susan and Mike as a couple. Edie's getting on my nerves. Nora too. I want to slap them both.

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Guest luvelyasian

naynay123 has season3 episodes ^^

btw I just noticed the similarities between the DH girls with Sex and the City girls

Susan -> Carrie (obviously, the female leads, who is perfect in every sense and we all love, even when she makes mistakes, it's all in the name of love..... :P )

Gabby -> Samantha (the super sexy girls, well I dun think Samantha is sexy but out of the 4 she's the one who exercises her "sexiness" more often xD )

Lannette -> Miranda (the office worker type of ladies ^^ the most sensible out of the 4)

Bree -> Charlotte (the almost naive, perfectionist type of ladies)

:lol: what do you think? is that all the categories that woman fall into?

haha-- i was thinking the same thing.. especially since brie's husband is the same husband as charlotte and both female characters are thought to to 'perfect' and ultra-classy

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Guest femme.fatale`


its the hostage situation

it all starts when Lynette, Nora and Edie visit the store and run into Orson's old neighbor Carolyn Bigsby (Metcalf).

Lynette will introduce Nora to Carolyn as 'the woman my husband had an affair with', a truly misguided joke that will set Carolyn off, as the unstable woman actually came to the store to kill her cheating husband, the store owner.

Carolyn pulls out a gun and takes the women hostage. However, after the SWAT team arrives she panicks and starts firing the gun wildly, killing Nora and wounding Lynette. Before she can fire at Edie, Carolyn is taken out in a hail of bullets by the SWAT team.

Grief-stricken by the traumatic event, Lynette makes a decision to adopt the daughter her husband Tom and the deceased Nora had during their affair. Will the mystery around the disappearance of Orson's former wife die with Carolyn? And more importantly, will "Desperate Housewives" jump the shark?

credit televisionista

o yea and a "mabye" pedophile moves to the neighborhood. lynette hunches it but we are not sure

dayum this is good. i hope this leads to a series of good episodes DH had like the first season

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Holy crap, that's insane! ^ Thanks for the spoilers, but wow... lol *I'm so glad they're getting rid of Nora so soon, heheh*.

I like how Lynette's supportive again and her relationship with Tom is so stable compared to the others. When Nora kissed Tom, I was so happy that he reacted as fast as he did and wasn't too drunk like some cliche storylines to just go with it. Lynette's freakin badass, omg, kicking down a door and threatening the mother while the daughter's right there? Ha, scary woman.

Am I the only one who doesn't feel at all sorry for Susan? Yeah, she's lonely and she wants her prince charming but... she had Mike and she couldn't wait for him? If she was there instead of out having sex with that other guy, Edie wouldn't have had the chance to corrupt his mind. If she really loved him, why did she go back to that british guy? Why would she give up knowing that Mike has amnesia and not because he remembers everything and chooses someone else over her? She's just really disgusting.

I know the Mike and Edie relationship won't last, and that's good because Edie doesn't deserve Mike. At this point, I don't think he should be with anyone but it's a cute thing he had with Susan. They belong together but she doesn't deserve him.

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OMFG i was screaming at the television when i was watching sunday's episode!!!!! I can't believe nora died. as much as i hated her i didn't want her to die.


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