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[OFFICIAL] <3Ɛ> Couple ~ Jota & Kim Jin Kyung Thread


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6 hours ago, shinjibvby said:

I think it was the PD that told them that they should go to the bakery.



I don't know why but this had me laughing for a while. If only the PD knew one little visit would bring about so much discussion on our thread and an "you are wrong take that back about Jota" "remind me to never agree with you again" at my place. Ha!

@linja (so many people have changed their icons) I soo want to visit that cafe to. At first I thought it was a mini petting zoo or something because there were so many cute little critters there. The turtle was huge, fast, and hungry. I looked the same as Jota and was scared of it. I thought it was funny when it came Jin Kyung's way and she had to hop over to avoid it. I cracked up when Jota told her "your long legs save you." That boy. He lead the turtle there LOL. The lizard was sooo cute. I want one. Jota's fear was hilarious :lol: I could not stop laughing at how happily Jin was playing with it and how his face was clearly screaming "she better not bring that close to me." Their picturs with it was beyond funny. Jin looked happy and close with it, while Jota had it at arms length close enough to be in frame but far enough not to touch him. hahahaha. The arcade playing and singing were the best. Jota is way too good on that dance thinga majig. I have never seen one here in the US and now I want to find it and play it with my boyfriend. It looked so fun and Jota was so good at doing the spinning with continued leg work. I so knew Jin was going to lose and was like "dude don't try so hard at it LOL." JIn really enjoyed the singing and her dancing was on point. 'Good Girl, Bad Girl' is one of my favorite Miss A songs and I thought she nailed it. She and Jota need to throw a house warming party and invite friends to sing and dance all day/night or well filming period :P 

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@jj1106 – Yes! I agree. That little bump in the road is all part of the growing process in building their relationship!

@mellynarifqi – Thanks for your thoughts! I enjoy reading other people's opinions that differ from mine. Thanks for sharing! I see where you are coming from when you say Jota being bluntly honest in front of others is a step for Jin to improve her cooking. But in saying that, he could have done just the same while they were baking – be bluntly honest then instead. Jin would have received the constructive criticism a lot better there. At the bakery, he may have embarrassed and humiliated her a bit by pointing out so openly that her cookies are not tasty. That’s not really constructive criticism in that situation. In my opinion, his blunt honestly wasn’t for Jin’s sake, it was for HIS sake since he wasn’t able to do it during the baking. He rode on the baker's comment and agreed. If you think about it, during the cooking Jota was honest when he said the cookies lacked salt, he said her cookies had no taste in a nice way, he basically sugarcoated his words. The bizarre thing is, why did he decide to sugarcoat his words when it was just the two of them, but decides to be bluntly honest with strangers. It doesn’t really make sense to me. It should be the other way around. If Jota wants to be known for being honest, even bluntly/brutally honest, then he should be consistent.

@khairunni – yes, Jota should have just been bluntly honest from the start. Jin could have found ways to improve her cooking, but don’t forget that the healthy food Jin cooks is TASTY to HER, and she is baffled why Jota doesn’t think so, lol. When Jin first cooked for Jota .. that nato mashed vege thing .. she found it so yummy while Jota didn’t. She had a bite of the healthy cookies too and said to Jota “mashita” with a big grin on her face. She felt her baking was a success. Jin started cooking healthy because of her career. She’s very big on cooking healthy and I remember she said that she had no one to talk about it with. So therefore, there was no one who could offer her all the alternatives @shinjibvby suggested to make her cooking taste better but still remain healthy enough. She can only discover so much on her own. If her cooking taste delicious to her, she’s not gonna go and find alternatives. She’s only cooked for Jota once. And in between she would have forgotten all about it. I’m sure it was the nato that made the veggie dish taste funky. Without the nato, the dish would have been fine.

@little-star – What! Yes, I knew there would be staff filming outside the house and even through the windows to film the inside of the house, but I thought the house would be staff free since they had set up so many cameras.

@shinjibvby – We’re not fighting! We’re having a healthy discussion! :) I reckon Samsamnizens are awesome people because we have civilised and friendly disagreements. Everyone is just basically sharing their thoughts which I really appreciated. I try to watch the Rio Olympics but I keep getting distracted. I missed the Opening Ceremony! I definitely want to watch the Judo matches.

@MrsSoJiSub – What! I fell for the PD’s tricks. Now I know there are staff filming in the house. Btw, you are spot on! I agree with everything you said. I can’t stress enough how important support is. I should have said support in ANY relationship, and not only mention marriage. I was too focused on Jota and Jin’s situation. But yeah, support in any relationship is very important. It is the foundation of a relationship. That and trust. If my husband had done to me what Jota did to Jin, I would have felt like my husband had thrown me under the bus. He would be sleeping on the couch that night, lol! Oh DDR is so much fun! I used to play it a lot when I was younger and had more energy, lol. Even now I play it occasionally when I go to arcades with friends. But I'm not as fast as I used to be and I puff out a lot quicker, LOL.  



Our version here in Australia. See, there is only 4 steps. That's already hard enough! 


Pump, South Korea's version - 5 steps! Crazy! I would still love to have a go at it though. It would be fun even if it looks harder, lol.





