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[ Drama 2016] The K2 더 케이투


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2 hours ago, Bambiina said:

I hope JH will be disappointed trusting YJ .. I hope YJ really kill Anna .. so JH can live with regret his whole life .. (I can't accept he trust YJ ... not my cup of tea) .. I can't concentrate on 12 ... I watch but my mind is somewhere else .. I cannot accept ep 12 .. I feel that now JH is getting closer to YJ .. I can't watch it .. and this episode center around YJ .. and her lust.


JH start to trust YJ .. OMG . How can you trust someone that almost kill the girl you love? .. 

I am puking ... I might just drop it ..tell me when situation is back to normal .. if thing going YJ direction .. I may just have to drop this drama ... I can't understand how JH can trust YJ ... and just accept YJ treatment toward the girl he is in love with .. Is he gonna be another SJ?


I know I don't make sense .. this drama doesn't make sense .. 

@Bambiina I think we may have got Yj all wrong I think she could have actually be protecting Anna when she was in that convent.. Yj keeping Anna surrounded by bodyguards was because of and investigation she knew would happen someday.. I'm more incline to belive it was uncles Mother and FIL that was involved with the death of Annas mother.. These two are always incohoots together plotting and scheming how to take YJ out but I must admit she can hold her on.. Once JH found out what she did and he's going to find out just how much she played him and really put Anna in danger because Secty Kim is going to tell him.. This will send him over the edge JH wil and is going to take Yj down.. Secty Kim will set another trap to try and kill him again..


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i still think about the chess played but JH at the beginning. I am sure he is up to sth even if he is looking shocked here. Actually I think the write is doing a gud job. people here are practicially doubting everyone from so called good and bad . I guess that is how its supposed to be. u cant guess wht will happen just theories. I can see a little bit of hatred toward JH too which is kind of understandable but remember the name is K2 and i am 100 percent sure he is up to sth. One more thing, he keeps saying yoojin doesnt kill anyone directly i mean by her own hand which clearly shows he completely knows what she is able of. I think we are going to be shocked by his actions later. And yoojin is so evil that is why this drama is different. If she couldnt play with Anna and Je ha then they would be heros easily. remember in the last two episodes it was like she is kind of gone but suddenly she is back thats why its still interesting.

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38 minutes ago, blindfury said:

What is a possible win win situation here for all?

K2 is the only character that dies.

After that, everyone goes back to their roots. Anna leaves, YJ goes back to her power hunt. K2 gets to be remembered. 

Win x 3.

@blindfury  I could see this happening it's the only way for all the power players to survive JH dying.. 

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15 minutes ago, valsava said:

@Bambiina I think we may have got Yj all wrong I think she could have actually be protecting Anna when she was in that convent.. Yj keeping Anna surrounded by bodyguards was because of and investigation she knew would happen someday.. I'm more incline to belive it was uncles Mother and FIL that was involved with the death of Annas mother.. These two are always incohoots together plotting and scheming how to take YJ out but I must admit she can hold her on.. Once JH found out what she did and he's going to find out just how much she played him and really put Anna in danger because Secty Kim is going to tell him.. This will send him over the edge JH wil and is going to take Yj down.. Secty Kim will set another trap to try and kill him again..



That the only possible plot to redeem YJ character .. but I am having some doubt because of Master Song secret .. Is he wrong? Or the secret is about YJ and Anna being sisters?

Anyway I don't like the way the direction it's going ... I have set my mind about YJ being the vilain .. and it irk me soooo much to see her lusting after JH. and the fact that JH is trusting her ... andweaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 

EDIT ....

So when she ordered to kill Anna .. she is actually trying to kill her sister? ... aigooo this even make her look cold hearted beach ... So Kill anyone as long as her secret is save and her goal is protected, even her sister? .. 


Ahh this is even worst scenario .. at least if Anna is her husband basterd, her behavior will be more 'understandable' .. still cruel but lesser compare to Anna being her sister ..

