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[Current Daily Drama 2016] The Unusual Family 별난 가족 - Monday to Friday 20:25


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21 hours ago, sgfan said:

After suffering at the receiving end of all those backstabbing, MS must have understood already how to "play the game". Therefore out-manoeuvring YJ and gang. Also, JMR's mulberries and fresh air must've given him extra "brain power" when processing news provided by GJ and DT. Lol!

@desertflower yes YJ's face was priceless. JR was so pleasantly surprised that her jaw dropped to the ground. I was laughing at all their faces at this point :D. Except for DT, who looked genuinely happy, relieved, and I think in awe of his dad too. 

LOL. MS does know how to play the game now, and I must say he plays it very well:lol:. Who would have imagined an ex-president who handed in his resignation is to be reinstated as Head Representative of Bonjour. "Gotcha!!" to YJ and Mr. Choi. Mr. Choi is a rat, he refuses to set up a meeting with Mr. Seo when JR pleaded with him, saying Mr. Seo is busy. I wonder if the usurpers will be punished and shipped out of Bonjour. SA must be impressed by MS when she hears about the actions MS has taken to resolve the CGC issues and his subsequent efforts to restore Bonjour's tarnished image and reputation. Did you notice SA bowed deeply to MS after she ran over to MS's to deliver the bad news of the fake supplement? She must be in awe she has been seeing a man who had held a top notch job before his move to JMR. SA could be put in charge of the mulberry factory in JMR or be responsible for devising a new line of bestselling products for Bonjour's PB in future. SA is a better cook and seems more responsible than DY:P.

For the first time, kudos to the writers! That is the kind of ending we viewers were looking for. But KBS has not uploaded their preview yet, keeping us in suspense again. But thankfully, we have @stroppyse who has kindly translated the text accompanying the yet to be uploaded preview. Many thanks to you!

Those smirks on YJ's and Mr. Choi's turned into despair and fear after the announcement was made. I was very glad MS has already decided to return to his former position in Bonjour before GP pleaded with him earlier in the Jung/Sul's household. What a neat and swell guy MS is! I must say DT is a really good son. He is so supportive of JR and that small gesture of him holding her hand as a reassurance before JR has to face the BOD was very touching. It speaks volume of his love for his mom. And he rejected YJ's offer to take JR to the meeting room where the BODs were waiting, supporting and ushering his mom to the room himself instead. He does take after MS, doesn't he? Kind, gentle, compassionate, filial....:wub:

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After just lurking around this forum to follow what was happening, decided to watch today, and I'm glad I did. That was the best episode in awhile! Loved MS stepping up to the plate! I wonder if he suspects YJ in all of this, at all? What do you guys think? JR was surprised that he'S the new President, but I wasn't sure if she was happy or sad about it. Whatever the case, she has been totally humbled, which is what needed to happen. She realized that she didn't know what to do other than implicate the plant person, how sad is she? Her style of leadership is to delegate! Which isn't bad, but it's still good to stay on top of things, or see reports, hello!!!!! Instead, she gave "carte blanche" to YJ to handle his projects, which ultimately led to her downfall. Heehee

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10 hours ago, anbud said:

lolol @sgfan 4 degrees is like having  AC in the  summer.   you need a  coat when it is  minus  16 degrees.  i  had on a  mini skirt  yesterday bare legged.  though it is minus  right now, i am  still wearing a  t-shirt  with  shorts in the   house. but i  am  cleaning  the  house.  so i  am not  standing   still. it is 18 degrees in the  house.    throw  over a  ankel length unisex  coat  when i  go  out   to   check   on the  cat.. when it  gets  minus  30 degrees  then i might  complain, but i never did  when it  was  minus  40.. i  adapt to the   weather.

  you  should  see me  when the   road  here is   just  ice. even taxies  can't   come. i  put a plastic  bag under  my  butt  and i slide   way  down  the  mountain,  and take the  buss to  town.lol

LOL. The harshest winter I have ever experienced was the one in Kansas where it was minus 18 degrees. I remember stamping my feet before the heater in the car began to work its magic. I was in Kansas at the invitation of a friend and the man I met on the plane while I was getting ready to disembark, saw me holding a wool coat and turned to me and said, "What's that? Cloth?:lol:" And I was like "Hmm?". He continued by saying, "You'll need to wear leather to keep yourself warm here!" 

