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[OFFICIAL] <3Ɛ> Couple ~ Jota & Kim Jin Kyung Thread


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This weeks episode was perfection. I loved every single moment and every little thing they did. There was not one moment during the episode where I was bored. I loved making breakfast and eating it (Jin's swollen face is too cute). The buckwheat playing was gold (I loved that Jota posed like Jin once did), and I fangirled so hard at the water play. My most favorite part has to be when scared Hye Kung got in the water because she was game to try the ironman water shooter upper thing. She immediately clutched on to Jota and in one frame he was even back hugging her :wub::wub::wub:

I'm busy so can't really share my spazz but I shall watch again and fully spazz because these two adorable kids are just pure, innocent, sweet love. I swear they act more boyfriend/girlfriend than a "married" WGM couple.

About scripting on the show I always knew it's done how the PD said. No way can they get the shots they do or be allowed in some of the places they are without location scouting, permission from managers, matching schedules, etc. Yeah it's scripted as in there is no "surprise were going here yebo" or "I saw a park let's visit there" those things aren't random because for some places permission is needed and cameras set up. I do believe some couples do "surprise" each other (only managers are informed of filming location and the other person really doesn't know until they arrive. Gifts are hidden, etc) but places going or went is known before hand (Jota even said on air that he already looked up the place they were staying at. The trip may have been his wish). However for what they say and how they respond to situations...there is no script. Although I do sometimes think the cast or crew may provide conversation cues, ideas of what to do and or talk about, what the couples do end up talking about and how they behave is all their free will and free response. 

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4 minutes ago, mellynarifqi said:

Lee geon wears the same ring as jota's but on diff finger. Jota could wear his on the same finger as lee geon did. but why does he wear it on his ring finger ????? :w00t::w00t:

i love this anae babo...so much...:lol::lol:

Yup.. Lee geon wear a ring similar as him.. N that y i said i love what i see... Hehehehe.... He certificate anae babo... Hahahahaha... 

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Episode 12 Random Thoughts & Highlights

Here I go again with another long post :( I tried to cut it down, but there was just too many things to talk and spazz about in this episode!

1.       Poor Jota. It looked like he had just finally fallen deep asleep and it’s morning already, lol. I was laughing when I realised where he ended up. He’d moved so far into the corner of the room! Bahah, is that due to his rotating sleeping habits or was he afraid he will pounce on Jin in the middle of the night half sleepy so he decides to take precaution, HAHA! I’m sure I’m over thinking it, but hey, it’s fun to overthink with these two.

2.       Hehe, Jota woke up his wife while trying to sneak out quietly. He THINKS he was quiet but he wasn’t. Men. My husband does the same thing in the morning when he goes to work. He THINKS he’s being quiet, but um no, you are not, lol. I really love the morning scene. It’s like a typical morning for our married couple. The husband goes to prepare breakfast while the wife makes the bed. Jin just naturally folds up the bedding without a second thought. I wonder if other idols/female celebs would go out looking for their husbands first and wait to make up the beds together. Not Jin, she just does it. Thumbs up for her – housewife material there. Her slapstick comedy is an extra bonus. She really is too cute! Oh yes, as someone had mentioned,  when Jin finally stepped out to look for her husband, she really did look like a lost puppy. Despite being a bit swollen, she is still beautiful first thing in the morning. Jota too! These two are naturally good looking!

3.       Jota is just soooo thoughtful preparing breakfast for his wife with her favourite food! Jin said she was surprised (at the breakfast prepared) but she can’t open her eyes. Her eyes sure opened big enough when she had the first taste of the avocado smoothie! LOL. It must be so yummy! I want to try that recipe! Hee hee, their conversation over breakfast about if either one snored HAHA. And Jota commenting that Jin practically passed out. I think he was a bit jealous she had a good night’s sleep whereas he was tossing and turning all night!

4.       Their bike ride is just so sweet. Jota seemed to be traumised by those chilli peppers, but I bet anything he will eat it again if Jin asks him with her puppy eyes, lol. BUT I think Jin won’t do that because she’d seen the aftermath of it.