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I must say that I agree with this comment I found elsewhere:

"I love Ji Chang Wook and he is the main reason why I started watching the drama in the first place. But the actress who is playing Yoo Jin's character is such a delight to watch, I think she is truly a gem in this drama. Her and Wook are the only reason why I am still watching this drama. I do think that Yoona is doing an amazing job with her character, but I don't really find the character of Anna so interesting. It also still really bugs me that the romance between Anna and Je Ha is so rushed, they surely look great together onscreen but at the same time I just don't feel that chemistry...I donno ...I mean..am I the only one who just doesn't feel anything..you know that feeling you get when you are watching a couple in a kdrama..."


The things I like the most in this drama are Ji Chang Wook (he's my bias...), Song Yoona's acting, the action and the OST (it's pretty unique and it matches the scenes quite well). I'm not buying the plot most of the times, and I'm not fond of Anna's character (she's too childish and dumb, for my tastes). Just my 2 cents...

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17 minutes ago, anipanch said:

@valsava  omg why does your theory sound so much true :o I am in shock, I've never thought about it. But one thing that is a question is why SJ acts as Anna's father, if she is YJ's half sister? could it be the actress also lied to him and told him she is his child so she could protect Anna and deceive the people who were after them?

@anipanch  Ok let explain it to you.. Being that Yj knew of Sjs and Hyerin have sexual relation also Hyrin was having sexual relation with her father Yj just never disclosed that information to him.. I bet she told her half brothers mother about the affair between the two and that she had her fathers child so half brother won't be inheriting it all he will have to share it.. So half brother mother got in bed with his FIL in order to eliminate Anna and her mother because remember it's only Hyerin that could point out who Annas real father is.. And A DNA test agaist the stepmother son is all thats needed to prove it's true.. So what better way to nip it in the bud is to get rid of Hyerin and Anna would never know the truth but YJ knows step mother knows only a few people knows who is Annas real dad Yj used this to her advantage to seal her relationship with Sjs because at that time he could have been ready to divorce her and go back to Annas mother and YJ wasn't having that.. Just think she gave up everything to be with him and now he's divorcing and she ends up with nothing Dad is dead so she can't be written back into the will of course she used somebody else to get rid of Sjs lover.. She never planned to raise Anna but she wasn't going to allow Sjs to have any connection to Anna she didn't feel betrayed nor was she cheated she cheated..

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1 hour ago, YourHighness . said:

I don't understand how anyone can root for YJ. She may have been a victim before but she lost that as soon as she started committing crimes like MURDER. God knows how many lives she has taken. It's like rooting for a serial killer to have redemption and live a happy ever after that too after he/she has destroyed many families and lives by playing God for her own selfish greed(She wants SJ to be president too..it's only only for him. She will benefit from it too). It makes me feel sick..this show will go in my hit list if it shows YJ's redemption even a little. She needs to be punished, she needs to pay for for the lives and families she has destroyed end of discussion.

And I think Jeha won't need the email. The mirror will become his weapon. In her over confidence she herself handed him the weapon to destroy her. She trusted Jeha and put him in a difficult position by forcing his hand in saving her life by making him responsible for it. But he will drop her like a hot potato when time to choose between her and Anna will come. Maybe she is checking if he can be trusted or not, after all we know she is not actually being investigated, she's probably playing card in there. Anyway, when he chooses Anna over her, she will turn against him and Jeha will use the information he gather on her through the mirror to destroy YJ. Hopefully.

And don't worry, I don't think our OTP will suffer for a long time. JH and Anna will work it out. No lovestory is interesting or complete without angst. :D

This I agree.. I hope the viewers have focused on the scene where JH was in the CLOUD 9 on ep 12, notice the SMIRK he did when he asked the mirror on whether on not it will answer all questions about CYJ. I believe he has got some tricks in his mind. I think in his mind he still is conflicted on his trust with YJ. He is not dumb. 

And geez relax on some peepz here real life is not all about butterflies and rainbows and unicorns.. less we expect on a drama, a kdrama per se. Doubts, and misunderstanding  is inevitable in any relationship. That is what will make their relationship stronger. 

Just because he is not actively helping AN with the murder case, does not mean he does not care, I think the reason why JH went to confront YJ was because he was finding ways on helping AN too, and him having access to the mirror will help AN and help him find tool on his revenge with PKS.Too. That is how I see it, but at the back of my head there is a downside on his sudden access of cloud 9. I sense a trap. I hope he finds  a way out of it aftr he has collected much information.  

