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[ Drama 2016] The K2 더 케이투


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2 hours ago, alekaonu said:

Annyeong K2 agents chingu deul :wub:

:w00t::D:lol: As expected the discussion here also get heated just like K2 fight scenes. Chill and relax my chingu deul, this is only a drama and let's enjoy it. We have two more weeks then there's no K2, we can't watch Ji Chang Wook YoonA and Song Yoon Ah on screen every week.

I have to admit sometimes I felt depressed coming in here to read the posts. But then without the posts from everyone, this thread would be so quiet. So please carry on with your debates and arguments :sweatingbullets::P

Anyway on a lighter topic, I noticed Ji Chang Wook really like to stare at Yoona during BTS. And he teased her a lot. There's a saying, when a guy likes to tease a girl, it's because he likes her 

Any chingu can share if JCW was like that with Park Min Young and Han Ji Won? Even though I like JCW but I was not a hardcore fan before. So I didn't followed his previous dramas' BTS. Please TAG me when any chingu reply to me.

K2 has made me obsessed with JCW now :). He's very good looking guy, sometimes he looks not Korean, he looks mix like an Eurasian.

Oh yes, one more before I sign off, besides JCW, I also noticed that the PD likes YoonA so much. He always looked and stared at her. He laughed at her acting as in enjoying especially when she squat down during the "Freeze and Go" scene. During the scene between Anna and SJ, while they were talking, PD also stared at YoonA,


He is like that with Park MinYoung. But since he has more romantic scene with PMY, he looks like less playful. With Yoona, in the BTS he acts like a playful oppa to her and at the same time he stared at her lovingly. Idk how to describe it but thats how it is. 

with Ha Jiwon, their interaction is more to noona-dongsaeng or sunbae-hoobae. You can see he is a bit proper being around her but still enjoyable to watch. 

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i really like this scene..when the lalalala song come out..its just make how precious the scene is..touched by the term which he never use the polite term and JH be more open right now..also love YoonA smile here..

i notice also JH really dont like other people touch him..like J4, the make up artist in saloon even leader SEO..hehehehe..but with ANNA even he does the skinship first...feelin with my OTP till the end..



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1 hour ago, mooster said:

Interestingly enough, in ep. 12 when Anna and JH had their conversation in the room, she was wearing a red sweater. First time where I thought she wore a darker/brighter color (aside from that pastel peach dress piece) than we have seen. Their conversation also of course was one of the first times where Anna started to question where Jeha stands in all of this. She wants to believe that he is on her side, (which of course he is) but doubt does creep when she's so believing of Samchon, who obviously is putting thoughts in her head and manipulating her. Whether intentional or not, I thought was a nice little touch on her character and another, perhaps, turning point of where Anna might be thinking/headed  ... 

Girl, you ain't the only one who's shipping these two ... I've seen Healer, which I absolutely loved and thought his chemistry with PMY was so so good. I loved her with LMH in City Hunter and thought it couldn't be replicated, but damn, I was wrong. So from these two dramas at least, JCW has shown that he has this wonderful ability in making his leading lady(ladies) feel comfortable. I think one of his charms is that he can be a bubbly, adorkable guy, yet pull off these charismatic cool characters with such ease. He even incorporates these qualities in his characters which what makes Jeha and Park Bong-Soo/Healer so much fun and easy to root for. Other the hand, I'm a Sone, so needless to say I've been following Yoona's dramas from the beginning and I haven't seen chemistry like this with any of her other co stars before. That rooftop blanket scene? I'm just saying, it wasn't only Anna in that scene ... :). Of course, this is all just my little shipper heart rambling, but it's quite hard to not notice just how well JCW and Yoona compliment one another ... 

I'm not surprised at how much Yoona is well liked by the PD ... everyone seems to have that reaction who have worked with her. From co-stars, writers, PD's, all have just wonderful things to say about her ... 


So much debating going on after this past week .. I'll join in on the fun a  little bit after I gather my thoughts ... :wub:


The highlighted part. i also do not see just JH-AN in that scene but i see JCW-Yoona. Esp when they said these lines 

AN : Do we only have one blanket

JH : Ermm No

AN : Then what are we doing?