5.       I love how well they keep themselves amused. No need for grand places or tools/items. All they need is each other. They tease each other and play along with each so naturally. Jota teasing that she didn’t shower and her “I’m sorry” response, playing catch in the fields, (in their previous episodes) playing hide and seek and hopscotch. I loved Jin’s “It was full of small happiness” comment. It was so true as I could see she was so happy, genuinely happy, doing just the simplest and smallest things with Jota. How she held his hands tightly as he covered her eyes to surprise her with breakfast, how she playfully kicked him behind because he was being cheeky, how she smilled when he natually throws her a compliment calling her prettier than the flowers, walking through the buckwheat field, taking photos of each other and just enjoying each other’s presence.

6.       Jota really has a knack for remembering every detail about his wife. From her favourite food to her favourite pose! He is setting the bar higher and higher for future WGM husbands. It was the funniest thing seeing him lift his muscly arms and bend his muscly thighs and legs to imitate Jin’s pose. His manly shirt became a crop top! HAHAHA! I see your belly button, Jota! I love it when he imitates her. I just love it so much! Every imitation has not only been hilarious but also very endearing.




It just makes me love Jota even more than I thought possible. I’m sure my jar of love for him is overflowing and spilling and causing a flood!

7.       HAHA, I love Jin’s expression when Jota asked her where her ring was. She probably had a moment of panic before realising the ring should be with Jota. Cheeky Jota trying to trick his wife again. Jota made sure to tell his wife not to lose the ring – it really means a lot to him! It would be upsetting if either of them lost the ring. I can understand. I was upset enough when my husband almost lost our couple ring. Not even a wedding ring but a couple ring! I reckon the wedding ring they are wearing will turn into a couple ring for them after their WGM run ends. I’m just really wishing and hoping here. Don’t mind me.
And of course, I can’t not mention the flower ring. It was a squealing sweet moment. Jota has put the ring on his wife three times now. The first time during Judo, the flower ring, and putting her wedding ring back on her finger. I love that action of the man putting a ring on the woman’s finger. I don’ t know why. I just find it so sweet.

8.       Jota, what a GREAT IDEA taking photos of your wife on your phone instead of Jin’s camera! Now you can look at it whenever you want and especially when you are in Japan far away from your wife. Look at those photos each night before you fall asleep so you can have the sweetest dreams =]
LOL, the way they keep telling each other they are happy. HAHa, yes we know you both are happy! We are very happy for you guys too!

9.       Oooohh!!  A bare chest Jota! <3 <3 <3 !! Trust Jota to do some pull-ups, lol. You sure love showing off those mmmmm tan and smooth muscles of yours. Puahahaha! Jota’s lips were quivering when Jin came out in her swim suit. Her pose left him speechless – better drink some more water, Jota, to cool down your flames of desires LOL. I noticed Jota covered himself with his towel as much as he could and whenever possible. Not sure if he’s shy exposing him upper body to her like that or if he is just mindful for her. I loved that Jin thought of the idea of writing ‘Jota <3’ on her husband’s back instead of just squeezing the sunscreen on anyhow.  It was her ‘small happiness’, hehe, even the little playful slap she gave him. Ooohh, I’m so jealous! I’d love to spread that sunscreen all over his broad back too! Jota is really full of surprises today, isn’t he? A surprise breakfast, a surprise ring flower and now a surprise gift towel. He is continuously sweeping his wife off her feet! The only way Jin could even know that towel contained her husband’s scent is if she had been close enough to him A LOT OF THE TIME to be able to smell and know that scent.

10.   Ah~~ one of everybody’s favourite scenes. The tattoo scene. Out of all the possible tatts to pick, Jin picks out LOVE. Because that is how she feels towards Jota .. or so I’d like to think, *wink* hehe.  Heee, after Jin applied the tattoo on Jota’s collarbone, he had his hand there for a while, RIGHT OVER HIS HEART! Uh-huh! We know, Jota! We know! Love is in your HEART! =D HAHAHHA, Jota’s hand trembling while applying the tattoo on her collarbone. I think he was trying hard not to touch her skin! It was like he was scared he’ll get burned! Can’t blame him, Jin is totally sizzling hot in her swim suit! I laughed at the male MCs laughing at him. Hhaha, Jota’s lightning speed reflex covering his wife’s shoulder blade when she sugguested putting the tattoo there. It wasn’t even anything, sigh, Jota. You’ll get there eventually. He didn’t say anything or try to cover her exposed belly. That’s more revealing (Jota’s standard) than Jin’s shoulder, I would think. It’s alright. One step at a time. That is the first step! Just .. another million steps to go, I guess.