He has a lot on his plate, He guards Anna at night, some days he guards YJ atdaytime, investigates on his revenge on PKS, on top of that he just spend half of episode 11 fighting the baddies physically and emotionally, and before I forget , this guy has PTSD.

He is an emotionally and physically tired character in this drama. Him being actively involved on helping with Anna's case is already too much for him to handle. He does what is the best that he can do for Anna. I know Anna does not see it that way.. but that's why it is a drama.. so writers can create misunderstandings for the couple to work on.. and they will overcome, just like how many OTP's are in a kdrama. 

One thing, anna popping pills will surely create a bigger problem in the future episodes. I can sense it. 


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Lol I called it way back then, you guys really didn't see the trust issues between Anna and Jeha until ep 12???? Jeha has never once trusted Anna with her own life, he has always questioned her decisions, now Anna doesn't trust him. There is no right or wrong, because both have valid reasons for doing this.

Also, Jeha relationship between the two women is very nuanced. If you try to simplify it into black & white/binaries your missing the story. From the very beginning Jeha has been playing both sides. He loves Anna and protects her, while he trusts YooJin and works with her. Why is everyone surprised with his character now? There was never a time when Jeha was not a neutral or you could say double agent.

Jeha's neutrality is the defining element of his character. He is there to enhance the characterization, storylines, and conflict between the two female leads, Anna and YooJin.

As i've said before I can't predict the direction the drama is taking right now. But in one of the text teasers, there was something about going after the President's son???? What like the President of Korea???? Wow the intrigue. I came into this drama knowing it was going to be a political thriller so the more intrigue the better! 

As for Anna's character, for me she is a disappointment, because she is still, after everything, a pawn. I don't blame the character because their are enough legitimate reasons in the drama to excuse her lacking, I blame the writer. I once talked about the chess metaphor and said AN and YJ were both queens, the white and black queens. Someone else brilliantly said that if a pawn reaches the other side of the board, they could become a queen. And I thought that was what Anna's character would be. What great revenge against the woman who took your childhood from you! To truly develop into a woman who took control over her own life and seeks justice! It would have been such an empowering story!!!!!

But we have only 4 episodes left, and Anna is still a pawn and nowhere near the end of the board. To me, it seems the only thing Anna is gonna be in the end of this drama is a pawn who didn't die. That will be the only empowerment Anna gets, she doesn't die.

I'm disappointed for Im Yoona. I remember first hearing about this drama and Yoona's casting. I hadnt seen her other dramas, but I could tell she was excited and ready to delve into the emotional complexity that her character was promised to have. But what Yoona got was a writer who had no intention of making Anna the leader of her own story. A writer who seemed to not have planned out what the character of Anna would actively do, so she became a reactionary character. A character whose characterization borrowed so much from Yoona's celebrity life that Anna became a CF model, fashion model, and an ullzang celebrity all wrapped up in one character. Anna's character had great moments but they were few and far between.

Notice how when we talk about the outcome of this drama, we don't mention the active role Anna will be playing. We just mention how she might be a target of the villains or how the good guys will protect her.That is sadly how her once promising character has turned out, because the writer refused to let go of Anna's innocence, her naivete,  her "purity", he refused to give her some grit.

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32 minutes ago, Bambiina said:

This story is wrong on so many level .. it's so complicated ... the mess is too deep .. I think the writer is putting the blame on Sec Kim head.. YJ is actually an angel.. she is protecting Sec Kim .. sec kim is the real villain but too bad I already hate BOTH .the damaged is done.. YJ and her smirk .. her lust .. everything about her just irk me. I can't stand watching JH getting close to her or work with her .. I can't stand watching JH siding with someone without ethic ... she is true villain (despite being the victim).

The way she zoom in on JH .. OMG .. it is understandable if JH return her romantic feeling ...... but it is clear JH is in love with Anna and don't see her that way .. and for her to lust for her stepdaughter BF is wrong on soooooo many level... 

@Bambiina  I'm telling you Anna is Yj half sister and she needs her out the way before it's found out.. Yj may hate her father but she will protect his reputation as long as SJS beileves that he's Annas father the more she can manipulate him..  