JH : (no answer and just cuddle her and smile)

To me this scene is too natural to be scripted. i have a sense this is adlib on their part before they add the script about Spain.

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I just watch episode 12 with sub.. Here's my thoughts without reading some theories here...  

YJ her attitude and action messed up but I no longer  think she is there real villain here... 

I believe her when she said she has nothing to do with UHR's death,  but somehow she is protecting the killer... It maybe someone she value in her life. I think it's her father or mother maybe (who also suffers from the affair of her husband) . And that person value her as well,  she was clearly the victim of that affair,  killing UHR is avenging her.  Chief Kim is still a possible suspect, following order from  YJ father.  Mr.  Song and Mirror know the truth.  

I kinda dislike Anna on this episode,  she is so focus on YJ that she failed to recognize other wolves around him (sanction,  even her dad)  these ajushis clearly using Anna for their own gain.  

Now Ill backread your post guys to see if others have the same theory as mine..  



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1 hour ago, alekaonu said:

Hi @ashvaugn chingu, thanks for the reply :).

I'm not surprised if JCW and PMY were more flirty behind the scenes, because from what I have seen the BTS, JCW might admire and like to stare at YoonA but he is restraint. One of my thoughts is that he's afraid of YoonA's fanboys, Still he likes to tease YoonA and I like that. Like to see their interactions. I hope we will get many BTS of K2 between these two gorgeous persons.


this is "the red line" what I got the feeling too after watching their BTS.. and I did compare BTS that you send @ashvaugn..

JCW and PMY can freely flirting each other, they are indeed close after all those romance scenes they had.. I like them.. I like healer.. but not ship them.. cuz I am not seeing the sparkling stare from them.. especially not to HJW.. really noona-dongsaeng..

but JCW to Yoona.. I just have that kind of feel.. I don't know.. just my shipper heart maybe.. but I saw them together just like I saw my other couple.. and my other couple seems real right now hahahahahhaha...



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This is the first time i feel so frustrated watching drama. I mean how come i cant truly hate YJ :tears:.  Song Yun-ah is an excellent actress. The way she play her character is so good. and i've to admit that i feel more chemistry between JH and YJ instead of JH and anna. 

From the very first time i've a feeling that the one who murdered Hye Rin wasnt YJ. Its right YJ is evil but idk :cold_sweat:

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@eva23 me too. I think JCW-Yoona Chemistry offscreen is too good. i am not a Yoona fan and i admit at first i a bit skeptical about this pairing. i just know they made good visuals. But surprisingly, Yoona can adapt to JCW and can create the chsmistry that we want. On and offscreen. 

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@eva23 no worries, deep inside I ship him with yoona too.. he does seem more flirtatious with PMY because they have more romantic scenes together in healer, but I would not deny the comfort level he has with yoona, whether that is attraction or just a blossoming friendship ..i would love it if they would date but seeing how he treats all of his co stars makes me wonder if that is normal for him or if he is just being an adorable flirt hehe.. idk,but he is very private with his love life, he said in an interview he will never expose his dating life to the public eye.. and there has not been a major dating scandal he has been into.. so idk if we will ever know. One thing for sure,he has a very good working relationship with all his co-stars..im sure he can be funny irl bec all of them laughs with him all the time.. 

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@miriamdream2 agree with you about the "misdirecting", it all is the writers and directors fault. For them to be blaming SYA like that is very unprofessional. There's no way that a A+ actress like her can misinterpret the relationships.of the character and the script so much. Imo the directors did think about putting something between JH and YJ but their main priority was selling us the Anna/Jeha romance. They weren't anticipating for the other relationship to get so much attention and interest from public.  On top of it all, YJ and JH had such scenes that speak mostly about the characters connection in more than a friendly way. The biggest example is the "umbrella scene''. What was the point in making it and directing it the way they did, if they didn't want us to believe there's feelings involved.

I'm very dissappointed in the production team's work, they have many unprofessional mistakes and then they go and blame actors for it.

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Guest julie721

Anyeong everyone.... I'm back.. wave.gif I really miss you guys..hahahaha so looks like so many happened while I accompanied dear hubby obsession. Of course you're all always on my mind, so I brought you souvenir..