@sgfan and I grew up in Singapore and are used to tropical climates, so 4 degrees is quite cold for us:lol:. When I first arrived here, my husband gave me the nickname "Little Onion" because I had so many layers of clothes on me in winter:sweatingbullets:. But as time goes by, my blood circulation improved and now I only need a windbreaker in winter. Our winter here is not as harsh those in Norway, the lowest is around minus 7. Sounds like you don't need to go to a ski resort in winter @anbud:lol:. Over here, we have to drive to get to a ski resort where we can ski or snowboard. I like how you improvised by using a plastic bag instead of a sled:). Have a nice weekend!

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12 hours ago, sgfan said:

I think tonight's episode managed to give us a good show to end the week . Welcome back Mr Seol Minsuk!

Thank you for the link! Haha I am surprised and a little embarrassed I hadn't stumbled upon this website when doing my "research" on DT/YJ's job title. I shall refer to this website when I hear job titles while watching other future dramas :)

Just reading that it was 4 degrees over at your side makes me want to break out my coat. Looking forward to nice, cold weather when I visit Japan next year! Yes, the lead singer has a nice quality to his voice :) Happy weekend!

My family was questioning me why is the opening OST so upbeat when the plot in TUF is gloomy and sad.:sweatingbullets: The bar has been set so low for TUF we become delighted with last night's ending:lol:. I hope the writers continue to captivate our interests by giving us a better storyline for the remaining 15 episodes.

Indeed welcome back Mr Seol Minsuk!! Can't wait to see him at work and revitalizing the company!

You are most welcome! I only found the link 3 days ago @sgfan :). It's pretty useful and detailed, isn't it?

It's going to get colder, especially in January when you arrive! Have fun and enjoy the cold weather @sgfan. Though traffic and other conditions become a little chaotic, I hope you get to see snow during your stay here too:)! I am so in love with his voice I listen to his songs almost everyday:lol:. It's sunny and warm today, have a fun and fulfilling weekend!

I'll going to watch the English subbed version of episode 134 later.

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On 11/3/2016 at 5:39 PM, anbud said:

did  granny say  to  SA  that   the man  will always  go back to his  wife? but then  SA  said   MS is  divorced. but was  granny  hinting  that maybe she  herself was  with a married  man.lolol. i  know  far  fetched  but   had  to  ask. just want to know  what happened to  DY  father.

@anbud  We don't know much about DY father and I also thought that he could be a married man.. I've been thinking who could her father be in the beginning of the drama but if they really needed something to drag out episodes this would have been a nice plot twist..

14 hours ago, anbud said:

not  be   be  rude. I was  thinking,  why  DT  thought  he had  more to do  with  SW  then  maybe  just   sleeping in a  bed?.  DT  knows he was  fully  dressed.  but  even  so  he  would have  known if  he used  his -----  that  night.  Unless   after  the deed he  was  aware  enough to take a  shower and  put  his  clothes  back on. always  wondered  about  this   cause it happens  so  many  times in K drama.  no one seems  to  have  feelings  down  there  to know   that  they  was  active  that  night,  or  stain  sheets or underwear. seems so  strange  DT did not know  ,he did not have --- that  night or  any night, seems he is a   virgin..

I'm cracking up @anbud Makes one wonder if all men in Korea is numb down there.. Is it something that they are drinking.. Maybe it's the alcohol but your right in every kdrama they pull this role they man wakes up fully dress except there suit coats, ties socks and shoes are only things thats been removed.. Now no sign of stains on there trouser like you also pointed out on the bedsheets or anything I never got this..  Another thing is the ones that are fully aware of this always seems to get up sometime in the night and get fully dress.. Tell me what man woman you know after intercourse get up and get fully dress only to go to bed SMH LMAO.. 

13 hours ago, anbud said:

lol.  in k dramas  land, one  can  hurt  a  dozen people. and   some fool  will   still   wait for  the culprit to get  out of  prison, cause  she or  he   give them a  cup  of   coffee    one time.lolol. 