This is the very reason this story is all over the place and makes it seems theres no character developement  the deep secret is Anna is related to both of the chairman kids.. She's a child of the chairmans.. I could be wrong.. Maybe this is also apart of the contract Sjs and YJ have He plays Annas father and she will help him raise to the bluehouse.. Wow I must say so myself..

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57 minutes ago, SunnySun26 said:

After I watched the ep 12 with eng subs, I have to admit that I been disappointed with the writer and the direction the story is going, the story is becoming to unreal, to far from reality, I through the drama is action, political, romance but is becoming FICTION more and more.

I fail to see Jeha's character development and I seriously don't understand how he could trust in YJ after she wanted to kill him, wanted to kill the old couple, wanted to kill Anna, the girl who he's supposed in love, like come on, how unreal is this? I don't want to know how Anna felt when he stood for YJ in front of Anna, for Anna, YJ is the person that took her life and did what she wanted with it, to hear this from Jeha must been horrible. Is obvious that he trust in YJ when he went to hospital and actually believed in her.

With that saying I hope Anna will move away from both, Jeha and uncle, her character can't fully develop by staying with them, she needs to be on her own legs.

Song Yoona is an amazing actress, I actually didn't get to say this because I don't like her role to much, but she's a brilliant actress, I still don't like her character, for me somebody who murders is not somebody who can receive pity (and I fail to see how somebody could actually pity her), she isn't a victim anymore, she's a killer, a person who ruined a lot of lives.

SJ is a coward and point, nothing more to say about it.

With that saying some more gifs: 



Exactly my sentiment (the bolded part) .. I can't sleep I am soooooooooo angry at JH ..to tell Anna in the face like that OMG just so insensitive. How could he even consider siding YJ ... I hate to see him turning into JSJ .. nononononono.. I am way ahead .. may be I overreact but I feel that with him getting closer to YJ it's like him abandoning Anna ..  I HATE IT ... Oh PD nim unbreak my heart please ... 

This drama title is K2 .. but where is he in eps 12 .. what is he doing when the heroin is being drugged? .Why is he becoming the sideline in ep 12 .. why is he siding the woman that wants the person he loves dead .. why is he siding the woman that continue to use the person he loves over and over again ... is she not important to him? ... How can he stand it when the person he loves being hurt? .. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I am soooooooo disappointed with his character .. he is suppose to protect her .. suppose to be by her side. Anna is naive of course she would fall for the first person that could help her .. she was not exposed to this kind of people .. heck she was not expose to people at all how can she understand anything. It's JH that has to guide her .. I thought JH is suppose to be her knight in shining amour .. 

I am so pissssssssssss offff ... 

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32 minutes ago, Bambiina said:


That the only possible plot to redeem YJ character .. but I am having some doubt because of Master Song secret .. Is he wrong? Or the secret is about YJ and Anna being sisters?

Anyway I don't like the way the direction it's going ... I have set my mind about YJ being the vilain .. and it irk me soooo much to see her lusting after JH. and the fact that JH is trusting her ... andweaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 

EDIT ....

So when she ordered to kill Anna .. she is actually trying to kill her sister? ... aigooo this even make her look cold hearted beach ... So Kill anyone as long as her secret is save and her goal is protected, even her sister? .. 


Ahh this is even worst scenario .. at least if Anna is her husband basterd, her behavior will be more 'understandable' .. still cruel but lesser compare to Anna being her sister ..

@Bambiina  What do she care if Anna lives or dies as long in the end she gets JB group and kick all the other greedys out..  I don't think she intends to kill Anna but she user her as a pawn to remind her husband just what she's capable of doing she have order other death but I don't see her killing Annas mom..  What I find stupid on Jh part is he didn't ask her if she knows who did kill her.. Just this questuion alone could have told him if she was lying or telling the truth..  She has to separate Jh from her half sister because it's going to look even worst if JH finds out this is the real reason she put Anna in danger for him.. Lusting for Half Sister boyfriend.. No wonder Master Song Said She Always Pick The Wrong Men.. His meaning she always pick men who already have someone..