No? Don't like it? Too boring? Our perhaps, you prefer this one? 



Just don't tell me I'm too cheap for not bringing you anything hahaha.. 

so what did I miss? Ep11? Ep12? Hahaha let's address one by one.. But not deep analysis since you might get bored, and again you guys talked about it a lot already, right?

Ep. 11: excellent acting between JCW and KKS during ambush attack. The slap and verbal counterattack between YJ-SJ (Not my favorite). The "I'm coming home" hug was sweet. The bonding and bromance between JH and JSS agent was funny and touching. YJ obsession toward JH's creepy and uncomfortable. The rooftop back hug scene was too sweet yet touching because their unspoken, mutual understanding and support. blood.gif The cloud 9 scene was hinting that YJ and Sec Kim's plotting something.

ep. 12: my baby look soooooo gorgeous in this episode (I'm sorry..hahaha fangirling mode), Anna's easily used as pawn/sword because she too naive and trusting, Anna-Jeha both conceal something from each other, YJ past life, shocking plot twist. YJ successfully deceiving JH with her scenario. So both OTP are the lose team for this episode.. Lol..

What else? PD controversial interview? Lololol.. He basically praising all his actors in the interview. It's just that because what he said clearly kills the joy for one shipper side, that interview become hot topic. But it could also deliberately staged, the interview I mean. Do you guys really believe that for actress as caliber as SYA to over interpreted her role without consulting the PD and writer? Nah.. Don't get fool by his words. Even JCW gave ambiguous answer about the 3 leads dynamics in Daum live talk. And the character descriptions even said it. If PD can have heart fluttering scenes between JehAnna (although many were iniated by JCW ideas) he knows for sure what effect of umbrella scene, YJ ways of starring at JH, etc. Do you guy believe this guy being honest? He's the one who denied casting YoonA, when not much later TVN and SM confirmed they offer the role to YoonA but was rejected the first time, lol. I think there's more than meet the eyes here so that they decided to  put an end to that part. TVN don't like the possibility? Public disgust? Well the things with SK scandal now, with the president puppet master being middle aged woman who also name Choi (Choi Soon Sil) plus the spreaded rumors that this Choi Soon Sil likes to book/have affair with younger top male host (prostitute). There's some similarities and coincidence with K2 plot. The team gotta do something. Don't wanna backfire I guess.  But whatever, so now let's put an end to endless tiring heated shipping wars and more focus on the plot. We only have 4 left right?

I'm confused we are in empress Ki, healer, shipping thread or K2? No one make shipper thread for K2 OTP, I guess. Well I hope someone will soon. I'm not a shipper, but I think Soompi has regulation about it. 

Has anyone posted this?

yeoksi YAS.. I'm so proud of you...




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1 hour ago, eva23 said:


this is "the red line" what I got the feeling too after watching their BTS.. and I did compare BTS that you send @ashvaugn..

JCW and PMY can freely flirting each other, they are indeed close after all those romance scenes they had.. I like them.. I like healer.. but not ship them.. cuz I am not seeing the sparkling stare from them.. especially not to HJW.. really noona-dongsaeng..

but JCW to Yoona.. I just have that kind of feel.. I don't know.. just my shipper heart maybe.. but I saw them together just like I saw my other couple.. and my other couple seems real right now hahahahahhaha...



Annyeong @eva23 pssssttt who's your other couple? which drama?

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1 hour ago, eva23 said:


this is "the red line" what I got the feeling too after watching their BTS.. and I did compare BTS that you send @ashvaugn..

JCW and PMY can freely flirting each other, they are indeed close after all those romance scenes they had.. I like them.. I like healer.. but not ship them.. cuz I am not seeing the sparkling stare from them.. especially not to HJW.. really noona-dongsaeng..

but JCW to Yoona.. I just have that kind of feel.. I don't know.. just my shipper heart maybe.. but I saw them together just like I saw my other couple.. and my other couple seems real right now hahahahahhaha...