I see you was on fire today I miss all the juicy conversations folling with my niece..:w00t:

13 hours ago, anbud said:

now it is  snowing. it  was  raining like an  hour  ago. now it is  snow.  we  are  suppose  to expect  minus degrees  tonight.... it  was  minus  4 this morning. then it turned into  rain.  now it is snowing.  thats  it got to shop    today. tomorrow under the   snow  everything  will be ice  when  freezing tempt   occurs...   wah wah .  winter starts too  early, i am  still washing  down the   walls and  ceiling of the  house, to get   ready  for  christmas.

 thankful i am  not   someone like  JR or YJ out there in the  world..

Oddly enough it hasn't start to snow in my neck of the woods yet and still to warm to snow I'm getting a little worried because of the weather will our first snow fall will be a blizzard.. 

12 hours ago, desertflower said:

A big surprise at the board meeting when MS rode into the the board meeting on his white horse.  The astounded look on YJ's face was priceless.  I guess he was outmaneuvered unknowingly...he should have seen that one as a possibility.

It looks like the BOD's think MS is looking pretty good as a tried and true president of Bonjour to get it back on the right tracks.

DT wavered when he heard from his father that DY has feeling for him.

I'll have to wait for all of your posts and eng. subs to know the rest of what happened today.

@desertflower  I knew this was going to happen I always said MS will come back to help save that company him and DT.. YJ never factored in Ms coming back because of him and JR divorce.. I look for the rumors to be spreaded around that him and JR are divorced.. But I bet that look on YJ face was surprisingly dumbfounded..  :crazy: As G/ma used to say never count your chickens before they hatches..


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My non-Korean speaker's take on the Korean language version of episode 132:

# YJ is telling DY that he plans to divorce HR and would like to resume his relationship with her, then shocked to discover that that DT has heard the whole thing. YJ at first is alarmed but by the end of his conversation with DT is coolly brazen.

# YJ receives a cell phone call from Mr. Han and rushes to return to Bonjour, leaving DT standing alone.

# DY and SA are talking in their house. DY bursts in and demands to speak with DY.

# DT demands to know why DY was talking with YJ. None of your business, DY whines.

# DY sits in her bedroom looking miserable. SA enters and comforts her. DY confesses that despite the suffering she has endured at the hands of DT and his family, she is still not over Mama's Boy.

# Mr. Han is pacing in YJ's office. YJ arrives. Mr. Han explains that a Doctor of Chinese Medicine is going to the media with the story of Bonjour's poison supplement. Pay him off. YJ directs.

# Juran discusses her divorce from MS with her family.

# DT arrives home and is pressured by Juran to study abroad.

# DT asks for a word with his sister. How's your marriage? DT asks. Great, HR replies.

# HR and YJ talk in their bedroom. HR asks why YJ didn't go to the hospital with her to advance her baby making project. He cringes and mumbles something.

# The sun rises over Bonjour.

# Mr. Han walks down a corridor. He is lost in a book. YJ joins him. Keep trying to buy the good doctor off, YJ orders.

# YJ declines an invitation to speak privately with DT. Why does meat reject the grinder?

# YJ and Mr. Kim are in a restaurant. YJ informs Mr. Kim that they have a problem.

# DT passes YJ's table and overhears him plotting with Mr. Kim to take over Bonjour.

# Mr. Choi discusses Bonjour's financial difficulties, which mostly result from the China project which he supported. Mr. Choi assures Juran that the "Chinese investor: purchasing large amounts of Bonjour stock isn't a problem because YJ says it isn't a problem.

# YJ enters Juran's office and Mr. Choi departs. The opening of the China branch will be delayed. DT enters Juran's office and gives YJ A Look.

# YJ and DT exchange Meaningful Looks as YJ departs. DT suggests that her confidence in YJ is misplaced. Juran assures DT that it is not.

# DT departs and Juran remembers seeing SA and DY in the village.

# YJ's mother Aigoos! over CJ's love for SW.

# KC, Big/Little GJ and Birth Mother are headed for the beach. CJ and his parents would rather stay home and fight over SW.

# KC, Big/Little GJ and Birth Mother enjoy their vacation and bond.

# KC, Big/Little GJ and Birth Mother enjoy their vacation and bond. Little GJ suffers an attack.

# DT goes on an inspection trip to the village and speaks with the Village Representative, who believe he and DY are still an item. DT is rueful. DT quickly finds an excuse to be elsewhere.