It must be a game for her to see if she can conqure 

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23 minutes ago, valsava said:

@Bambiina  What do she care if Anna lives or dies as long in the end she gets JB group and kick all the other greedys out..  I don't think she intends to kill Anna but she user her as a pawn to remind her husband just what she's capable of doing she have order other death but I don't see her killing Annas mom..  What I find stupid on Jh part is he didn't ask her if she knows who did kill her.. Just this questuion alone could have told him if she was lying or telling the truth..  She has to separate Jh from her half sister because it's going to look even worst if JH finds out this is the real reason she put Anna in danger for him.. Lusting for Half Sister boyfriend.. No wonder Master Song Said She Always Pick The Wrong Men.. His meaning she always pick men who already have someone..

It must be a game for her to see if she can conqure 


She had two sharpshooter on standby .. Anna would be dead if not for JH interference .. Anna is lucky JH able to take down both sharpshooter and the other bodyguard .. and Miran managed to stop another bodyguard .. that was how serious YJ with her threat .. Don't ever forget it .. She will kill if Anna got in the way.

About him asking YJ if she killed her  He is just confirming what he believed ... I am truly disappointed...and siding YJ (believing her is one thing .. siding her is totlly another thing which is un acceptable) .. before this his action is more toward saving Anna ... now it look like he forgotten about Anna. It doesn't look like he is trying to help Anna to find the culprit .. I thought the deal was if goes after PKS, YJ will let Anna go .. did YJ really let Anna go?

And what is he planning to do with Anna .. is he just gonna watch Anna go down the gutter with CSW? Now that he has control over kaora what does he plan to do with it .. can koara tell him who kill Anna's mother .. 

Is he going to help Anna getting her revenge on YJ?... What is the direction? What happen now with PKS?

 wahahaha .. sorry for ranting .. can't help it .. I am disappointed ..My heart was set on him being a savior ..  and loyal to Anna .. wakakka.. yeah .. I am being unreasonable .. and I had high expectation .. 

Anyway .. I am getting angry in advance just in case next week we see Anna still with CSW and JH still on #TeamYJ ... 

I knew this is coming .. :D .. okay you gals can now breathe normally .. end of rant .. no one quote me please .. wakakakkakaka .. or it'll be and endless complaint .. please skip my post wahahahhaha ... 

I am having one of those mood swing PMSing .. wakakaka

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23 minutes ago, ashvaugn said:

This I agree.. I hope the viewers have focused on the scene where JH was in the CLOUD 9 on ep 12, notice the SMIRK he did when he asked the mirror on whether on not it will answer all questions about CYJ. I believe he has got some tricks in his mind. I think in his mind he still is conflicted on his trust with YJ. He is not dumb. 

@ashvaugn  My sentiments exactly I think he went in there expecting the mirrow to lie to him about YJ but just getting more answers about Park.. I think he noticed how much the mirrow sounds like YJ at least I thought it did.. The mirrow can imitate anyone voice and like you said he's not dumb..

30 minutes ago, perfectsmilebias said:

As for Anna's character, for me she is a disappointment, because she is still, after everything, a pawn. I don't blame the character because their are enough legitimate reasons in the drama to excuse her lacking, I blame the writer. I once talked about the chess metaphor and said AN and YJ were both queens, the white and black queens. Someone else brilliantly said that if a pawn reaches the other side of the board, they could become a queen. And I thought that was what Anna's character would be. What great revenge against the woman who took your childhood from you! To truly develop into a woman who took control over her own life and seeks justice! It would have been such an empowering story!!!!!

@perfectsmilebias  I remember reading that post and I must say your spot on regarding the two Queens and one remain standing YJ is painted as the black Queen while Anna the white..  I don't think her character is lacking it just the way the writer wrote her character I do see the roles reversing because of her exploitations.. But I still think she will get her revenge in the end but it would be against the people that really killed her mom and not Yj she problly will want revenge from her behind Jh..


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I feel that there's still no development in JH's character .the only thing the writers did as change is to give him a new hair cut.I've also noticed that when he talks to AN we can hear his inner thoughts as viewers so we can understand how he feels about AN like love or protection.but when it comes to YJ he just stares and I don't know is it good stare or bad stare no inner thought at all.even if he shows no concern toward YJ at least they should let us know what is going inside his head when he meets her.