wow, i'm with you! hehhee i have watched healer and empress ki too and JCW really had good chemistry with his co stars in all his drama (he really is a good actor). i also watched Yoona's Love Rain and PM and I, but nothing like this (and Gee, Yoona's acting was kinda *ugh* there, i was disappointed). *Wook-Na shipper* both look visually match and gorgeous hahaa just let my delulu flow 


i watched few clips from ep 12 (still haven't seen the full episode 11 and 12), ummm something strange about Park's secretary and Chief Joo, seems like they really know each other? and what's with CSW spreading some rumors abt UHR and drugged AN during the show? and i really hate AN this episode because she's too naive lol she totally ruined everything. and i hate JH too. i was just like, "the hell man, choose your side or run and hide, you can't just love AN but stay still on CYJ's side ugghh" this show is unpredictable, i still love it tho i might going to skip every political scene related to JSJ-PKS lol

and the directors/writer's note abt the actress misinterpreting CYJ and blame it all to SYA? i was like, " what are you doing, you're the only one who ruined the show, look you have potential actress/actors but you wrote the blurry plots and prolonged the irrelevant things e.g the interviews and the political campaign" huh, so sorry tho but i love SYA and how could they just blame her like that? uhh poor SYA

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Guest julie721
2 hours ago, eva23 said:

but JCW to Yoona.. I just have that kind of feel.. I don't know.. just my shipper heart maybe.. but I saw them together just like I saw my other couple.. and my other couple seems real right now hahahahahhaha...

Eonnie... You Lose control shipping them while I was gone eh? Naughty naughty you!! JFBQ00189070410A.gif but can't blame you all being confused about them. Despite less skin-ship and flirting between them if compare to his other leading ladies, JCW oozes different subconscious gestures. But it also can be because this time he's an Oppa to her. And my baby does blush and fluster a lot whenever he's around. Maybe they're attracted toward each other. Who knows? They both young, attractive, and single, so why not. Real attraction is not something new between actors, actors are normal people too. In fact real attraction can bring benefit to their project, their scenes will be explosive. JehAnna romantic scenes so far are more sweet and touching compare to (even) the way YJ stare at JH. But why do their scenes successfully make all you shipper dance happy dance, and viewer got butterflies.. There are some unspoken, subtle vibes between them.. And the line between acting and reality became blur.. That's why I understand why so many of people ship JCW-YoonA instead JehAnna. Have fun shipping these gorgeous OTP.  For me, I will be mostly happy if they're dating.. They both good people that suit each other, and if not I'm happy because they are in good term and hope will stay friends for a long time.. *so still no hotter scenes than blanket kiss yet? BETE ah!!!* 2552f7d3.gif


1 hour ago, gyu2003 said:

the actress misinterpreting CYJ and blame it all to SYA? i was like, " what are you doing, you're the only one who ruined the show, look you have potential actress/actors but you wrote the blurry plots and prolonged the irrelevant things e.g the interviews and the political campaign" huh, so sorry tho but i love SYA and how could they just blame her like that? uhh poor SYA

He's not blaming SYA.. Infact he's praising her highly for her acting. The translation is a bit misleading. It's just that he said it a bit too late. If he said it before, when people hasn't form ships, that would be better. But, it could also because other factors. For me they just want to put stop to that alternative story. It could be because SK scandal now, TVN pressures (episode 12 receive mixed reviewed, one of which is the public got uncomfortable with YJ show blatant romantic interest to JH, also views from TVN official channel both in YouTube and Naver tvcast dropped quite significantly because public doesn't like YJ-JH possible romance compare JehAnna clip. I don't know. The scenes where YJ secretly zooming JH pic and smirk on tablet screen, yikes.. That makes me uncomfortable enough as a mature woman, wife and mother. If that wasn't intended to show lust/attraction from YJ parts, then PD is insulting viewers perception). But could also be because something else. But one thing I learn about this is, try to stay more true to the plot and story. If actors has good chemistry, doesn't mean I eagerly shipping them and forgetting about the logic of the story. I will try to rewatch again with different POV now. See if I made mistake interpreting YJ-JH interaction, and make me delusional or not. At least I'm not in JeJin team. My ship is still sailing 1sm450speedboat.gif

meanwhile Jeha says being Anna's bodyguard is an extreme job..


she bullies her bodyguard/BF!!! Samchon, what's with that expression.. Let the kids playing... Hahaha




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1 hour ago, alekaonu said:

Annyeong @eva23 pssssttt who's your other couple? which drama?


if you see my cover photo.. you will know hahahahhaa...

Haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii... @julie721  #kokituoleh2nya :P

desperrated mode.. no one making our OTP couple thread right now.. I wish I could..

bwahahahha.. yupp we litle bit too far to discuss other couple right.. and I will stop..

just feeling their chemistry on and off screen so good right @liltash85


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49 minutes ago, julie721 said:

Eonnie... You Lose control shipping them while I was gone eh? Naughty naughty you!! JFBQ00189070410A.gif but can't blame you all being confused about them. Despite less skin-ship and flirting between them if compare to his other leading ladies, JCW oozes different subconscious gestures. But it also can be because this time he's an Oppa to her. And my baby does blush and fluster a lot whenever he's around. Maybe they're attracted toward each other. Who knows? They both young, attractive, and single, so why not. Real attraction is not something new between actors, actors are normal people too. In fact real attraction can bring benefit to their project, their scenes will be explosive. JehAnna romantic scenes so far are more sweet and touching compare to (even) the way YJ stare at JH. But why do their scenes successfully make all you shipper dance happy dance, and viewer got butterflies.. There are some unspoken, subtle vibes between them.. And the line between acting and reality became blur.. That's why I understand why so many of people ship JCW-YoonA instead JehAnna. Have fun shipping these gorgeous OTP.  For me, I will be mostly happy if they're dating.. They both good people that suit each other, and if not I'm happy because they are in good term and hope will stay friends for a long time.. *so still no hotter scenes than blanket kiss yet? BETE ah!!!* 2552f7d3.gif

meanwhile Jeha says being Anna's bodyguard is an extreme job..


she bullies her bodyguard/BF!!! Samchon, what's with that expression.. Let the kids playing... Hahaha





BETEEE bgt!!!!!!!!..

chinchaaa.. samchon.. let the kids playing till the end hahhahhaa..

that is why I love this 2.. they can just be friend and wook really lead yoona in some way..

woww.. I have same soul here @gyu2003.. so kajhaa girl.. lets our delulu mode on ..

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CR: @FleurdeLys101

Still I believe there's more to it, you can't deny the explosive chemistry these two have on screen and the hinted parts from the PD, not that I want a loveline, a trusted comeradie is good enough for me, but D**mn that umbrella scene was so hot




@julie721 welcome back my love, I missed you, ya that was boring, sorry you had to endure it, the second gift is way better IMO :P


Regarding the OT subject re: chemistry of Wooks with his leading ladies, yes he has a very distinctive off screen chemistry with almost every lady he's been with even his mother and Halmoni in 5fingers, their BTS were so playful (except for BVS IMO) he even has a great chemistry with the other actors he's been with (5fingers, EK) on and off the screen, he has this playfulness and charms that everyone can fall for, whether it's romantically or just friendly, that's why people tend to ship him with an actress IRL though he may have the same lovely gaze pointed to a male, LOL. Now even with that in mind I ship him totally with PMY (I never ever shipped two actors IRL cos that's not my business TBH), but what I saw is beyond extraordinary, he's just not playful but flirty, caring and smitten since their first script reading (based on KBS awards videos, their IVs, the unreleased BTS and couple commentary in the director's cut), so there you go, I think it's all down to the eye of the beholder, and I can see why he's shippable with other actresses too ;)

End of discussion before we get flagged for talking off topic


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Agree with @julie721 now SK president n her friend are under fire for some scandal. and those scandal involve young men who worked as host. So i think, the storyline where YJ adores JH too much is not acceptablne by Koreans. As we know south koreans are sensitive and still conservative people. They kinda do not like this kind of relationship (even if its one sided). So i think the director comments is to safe the drama from being criticised more. Coz the one that control the ratings are Sk viewers not international viewers. And I think TVN must be particular bout this if not they will not make the PD comment to public if it is not important. 

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Guest julie721

@eva23 OT spoiler 


You mean LJS and HHJ? Or LJH and GSY? The first ones is indeed kinda fishy right.. Too comfortable with each other and all their appearances in drama or photoshoot: EXPLOSIVE!!

the other ones I'm not following so much. I mean I know Jonghyun as guitarist of CNBLue.. (Nonton dong eke konser mereka di Jakarta Hahahahaha dodol) I know they were couple in WGM only.. 