# Elsewhere is MS's house. They have a Man-to-Man talk about DY.

# DY's mother plays a mental development game while SA looks on.

# DY and SA plan to head for the fields.

# SA detours to MS's house for a Relationship Talk..

# Juran arrives as SA is leaving. Juran regards SA imperiously. Juran and MS argue.

# SA is in her house looking sad. Juran arrives and departs, making SA sadder.

# DT enters YJ's office and pitches a continuing relationship with HR. YJ continues to defy him.` HR arrives and pitches a visit to the OB-GYN clinic. YJ, unenthusiastic, leaves with HR. DT looks on.

# Short Guy With Glasses is cruising the Internet and has found an article about Bonjour's counterfeit supplements. He informs Mr. Han and Attractive Gossip Lady. Mr. Han races off. DT enters and is informed.

# DT heads for Juran's office. A posse of two, DT and Juran head for YJ's office.

# YJ is sitting in the Ob-Gyn waiting room where HR is giving him a baby making pep talk. YJ receives an urgent call from Mr. Han and dashes off. For once, YJ is not grateful for an excuse to abandon HR for the office.

# Juran and DT bust into YJ's office. Mr. Han looks bewildered. YJ looks like a cornered rat. DT gives YJ Serious Side-Eye.


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doing a happy   dance. it is  raining...   plus i   washed   down the living  room.  change  curtains.  and rugs red ..   gosh i  miss   home.  where one did  not have  to    think about these  things.. being  an  adult  sucks.  at  home    life  was  so      fun... 

 i want  be this kid  again....


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 open the  fridge  door  and it  feels like there was a  serial killer on the loose, while i  was  cleaning   the  house.  there is  chicken  nuggets, chicken  thigh, chicken wings..  my  son  was  busy    ..

So, i  said to  my  son . hey  you  know  how  they  murder  chickens?

 he  replied, yes  same  way   they murder  fishes..

 well  that  shut  me  up...


anyways,  i  dislike  the idea  that  MS   became  president. cause he  is  batting for  JR. which means   JR/HR will still be  snotty towards  others. no lesson  will be  learned..

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i   wish  that  YJ could have  been  president for like 2 weeks. just  to make  JR/HR humble.

DT backing  his   nasty  sister. who is  rude and a mannerless  human  . DT   never  blink  when it  comes to HR .He is  still  trying    to protect  such a nasty   cow.