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seriously..the devil come true..Yoojin is really bad..whatever the reason still she cannot easily do her things like killing and hurting other people..atleast ANNa appa defend her daughter.. that what hes can atleast finally do as a father..i really love the ost part 5  Park Kwang Sun  as time stops..really give the meaning from JEHA side to Anna..oh My God..i really love that song.. when the lyrics.."since when its start?im following you like a child, im drunk in love,.as the poison is spreading"..give me goosebump!!




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4 minutes ago, Qeenz said:

I feel that there's still no development in JH's character .the only thing the writers did as change is to give him a new hair cut.I've also noticed that when he talks to AN we can hear his inner thoughts as viewers so we can understand how he feels about AN like love or protection.but when it comes to YJ he just stares and I don't know is it good stare or bad stare no inner thought at all.even if he shows no concern toward YJ at least they should let us know what is going inside his head when he meets her.


May be he doesn't has any inner thought when he is with YJ .. pure business.. 

I don't know if the writer is good or just pure bad .. wakakakka .. He is able to evoke such reaction from me .. I may have to stop watching .. wakakak .. I am having 'Hate JH syndrome' .. tell me when he come to his senses .. (or never?) ..

wakakka ..

Son : Mom don't snap at me. I know you are angry with JH. I am not JH ... 

Ahh he feel it too ..(he is watching K2 too)

hehehehhehehe .. sorry Son .. your mom is going crazy .. okokokokokokok.. enoughhhh ..


Roger and out .. Ova


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Four more episodes left and so much heated debate about the otps.

@blindfury I don't know why I laughed when I saw your comment but that is so true. Even though I ship JehAnna, at this point Anna's survival is all I care about.

As far as boyfriends go, Jeha sucks. But for an overprotective brother, he's doing great. All he does is tell her what to do without ever backing up his statements. "Don't trust uncle." why? at least tell her that uncles' main purpose, he doesn't do things without reason. On some level, he's just treating her as a kid. I can see why Anna asked what side he was on, he keeps telling her not to mess with YJ but doesn't give her reason and on the same day an "eyewitness" tells her that he saw YJ kill her mom. Sometimes it's just easier to trust strangers than those close to us. I really want them to have a big fight rather than just kind of pretend they didn't have a trust issue. This is how couples improve.

One thing I think we tend to forget is revenge takes resources, one which Anna doesn't have. It takes money to hire people to do your bidding, she would need surveillance and such to observe YJ so she can predict her every move, she would need power, to influence people to join her side. She could try with uncles' resources but in the end, if he doesn't agree to her plan she's powerless. This is also why JH needs YJ, she can help get the proof to destroy Park forever.

Kudos for YJ for revealing the truth before anyone else does. The knife to her throat has turned so dull it can't even cut butter. This also proves the fact that she doesn't really need JSJ, she could go with Park, either way she'll get revenge back at her family.

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13 minutes ago, Bambiina said:


She had two sharpshooter on standby .. Anna would be dead if not for JH interference .. Anna is lucky JH able to take down both sharpshooter and the other bodyguard .. and Miran managed to stop another bodyguard .. that was how serious YJ with her threat .. Don't ever forget it .. She will kill if Anna got in the way.

About him asking YJ if she killed her  He is just confirming what he believed ... I am trully disappointed...and siding YJ (believing her is one thing .. siding her is totlly another thing which is un acceptable) .. before this his actin is more toward saving Anna ... now it look like he forgotten about Anna. It doesn't look like he is trying to help Anna to find the culprit .. I thought the deal was if goes after PKS, YJ will let Anna go .. did Yj really let Anna go?

And what is he planning to do with Anna .. is he just gonna watch Anna go down the gutter with CSW? Now that he has control over kaora what does he plan to do with it .. can koara tell him who kill Anna's mother .. 

Is he going to help Anna getting her revenge on YJ?... What is the direction? What happen now with PKS?

 wahahaha .. sorry for ranting .. can't help it .. I am disappointed ..My heart was set on him being a savior ..  and loyal to Anna .. wakakka.. yeah .. I am being unreasonable .. and I had high expectation .. 

Anyway .. I am getting angry in advance just in case next week we see Anna still with CSW and JH still on #TeamYJ ... 

I knew this is coming .. :D .. okay you gals can now breathe normally .. end of rant .. no one quote me please .. wakakakkakaka .. or it'll me and endless complaint .. please skip my post wahahahhaha ... 