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There isn't any love line between JH & YJ? Hmm, am I surprised? Lol, No! I knew this from the start itself along with my fellow Jejin shippers! I came to watch this drama because of JCW. To watch K2! Not to watch YJ and JH in love, right? We all know that. There wasn't any such thing in the synopsis itself. There wasn't any other OTP. 

So what made us ship these two? Do we really have to explain? Who had said from the start that YJ&JH are going to have love line between them? No one. It all started from 2nd episode where they first met. And boom my screen explodes. That's called chemistry albeit a sexual and intense one!! I remember we Jejins were going gaga over that scene! Not one of us said that there is a possible romance blooming between the two. It was all chemistry…*drools* Then came the epic umbrella scene *drools again* where we saw some sort of romantic chemistry between them.  Seeing romantic chemistry between both is different from expecting a loveline. And then came the friendly banter between both (calling Chingu to your employer, making flirtatious expressions whenever possible) And now what is between them is called Trust ! They have reached a point in their work where both trust each other's words blindly. So It's like we're hoping for a loveline but we know we won't get it lol

I  think this phrase will really suit that PD team. “Let us keep the door open and then shout that the house is robbed”  lol.They themselves gave such scenes, hoping that viewers will definitely ship them, make good ratings for the show in exchange of all those scenes and now aremaking it clear that there isn't any other ship besides the OTP just not to break the hearts of those shippers. And blame it all on wrong direction lol.. Don't worry. Its already known that the ship is not reaching its end. So nothing to worry… It's not like we shipped them knowing they would end up together. We shipped them because we wanted to, because we loved them together. And I am surprised that our Jejin craze is gone to such limits that the PD team has to tell in a interview that there isn't love story between YJ-JH. Omg, have we became that famous? Eh? Smiley? You hear that? ;)  *pats on my back * lol

OK jokes apart the PD sure knows what is a ship right? I mean what shipping actually means? It means to ship 2 persons who the viewers want to see more of them together, more interactions, more scenes, more dialogues and of course chemistry. And yes there is the love too in this shipping business. But since we all know that there won't any love between these two we didn't even expected it. (For ex: Tal  tal and Sungnyang of Empress ki. People knew they weren't the OTP, they knew there wasn't even love/like from any other sides but still they shipped these both. Why? Because they loved them together… same goes for us). And I was also vocal about it when we were attacked with certain questions few weeks ago..

Now this one sided thing: The picture which lovelyloveu posted, the PD mentioned there isn't even one sided feelings from YJ. I was like holy cow! They do read soompi and all...where else did they got that people were shipping Jejin because they got one sided feelings from YJ. Only here we were discussing it to the T. Hence,I would like to congratulate everyone because guys, we just became famous!! Hahaha.. Whoa. Esp me and smile bias! We're the ones who actually pushed it further. Heehee…;p. But still I would like to ask the PD that if it wasn’t even one sided then why the heck did they gave YJ such dialogues like Jae-ha-yaa….why did they made her stare at Jeha’s photo and smiled at it. Why did they made her threaten her own Secretary of so many years just for this guy who came yesterday in her life? Wae wae wae? Oh yes she was worrying about him.. ;) We got it.. And not to forget this: credits to Sesame Chew and Anipanch for posting it here.4506965ca7.jpg


And no, it isn’t because of JCW & SYA together that we ship Jejin. It’s because of their portrayal of Jeha and Yoojin.JCW could have been JCW & SYA could have been SYA in their roles if not for the script. They were given the scripts which were written by the writers and they enacted it. What could possibly be go wrong there? If they didn't gave those dialogues, scenes and that script to them, this ship wouldn't have been created. Period. To blame the audience is wrong and the actors portraying it is even wrong and unprofessional ( if they did so)

That said, nothing can kill our Jejin ship, not even the PD team because it's already sailed and reached till our hearts! Tbh there was nothing to be killed. We ourselves jumped into this ship knowing it wouldn't make it to the end. But you know what , PD? It has already made to our heart's corner. 



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