PPPFFFTTTT !!! That was me spluttering out the water I was drinking when I read Jota asking Jin to try for a real kiss / lip mark rather than the tattoo lip mark! KYYAAA!! AARGGHH!!! SO BOLD!! OOOOH!!! NO WAAAAY!! At episode 12 and they’re talking about a kiss already?!?!? I’M SO HAPPY! Look at the way Jin touched her lips like she was seriously considering it! Jin was too shy to give him a kiss with her lips at this stage so she gave him A KISS WITH HER PALM instead! OOO-YEAH! !!!! I’m just gonna pretend she kissed her palm first and then palm-kissed Jota’s cheek! !^%#%@^#! I’m going nuts here! *deep breath 4 -7 -8 *

11.   Jota teaching Jin so calmly and lovingly is just the best. Okay, I confess. When Jota was lowering Jin down by the life vest into the waters, he was squatting. There was an interesting angle that made my eyes shift away .. and shift back .. and shift away, LOLOL!! Annnnywayss .. moving on. I loved the way Jin grabbed Jota’s hands and arms with both of her hands before being lowered into the waters. Sweet Sweet! I loved Jota’s continous encouragements - ‘you can do it!’, ‘cha-re!’,  ‘cho-ah!’, ‘waah!’.  You can tell it motivated Jin to do well. She remained calm and didn’t panic or be upset/disappointed when she kept falling in. She just got straight back up and tried again. I loved how quick Jota was to grab onto Jin’s hand to help keep her afloat when she said she was getting tired of gripping the bar. He is always watching out for her. They are both SO athletic! Jin got the hang of the wakeboard pretty fast! Even the instructor complimented her to Jota saying that only 2 out of 10 people are able to get up on their first try with the rope. And the way he looked at her while she was wakeboarding. That is the look of a man who has fallen inlove with his wife over and over and OVER again! Hee hee. Look at Jota go on the wakeboard! Show off! LOL. But who can blame him. He wanted to impress his wife. I was impressed myself! He looked really cool doing the hand one move and jump. SO COOL! It reminded me all over again of his time during Dream Team. That cool and confident aura surrounding him.
Isn’t it interesting how different men and women think? Jin in her BRI said she already thought Jota was an expert, but he kept trying difficult moves. She didn’t understand why when he might hurt himself. She was very concerned when he flipped and fell in the water a few times. On the other side, you have Jota who wants to impress his wife by any means, even if he hurts himself! Ack!
I totally wowed watching the world champion female on the flyboard! I thought I was watching a sci fi movie, an anime or something! The way she weave around, in and out of the waters. SO FRIGGIN COOL MAN!
Yeoksi! Uri Jota! We’ve all said this so many times, but just what is it that he cannot do? He totally mastered the flyboard on his second try! Wowow! OhhHH! I loved the next scenes just as much as everyone else. J&J on the flyboard together. I loved her paddling towards the safety of her husbands arms, throwing her arms around his neck and holding on for dear life, Jota’s arms around her waist, pulling her in the slightest bit closer, their close proximity was crackling with electricity!  Love love love! Jota’s statement, “I’ll gladly take responsibility for you”, that is like swoony! Is that a promise for life, Jota?? Jota, you were nervous because your wife is just SO CLOSE to you so your legs gave way the first time you guys tried to stand up on the flyboard, right? RIGHT?! HEHEHE! Or did you do it on purpose?!? LOL. But well done for making your wife feel so reassured in your arms. *clap clap clap* She was really cute screaming her lungs out. I wish they had shown them on the flyboard just a bit longer. I don’t get tired of seeing them hug each other. Alright, so hug is ticked. Next, peck on the cheek!

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@linja when i first scroll ur post i though its long but when i read it i feel like its not that long( in a good way).. i wish to continue reading it.. i love to read ur long review... like watching the episode once more when i read ur comment... and i think u can add more comment like what u think can happen from the preview

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Jinkyung-ah...u posted rounded glasses, beach/lake n bike...did u do it in purpose ? #jota'svoice#




It was unforgetable memories, wasnt it Jinkyung-ah...?

even for me, i cant stop thinking bout u two...i watch it for 538957307037 times...

my favs in slowmo....


 thank you iheartjota....:):)

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