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My non-Korean speaker's take on the Korean language version of episode 133:
# YJ has learned that an expose of Bonjour's counterfeit supplement is on the internet and is berating Mr. Han.   Juran and DT bust into YJ's office.  Mr. Han looks bewildered.  YJ looks like a cornered rat.  DT gives YJ Serious Side-Eye.
#  Juran spews nastiness while DT exudes righteous cluelesness.  YJ sends Mr. Han away and faces off with his rich inlaws.  Not for the first time, the combined intelligence of Juran and DT is no match for a street-smart plebe.  YJ slings bafflegab.  DT finds some merit in YJ's bafflegab.  Juran berates YJ and leaves his office, trailed by her compliant son.  But YJ will  live to fight another day.  
#  Juran and DT return to her office.  DT has a brain storm.  Why not tell the truth?  Juran is like, Why didn't I think of that?
#  Mr. Choi joins Juran and DT.  It is Mr. Choi's considered opinion that the counterfeit supplement could adversely affect Bonjour's image.  That's why Bonjour pays him the big bucks.
#  SA is sitting in her house.  She remembers Juran's tirade.
#  DY joins SA and asks if something is wrong.  No, SA explains.  The Village Representative arrives and tells them about his encounter with DT.  He refers to the presumed DY-DT relationship and manages to step in it several times.
#  DY sits in her bedroom.  She receives a call from MS.
#  DY and MS meet on a hilltop.  He offers sage advice re her situation with DT.
#  Grandfather and HR are in their living room.  Juran and DT enter.  HR asks about the crisis at work.  YJ is on the case, Juran assures her.
#  DT sits in his bedroom reading the internet article about the counterfeit supplement.  He, then we, REMEMBER THAT LANKY GUY LAID OUT THE ENTIRE SITUATION IN A CONVERSATION WITH DT SEVERAL MONTHS AGO.  Lanky Guy has been in exile in Busan ever since and DT never calls, DT never writes.  Another Sul family business management triumph.
#  YJ is in her office talking feverishly with Mr. Kim on his cell phone.  HR brings him food for which he has no appetite.  Is she a concerned wife or a wife who very much wants to become pregnant?  HR assures YJ that she will intervene with Juran if  his career is endangered.  YJ looks guilty.
#  CJ and his parents bicker.  Big GJ arrives and tells them about Little CJ's attack. 
#  Little GJ is in the hospital.  A heart transplant is the only option.  They need to find a donor.
#  KC returns home with Little GJ.  The Gu family discusses the situation.
#  Sunrise over Bonjour.
#  The Gossip Duo are busy fielding complains about the counterfeit supplement.
#  YJ sits in his office, beset.  Mr. Han enters and tells YJ what he already knows.  There is no problem with the supplement produced by the current manufacturer, but the previous manufacturer produced counterfeit goods.  Mr. Han is to track down Mr. Kim, who YJ knows is hiding in China.
#  Juran is on the telephone fending off complaints from a major stockholder. DT enters and informs her that some of the supplement sold by Bonjour was counterfeit. Juran concedes that she shouldn't have vested so much trust in YJ.   YJ joins them and is berated by Juran.  If he doesn't fix this, she won't let it slide.  YJ leaves.  DT reminds Juran that MS foresaw this problem.    Juran concedes that she should have listened to him.
#  DT encounters YJ in a corridor and they retire to Bonjour's rooftop for a Talk.  DT assumes the role of prosecutor  even though he has been aware of the situation for several months and done nothing about it.  YJ tells DT to back off.
#  DY is in her bedroom remembering  her conversation with MS.
#  SA and DY's mother discuss MS,
#  DY greets her mother and SA on her way out the door.  The Village Representative enters and is hysterical.  He informs them oof Bonjour's problems with the supplement.  He is concerned about the implications for sales of the mulberry paste.
#  MS sits in his house.  He remembers his conversation with SA.  SA enters and tells him about Bonjour's supplement problem.
#   DT is in full Detective Mode, talking with Lanky Guy on his landline.  Who headed the company that used to produce the supplement?  DT asks.  Lanky Guy gives DT the same information he gave him several months ago:  Mr. Kim.  DT recalls YJ's conversation with the unidentified man in the restaurant.  He remembers the name Kim.
#  DT meets DY in a coffee shop.  DT is nasty and arrogant.  Mama's Boy takes after his mother. DT takes a call from Lanky guy and struts off.  DY is sad.       
#  YJ sits in his office.  He recalls being berated by Juran.  Then Mr. Choi enters and berates him as well. The worm has turned.  The Board of Directors will meet.  Might fire YJ.  Might fire Juran.  YJ suggests that there might be opportunities for Mr. Choi if he sticks with him.  The worm may turn again.
#  A crowd of protesters gathers in front of Bonjour.
 #  DT talks on his cell phone with MS.  MS offers to help.  No, he and YJ can handle it.
#  DT and Juran discuss the situation in her office.  Mr. Choi enters and informs Juran that her days may be numbered.  Juran and DT are bug eyed.

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My non-Korean speaker's take on the Korean language version of episode 134:

# DT and Juran are in her office. Mr. Choi enters and informs Juran that the Board of Directors will hold an urgent meeting to discuss her dismissal. We don't know what their decision will be so don't worry too much, Mr. Choi advises. Another reason Bonjour pays him the big bucks. Juran is upset and goes home.

# YJ is on his cell phone advising Mr. Kim to lay low and buy more Bonjour stock at its current depressed price.

# Mr. Choi enters YJ's office. He is a co-conspirator again. He sets up a meeting between YJ and a major stockholder.

# YJ receives a call from his mother. She demands that he drop by after work.

# Juran whines about the protests in front of Bonjour. DT leads Juran into the room. Juran appears to be in shock. Grandfather is concerned. Juran goes to her room.