I am having one of those mood swing PMSing .. wakakaka

This is CSW mother plan to keep exploiting Anna and the investigation will take shape it's just that CSW mother nevery thought YJ would reveal SJS being Annas Dad but now that she did I bet the bat will worry if she outs it all or use something against master Song and have him to out who Annas real father is but I expect this to happen right before Sjs be crowned president Yj has to pay him back and what better way to do it allowing him to think he's using her but all the time she was using him all the time.. 

It's ok these dramas do this to us so keep your rants coming they make me analyze deeper.. Also maybe JH is using the both of them as you said just remaing nuetral in all of this his only goal is revenge for Rainia..  I always said for JH it's personal and now Anna fits in the personal category.. YJ is the only one who benefits from the gain in the situations.. I think he knows playing both sides between Park and Yj he's bound to find out who really killed Annas mother both sides will be outting one another and Park was right between him and SJS one has to die.. So I think to he and Park both will die.. If Park makes it to be President or SJS and asassin is on standby to kill..

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55 minutes ago, perfectsmilebias said:

Lol I called it way back then, you guys really didn't see the trust issues between Anna and Jeha until ep 12???? Jeha has never once trusted Anna with her own life, he has always questioned her decisions, now Anna doesn't trust him. There is no right or wrong, because both have valid reasons for doing this.

Also, Jeha relationship between the two women is very nuanced. If you try to simplify it into black & white/binaries your missing the story. From the very beginning Jeha has been playing both sides. He loves Anna and protects her, while he trusts YooJin and works with her. Why is everyone surprised with his character now? There was never a time when Jeha was not a neutral or you could say double agent.

Jeha's neutrality is the defining element of his character. He is there to enhance the characterization, storylines, and conflict between the two female leads, Anna and YooJin.

As i've said before I can't predict the direction the drama is taking right now. But in one of the text teasers, there was something about going after the President's son???? What like the President of Korea???? Wow the intrigue. I came into this drama knowing it was going to be a political thriller so the more intrigue the better! 

As for Anna's character, for me she is a disappointment, because she is still, after everything, a pawn. I don't blame the character because their are enough legitimate reasons in the drama to excuse her lacking, I blame the writer. I once talked about the chess metaphor and said AN and YJ were both queens, the white and black queens. Someone else brilliantly said that if a pawn reaches the other side of the board, they could become a queen. And I thought that was what Anna's character would be. What great revenge against the woman who took your childhood from you! To truly develop into a woman who took control over her own life and seeks justice! It would have been such an empowering story!!!!!

But we have only 4 episodes left, and Anna is still a pawn and nowhere near the end of the board. To me, it seems the only thing Anna is gonna be in the end of this drama is a pawn who didn't die. That will be the only empowerment Anna gets, she doesn't die.

I'm disappointed for Im Yoona. I remember first hearing about this drama and Yoona's casting. I hadnt seen her other dramas, but I could tell she was excited and ready to delve into the emotional complexity that her character was promised to have. But what Yoona got was a writer who had no intention of making Anna the leader of her own story. A writer who seemed to not have planned out what the character of Anna would actively do, so she became a reactionary character. A character whose characterization borrowed so much from Yoona's celebrity life that Anna became a CF model, fashion model, and an ullzang celebrity all wrapped up in one character. Anna's character had great moments but they were few and far between.

Notice how when we talk about the outcome of this drama, we don't mention the active role Anna will be playing. We just mention how she might be a target of the villains or how the good guys will protect her.That is sadly how her once promising character has turned out, because the writer refused to let go of Anna's innocence, her naivete,  her "purity", he refused to give her some grit.

I agree with you a lot! One of the important thing is how most of the viewers view JH as an ultimate good, when in reality he is a very grey character. 12 episodes and he has been wavering between the good and the bad side. JH doesn't choose and as long as he isn't cornered will remain that way.

I also think the same about Anna. Main character should do much more than being a marrionette and should analyze things better, should be able to stand on her own. I thought that  we would see a more dark version of her but after the 12th episode I don't have any hope of it. She is very weak and doesn't know who to trust. She even doesn't trust JH and hasn't even once thought about why her "uncle" is helping her. To trust him so blindly is so immature. Anna is still a kid unfortunately.  

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