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I personally just end up with the conclusion: They are both a bit stubborn in their own way. Remember JK didn't want Jota to help her with the broccoli cutting? She was cutting it totally wrong initially. Jota putting her on the spot at the bakery might have something to do with it. It goes back and forth..

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48 minutes ago, Sk00p said:

I personally just end up with the conclusion: They are both a bit stubborn in their own way. Remember JK didn't want Jota to help her with the broccoli cutting? She was cutting it totally wrong initially. Jota putting her on the spot at the bakery might have something to do with it. It goes back and forth..

They are both pretty stubborn, aren't they? Well, it seems like all is forgiven by the looks of the photoshoot! Jin is all over Jota! Ohmymy! I can't stop thinking about it! I always look forward to the preview and wish Saturday would come faster, but not as much as I want it for the next preview. I want Saturdate to come NOW! 

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Jota I like JinKyung need you to bring the book where you are reading and educating yourself on 'how to woo a girl one yellow cheesiest line at a time' because hahahahahhaha boy you need to stop. I would like to meet the author too. I mean "when did the chef become so pretty"..."here the heart" an other such lines...I love it. I like that you are more comfortable that you can joke around and say these things that you couldn't before. But really...lmfao...some of these things....i too cringe because wow, LOL. I don't want you to stop doing these things though. It will never not be funny how Jota kind of gets embarrassed after he says the lines but still the line and actions come out. 

I agree with all of you that both JinKyung and Jota are too stubborn for their own goods and also to me, too competitive. I sometimes watch scenes in half fear that the two's need/will to win and be better or good at something is going to cause them to hurt feelings and like blow up at one another. I sometimes want to knock them on the head and be like "just let her win" "girl you can't do that so let him help. also you kind of suck at this so take his freaking advise!" They honestly leave me in stitches of laughter and then utter confusion of "why?" at some of their behavior. The day Jota rates Jin's food over 80% and lets her win at a game (why is he so good at almost everything) and the day Jin actually takes Jota's advice without arguing or reasoning and just listens, does as he says, or lets him help...I will throw back a shot to celebrate LOL. 

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anyone here who is a baking maniac~ lots of people liked my baking post hahaha sorry guys! but I love cooking and baking 

but here's some samsam reaction gif~


when you want to hit someone's hate


shy shy shy




cheer up~~ baby~~





heavy feels, can't with my feels anymore


life is easy~~




shy/cute omg!


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Is there such a thing as the perfect girlfriend

For me Kim Jin Kyung is a perfect girl.  She's the girl all of the guys want. ... She's down-to-earth and up for doing just about anything…

She’s thankful,She’s polite.She’s not selfish.She’s fit.
She loves to train, eat healthy and tries to lead a healthy lifestyle which in turn makes you want to live one

Lastly I love her soooooo much.


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12 hours ago, shinjibvby said:

any of you guys following Judo in Rio Olympics, An Baul will have a match later on quarter finals, if you must know Jota competed against him before when Jota was a professional Judo player. An Baul even said that Jota gave him the hardest time, not the russian player in the world championships.

I missed his finals - Men's 66kg. I looked up the results.


He won Silver! He did well. I have yet to watch his matches. Will find a streaming site to watch the repeat. Apparently Australian Channels are a bit biased and don't really show other countries matches much. bOo ~ 

I am rooting for Australia in the Olympics but because I'm a hard-core fan of South Korea things - k-dramas, varieties, k-pop (not to mention it being on my bucket list to visit!), I'm rooting for South Korea too! Lol, especially in Judo!

Australia is 3rd on the Medal Standings! Woo hoo! South Korea is doing very well at 5th! They won 2 golds in Archery, 2 silvers in Judo and 1 bronze in Weightlifting so far. Hopefully the other Judo classes can snatch a gold! The Men's 73kg class is competing today. Whenever I see "73kg" class, I always think of Jota! The finals will be on at 6am tomorrow and heck I will not be able to wake up for it. I'll just watch repeats. Or look up the results, lol.

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Spoiler for 33 Couple :blush:





Osen- Naver: 'WGM', Eric Nam, Jota, Jo Seho, a peck is basic 'assertive husbands'


[[ 33Couple's Related Only ]] :rolleyes:


2. [+1,087, -163] Jota seems to really like her
3. [+969, -141] I wanna date a guy like Jota.. He's earnest
8. [+380, -107] What is Jota not good at? I thought he'd be bad at ball games but he seems pretty good at baseball today.. But please lose to Jinkyung so we can see her cute side
10. [+253, -80] Makes me happy just seeing Jota and Kim Jinkyung's screen shot

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So this is how the shirt should be wore by Jota

Cr: IG owner


No wonder he got alllll red and flustered, lol.

Her "front" skin will glue with his "front" skin.

Past years ago, I used to do something like that with my babies who just born, to bond mom and baby relationship, we call it "skin to skin". Lol.


Aigoooo, the photographer was Jjaaaang !!! Thank you for that "pose" directions...kkkkkkk

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Hi guys.... Want to ask something,

Where I can watch video cut about An Baul when he talked that jota give him hardest time, not the Russian player, I've been searching everywhere but still can't find it...

Thank you for your help anyone...

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