# The Gu family discusses Bonjour's supplement problem. YJ's father remembers that YJ launched this supplement. Maybe there is some tarnish on Golden Boy.

# YJ enters. His confident demeanor baffles his family.

# YJ and CJ retire to a bedroom for a Talk. YJ berates CJ for his continuing infatuation with SW.

# YJ encounters HR. YJ pretends to be surprised when HR tells him Juran may be dismissed. DT joins them and HR retires to her bedroom. DT suspects that the man YJ met in the restaurant is the elusive Mr. Kim. YJ affects righteous innocence and retires to his bedroom.

# DY's mother is indignant about Bonjour's sale of the counterfeit supplement. Maybe now Juran will get what's coming to her.

# DY returns home and joins her mother and SA. Good thing you left Bonjour! her mother exclaims. DY goes to her bedroom.

# SA joins DY in her bedroom. They discuss DY's meeting with DT.

# The Gossip Duo and Mr. Han discuss Juran's potential dismissal.

# YJ is in his office. Mr. Han reports on the substantial drop in Bonjour's stock price and departs. Mr. Choi enters. They plot to replace Juran with Mr. Choi.

# Mr. Choi takes a call from a board member and sets up a meeting. DT overhears him and is suspicious.

# Juran sits in her office taking calls from angry board members as YJ enters. Juran is counting on profit from the new China operation to save Bonjour. YJ informs her of another delay in the opening of the China office.

# MS talks with Big GJ on his cell phone. She informs him that Juran may be dismissed.

# SA and DY discuss the supplement scandal.

# DY encounters MS on her way to work in the field. They discuss her meeting with DT.

# The Gu family discusses the supplement scandal and the scarcity of heart donors.

# Juran and Mr. Choi discuss her potential dismissal. DT enters and eyes Mr. Choi suspiciously. Mr. Choi departs. DT informs Juran that poison has been detected in some batches of the supplement.

# DT and MS talk in a coffee shop about the supplement scandal and DY.

# MS calls major stockholder Seo.

# Mr. Choi and YJ have dinner with major stockholder Seo.

# Grandfather, Juran and DT discuss the supplement scandal. Juran and HR are reassured when YJ calls and claims that he is hard at work on the issue. DT is not.

# MS arrives and speaks with Juran in her bedroom. An ex-wife in need is an ex-wife indeed. Or something like that.

# Grandfather pleads for MS's help.

# DT, in his bedroom, remembers his conversation with MS. He considers calling DY.

# DY, in her bedroom, seeks guidance from The Ghost. The Ghost doesn't answer.

# The sun rises over Bonjour.

# YJ is preparing to leave his office. He smirks. Mr. Choi enters. They smirk at each other.

# DT enters Juran's office and reassures her. YJ arrives and offers to accompany Juran to the Board of Directors meeting. DT says nothing doing.

# The Board Meeting occurs. Juran is dismissed. Mr. Choi announces that he has the mysterious Chinese stockholder's proxy. The vote for President is announced and the new president is ..........MS. DT beams. YJ and Mr. Choi do not. MS smiles ear to ear at the terrified YJ.

# I believe to my soul a change is gonna come someday. Probably Monday.



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@auntyem  MS met with Chairman Seo.  Then Mr. Choi and YJ met with Chairman Seo seeking his support for purging Juran.  The next day, Chairman Seo announced that MS was the new president of Bonjour.  Pretty sure Chairman Seo tipped off MS re YJ's intentions.

Not to mention the Meaningful Exchange Of Looks between MS and YJ at the conclusion of ep. 134.

YJ looked like a cornered rat.

MS looked like the cheshire cat who had cornered the rat.


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11 hours ago, anbud said:

anyways,  i  dislike  the idea  that  MS   became  president. cause he  is  batting for  JR. which means   JR/HR will still be  snotty towards  others. no lesson  will be  learned..

@anbud  This also got me wondering if Jr would take MS stepping in to help out would be a sign to her of him returning back to her I hope the weiter don't play on this nonsense.. I hope Ms makes it very clear to her that he's only there to help take care of things his 30 byears hard work and not to take it as a sign of them getting back together..


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@valsava, I wondered the same thing, whether or not JR took it as a sign that MS was there to bail her out and save her and their relationship. I don't think their relationship will change, though.  She has not changed a bit, so why would he get back with her? His goal is to save the company, to get them out of this mess and get the company back to solvency. MS is a good person, why would he EVER want to get back with HER????? Lol. I'm thinking that she will be humbled by her removal from the President's seat. Will be interesting to see what happens to JY!!!!!! I think it was shown that MS doesn't think too highly of him, especially since YJ went over his head in the past to push that product that's giving them the headache now. Hopefully MS will be able to expose all of YJ's underhandedness! Right now we are two down, two to go? Meaning SW and JR down, HR and YJ to go!!! 

Regarding HR dragging YJ to the Dr. regarding having a baby....isn't that answer obvious? That you need to do the deed, which I don't think has been happening! Hahahahahha

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I'm not liking the direction TUF took in ep. 134 one bit.

So Juran and HR live out their lives as rich dowagers.  No karma for their nastiness nor legal penalties for their assaults.

DT, formerly known as Momma's Boy, gets to strut about as Daddy's Boy.  Likely he will bury Lanky Guy in some Bonjour hellhole so that no one can learn that DT could have busted YJ months ago but didn't because Mummy wouldn't like it.

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@jimb why would you think that JR and HR are going to get off? You think MS will save JR's butt? Hmmm.....let's see. I'm hoping there will be some fallout regarding YJ.....I refuse to believe that he's going to get away with this! Somehow his shadiness has to come to light, and with that his marriage to HR will be destroyed, don't you think? When all his plotting comes to light?

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42 minutes ago, valsava said:

@anbud  This also got me wondering if Jr would take MS stepping in to help out would be a sign to her of him returning back to her I hope the weiter don't play on this nonsense.. I hope Ms makes it very clear to her that he's only there to help take care of things his 30 byears hard work and not to take it as a sign of them getting back together..


 it is a  scary  thought..   ..  don't know  what  to think.  MS and  SA  sort of called off their emotions  for  each other,  because    they  both  thinks  DY/DT  should be  together, .  but i  hope  the  writers are not  going to make  MS   fall   for JR  again. JR  trying to be   grateful  since  MS saved  her  skin, and wants to   get back  with  MS. JR will misunderstand  MS intentions and call it  love.

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36 minutes ago, jimb said:

I'm not liking the direction TUF took in ep. 134 one bit.

So Juran and HR live out their lives as rich dowagers.  No karma for their nastiness nor legal penalties for their assaults.

DT, formerly known as Momma's Boy, gets to strut about as Daddy's Boy.  Likely he will bury Lanky Guy in some Bonjour hellhole so that no one can learn that DT could have busted YJ months ago but didn't because Mummy wouldn't like it.

 i   love  your  post.  i don't have   1 person i  can   cheer  for of the main characters  in this   drama. . they  all  suck. they all lied.    when a  drama  makes  one  not  even  cheer for the little  girl.  maybe i am heartless.    but gosh. .. i  will  be happy if the  duo in the office  get married. they are  the most innocent in  this  drama. they    are like the sidekick . 

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22 hours ago, sk0317 said:

LOL. The harshest winter I have ever experienced was the one in Kansas where it was minus 18 degrees. I remember stamping my feet before the heater in the car began to work its magic. I was in Kansas at the invitation of a friend and the man I met on the plane while I was getting ready to disembark, saw me holding a wool coat and turned to me and said, "What's that? Cloth?:lol:" And I was like "Hmm?". He continued by saying, "You'll need to wear leather to keep yourself warm here!" 

@sgfan and I grew up in Singapore and are used to tropical climates, so 4 degrees is quite cold for us:lol:. When I first arrived here, my husband gave me the nickname "Little Onion" because I had so many layers of clothes on me in winter:sweatingbullets:. But as time goes by, my blood circulation improved and now I only need a windbreaker in winter. Our winter here is not as harsh those in Norway, the lowest is around minus 7. Sounds like you don't need to go to a ski resort in winter @anbud:lol:. Over here, we have to drive to get to a ski resort where we can ski or snowboard. I like how you improvised by using a plastic bag instead of a sled:). Have a nice weekend!

lolol you made me  think of  the  wizard of OZ   click  those   shoes and you  will get   back to  kansas.

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